作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com


Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。


文章SW » 2021-01-17, 16:17

以下四段。第一段講到「遐卓」(生起即解脫)(見修訂版《水晶與光道》p. 137),已經是三種解脫的第二階。由於沒有講到前後兩階,不熟悉教法者也很難瞭解。我是沒聽過南開師有用作夢來譬喻三種解脫,當然也可這樣理解。








Amid intentional transformation, spontaneous images may arise. For example, if you dream that you are in a forest, and choose to change the situation and place yourself in a desert, some items that appear may be different than what was intended to be projected. As one progresses and manages to maintain meditative awareness, experiences of clarity arise spontaneously. As one continues towards mastery of the dream state, the principal technique next becomes the mixing of daytime vision and dreams. One must constantly carry one’s awareness into the dreams. As soon as the dream arises, instantly be aware that it is “unreal” (sha-dro). One must also bring this same recognition of unreality to one’s daily vision.

在有意的轉化過程中,可能會出現自發性的影像。例如,如果你夢見自己在森林中,而你選擇改變情境而將自己改置於沙漠中,有些東西的出現可能與所預期投射的不同。隨著你的進步並設法保持禪修覺知(意識),明性經驗就會自發地生起。隨著你愈趨熟練於作夢狀態,下一個主要技巧便是白天境相和夢境的融合。你必須不斷將自己的意識帶入夢中。夢一旦生起,立即意識到它是「不真實的」(shardrol, shar grol,生起即解脫)。你還必須將對「非真實」的同樣認知帶到自己的日常境相中。

As we develop our awareness of the dream nature we may use dreams to deepen our meditative awareness. For example, a meditator who penetrates to the nature of “vision” (of phenomenal existence) finds it void. This perception of the emptiness of vision can then be transferred into the dream. If, while dreaming, you are not only aware of dreaming, but also conscious that all vision is an illusion, you penetrate to the Void at its heart. Thus a dream can be transformed into knowledge of emptiness, shunyata.


Although awareness of the true nature of the dream may enhance one’s meditative awareness, there is also the danger that by becoming skilled at transformation of the dream images one may become attached. The attachment must be overcome.


The principal means of cutting the attachment through the dream experiences are three. First, during the day, do not dwell upon the dreams you have had. Second, while actually dreaming, watch without judging, without pleasure or fear, regardless of whether the visions seem positive or negative and thus might provoke joy or unhappiness—that is, attachment. Third, while dreaming and then afterwards, do not “clarify” what is “subject” from what is “object”—that is, do not consider which of the images that appear are real. By proceeding in these ways, you will find that complex dreams gradually simplify, lighten and eventually may vanish completely. Thus, all that was conditioned will be liberated. At this point, dreams end.


(舊版pp. 138-140)
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2021-02-07, 21:07

你應試著每晚練習自然光的修法,如同你應試著持續處於覺觀狀態一樣。每個時刻和每個活動,都可以從事大圓滿的修持。然而,如果大圓滿的夜修法對於你來說比較困難,且你已對從事密乘風格的夢修法更有經驗,也已獲得某一本尊的灌頂,那麼也許對於你來說繼續你的密乘修法會更有用。例如,如果你在修金剛瑜伽母(Vajrayogini,註7),那麼臨睡前,你應試著在身體中央觀想一個非常小的金剛瑜伽母。我們稱此為「原本智慧尊」(Jnanasattva, primordial wisdom being),意指「智慧顯現」(wisdom manifestation)。

你保持此觀想的現前,繼續你的睡眠。在密乘夢修法中還有其他類似上師瑜伽(Guruyoga,註8)的觀想法。例如你可能會觀想金剛持 (Vajradhara,註9)作為你所有上師的總集,觀想在你身體的中央。你應保持這個觀想的呈現,放鬆,然後慢慢、慢慢地入睡。因為這些是密乘的練習,你應只修習從自己上師那裡得到的特殊指導。






(新版 pp. 81-82)
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2021-02-07, 21:10



If you maintain the presence of the white “A” in your sleep, you will have clearer dreams. Your dreams will become more associated with clarity, and slowly, slowly you develop greater awareness.

(舊版 pp. 142-143)

文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2021-02-15, 00:07

If you maintain the presence of the white “A” in your sleep, you will have clearer dreams. Your dreams will become more associated with clarity, and slowly, slowly you develop greater awareness.

