作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com


Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。


文章SW » 2016-10-29, 13:51

(三) 夢觀法









陳泉州《《圣道指归:光明大圆满实修浅说》pp. 261-263)
文章: 4373
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

內在之火 The Fire from Within

文章SW » 2016-10-29, 16:39


唐望、唐哲那羅和他們同夥巫士,他們教導我的並不是巫術,而是如何掌握他們擁有的古代知識的三個方面,也就是具備:覺知、潛獵及意願。他們也不是巫士,而是「看見者」。唐望不僅是「看見者」,同時也是一個 Nagual。
Don Juan, don Genaro, and their companions, they were not teaching me sorcery, but how to master three aspects of an ancient knowledge they possessed: awareness, stalking, and intent. And they were not sorcerers; they were seers. And don Juan was not only a seer, but also a nagual.

唐望已經詳細地向我解釋了什麼是 nagual 及「看見」。據我瞭解,「看見」是擴大人類知覺領域的一種能力,使人不僅能評估一切事物表面,也能評估其本質。唐望同時解釋,「看見者」把人看見成一種能量場,像個明亮的蛋。他說,大多數人的能量場分為兩部分,極少數的人會有四個,有時是三個部分,因為這些人要比一般人更有活力,學會「看見」之後他們就能成為 nagual。
Don Juan had already explained to me, a great deal about the nagual and about seeing. I had understood seeing to be the capacity of human beings to enlarge their perceptual field until they are capable of assessing not only the outer appearances but the essence of everything. He had also explained that seers see man as a field of energy, which looks like a luminous egg. The majority of people, he said, have their fields of energy divided into two parts. A few men and women have four or sometimes three parts. Because these people are more resilient than the average man, they can become naguals after learning to see.

This work deals with the mastery of awareness. Don Juan understood the mastery of awareness as being the modernday version of an extremely old tradition, which he called the tradition of the ancient Toltec seers.

When I asked him once what was the essential character of the seers of the new cycle, he said that they are the warriors of total freedom, that they are such masters of awareness, stalking, and intent that they are not caught by death, like the rest of mortal men, but choose the moment and the way of their departure from this world. At that moment they are consumed by a fire from within and vanish from the face of the earth, free, as if they had never existed.

(《內在的火焰》pp. 16-20)
文章: 4373
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「看見」與「智者」 Seeing and Men of Knowledge

文章SW » 2016-11-03, 23:16

"Can you see the details of things of the past?" I asked.

"Seeing is a peculiar feeling of knowing," he replied, "of knowing something without a shadow of doubt. In this case, I know what those men did, not only because of my seeing, but because we are so closely bound together."

Don Juan explained then that his use of the term "Toltec" did not correspond to what I understood it to mean. To me it meant a culture, the Toltec Empire. To him, the term "Toltec" meant "man of knowledge."

唐望說, 接觸力量植物數世紀之後,這些人中終於有人學會了「看見」。隨著時間的推移,「看見者」的數目增加,但是他們都沉溺於他們所「看見」的,這種執迷強烈到使他們不再成為智者。
Don Juan said that after some of these men had finally learned to see after centuries of dealing with power plants. As time passed, the number of seers increased, but their obsession with what they saw became so intense that they ceased to be men of knowledge.

"There were seers, however, who escaped that fate," don Juan continued, "great men who, in spite of their seeing, never ceased to be men of knowledge. Some of them endeavored to use seeing positively and to teach it to their fellow men. I’m convinced that under their direction, the populations of entire cities went into other worlds and never came back."

"After the world of the first Toltecs was destroyed, the surviving seers retreated and began a serious examination of their practices. The first thing they did was to establish stalking, dreaming, and intent as the key procedures."

"Each of those seers founded a lineage. And not all of them had descendants, so the lines are few."

他解釋,所有「看見者」的傳承都開始於相同的時代,相同的方式。「我們的傳承曾經有過 14 個 nagual 及 126 個『看見者』。」他說。
He explained that all the lines of seers were started at the same time and in the same fashion. Our lineage consisted of fourteen naguals and one hundred and twentysix seers, he said.

