作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com


Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。


文章SW » 2016-06-19, 14:07

「看手」是做夢第一關的主要任務,也是 set up「做夢」的開始;可以說在夢中自主地做一件事,而讓普通夢轉變成清明夢的關鍵。





唐望想要知道細節。我告訴他,要在夢中下令去看自己的手,時常是無法克服的困難。他曾警告過我,在初期準備階段,他稱之為「設定做夢」(set up dreaming)的階段包含致命的把戲,就是自我的某部分會極力阻礙這項任務。



唐望的指導是,一旦我的手的影像開始融解或改變成其他東西時,我就要轉移視線,去注視夢中環境的其他元素。在這個夢中,我轉移視線注視街道底的一棟建築,當那棟建築的景象開始消散時,我便把注意力轉移到夢境其他的事物上。(《力量的傳奇》pp. 26-27)

'Dreaming' entailed cultivating a peculiar control over one's dreams to the extent that the experiences undergone in them and those lived in one's waking hours acquired the same pragmatic valence. The sorcerers' allegation was that under the impact of 'dreaming', the ordinary criteria to differentiate a dream from reality become inoperative.

Don Juan's praxis of 'dreaming' was an exercise that consisted of finding one's hands in a dream. In other words, one had to deliberately dream that one was looking for and could find one's hands in a dream by simply dreaming that one lifted one's hands to the level of the eyes.

After years of unsuccessful attempts, I had finally accomplished the task. Looking at it in retrospect, it had become evident to me that I had succeeded only after I had gained a degree of control over the world of my everyday life.

Don Juan wanted to know the salient points. I began telling him that the difficulty of setting up the command to look at my hands seemed to be, quite often, insurmountable. He had warned me that the early stage of the preparatory facet, which he called 'setting up dreaming', consisted of a deadly game that some part of myself was going to do everything it could to prevent the fulfillment of my task.

Every time I was about to look at my hands in a dream something extraordinary would happen. Everything in the dream would extend far beyond the 'normal' in matters of vividness, and therefore be terribly absorbing. My original intention of observing my hands was always forgotten in light of the new situation.

One night, quite unexpectedly, I found my hands in my dreams. I dreamt that I was walking on an unknown street in a foreign city, and suddenly I lifted up my hands and placed them in front of my face. It was as if something within myself had given up, and had permitted me to watch the backs of my hands.

Don Juan's instructions had been that as soon as the sight of my hands would begin to dissolve or change into something else, I had to shift my view from my hands to any other element in the surroundings of my dream. In that particular dream I shifted my view to a building at the end of the street. When the sight of the building began to dissipate I focused my attention on the other elements of the surroundings in my dream.
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-06-19, 23:07


1. 「清明夢記憶誘導術」:只要你一從夢中醒來,就嘗試回想夢境中的細節,愈多愈好,而當你要再度入睡時,讓你的心念專注在這個決定:「當我待會作夢時,會認出是夢。」當你快睡著之際,請你想像自己回到醒來以前所作之夢中。

2. 「由夢引發的清明夢」:當你在夢中,如果能發現自己在作夢,有可能是因為你將一個強烈或微弱的夢徵辨認出來,是能夠發現身處夢中最常見的方式。

3. 「由清醒引發的清明夢」:你從夢中醒來一下,便馬上回去夢中,只是別失去意識。拉伯格(Stephen LaBerge)這麼描述這個方法:


另一個可讓你對清晰夢得心應手的有效辦法是:比平常提早一小時醒來,接著保持清醒 30 分鐘到 60 分鐘,然後再入睡。這可讓你作清明夢的發生率提高到 20 倍。(《專注力:禪修10階釋放心智潛能》pp.175- 178)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

文章SW » 2016-06-19, 23:12


文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-06-24, 23:05



(1) 夢瑜伽夜間練習中的第一步,是要看出自己在作夢,且能維持此一辨識的穩定度及活力。

(2) 第二步則是,練習將夢境的內容轉換。



(3) 在夢瑜伽的第三階段,當你遭遇到恐怖的東西及狀況,你所要做的並不是將它們轉換。在夢境中,只要你不把它們真實化,將它們誤認為比實際上還要真實、具有實體,便沒有東西會傷害你。