(舊版p. 143)


For those people who find it difficult to have the kind of presence I’ve described, the practice of the dark retreat18 is very useful. After two days or three days in the dark, you lose your sense of day and night. Your sleep becomes lighter and lighter. You sleep and wake up, sleep and wake up. Such a retreat offers a good opportunity to develop your presence and clarity. In this environment you can more easily discover what it means to have presence when you are sleeping. Your waking and sleeping states thus become integrated.


Normally, for a practitioner, one of the principal ways that signs of progress manifest is in dreams. Sometimes there occurs, in dream, an intervention on behalf of the practitioner. For example, if I am doing something wrong, I may have a communication through a dream. This may come by way of transmission of the teaching. It may also come through the protectors of the teaching, or the dakinis.


Many problems can be resolved through the transmission that comes in dream. You can’t expect that you are going to have the master at your beck and call in the flesh all your life.

(舊版 pp. 143-146)
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2021-02-15, 00:08

When I, for example, had been in Italy for about three years, I had a dream of my master Changchub Dorje.19 In the dream I actually felt that I had returned to Tibet. It seemed so real, and I was in fact a bit frightened about the Chinese. I was worried, and I said to myself, “Who knows if the Chinese will let me out again.” Then I met my teacher. I felt embarrassed, as my intention was to greet him quickly and then get out of there, and go back to Italy. My master said to me, “It has been many years that we haven’t seen each other. How is your practice going?”

例如,當我到義大利約三年時,我夢到我的上師蔣秋多傑(Changchub Dorje,註19)。夢中我確實覺得我已回到西藏,夢看起來如此真實,事實上我對中共有點害怕。我擔心地對自己說:「誰知道這次中共會不會再讓我出去?!」之後我見到我的上師,我覺得很不好意思,因為我只想趕快向他問好,然後就要離開那裡回到義大利。我的上師對我說:「我們很多年沒見面,你的修行怎麼樣了?」

I said, “Well, like this and like that.”
And he asked, “What practice have you been doing?”
I explained that I had been doing my best to take into daily life the practice of trechod20.
“You haven’t been doing any of the practice of togel21’?” he continued.
And I said, “Well, no, I haven’t been doing the togel.”
He asked, “Well, why not?”
“Well,” I answered, “because you told me that I had to perfect the trechod first. I had to get it
very stable. So I’m working to perfect and make very stable my trechod.”


He said, “Well, do you have any doubts about your knowledge of togel?”
I said, “No, no, I don’t have any doubts. I just haven’t been doing that practice.”
He said, “Well you better get to it. Do the practice of togel. That is very important.”
I said, “Okay, that’s what I’ll be doing from now on.”
He said, “Now listen, if you do have any doubts about togel, or anything you don’t understand clearly, go ask Jigme Lingpa.22
I said, “Where is Jigme Lingpa?”
“Up the mountain there, in the cave,” he answered.
他說:「現在聽好,如果你對妥噶有任何疑問,或有什麼不清楚的地方,就去問吉美林巴(Jigme Lingpa,註21)。」

“Where up?” I said, because right behind the village where my master is, there is a sheer cliff. When I was living with my master, I went up that mountain many times to collect medicines. I knew perfectly well there is no cave up there. At least in those times there was no cave. I thought to myself, “Well, why is he telling me there’s a cave up there?”

The master became wrathful. He said, “If you really want to understand something, you’ll get up there and find Jigme Lingpa in that cave.”


So I didn’t argue anymore. I was very curious about it. I went out and started climbing up the mountain to see where the cave was. A certain part of the rock face is white, but in this dream I found it a little bit different from how it had been. It was all carved with innumerable letters which I could read in Tibetan. It seemed like a tantra. I thought, “This is very strange. It wasn’t like that before.” And I thought to myself, “Well, from walking, climbing, over this tantra, I’m going to accumulate some bad actions.” This is a Tibetan way of thinking about things. So with this preoccupation, I started reciting the one-hundred syllable mantra.23 Then slowly, slowly I continued to climb up.


