作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com




文章SW » 2015-02-16, 17:55

Mandarava Drubchen Retreat
February 19 – March 5, 2015

The practice of Mandarava is a Long Life Practice. In general Long Life Practice is useful for strengthening one’s protective energy. This is important in all senses. To be able to have some realization through certain practices, first of all one needs to be healthy and free from physical problems. Even if you are not dedicating yourself only to the practice you need to live well in daily life, and you only live well when you do not have problems, that is, when your energy is perfect and especially when your protective energy is healthy. If your energy has some weak points it needs to be reinforced, so we have to know how to do that. This is one of the principles of the Long Life Practice.

A Drubchen(竹千)literally means ‘Great Accumulation’ and is an intensive 密集, continuous practice 持續修法 retreat.


Thursday, 19th of February
8-9 am - Tibetan Losar Mandarava practice this is the start of our Mandarava Chudlen retreat. After the practice, we spend the day performing all our Losar Festival activities.
台灣時間 2015/02/19(四)04:00PM-05:00PM,藏曆年曼達拉瓦修法,開始這次曼達拉瓦秋練禪修營。修法完,一整天藏曆年慶祝活動表演。

Friday, 20th of February
10 -12 am - Explanation about the essential practice of Chudlen and the Lung of this practice. Then we will do the Mandarava Chudlen practice all together.
台灣時間 2015/02/20(五)06:00PM-08:00PM,解釋秋練精要修法及本修法中之呼吸法,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法。

4-6 pm - Khaita – Singing and dancing 唱歌跳舞

Saturday, 21st of February
10 -12 am - Explanation about Mandarava’s Srog-Thig breathing, then we will do the Mandarava Chudlen practice all together, including the Srogthig Breathing.
台灣時間 2015/02/21(六)06:00PM-08:00PM,解釋曼達拉瓦索提呼吸法,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法——包括索提呼吸法。
2.30 – 3.45 pm – Practice explanation of Mudras and key points with Sasha Pubants
台灣時間 2015/02/21(六)10:30PM-11:30PM,Sasha Pubants 解釋手印及重點。

4-6 pm - Khaita – Singing and dancing 唱歌跳舞

Sunday, 22nd of February
10 -12 am - Explanation of the importance of Mandarava practice, then we will do the Mandarava Chudlen practice all together.
台灣時間 2015/02/22(日)06:00PM-08:00PM,解釋曼達拉瓦修法之重要性,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法。

03.30 - 03.45 PM DZAMLING GAR presentation 臧林噶簡報
4-6 pm - Khaita – Singing and dancing 唱歌跳舞

Monday, 23rd of February
10 -12 am - Explanation of the importance of the Mandarava practice, then we will do the Mandarava Chudlen practice all together.
台灣時間 2015/02/23(一)06:00PM-08:00PM,解釋曼達拉瓦修法之重要性,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法。

4-6 pm - Khaita – Singing and dancing 唱歌跳舞

Tuesday, 24th of February
10 -12 am - The trid-lung of the root text of Mandarava practice, then we will do the Mandarava Chudlen practice all together.
台灣時間 2015/02/24(二)06:00PM-08:00PM,曼達拉瓦根本文口傳,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法。

4-6 pm - Khaita – Singing and dancing 唱歌跳舞

Wednesday, 25th of February
10 -12 am - Explanation of the very essential and simple way of Mandarava and Guru Drag-phur practices, etc., then we will do the Mandarava Chudlen practice all together.
台灣時間 2015/02/25(三)06:00PM-08:00PM,解釋曼達拉瓦及咕嚕札波極精髓之簡易修法,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法。

4-6 pm - Khaita – Singing and dancing 唱歌跳舞

Thursday, 26th of February
10 -12 am - Explanation of the Mandarava practice with the principle of Ati Yoga, then we will do the Mandarava Chudlen practice altogether.
台灣時間 2015/02/26(四)06:00PM-08:00PM,以阿底瑜伽之原則解釋曼達拉瓦修法,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法。

4-6 pm - Khaita – Singing and dancing 唱歌跳舞

Friday, 27th of February
10 -12 am - Explanation of the history of the Mandarava Chud-len, then we will do the Mandarava Chudlen practice all together.
台灣時間 2015/02/27(五)06:00PM-08:00PM,解釋曼達拉瓦秋練之歷史,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法。

3.15 – 3.45pm ASIA Presentation 亞洲組織(ASIA)簡報
4-6 pm- Khaita – Singing and dancing 唱歌跳舞

Saturday, 28th of February
10 -12 am - Explanation of the Gana Puja of Mandarava and then we do the Mandarava Chudlen practice altogether.
台灣時間 2015/02/28(六)06:00PM-08:00PM,解釋曼達拉瓦薈供,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法。
2.30 – 3.45 pm – Practice explanation of the Mudras and key points of the Mandarava Ganapuja with Sasha Pubants
台灣時間 2015/02/28(六)10:30PM-11:30PM,Sasha Pubants 解釋曼達拉瓦薈供修法之手印及重點。
4-6 pm - For the day of Guru Padma Sambhava, we will do a Gana Puja of Mandarava followed by Khaita singing and dancing.
台灣時間 2015/03/01(日)12:00AM-12:40AM,蓮師日,共修曼達拉瓦薈供。

