作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com


Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。


文章SW » 2016-05-29, 16:54





It had been relatively easy for me to learn to sustain the image of my hands after I had learned to command myself to look at them. My visions, although not always of my own hands, would last a seemingly long time, until I would finally lose control and would become immersed in ordinary unpredictable dreams. I had no volition whatsoever over when I would give myself the command to look at my hands, or to look at other items of the dreams. It would just happen. At a given moment I would remember that I had to look at my hands and then at the surroundings. There were nights, however, when I could not recall having done it at all.



He seemed to be satisfied and wanted to know what were the usual items I had been finding in my visions. I could not think of anything in particular and started elaborating on a nightmarish dream I had had the night before.

I told him that I had been recording all the details of my dreams. Since I had begun to practice looking at my hands my dreams had become very compelling and my sense of recall had increased to the point that I could remember minute details. He said that to follow them was a waste of time, because details and vividness were in no way important.




"Ordinary dreams get very vivid as soon as you begin to set up dreaming" he said. "That vividness and clarity is a formidable barrier and you are worse off than anyone I have ever met in my life. You have the worst mania. You write down everything you can."

In all fairness, I believed what I was doing was appropriate. Keeping a meticulous record of my dreams was giving me a degree of clarity about the nature of the visions I had while sleeping.
"Drop it!" he said imperatively. "It's not helping anything. All you're doing is distracting yourself from the purpose of dreaming, which is control and power."


「每次你注視雙手,就使『做夢』所需的力量更新,所以在開始時不要看太多東西,四樣就夠了。以後,你可以把範圍擴大,直到包括一切你想注視的事物,但是只要影象一開始改變,你感到快失去控制時,就要回來看你的雙手。(《巫士唐望的世界》pp. 201-202)

"I'm going to remind you of all the techniques you must practice, " he said. "First you must focus your gaze on your hands as the starting point. Then shift your gaze to other items and look at them in brief glances. Focus your gaze on as many things as you can. Remember that if you only glance briefly the images do not shift. Then go back to your hands.
"Every time you look at your hands you renew the power needed for dreaming, so in the beginning don't look at too many things. Four items will suffice every time. Later on, you may enlarge the scope until you can cover all you want, but as soon as the images begin to shift and you feel you are losing control go back to your hands.
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-05-29, 22:56








"When you feel you can gaze at things indefinitely you will be ready for a new technique. I'm going to teach you this new technique now, but I expect you to put it to use only when you are ready."

He was quiet for about fifteen minutes. Finally he sat up and looked at me.

"The next step in setting up dreaming is to learn to travel, " he said. "The same way you have learned to look at your hands you can will yourself to move, to go places. First you have to establish a place you want to go to. Pick a well known spot-perhaps your school, or a park, or a friend's house then, will yourself to go there.

"This technique is very difficult. You must perform two tasks: You must will yourself to go to the specific locale; and then, when you have mastered that technique, you have to learn to control the exact time of your traveling."




「這個問題你已經問過好幾遍了。我沒有在對你做什麼,你在把自己開放給力量,你在捕捉力量,我只是在引導你。」(《巫士唐望的世界》pp. 202-203)

As I wrote down his statements I had the feeling that I was really nuts. I was actually taking down insane instructions, knocking myself out in order to follow them. I experienced a surge of remorse and embarrassment.

"What are you doing to me, don Juan?" I asked, not really meaning it.

He seemed surprised. He stared at me for an instant and then smiled.

"You've been asking me the same question over and over. I'm not doing anything to you. You are making yourself accessible to power; you're hunting it and I'm just guiding you."
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-06-09, 14:58






「先回想某件東西,然後一定要回到雙手的注視,再去注視其他東西,如此繼續下去。」 (《巫士唐望的世界》p. 251)

I had begun to dream about specific places, such as the school and the houses of a few friends.

"Were you at those places during the day or during the night?" he asked.

My dreams corresponded to the time of the day when I ordinarily was accustomed to being at those places - in the school during the day, at my friends' houses at night.

He suggested that I should try "dreaming" while I took a nap during the daytime and find out if I could actually visualize the chosen place as it was at the time I was "dreaming."

If I were "dreaming" at night, my visions of the locale should be of night time. He said that what one experiences in "dreaming" has to be congruous with the time of the day when "dreaming" was taking place; otherwise the visions one might have were not "dreaming" but ordinary dreams.

"In order to help yourself you should pick a specific object that belongs to the place you want to go and focus your attention on it, " he went on. "On this hilltop here, for instance, you now have a specific bush that you must observe until it has a place in your memory. You can come back here while dreaming simply by recalling that bush, or by recalling this rock where we are sitting, or by recalling any other thing here. It is easier to travel in dreaming when you can focus on a place of power, such as this one. But if you don't want to come here you may use any other place. Perhaps the school where you go is a place of power for you. Use it. Focus your attention on any object there and then find it in dreaming."

"From the specific object you recall, you must go back to your hands and then to another object and so on.”
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-06-09, 15:00



2-2-3 調煉於幻化解脫

During the day, direct your attention to the various realm you wish to observe and to whatever spiritual teachings you wish to hear; and at night know that you can apprehend your dreams and are able to do anything with them. By this practice, if you effortlessly and spontaneously see whatever you wish to observe and hear the spiritual teachings and prophetic indications that you desire, this is excellent. If this does not happen, during the daytime, imagine either your own body or yourself visualized in another form as swiftly flying up into the sky, arriving wherever you wish, and seeing and hearing what you desire. By so doing, this will also happen at night in your dreams. At first this will occur only vaguely, but gradually it will become clearer so that finally you will know these things as they are.(Gyatrul Rinpoche, Meditation, Transformation, and Dream Yoga, p. 84)

文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-06-09, 15:01





「對於『做夢』,我已經沒什麼好告訴你了,」他繼續說,「我所說的都只會是『不做』。但是如果你直接去克服『不做』,你自己會知道在『做夢』中該如何做。不過現在找手是主要的關鍵,我相信你做得到。」(《巫士唐望的世界》pp. 306-307)

I told him that it had been easy in the beginning, but that at the moment I had ceased altogether to find my hands in my dreams.