(舊版 pp. 146-149)
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2021-03-10, 23:15

At a certain point there was a sort of curved rock that I had to climb on; this rock appeared to
be a title page, with the title of the tantra which I’d just been climbing over. It was called the
Todral donsal ningpo gurd. Trodral means beyond concept; donsal means to clarify the
meaning; ning-po means the essence. Later I discovered that there actually is a tantra of that

到了某處,有個彎弧的岩石我必須爬上去;這塊岩石似乎是標題頁,是我剛爬過的密續的標題,叫做《闡明勝義空性之心要》(Trodral tonsal nyingpoi gyud)。Trodral意指超越概念;tonsal意思是闡明意義;nyingpoi則指精髓。後來我才發現的確有這個名稱的一部密續。

So then I climbed up and slowly, slowly approached the very peak of the mountain and there
was a cave. Coming close, I looked inside this rather large cave. At the very center, there was a stone—a white boulder, hard and like granite. It was not a tiny stone; it was a big boulder. Sitting on this rock was a little boy. I’m sure that he wasn’t more than seven or eight years old. I looked around. There was nobody else in there. I said to myself, “This is pretty strange. Jigme Lingpa lived a long time ago. He couldn’t be a little boy like that.” Meanwhile this little boy was looking at me. I thought to myself, “Well, since my master told me to come up here and meet Jigme Lingpa, who knows, maybe this is some kind of emanation of Jigme Lingpa.” I thought that I had better behave well towards him.


So I directly approached the child. He was wearing a garment that was like a transparent blue shirt. He had nothing else on. He had long hair, but not tied up like that of a yogi. He just looked like a normal little boy. I found this pretty strange. So I came up right in front of him. I said, “Master Changchub Dorje sent me to you.” The little boy looked at me. He looked almost as if he were surprised to hear this. Looking at the boy I began to doubt him, but I watched what he was doing. Finally he gestured me to sit down. When I sat down, he reached and touched the back of his head, and brought forth a roll of paper, a scroll. He opened the scroll and began to read from it. When he read, it was in the voice of a little boy, but he was not giving a teaching or an explanation. He was reading. He read four or five sentences. Immediately upon hearing his voice, I realized that the scroll was a tantra. At that moment it struck me, “Oh it’s true, it is Jigme Lingpa. Because it could hardly be some ordinary little boy who can produce a scroll and then read in this fashion.” And with this emotion, this startling thought, I awoke from the dream. Afterwards I did elaborate research to find those texts, and I found specific texts on the Dzogchen togel practice. This is an example of the fact that a relationship between master and disciple always exists regardless of questions of time and distance. My master was far, far away in Tibet; I was living in Europe.


These are some of the possibilities that can occur within dreams as one’s practice progresses.

If you fall asleep with the presence of the “A” you may find yourself waking in the morning
with it still present. You can then assume that you have spent the entire night in practice. As the night is rather long, and you have nothing else to do but sleep, it is very important to utilize the time. Night can become, for a practitioner, even more important than the practice of the day.

The final goal of dream practice is that dreams become awareness and at that ultimate point dreams actually cease. You use your practice so that your dreams influence daily life. This is the principal practice of the nighttime.


You should try to do the practice of natural light each night, just as you should try to be in the state of contemplation continually. For every morning and every activity there are ways to do Dzogchen practice.


(舊版 pp. 149-153;英文新版 p. 67。第二章完)
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2021-11-21, 00:32

第四章 幻身
4 The Illusory Body

The following is the explanation of the third subdivision of meditation practices to cut attachment to dreams: The Method to Practice the Essence of Illusory Body.1

To develop the illusory body, it is necessary to have experience based upon dream practice. To proceed during the daytime, because appearances and all outer and inner phenomena, which arise like diverse reflections in a mirror, are nothing more than radiant manifestations of emptiness which have no intrinsic self-nature, there is nothing one should consider to really exist. By means of an undistracted intention which considers that all inanimate and animate phenomena are manifestations of illusions and reflections, one meditates that whatever manifests is an illusion or reflection.

In particular, each reflection arising “as within the mirror," whether putting on clothes, wearing jewelry, making praises, or speaking unpleasant things, etc., is only the form of this or that arising within the mirror and cannot produce any benefit or harm. Ultimately, one is able to experience with certainty that nothing exists in truth. Similarly, one understands that self and other, enemy and friend, food and clothes, pleasant and unpleasant, joy and sorrow, attachment and aversion—whatever phenomenon of samsara or nirvana arises, whatever is perceived, whatever manifests—in the very moment of their manifestation have no essence, like a reflection in a mirror. Because of this, the non-reality of delusive manifestations and the nature of illusion become perfected in one's life-stream. One's own body is thus experienced as an illusory body and, without difficulty, one recognizes the illusory body of the bardo.

