上一本《力量的傳奇》做夢部分已經摘譯完,在時間序列上,唐望跟他同儕已經化為虹光身離世,不過雖然講到好像是 16 人一道全部結業,但在小佛琳達的書裡,大佛琳達並沒有一起走,可能她不需要 Nagual 的在場,自己可以隨時走人 。
接下來這本《巫士的傳承》是比較混亂的一本,講述唐望這一梯離開後,唐望幫卡氏組的八人團體,他要擔負起 Nagual 的責任。但每個成員都個別從直屬上師學到部分的教法(唐望傳承是一對一並交叉擁有上師和恩人兩位指導老師)。後來才發現卡氏能量體只有三區,不適合帶四的倍數的成員,因此八人小組以失敗告終。最後剩三人小組加上卡氏,但卡氏又先死了,所以連唐望傳承也斷了。
因為 brace 也有類似護腕的意思,就是綁在腰上,可以護住肚臍。我自己個人的經驗是,兩手放在腹部上,壓著有點重量,對你做夢會有幫助,特別是女性,也就是在子宮的位置。
「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-21
《巫士的傳承》pp. 186-187,重譯
“Everything for a woman warrior starts in dream-ing. The Nagual told me, just as he told you, first to look for my hands in my dreams. I couldn’t find them at all. In my dreams I had no hands. I tried and tried for years to find them. Every night I used to give myself the command to find my hands but it was to no avail. I never found anything in my dreams. The Nagual was merciless with me. He said that I had to find them or perish. So I lied to him that I had found my hands in my dreams. The Nagual didn’t say a word but Genaro patted my head and said that I was really a great warrior. The more he praised me the worse I felt. I was about to tell the Nagual the truth when crazy Genaro aimed his behind at me and let out the loudest and longest fart I had ever heard. He actually pushed me backward with it.
“I ran to the house and hid there. I was very fat then. I used to eat a great deal and I had a lot of gas. So I decided not to eat for a while. Lidia and Josefina helped me. I didn’t eat any-thing for twenty-three days, and then one night I found my hands in my dreams. They were old and ugly and green, but they were mine. So that was the beginning. The rest was easy.”
“And what was the rest, Gorda?”
“The next thing the Nagual wanted me to do was to try to find houses or buildings in my dreams and look at them, try-ing not to dissolve the images. He said that the art of the dreamer is to hold the image of his dream. Because that’s what we do anyway during all our lives.”
“What did he mean by that?”
“Our art as ordinary people is that we know how to hold the image of what we are looking at. The Nagual said that we do that but we don’t know how. We just do it; that is, our bodies do it. In dreaming we have to do the same thing, except that in dreaming we have to learn how to do it. We have to struggle not to look but merely to glance and yet hold the image.
“The Nagual told me to find in my dreams a brace for my belly button. It took a long time because I didn’t understand what he meant. He said that in dreaming we pay attention with the belly button; therefore it has to be protected. We need a little warmth or a feeling that something is pressing the belly button in order to hold the images in our dreams.”
The Second Ring of Power