作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com


Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。


文章SW » 2017-04-04, 15:44








(宗薩仁波切《人间是剧场》pp. 183-184)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

The Practice of Night and Day(1)

文章SW » 2017-04-04, 23:38

1994 美東:The Practice of Night and Day(1)

如果你說「gyulu」,就是幻身(illusory body)的意思。許多人在日常生活中都有這類的經驗,某些人說當他睡覺時從身體出來,他在外面看到自己的身體在床上。有些人會解釋這樣的經驗,有時看起來很幻想,但不是真的幻想,確實有這可能,也有它的道理。當然這不容易,如果你沒有證得例如幻身這類的能量修法,你無法光以期望就能做到從身體分離。真正從身體分離,就表示你死了。在活著時,我們從身體分離的只是微細氣和心識,移動到外面就表示死了,這不可能(there is no way),所以,我們從未真正達到這樣的分離,但是我們可以有這樣的經驗。



(南開諾布仁波切,1994 Tsegyalgar East, MA, USA)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

1994 美東:The Practice of Night and Day(2);第二注意力的專注

文章SW » 2017-04-08, 14:27

1994 美東:The Practice of Night and Day(2)



(南開諾布仁波切,1994 Tsegyalgar East, MA, USA)


第二注意力的專注(The Fixation of the Second Attention)

我剛去過(墨西哥)伊達爾戈州的圖拉鎮(Tula, Hidalgo),拜訪了一些考古學遺址。我對於四個排成一列的巨大圓柱形石像感到印象深刻,它們被稱為「亞特蘭提斯巨人」(the Atlanteans),站在一個金字塔的平頂上。
I had just been in the city of Tula, Hidalgo, where I had visited some archaeological ruins. I had been most impressed with a row of four colossal, columnlike figures of stone, called the Atlanteans, which stand on the flat top of a pyramid.

A friend said that a custodian of the ruins had revealed to him that he had heard the Atlanteans walking at night, making the ground underneath them shake.

"How did don Juan explain those visions?" I asked La Gorda.

「Nagual 告訴我,第二注意力是最強烈的事,」她說,「如果把它集中在什麼東西上,沒有比它更可怕的了。」
"The Nagual told me that the second attention is the most fierce thing there is," she said. "If it is focused on objects, there is nothing more horrendous."

"What do you think about the Atlanteans walking around at night?" I asked Pablito.

「當然,它們在夜間走動,」他說,「那些東西在那裡好幾世紀了。沒人知道是什麼人建造了金字塔,Nagual 望‧馬特斯自己告訴我,西班牙人不是最先發現它們的人。Nagual 說在他們之前還有人,天知道有多少。」
"Sure, they walk at night," he said. "Those things have been there for ages. No one knows who built the pyramids. The Nagual Juan Matus himself told me that the Spaniards were not the first to discover them. The Nagual said there were others before them. God knows how many."

"The Atlanteans are the nagual. They are dreamers. They represent the order of the second attention brought forward. That's why they're so fearsome and mysterious. They are creatures of war but not of destruction.
"The other row of columns, the rectangular ones, represent the order of the first attention, the tonal. They are stalkers. That's why they are covered with inscriptions. They are very peaceful and wise; the opposite of the front row."

"Did don Juan tell you anything else about the pyramids, Pablito?" I asked.

「Nagual 告訴我,有些金字塔是巨大的『不做』。它們不是住處,而是供戰士『做夢』及練習第二注意力的地方。他們所做的一切都被記錄在牆壁上的壁畫及雕像中。」帕布力圖繼續說。
"The Nagual told me that some of the pyramids were gigantic not-doings. They were not lodgings but places for warriors to do their dreaming and exercise their second attention. Whatever they did was recorded in drawings and figures that were put on the walls.” Pablito went on.

I explained to them at great length that the idea of the Atlanteans walking at night was a clear example of the fixation of the second attention. There had been a time when sorcerers deliberately placed different facets of their attention on material objects. The Atlanteans, judging by their awe-inspiring setting, must have been objects of fixation for sorcerers of another time.

If those sorcerers were members of don Juan's and don Genaro's tradition, they must have been impeccable practitioners in which case there would have been no limit to what they could accomplish with the fixation of their second attention. If they intended that the Atlanteans should walk at night, then the Atlanteans would walk at night.