During the night time, understanding that all manifestations are dreams, because one diligently practices to realize that all in animate and animate phenomena of the universe have the nature of illusions or dreams, all delusive manifestations of birth and death, denial and affirmation are recognized to be dreams and illusions. That is, when one is able to manifest like this inside a dream, one becomes free of attachment to any phenomenon which manifests anywhere.

Practicing like this day and night, one is not attached to delusive manifestations as reality, one's body manifests like a kind of immaterial shadow, and one is able to see its non-existence. One's body does not cast a shadow, one is able to recognize the illusory body of the bardo, and one's rebirth in the future will be exalted.

第四章幻身 註釋
Note to Chapter 4: The Illusory Body

註1:《聲應成》(Dra Thalgyur)根本續中說:「我們以幻身夢來修習,當圓滿時,我們的肉身即如影般顯現。由於此故,中陰身被認識為我們自身。」
1. The root tantra Dra Thalgyur says, “One practices with illusory body dreams. Perfecting this, one's physical body manifests like a kind of shadow. And because of this, the body in the bardo is recognized to be oneself.”

(《夢瑜伽與自然光的修習》pp. 126-128)
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2021-12-04, 15:17

第五章 淨光精要修法
5 The Essential Practice of Clear Light

Editor's note: When a particular practice has a designated time, such as "dusk” or “midnight,” it is important to understand that this is relative to one's own cycle of sleep rather than the actual time of day. For example, when one is told that a practice is to be done at dusk, this should be taken to mean that it is to be done any time before sleeping; its practice is not restricted solely to the evening hours.

The methods to practice clear light are related to the four time divisions of day, evening, midnight, and dawn.

The explanation of daytime practice includes methods for contemplation and post-contemplation. Here is the method to practice contemplation in the daytime.

盤腿坐在舒適的座處,眼睛目不轉睛地注視天空一會兒,我們的意識便會變得清晰而清明。稍微降低視線直視前方,一種清新的禪修體驗便會生起。當我們認識到這種體驗並於該狀態下放鬆時,剎那覺性即在其明性面向中顯現,猶如自明界(self-luminous space)一般,這稱為「明性淨光」(the clear light of clarity)。當我們熟悉該狀態時,就會體驗到此明性淨光,感知經驗和心的顯現於其中生起,融合於虛空當中,超越概念、無有間斷。
Sit cross-legged on a comfortable seat. For a short time, focus the eyes on the sky without moving them. Then one's consciousness becomes clear and lucid. Lower the gaze a little, look straight ahead, and a fresh meditative experience arises. When one recognizes this experience and relaxes in that state, instant presence manifests in its clarity aspect like self-luminous space. This is named “the clear light of clarity.” When one is familiar with that state, one experiences the clear light of clarity where manifestations of perceptual experience and mind arise unified in space beyond concept without interruption.

根據情況,有時會出現諸如「我存在於天空中」或「我的身心明顯分離」這樣的體驗。那時,種種的事物會顯現,像是虹光、明點(tigles),以及本尊的境相。這是五氣(five pranas)之明分的本俱光輝(radiance),稱為「外色淨光」(the clear light of outer colors)。
According to circumstances, experiences sometimes occur such as the thought, “I exist in the space of the sky” or “My body and mind are distinctly separated.” At that time, innumerable things manifest, like rainbow lights, thigles, and visions of deities. This inherent radiance of the clarity of the five pranas is named “the clear light of outer colors.”

Through the clear light of outer colors one is able to see clearly the atoms of one's body and the inner organs of one's body. One is able to see visions similar to day and night, the insides of the bodies of others, pure realms, what is being done by sentient beings living in villages, and beings who are dying and reincarnating.