"When you first started dreaming you were using my personal power, that's why it was easier, " he said. "Now you are empty. But you must keep on trying until you have enough power of your own. You see, dreaming is the not-doing of dreams, and as you progress in your not -doing you will also progress in dreaming. The trick is not to stop looking for your hands, even if you don't believe that what you are doing has any meaning. In fact, as I have told you before, a warrior doesn't need to believe, because as long as he keeps on acting without believing he is not-doing."

"There is nothing else I can tell you about dreaming." he continued. "Everything I may say would only be not-doing. But if you tackle not-doing directly, you yourself would know what to do in dreaming. To find your hands is essential, though, at this time, and I am sure you will."
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-06-09, 15:05







「這可以把你鈎在另一個『做』上,然後你也許會瞭解,這兩種『做』都是謊言,都不真實,無論把自己鈎在哪一個『做』上,都是浪費時間,因為唯一真實的事,是你內在必然會死亡的存在。企及那種存在,就是自我的『不做』。」(《巫士唐望的世界》pp. 307-308)

"Everything I have taught you so far has been an aspect of not-doing" he went on. "A warrior applies not-doing to everything in the world, and yet I can't tell you more about it than what I have said today. You must let your own body discover the power and the feeling of not-doing."

"It is stupid for you to scorn the mysteries of the world simply because you know the doing of scorn," he said with a serious face. I assured him that I was not scorning anything or anyone, but that I was more nervous and incompetent than he thought. "I've always been that way, " I said. "And yet I want to change, but I don't know how. I am so inadequate."

"I already know that you think you are rotten, " he said.

"That's your doing. Now in order to affect that doing I am going to recommend that you learn another doing. From now on, and for a period of eight days, I want you to lie to yourself. Instead of telling yourself the truth, that you are ugly and rotten and inadequate, you will tell yourself that you are the complete opposite, knowing that you are lying and that you are absolutely beyond hope."

"But what would be the point of lying like that, don Juan?"

"It may hook you to another doing and then you may realize that both doings are lies, unreal, and that to hinge yourself to either one is a waste of time, because the only thing that is real is the being in you that is going to die. To arrive at that being is the not-doing of the self."
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-06-09, 17:00

2016/06/05 南開諾布仁波切:



文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-06-11, 23:15

在[專注力]第五階段到第九階段解說之間,所安排的間奏曲是:在白天和晚上練習清明夢(lucid dreaming)(取自現代科學研究),以及夢瑜伽的練習(源自藏傳佛教)。這些練習是用來加強日間及晚上的警醒度,因為如果我們的專注力只有在正式的禪修中才得以集中,那收穫就比較有限。













「微弱的夢徵」是那些就你所知相當不容易發生,但並非完全不可能的事。當你經驗到任何有點超乎尋常的事情,就進行狀態檢查。要注意的是,一些無法解釋的突然變化,或許便可讓你看出自己在夢裏。(《專注力:禪修10階釋放心智潛能》pp. 28, 158-163)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-06-11, 23:17








不論何時,當你經驗到任何獨立存在於你的概念架構之外的事物,要看出其如夢的本質,如此,你可在清醒狀態下開始變得心智清晰。(《專注力:禪修10階釋放心智潛能》pp. 192, 195-196)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-06-19, 14:04

深睡無夢時的意識,其實並非本覺。肯恩威爾伯確實有點抬舉了自己,也誇大其詞了些。前幾日與南開師授權的金剛上師益西旺波堪布會面,也釐清了 be present 和 instant presence 的不同。前者名詞是 presence 即當下覺察,而 instant presence 是 presence 的進階,我目前還沒找到合適的譯詞:



阿賴耶識可被看成是心智的相對底層狀態,而初始覺性(藏文:rigpa 心性/本覺,梵文:vidya 明)或許會被形容為意識的絕對底層狀態。後者又被稱為本初意識(primordial consciousness)(jnana 智慧),要成就此一究極向度的意識,正是大圓滿法教的中心主題之一。在此,與本初意識無法切割開的,是絕對的現象空間(dharmadhatu 法界),而此空間超越了外在空間與內在空間的二元性。


絕對空間與本初意識合而為一時,就是大圓滿,而此亦常被稱為所有現象的「一味」(one taste)。阿賴耶識可以被稱為意識的一個相對或虛構的真空狀態,它是當心智由外在世界退縮回來時得到確認的,而且它受限於時間及因果律。因此,儘管它是空的,卻還是有個內在的結構。而另一方面,絕對空間與本初意識的一體則是真正而絕對的真空。雖然它也帶有大樂、明亮,以及無概念性等特質,但這些特質並非個別出現(如它們在阿賴耶識當中時)。

當你了解到阿賴耶識時,你便知道個人意識的相對本質(按:可能是本體 essence),但如果你了解到本初意識時,覺知的範圍卻是沒有疆界的。(《專注力:禪修10階釋放心智潛能》pp. 188-191)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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