(《老鷹的贈予》pp. 23-43)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

1994 美東:The Practice of Night and Day(3)

文章SW » 2017-04-09, 14:14

1994 美東:The Practice of Night and Day(3)



特別是某人快要死了,神識幾乎離開身體,這種情況下,若你有法門來做「Trongjug」、遷識等等就很容易。同理,「gyulu」這個幻身,若要得到幻身你就必須修寶瓶氣。首先你必須得到控制你的氣能量的能力,若你成功控制氣能量,氣能量有不同層次,特別是我們一般講到五種氣能量,不是只有一種,但其中最重要的稱為「srog rlung」,意指生命能量。但生命能量也有跟控制身體有關的部分,以及微細氣。微細氣在密續教法中始終被認為與心識有關,在大圓滿教法中對此則無特別的解釋,統稱是 Tsal 能量的一部分,如此你不會有任何問題。Tsal 能量可以顯現,你總是具有無盡潛能,當有助緣總是能夠顯現。所以這就是你們如何修持,你們就能瞭解這些原理。

(南開諾布仁波切,1994 Tsegyalgar East, MA, USA)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

離開身體的「做夢」——再論做夢體(dreaming body)

文章SW » 2017-04-14, 23:29

唐望傳承「做夢的藝術」,很明顯是要達到擬真的幻身,因為第四關就是要把肉體「質能轉換」成做夢體,也就是做夢體(dreaming body)練成跟肉體一樣具有實質,且可跟醒著的人交流的一種幻身。


離開身體的「做夢」——再論做夢體(dreaming body)

This led to his description of the second attention. Don Juan explained to us that the attention one needs in the beginning of dreaming has to be forcibly made to stay on any given item in a dream. Only through immobilizing our attention can one turn an ordinary dream into dreaming.

He explained, furthermore, that in dreaming one has to use the same mechanisms of attention as in everyday life: that our first attention had been taught to focus on the items of the world with great force in order to turn the amorphous and chaotic realm of perception into the orderly world of awareness.

唐望對於第二注意力的討論為另一項重要課題建立基礎,那就是「做夢體」(dreaming body)的觀念。為了引導拉葛達瞭解,唐望給了她一個任務,把她的第二注意力盡可能穩定地鎖定在「做夢」中飛行的感覺上。
Don Juan's discussion of the second attention prepared the ground for another key topic: the dreaming body. As a means of guiding la Gorda to it, don Juan gave her the task of immobilizing her second attention as steadily as she could on the components of the feeling of flying in dreaming.

"How did you learn to fly in dreaming?" I asked her. "Did someone teach you?"

「Nagual 望‧馬特斯在現實中教我,」她回答,「而在『做夢』中,有一個我無法看見的人教我。那是一個聲音告訴我該如何做。Nagual 給我在『做夢』中學習飛行的任務,而那個聲音告訴我如何做。然後我花了好幾年時間教自己從可觸摸的正常身體轉換成『做夢體』。」
"The Nagual Juan Matus taught me on this earth," she replied. "And in dreaming, someone I could never see taught me. It was only a voice telling me what to do. The Nagual gave me the task of learning to fly in dreaming, and the voice taught me how to do it. Then it took me years to teach myself to shift from my regular body, the one you can touch, to my dreaming body."

「當你夢到從身體出來時,就是在學習達到你的『做夢體』,」她繼續說,「Nagual 說一旦學會『做夢』後,任何記得的夢都不再是〔普通的〕夢,而是『做夢』。
"You were learning to get to your dreaming body when you dreamed that you got out of your body," she continued. "Nagual said that as soon as one learns to do dreaming, any dream that one can remember is no longer a dream. It's dreaming.

「當 Nagual 給我轉變成『做夢體』的任務時,他的意思是要我在清醒時開啟我的第二注意力。這是我理解的方式。造成這個世界的第一注意力是永遠無法完全克服的,它只能暫時被關掉一會兒,由第二注意力取代——要提供此,身體必須要儲存足夠的第二注意力。『做夢』自然是儲存第二注意力的一個方式。所以我可以說,為了在清醒時轉變成『做夢體』,你必須練習『做夢』到滾瓜爛熟為止。」
"When the Nagual gave me the task of shifting to my dreaming body he meant for me to turn on my second attention while I was awake. This is the way I understand it. The first attention, the attention that makes the world, can never be completely overcome. It can only be turned off for a moment and replaced with the second attention—providing that the body has stored enough of the second attention. Dreaming is naturally a way of storing the second attention. So, I would say that in order to shift into your dreaming body when awake you have to practice dreaming until it comes out your ears."