(《夢瑜伽與自然光的修習》pp. 130-131)
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2021-12-18, 16:47

在橡樹林版《夢瑜伽與自然光的修習》編者前言中寫到,這些內容是由 James Valby 從藏文翻譯過來,因此整本書的結果就是藏翻英再英翻中的二手翻譯。這位 James Valby 我沒聽過也查不到,只有聽過 Jim Valby,這裡不知道是否誤植。

我個人認為二手翻譯存在很多問題,若有藏文原稿,最好還是加以查核比對,因為有些藏文詞彙在中文已經有特定專有名詞,不然照英文原句翻譯,就會有三四個 of,造成「什麼的什麼的什麼」,這種很奇怪的語法,簡單能會意的論述瞬間變得難以理解。畢竟在佛法詞彙上,中文有千年的歷史,西方譯詞也多未統一。



To integrate contemplation with sleep, gently hold prana1 while in the sleeping position of a lion.2 Without closing the eyes3, one falls asleep fixing mind on a radiant sphere of five colors inside one's heart. When external manifestations subside more and more, there exists a brilliant non-conceptual consciousness in that interval between sleep and dream which recognizes the clear light. Falling asleep in that dimension beyond unconscious stupor, sleep arises as clear light.

Moreover, there are no dreams, and consciousness is naturally lucid in the state of contemplation. When one does fall asleep, one has unceasing awareness of all the aspects of forms, sounds, and smells that surround one, and because of that, when one is inexperienced, one is more likely wake up from this sleep. There is a natural clarity of the manifestation aspect apart from the cessation of judgments about daytime manifestations.

並且,隨著六根識的停止,〔前〕五根識的明性依然相續。當識融入淨光,氣便進入中脈(註4)。因為〔前〕五根識是非概念的,不會對現相執著。此稱為「超越概念之明性淨光」(the clear light of clarity beyond concept)。
Moreover, with the cessation of the mental consciousness of the six senses, there is unceasing clarity of the sensory consciousnesses of the five sense organs. When mental consciousness dissolves into the clear light, prana enters the central channel. Because the five sensory consciousnesses are non-conceptual, they do not become attached to the manifestations. This is named “the clear light of clarity beyond concept."

此時,伴隨覺受(?)淨光覺觀以及明性淨光相續顯現這樣的情況,超越概念之淨光自然現前於那種離於散亂的狀態。因此,當「本基」(natural ground)之淨光與「子」之自然清明於本淨界中無二相融時,更深的明性即在本初明性中展現。此名為「母子〔光明〕相融合之淨光」(the clear light which integrates mother and child,註5)。
At this time, with the existence of the condition of the contemplation of the clear light of sensation and the existence of the unceasing manifestations of the clear light of clarity, the clear light beyond concepts naturally exists in that condition free from discursive thoughts. Because of this, when the clear light of the natural ground integrates beyond duality with the natural lucidity of the child in the dimension of primordial purity, deeper clarity manifests in the primordial clarity. This is named "the clear light which integrates mother and child.”

(《夢瑜伽與自然光的修習》pp. 131-132)


第五章淨光精要修法 註釋
Notes to Chapter 5: The Essential Practice of Clear Light

註1:有關輕持風(按:指parlung)的方法的解釋,見南開諾布仁波切The Precious Vase: Introductions on the Base of Santi Maha Sangha(妙善寶瓶:大圓滿同修會基礎教義,Arcidosso, Italy: Shang Shumg Edizioni, 1999)第二章3.2.7.3節,頁51。
1. The method to gently hold prana is explained in section on page 51 of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, The Precious Vase: Instructions on the Base of Santi Maha Sangha (Arcidosso, Italy: Shang Shung Edizioni, 1999).

2. “The sleeping position of the lion” means that males lie on the right side, leaving the left side open. Females lie on the left side, leaving the right side open.

3. Before falling asleep, the practitioner enters the state of contemplation with all senses wide open.

註4:中脈的四個特質是:筆直如香蕉樹幹,調柔如蓮花花瓣,湛藍如無雲晴空,光明如芝麻油燈。另一個令氣入中脈的方法描述於The Precious Vase, p. 280, n321。
4. The four qualities of the central channel are: straight like the stein of a plant in the banana family, slender as a lotus petal, blue as a cloudless sky, and luminous as a sesame oil lamp. Another method to capture prana in the central channel is described in The Precious Vase, p. 280, n. 321.

5. “Mother” refers to the experience of a practitioner who is beyond all reference points. “Child” refers to the experience of a practitioner who is still karmically bound to the physical body.
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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