(《內在的火焰》pp. 24-27)
文章: 4373
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-11-12, 20:22


最近與資深佛友有些諍論,大抵在於區分微細意識與極微細意識之間的差別。(按:「意識」這裡有時用 mind 有時用 consciousness。)




心識有粗重、微細及極微細三階,心性或本覺應該屬於極微細的範疇。根據達賴喇嘛 2009 對於「心的本性」的開示,夢時,低階的心停止運作;深睡無夢時則是更微細(more subtle)的心。那麼以夢中知夢後,再修習上師所傳授的法門來認識心性,就是直接由微細心進入極微細心。相較於醒時,要從粗重心連跳兩階到極微細心,當然比較容易。

處於微細心有個好處,就是達賴喇嘛說的「當微細心升起時,念頭等心念就不再運作」。至少夢中知夢後的「Dream state」不致有太多太重的妄念。


在密乘中提到不同層次的心:粗分的心識(gross mind)、細微的心識(subtle mind)、更細微的心識(more subtle mind)。例如:在這個當下,我們的根識(感官意識)是活躍的,並具有全方位的功能,即使想法不斷的同時產生,但仍被根識所主宰;在根識是沒有作用(按:低階心識停止運作)的夢境時,又是另一種層次,只有想法;在沈睡時,沒有夢境,又是另一種細微的心識層次;還有在暈倒的時候,即使沒有呼吸,也是另外一種深層的心。在死亡時,身體的器官停止運作,例如:心臟停止,流到大腦的血液瞬間停止流動,所有的神經細胞停止運作,所有粗分心識也隨之停止。

有些人以醫學的角度被證實為死亡,肉體卻處於不老化、非常新鮮的狀態。不久前,一位年長的西藏喇嘛,前任的甘丹赤巴,在去年他去世後,身體保持不腐化的現象大約快要三周。因為我們留了些儀器在達蘭薩拉的醫院,我馬上叫他們去檢查這位保持不腐化現象長者的身體,因為有些簡單的儀器可以使用。從醫學的角度證實死亡後的幾天還有些微弱的腦波訊號仍在,他們說這是非常少見的。所以我們相信最細微的心識(inner most subtle mind)還存在於身體裡面,所以才對身體產生一些影響,我們將此心識稱為「最細微的意識」(most subtle consciousness)。



首先說到心的當下本性,第二說到,因為心的當下本性,應該如何取捨,從此獲得何種果實。在過去20 多年間,我們很嚴肅地與科學家們進行交流討論,透過對話,雙方都有學到東西。基本上,根據四個領域討論:宇宙學、新生物學、原子物理學(像是量子物理)以及心理學。就以量子物理學而言,(佛家與科學家之間)有著相似的觀點。宇宙學,基本上是一樣的。

有關神經生物學,在密乘裡說到心與氣(按:mind and energy),以及尋找「情緒和神經的關係」(按:心識和神經)等內容都是非常有趣的。有關這點,一些佛教的解釋和一些修行者的經驗是非常有用的。

在現代科學裡,通常他們把心理學稱為靈魂科學。我覺得(西方心理學)非常的年輕,像是幼稚園,古老的印度心理科學遠超過(現代心理學),有很多的訊息,有些對現代科 學非常有用。在印度,超過兩千多年,可能三千年上下,一些跟根識和心識(按:感知 sense 與 mental level;後者包括情緒行為等心理感受)有關的知識,雖然在現代科學中,對根識和心識此議題並沒有做出明顯的區別,但區分根識和意識是非常重要的,哪怕根識跟身體有著密切的關係。在意識的層次中,粗識與身體有著密切的關係,但是微識是獨立的。
文章: 4373
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-11-13, 19:28


同理,在夢中知夢後,修練做夢注意力到穩固,然後達到第二注意力,(達到微細意識朝更微細意識邁進。)這裡形容的浩瀚無邊,聽起來就像巴楚仁波切《三句擊要》釋論中的「見為廣大浩瀚者 」,本覺已然現前。



"Seers say that there are three types of attention," don Juan went on. "When they say that, they mean it just for human beings, not for all the sentient beings in existence. But the three are not just types of attention, they are rather three levels of attainment. They are the first, second, and third attention, each of them an independent domain, complete in itself."

"In terms of what seers see, the first attention is the glow of awareness developed to an ultra shine," he continued. "But it is a glow fixed on the surface of the cocoon, so to speak. It is a glow that covers the known."

"The second attention, on the other hand, is a more complex and specialized state of the glow of awareness. It has to do with the unknown. It comes about when unused emanations inside man’s cocoon are utilized."

"The reason I called the second attention specialized is that in order to utilize those unused emanations, one needs uncommon, elaborate tactics that require supreme discipline and concentration."

He said that he had told me before, when he was teaching me the art of dreaming, that the concentration needed to be aware that one is having a dream is the forerunner of the second attention. That concentration is a form of consciousness that is not in the same category as the consciousness needed to deal with the daily world.

He said that the second attention is also called the leftside awareness; and it is the vastest field that one can imagine, so vast in fact that it seems limitless.

"The third attention is attained when the glow of awareness turns into the fire from within: a glow that kindles all the Eagle’s emanations inside man’s cocoon at a time."

Don Juan expressed his awe for the new seers’ deliberate effort to attain the third attention while they are alive and conscious of their individuality.