(《老鷹的贈予》pp. 167-170)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

1994 美東:The Practice of Night and Day(4)

文章SW » 2017-04-16, 15:16




1994 美東:The Practice of Night and Day(4)



當你能成功修持這個夜修法,那很好;若你沒有足夠的明性、明性夢,或夢中沒有明性,那你在就寢前待在哪裡唸阿,觀想身體中央脈輪中心一個白色明亮的阿字,然後再唸阿,你觀想從這個阿生起另個阿,從第二個阿生起第三個阿,然後第四、第五、第六、第七,一般在口訣部講 21 個阿,但我不認為你需要一個個去數。你觀想中脈一種白阿鏈,直到中脈頂端。當你全部觀想完,然後就回返,你可以使用阿聲,或不用阿聲只用呼吸取代,你觀想一個個往前融回,直到回到心輪的阿,你重複兩三次這個觀想,然後你停止修法,回到床上保持白阿現前放鬆入睡,這種方式你可以更有覺知(you can have more present)及更有明性,這很有幫助。所以這被視為大圓滿口訣部重要的修法,你可以結合於夜修法中。(30:00)

(南開諾布仁波切,1994 Tsegyalgar East, MA, USA)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2017-04-23, 15:21



I told la Gorda that in my case don Juan gave me three tasks to train my second attention.

The first was to find my hands in dreaming.

Next he recommended that I should choose a locale, focus my attention on it, and then do daytime dreaming and find out if I could really go there. He suggested that I should place someone I knew at the site, preferably a woman, in order to do two things: first to check subtle changes that might indicate that I was there in dreaming, and second, to isolate unobtrusive detail, which would be precisely what my second attention would zero in on.

Don Juan said that one strives to immobilize the second attention only in the learning period. After that, one has to fight the almost invincible pull of the second attention and give only cursory glances at everything. In dreaming one has to be satisfied with the briefest possible views of everything. As soon as one focuses on anything, one loses control.

The last generalized task he gave me was to get out of my body. I had partially succeeded, and all along I had considered it my only real accomplishment in dreaming. Don Juan left before I had perfected the feeling in dreaming that I could handle the world of ordinary affairs while I was dreaming. His departure interrupted what I thought was going to be an unavoidable overlapping of my dreaming time into my world of everyday life.

(《老鷹的贈予》p. 171)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2017-04-23, 15:22

大多數高階密續使用藏文「氣—心」(lungsem)這個表述,當我們修純粹的大圓滿修法時則並不使用「氣心不二」(lungsem yermed)這個詞。在此架構中,「lung」指極微細氣(very subtle prana),而「sem」指它(極微細氣)的功能,也就是運動(movement)。通常「sem」指的是心。

「氣—心」跟一種稱為遷識(Trongjug)的法門有關,即遷轉一個人的神識進入另個層面或維次(dimension),歷史上記載有許多人做過這樣的遷轉。同樣在解釋幻身(gyulu 或 illusory body)如何顯現時,亦說到神識由物質肉身分離出來而顯現那個層面。

(Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, Madarava Tsalung Practices, pp. 196-197)

There are two principal ways to separate the gross and subtle bodies through the force of meditation. The first is the transference (Tib. powa) as explained in the Six Yogas of Naropa. Here the practitioner isolates the very subtle wind and the mind mounted upon it, and then ejects them through the crown of the head. This method relies upon certain visualization practices and the holding of the vase breath, and it is repeated again an again until signs of accomplishment occur. It is not a very difficult practice, but it will not be explained here because, even though it does lead to the separation of the two bodies, it is not helpful in attaining the illusory body.

To separate the gross and the subtle in a manner that will bring about the attainment of the illusory body depends upon using the eight signs of serial order - from the mirage-like appearance to the clear light. These signs should be experienced at their deepest and strongest level so that they appear to us as vividly as they do when we are dying.

To be able to attain the actual illusory body we first need to attain the isolated mind of ultimate example clear light, and to do this successfully we must become familiar with the different levels, or grades, of clear light experienced by engaging in the appropriate meditation again and again. The yoga of this isolated mind will directly cause the gross and subtle bodies to separate.

(Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Clear Light of Bliss, pp. 209-210)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2017-04-23, 15:29


文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2017-05-05, 23:37









——慈誠羅珠堪布《讚法界頌略釋》p. 241
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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