作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com




文章SW » 2013-11-22, 22:54

2013/12/26-2014/01/01 ANU ATI KALACHAKRA

The Kalachakra Tantra is the highest Tantra of the Anuttarayoga, supreme vehicle among those that were brought to Tibet by the Masters that carried out the New Translations, basis of the Kagyu, Sakya and Gelug Schools.

As such, its principle is that of transformation: the practitioner must develop the visualization of him or herself as the deity and of the environment as the mandala, palace or dimension of the deity, in order to then apply practices with the organism’s energetic system (and often with a consort) and thus obtain the most powerful experiences of the three types with which the Path of Transformation works—pleasure, clarity and emptiness—in order to then use them as the means for discovering the awareness in which, like reflections in a mirror, they manifest, and thus obtain the state of Mahamudra, which is the same as the state of Dzogchen.

Chögyal Namkhai Norbu wrote regarding the original version of this Tantra:

[The New Schools, except for the Gelugpa,] consider that [only] in the Kalachakra is the wisdom of the fourth initiation clearly revealed, which is [usually] concealed in the other Tantras.

Moreover, as it does not evince the predominance of the aspect of method or that of prajña [this Tantra] is also called the ‘state of neutral realization of Vajrasattva,’ and as it emphasizes non-duality and absolute equality it is also called ‘the opening of the precious vase of Awakening’ and is praised in some scriptures as the peak of all the series of tantras.

However, the teaching Chögyal Namkhai Norbu will transmit in this retreat does not belong to the New Translations. In the Ancient or Nyingma School the supreme level of Tantra is Atiyogatantra, which makes up the Path of Self-Liberation, and the second highest level of Tantra is the Anuyogatantra, summit of the Path of Transformation, in which the latter is instantaneous—both of them regarded as being much higher than the Anuttarayogatantra.

Likewise, in that tradition the teachings most suitable to a period are the treasures or termas concealed by Padmasambhava, Yeshe Tsogyel and other disciples of Guru Rinpoche for them to be revealed when the time comes at which they will be necessary.

The present retreat is based on two treasure or terma teachings: one that belongs to the Anuyoga and that was revealed by Rigdzin Changchub Dorje, and the other belonging to the Atiyoga and revealed by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu as part of his cycle of mind-treasures known as Longsel. This makes it into an extremely special teaching, which so far cannot be received from other Masters. This makes it into an extremely special teaching, which so far cannot be received from other Masters.

Finally, the Kalachakra Tantra is directly connected with our time, for it contains predictions regarding the events that will come to pass in the present, final stage of the age of degeneration known as the era of darkness or black age (Skt. kaliyuga; Tib. rtsod-ldan)—including the ones concerning the final wars and the subsequent regeneration of our species and our world.


文章: 4526
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 2013/12/26-2014/01/01(內部傳法)(西班牙)阿努、阿底瑜伽:時輪金剛

文章SW » 2013-12-23, 17:27

Dzamling Gar Kalachakra Retreat 2013

26th Dec. – 1st Jan. We do a retreat for Kyim Losar, (the Zodiacal new year) .

It will be the teaching and practice of Anu Ati Kalachakra according mainly the Terma teaching of Rigzin Jang-chub Dorje and Longsal teaching.


26th Dec. 5-7pm. Introduction of the Kalachakra teaching in Anuttara Tantras general and particular in Anu Yoga and Ati Yoga.

27th Dec. 10-12pm. Giving the Instruction of Ati Longsal Kalachakra related with the 1st Mis-nyams (how appeared the teaching in my vision of dream).

27th Dec. 4,30pm. We do a shot Gana Puja and after singing and dancing Tibetan Songs and Dances.

28th Dec. 10-12pm. Giving the Instruction of Ati Longsal Kalachakra related with the 2nd and 3rd Mis-nyams.

29th Dec. 10-12pm. Giving the Donwang of Kalachakra according to the seriece of Longsal teaching.

30th Dec. 10-12pm. Giving the instruction of Kalacharkra practice according the Terma of Rigdzin Jangchub Dorje.

31st Dec. 10-12pm. Giving the instruction of very essencial practice of Kalachakra according to the Longsal Teaching and we do it altogether.

1st Jan. 10-12am. Giving advice for daily practice and some tridlungs. we finish the retreat with and Ati Guru Yoga and dedications.


網路轉播:內部傳法 (需會員帳號登入)

此次禪修營為內部傳法, 如有會員帳號登入相關問題, 請盡速聯絡格培林 (chnngephelling@gmail.com)


12/27 (五) 凌晨 01:00─03:00

12/27 (五) 晚上 18:00─20:00

12/28 (六) 凌晨12:30AM
短薈供 / 西藏歌舞。

12/28 (六) 晚上18:00─20:00
阿底龍薩時輪金剛教導(與夢中第二次 / 三次境相相關)。

12/29 (日) 晚上18:00─20:00

12/30 (一) 晚上18:00─20:00

12/31 (二) 晚上18:00─20:00

01/01 (三) 晚上18:00─20:00
日常修法建議暨口傳, 並以阿底上師瑜珈暨迴向結束此次禪修營。


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文章: 4526
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2013-12-23, 22:16

文章: 4526
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

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