He added that at the moment of dying all human beings enter into the unknowable and some of them do attain the third attention, but altogether too briefly.

"The supreme accomplishment of human beings," he said, "is to attain that level of attention while retaining the lifeforce, without becoming a disembodied awareness."

(《內在的火焰》,pp. 90-92)
文章: 4373
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-11-19, 16:19











〔(01:09:56)微細心之受到關注,根據寧瑪,特別是大圓滿、佐巴千波的觀點,給予屬於意識的微細層面(subtle level of consciousness)的教授(即 Rigpa Kuntuzangpo),也就是淨光俱生心(innate mind of clear light),主要強調在該層面(level)指授心性,以引領至覺知的證悟。〕

〔(01:11:20)在大圓滿傳統中有一個獨特的方法,就是基於區別傳統所稱的基礎心與本初覺知(primordial awareness)或本覺。這裡這區別要建立在下面的瞭解上:即這些心智狀態是偶發與暫時的,這些屬於變動的心;而本覺的特色就是免於變動而常在,被視為是意識的本始品質。這兩者的明顯區別。〕


何故稱為「喚醒三續」? 現在或「基續」,也就是當下我們凡夫所擁有的狀態。以大圓滿的典籍而言,稱為「普賢明」(Rigpa Kuntuzangpo)。明(大圓滿淨光)如何修持上,(薩迦及寧瑪)可能會稍有不同,以及如何介紹可能也會稍有不同,但所有派系的主要重點、究竟關鍵都是相同的。




〔大圓滿淨光即 Rigpa Kuntuzangpo。淨光之升起,薩迦班智達說在兩念之間的空隙,不管多短,認出這個空隙,前念消融,另念將起。淨光心的練習就是專注於當下,不思維過去,不希冀未來,否則這個空隙就不見了。大圓滿就是當下覺知,這是巴楚仁波切提及的,不讓心遊蕩於過去未來一樣。〕



措尼仁波切說:「究竟你成了分別心還是本覺,端賴明性如何作用。明性執著在那邊的客體嗎?那麼它就成了分別心。」(《大圓滿生活》p. 159)

蓮師說:「雖然眼根的對境顯現為視覺的形式,但在你經驗到它們、雖然看見了卻無攀執著的時刻,你的概念便自然消融。在你如此經驗事物的那一刻,你從內在找到了本覺、法性與大樂。」(《松嶺寶藏》p. 246)


所以結論,措尼仁波切說:「這個短暫的認出,確實可被稱作心性,稱之為大圓滿的本覺,可能稍嫌過早。但當這個狀態變得更明晰或更細緻,就會成為真正的本覺狀態。」(《大圓滿生活》p. 165)

「烏金仁波切常常說,當一個人過早「拍板定案」,而仍受限於學習和修持經驗的不足時,他的本覺通常不過是一種感覺如無二覺知之無色界「止」的狀態。為了斬除這個惡魔,我們需要誠實和謙遜,同時研習原始經典,結合口耳教導和實際修行的覺受。」(《大圓滿之歌》p. 11)
文章: 4373
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-11-19, 16:21




The Highest Yoga Tantra, which is the fourth and most profound of the four classes of tantra, speaks of the basic nature of reality. In addition to the nature of the Path and the culmination of the Path, or buddhahood, this level of tantra discusses both the mind and the body in terms of three progressively more subtle states or levels: the gross, the subtle, and the very subtle states. In this context, one can also speak of gross and subtle levels of ‘I’ or the self. Would it therefore follow that there are simultaneously two different selves, a gross self and a subtle self?

The answer is no. As long as the gross body and mind are functioning, the gross self is designated on the basis of the gross body and mind, and on their behavior. During that time, therefore, you cannot identify a subtle self. But with the collapse of the gross body and mind, at the point of the clear light of death, the gross mind is totally gone, and the only thing left of this continuum is the very subtle energy-mind. At the time of the clear light of death, there is only the very subtle energy-mind, and upon that basis you can impute the very subtle person or ‘I.’ At that time there isn’t any gross ‘I’ at all, so the two—the gross self and the very subtle self— do not manifest simultaneously. Therefore you avoid the error of two people existing at the same time.

The subtle self does not manifest in all dreams, only in a special dream in which one has a special dream body that can separate from the gross body. That’s one occasion when the subtle body and the subtle self manifest.

The main purpose of dream yoga in the context of tantric practice is to first recognize the dream state as dream state. Then, in the next stage of the practice you focus your attention on the heart center of your dream body and try to withdraw the vital energy into that center. That leads to an experience of the clear light of sleep, which arises when the dream state ceases.