(4) 在夢瑜伽更進一步的階段裏,你要釋放所作的夢,讓夢消失、回到心智空間裏,然後安歇在對於覺知自身的覺知之中,安靜而明亮,沒有任何其它的內涵。此時也就是在無夢睡眠中保持清晰的狀態,你可能會了解到阿賴耶識,甚至本初覺性。對此,日間所做的無所緣的奢摩他修行(止修),恰是一個極佳的準備工作。

(《專注力:禪修10階釋放心智潛能》pp. 205-207)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-06-25, 16:02







他說從我「做夢」的成績看來,我一定也學會了用意志來停頓我的內心對話。我說我的確做到了。(《力量的傳奇》pp. 28-29)

"Each warrior has his own way of dreaming. Each way is different. The only thing which we all have in common is that we play tricks in order to force ourselves to abandon the quest. The countermeasure is to persist in spite of all the barriers and disappointments."

He asked me then if I was capable of selecting topics for 'dreaming'. I said that I did not have the faintest idea of how to do that.

"The sorcerers' explanation of how to select a topic for dreaming," he said, "is that a warrior chooses the topic by deliberately holding an image in his mind while he shuts off his internal dialogue. In other words, if he is capable of not talking to himself for a moment, and then holds the image or the thought of what he wants in dreaming, even if only for an instant, then the desired topic will come to him. I'm sure you've done that, although you were not aware of it."

"We won't talk about dreaming any more," he said. "You might become obsessed. If one is to succeed in anything, the success must come gently; with a great deal of effort, but with no stress or obsession."

He then added, that judging by my production in 'dreaming', I must have learned how to stop my internal dialogue at will. I told him that I had.
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-06-26, 16:31

如同先前所摘「在特殊睡夢狀態,人可以用極微細身脫離粗重身,獨立自主地到處旅行」(《心與夢的解析》),到了「做夢的藝術」第三關,「夢境要與日常世界融合,這個練習被巫士稱為能量體的完全」(《做夢的藝術》),完全的能量體就是下文所謂的「分身」,英文是 the double。




"A double is the sorcerer himself developed through his 'dreaming'," don Juan explained. "A double is an act of power to a sorcerer but only a tale of power to you. In the case of Genaro, his double is indistinguishable from the original. That's because his impeccability as a warrior is supreme. Thus you've never noticed the difference yourself. But in the years that you've known him, you've been with the original Genaro only twice. Every other time you've been with his double."

「他知道他在同時身處二地嗎?」他們都凝視著我,然後相互交換一下眼色。 「另一個唐哲那羅在哪裡?」我問。

I asked don Genaro what a double did, or what a sorcerer did with the double.
"Well, a sorcerer can double up," don Juan said. "That's all one can say."
"But is he aware that he is doubled?"
"Of course he's aware of it."
"Does he know that he is in two places at once?" Both of them looked at me and then they exchanged a glance. "Where is the other don Genaro?" I asked.
Don Genaro leaned towards me and stared into my eyes. "I don't know," he said softly. "No sorcerer knows where his other is."



Don Juan explained that by the time a warrior had conquered 'dreaming' and 'seeing' and had developed a double, he must have also succeeded in erasing personal history, self-importance, and routines.
He said that all the techniques which he had taught me, and which I had considered to be empty talk, were in essence means for removing the impracticality of having a double in the ordinary world; by making the self and the world fluid, and thereby placing them outside the bounds of prediction.

"A fluid warrior can no longer make the world chronological," don Juan explained. "And for him, the world and he are no longer objects. He's a luminous being existing in a luminous world. The double is a simple affair for a sorcerer because he knows what he's doing.