Sunday, 1st of March
10 -12 am - We will do the longer practice of Mandarava with chudlen all together.
台灣時間 2015/03/01(日)06:00PM-08:00PM,共修曼達拉瓦秋練長版修法。

4-6 pm - Khaita – Singing and dancing 唱歌跳舞

Monday, 2nd of March
10-12 am - We will do the longer practice of Mandarava with chudlen all together.
台灣時間 2015/03/02(一)06:00PM-08:00PM,共修曼達拉瓦秋練長版修法。

4-6 pm - Khaita – Singing and dancing 唱歌跳舞

Tuesday, 3rd of March
10-12 am - We will do the longer practice of Mandarava with chudlen all together.
台灣時間 2015/03/03(二)06:00PM-08:00PM,共修曼達拉瓦秋練長版修法。

4-6 pm - Khaita – Singing and dancing 唱歌跳舞

Wednesday, 4th of March
10-12 am - Explanation of how an Ati Yogi or Ati Yogini should deal with essence of all teachings, then we will do the Mandarava Chudlen practice all together.
台灣時間 2015/03/04(三)06:00PM-08:00PM,解釋阿底瑜伽士和阿底瑜伽女如何運用教法精髓,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法。
3-6 pm - Gana Puja of Mandarava, Lottery and so on...
台灣時間 2015/03/04(三)11:00PM-02:00AM,曼達拉瓦薈供,樂透開獎

Thursday, 5th of March
3 am - Worldwide Guru Yoga Transmission - Aniversary of Garab Dorje
台灣時間 2015/03/05(四)11:00AM,噶拉多傑紀念日,全球上師瑜伽傳法
10-12 am - More advice for the daily practices and their tridlungs. We will finish our retreat with Ati Guru Yoga and dedications.
台灣時間 2015/03/05(四)06:00PM-08:00PM,更多日常修持之建議及口傳,修上師瑜伽及迴向結束此次禪修營。

In the Webcast Site http://www.shangshunginstitute.net/webcast You will find updated SCHEDULE and information.

Have you checked the new webcast's website?
Give it a look and let us know your feedback!

The Webcast Team

文章: 4364
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 2015/02/19-03/05(特內里費)曼達拉瓦竹千法會

文章SW » 2015-02-16, 20:56

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文章: 4364
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2015-02-16, 21:43

台灣時間 2015/02/19(四)04:00PM-05:00PM,藏曆年曼達拉瓦修法,開始這次曼達拉瓦秋練禪修營。修法完,一整天藏曆年慶祝活動表演。

台灣時間 2015/02/20(五)06:00PM-08:00PM,解釋秋練精要修法及本修法中之呼吸法,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法。

台灣時間 2015/02/21(六)06:00PM-08:00PM,解釋曼達拉瓦索提呼吸法,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法——包括索提呼吸法。

台灣時間 2015/02/22(日)06:00PM-08:00PM,解釋曼達拉瓦修法之重要性,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法。

台灣時間 2015/02/23(一)06:00PM-08:00PM,解釋曼達拉瓦修法之重要性,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法。


台灣時間 2015/02/24(二)06:00PM-08:00PM,曼達拉瓦根本文口傳,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法。

台灣時間 2015/02/25(三)06:00PM-08:00PM,解釋曼達拉瓦及咕嚕札波極精髓之簡易修法,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法。

台灣時間 2015/02/26(四)06:00PM-08:00PM,以阿底瑜伽之原則解釋曼達拉瓦修法,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法。

台灣時間 2015/02/27(五)06:00PM-08:00PM,解釋曼達拉瓦秋練之歷史,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法。

台灣時間 2015/02/28(六)06:00PM-08:00PM,解釋曼達拉瓦薈供,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法。

台灣時間 2015/03/01(日)12:00AM-12:40AM,蓮師日,共修曼達拉瓦薈供。

台灣時間 2015/03/01(日)06:00PM-08:00PM,共修曼達拉瓦秋練長版修法。

台灣時間 2015/03/02(一)06:00PM-08:00PM,共修曼達拉瓦秋練長版修法。

台灣時間 2015/03/03(二)06:00PM-08:00PM,共修曼達拉瓦秋練長版修法。

台灣時間 2015/03/04(三)06:00PM-08:00PM,解釋阿底瑜伽士和阿底瑜伽女如何運用教法精髓,然後共修曼達拉瓦秋練修法。

台灣時間 2015/03/04(三)11:00PM-02:00AM,曼達拉瓦薈供,樂透開獎

台灣時間 2015/03/05(四)06:00PM-08:00PM,更多日常修持之建議及口傳,修上師瑜伽及迴向結束此次禪修營。
文章: 4364
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

文章SW » 2015-02-21, 21:38


文章: 4364
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

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