The experience of clear light that you have during sleep is not very subtle. As you progress in your practice of dream yoga, the first experience of the clear light occurs as a result of focusing your attention at the heart center of the dream body. Although the clear light state during sleep at the beginning is not very subtle, through practice you’ll be able to make it subtler and also prolong its duration.
文章: 4373
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-11-20, 16:47


11 章、潛獵‧意願‧做夢位置(1)


"The most important thing the new seers needed," don Juan continued, "was practical steps in order to make their assemblage points shift. Since they had none, they began by developing a keen interest in seeing the glow of awareness, and as a result they worked out three sets of techniques that became their cornerstone."

He explained that what the new seers saw in the glow of awareness resulted in the sequence in which they arranged the old seers’ truths about awareness. This is known as the mastery of awareness. From that, they developed the three sets of techniques. The first is the mastery of stalking, the second is the mastery of intent, and the third is the mastery of dreaming. He maintained that he had taught me these three sets from the very first day we met.

(《內在的火焰》pp. 197-198)


Don Juan explained that dreaming, like stalking, began with a simple observation. The old seers became aware that in dreams the assemblage point shifts slightly to the left side in a most natural manner. That point indeed relaxes when man sleeps and all kinds of unused emanations begin to glow.

The old seers became immediately intrigued with that observation and began to work with that natural shift until they were able to control it. They called that control dreaming, or the art of handling the dreaming body.

He said that seers, old and new, understand dreaming as being the control of the natural shift that the assemblage point undergoes in sleep. He stressed that to control that shift does not mean in any way to direct it, but to keep the assemblage point fixed at the position where it naturally moves in sleep, a most difficult maneuver that took the old seers enormous effort and concentration to accomplish.

(《內在的火焰》pp. 202-203)
文章: 4373
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-11-26, 16:33





SW:這是蠻中肯的描述,夢中我們一邊投射(創造)一邊感知,但是如果你的速度大過投射(創造),譬如急速拔昇到高空,你就會發現夢場景的邊緣。電影中也有段對話提到「創造出閉合的循環,譬如潘洛斯階梯(Penrose stairs),這樣的閉合循環有助於你分辨夢境的邊緣」。

體驗本覺也是如此,它之所以稱為 instant presence,就是因為速度極微,已經到極微細意識的層次;一般所謂的當下 presence,其實還是粗分意識,只是一種敏銳的注意力而已。
文章: 4373
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

做夢位置(dreaming position)

文章SW » 2016-11-26, 16:36



出體(dreaming)迄今 733 次,除了幾個固定的地點(住過的家),換景去到的地方,還真沒有重複過。這些夢遊處多半陌生,也有怪異的(譬如有 13 顆太陽、蓮花杯子人等等);有外國人,不過倒是沒有碰過外星人,可能多數尚未脫離人類領域吧。

11 章、潛獵‧意願‧做夢位置(2)

做夢位置(dreaming position)

Don Juan explained that dreamers have to strike a very subtle balance, for dreams cannot be interfered with, nor can they be commanded by the conscious effort of the dreamer, and yet the shift of the assemblage point must obey the dreamer’s command—a contradiction that cannot be rationalized but must be resolved in practice.

After observing dreamers while they slept, the old seers hit upon the solution of letting dreams follow their natural course. They had seen that in some dreams, the assemblage point of the dreamer would drift considerably deeper into the left side than in other dreams. This observation posed to them the question of whether the content of the dream makes the assemblage point move, or the movement of the assemblage point by itself produces the content of the dream by activating unused emanations.

They soon realized that the shifting of the assemblage point into the left side is what produces dreams. The farther the movement, the more vivid and bizarre the dream. Inevitably, they attempted to command their dreams, aiming to make their assemblage points move deeply into the left side. Upon trying it, they discovered that when dreams are consciously or semiconsciously manipulated, the assemblage point immediately returns to its usual place. Since what they wanted was for that point to move, they reached the unavoidable conclusion that interfering with dreams was interfering with the natural shift of the assemblage point.

He told me that thus far I had understood dreaming as being the control of dreams, and that every one of the exercises he had given me to perform, such as finding my hands in my dreams, was not, although it might seem to be, aimed at teaching me to command my dreams. Those exercises were designed to keep my assemblage point fixed at the place where it had moved in my sleep. It is here that the dreamers have to strike a subtle balance. All they can direct is the fixation of their assemblage points. Seers are like fishermen equipped with a line that casts itself wherever it may; the only thing they can do is keep the line anchored at the place where it sinks.

"Wherever the assemblage point moves in dreams is called the dreaming position," he went on. "The old seers became so expert at keeping their dreaming position that they were even able to wake up while their assemblage points were anchored there.

"The old seers called that state the dreaming body, because they controlled it to the extreme of creating a temporary new body every time they woke up at a new dreaming position.

(《內在的火焰》pp. 203-204)
文章: 4373
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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