「啊哈!」唐望叫道,「你總算說對一次了。巫士在事後當然會發覺自己身處二地,但這只是事後補記無關事實,事實是他在行動時沒有他自己雙重性的想法。」他說下去,「但對於旁觀者而言,巫士似乎同時從事兩個不同的行動。而巫士是回憶兩個單獨的片刻,因為固著的時間描述已不再能束縛住他了。」(《力量的傳奇》pp. 65-69)

"Can an outsider looking at a sorcerer see that he is in two places at once?" I asked don Juan.
"Certainly. That would be the only way to know it."
"But can't one logically assume that the sorcerer would also notice that he has been in two places?"

"Aha!" don Juan exclaimed. "For once you've got it right. A sorcerer may certainly notice afterwards that he has been in two places at once. But this is only bookkeeping, and has no bearing on the fact that while he's acting he has no notion of his duality." He went on. "But for an outsider looking at the sorcerer, it may appear as if the sorcerer is acting two different episodes at once. The sorcerer, however, recollects two separate single instants because the glue of the description of time is no longer binding him."
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-07-02, 21:59






四者:偏於沈寂消極過甚者,則無其夢境。對治之法,於修寶瓶氣時,同時於密處中央作明點觀。且須特依儀軌,精誠修作,於喜悅護法空行等眾多作供養。(《密宗六成就法》p. 136)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-07-02, 22:00






即使這些脈輪對在睡夢期間所從事的修法是重要的,但是這不表示它們對清醒期間所從事的修法不重要。宗喀巴大師說,深入並且觀修每一個脈輪,會帶來個別脈輪特有的成果和證量。然而在那洛六瑜伽的修行系統中,每一件事物都是透過臍輪來成辦。(耶喜喇嘛《拙火之樂:那洛六瑜伽修行心要》pp. 164-165)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-07-02, 23:05

剛好看到一則巧合,作夢時是微細心識,更何況是做夢產生的分身(the double),照達賴喇嘛的講解,是不可能產生害人的惡念的:



唐望看著我,搖搖頭轉開視線。「你充滿了暴力的傳奇,」他說,「哲那羅殺不了任何人,因為他已不再對他的同類有任何興趣了。當戰士能夠做到『看見』與『做夢』並意識到自己的明晰(luminosity 光明)時,這樣的興趣便不再存在了。」

「就我所知,分身就是我們對於自己光明存在狀態的知覺,它能做任何事,但是它選擇不引人注意與和善。」(《力量的傳奇》pp. 80-81)

"Let me put it this way," I said. "Hypothetically, can don Genaro kill someone hundreds of miles away by letting his double do it?"

Don Juan looked at me. He shook his head and moved his eyes away. "You're filled with tales of violence," he said. "Genaro cannot kill anyone, simply because he no longer has any interest in his fellow men. By the time a warrior is capable of conquering seeing and dreaming, and having the awareness of his luminosity, there is no such interest left in him."

"As far as I know, the double is the awareness of our state as luminous beings. It can do anything, and yet it chooses to be unobtrusive and gentle."


(達賴喇嘛講授「心的本性」2009/04/24 加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 修持睡夢瑜伽的主要脈輪

文章kenny » 2016-07-03, 00:40

《拙火之樂》集結了圖敦耶喜喇嘛(1935-1984)所傳授的最後兩個重要的教法。這兩個教法都是針對宗喀巴大師的《俱信論》(Having the Three Convictions)所做的釋論;而《俱信論》本身即是針對那洛六瑜伽(無上瑜伽密續的一個圓滿次第法門)所做的一本論著。

Three Convictions就是具三信仰如是寓(三信念),市面上有2種版本,一是妙音叢書的“深道那洛六法”,比較詳細的是民國初年由諾姆啟堪布道然巴羅布倉桑布的"那洛六法深道門引導之次第具三信仰如是寓"(晨曦出版社)
最後由 kenny 於 2016-07-03, 01:12 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
文章: 9
註冊時間: 2016-06-05, 17:47
來自: Taiwan


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