作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com




文章SW » 2024-04-26, 15:35

我之所以從 Amazon 買到這本書,是因為南開諾布仁波切《夢瑜伽與自然光的修習》中提到這段:

「來自這些古老傳統對於夢境工作的技巧描述是很重要的,因為這些傳統正瀕臨滅絕的危機。儘管關於夢的一般性主題已經出版了很多書籍,但在本書第一版出版時,相對而言只有很少的書將夢境工作帶進靈性修行的脈絡中。佛教、苯教和道教老師都承認這種處境已影響他們採取更為公開教授的決定,因此在過去十年間,深受人們敬仰的上師如達賴喇嘛、丹增旺杰(Tenzin Wangyal)和嘉初仁波切(Gyatrul Rinpoche),就夢境工作的主題都出版了書籍,作為對「夢瑜伽」(Dream Yoga)中所發現之技巧方法的補述。」(pp. 52-53 )

Oral Commentary to the Root Text on Releasing Oneself from Essential Delusion

The teaching here today on dream yoga concerns six different intermediate states that occur in cyclic existence, which are called bardos. If one has received these teachings and successfully prepared oneself through practice, then to accomplish this "bardo of the dream state" is to simultaneously prepare oneself for all "bardo states." The similarity of the bardo states cannot be underestimated when you take into consideration the repetitive cycles of conditioned existence. The dream bardo stands out as a separate state or experience with which you seem to be very familiar. In this teaching you should merge that familiarity with reality. (p. 93)


This particular dream yoga teaching is based on a treasure of Vajrasattva that belongs to the well-known terton Terdag Lingpa. It was written down in the form of notes by the great scholar Lochen Dharma Shri and is a well-known practice in the Nyingma tradition. The title of this text is Release Oneself from Essential Delusion. The release of oneself from delusion is an ongoing process as long as you remain in a state of impure awareness. These notes that comprise the root text for this practice instruct you in how to release the mind from impure awareness according to Vajrasattva's mind accomplishment of the dream state. (pp. 93-94)

這個特殊的夢瑜伽修法,是基於一套屬於著名伏藏師德達林巴的金剛薩埵伏藏法系,由偉大的學者(大譯師)羅千達瑪師利(Lochen Dharma Shri,德達林巴之弟)以註解的形式寫下的,在寧瑪派傳承中是很知名的修法。此本文的標題是《惑中迷妄自解脫》(從基本妄想中自解脫):只要你依然處在不淨覺知中,由迷妄中自解脫就是一個持續的過程。構成此修法根本文的這些註解,即根據「金剛薩意成就之夢修導引」,指導你如何從不淨的覺知中解脫自心。

(translated from: Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche, Meditation, Transformation, and Dream Yoga, 2nd edition USA 2002)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2024-04-26, 15:36

The text begins with the author's homage and then the statement of his commitment. The author pays homage to the guide and spiritual mentor Vajrasattva in the first stanza of the root text. This text provides a brief instruction on how to accomplish the mind of Vajrasattva by way of apprehending and transforming dreams. The teachings is divide into two parts: the preparatory part of the training and the actual training itself.


The preparatory stages of the training involve the preliminary practices, called ngondro. The ngondro is linked to the preparation of a field for planting crops. Initially, you prepare the field as best as you can, removing all the unwanted weeds, stones, boulders and so forth, making the soil as fertile, rich and workable as possible. This is the same procedure needed in spiritual training. In order to prepare the field of your mind according to this system, you perform the preliminary practices. The preliminary practices employ specific skillful methods to weed out the grosser delusions in the mindstream and prepare the mind for the stages of practice and realization that follow, such as deity generation, dissolution, the Great Perfection, and so forth. (p. 94)

Many of you are very unstable in your practice and in your life in general, with many highs and lows, like a teeter-totter. The main reason this occurs is because you lack the foundation necessary upon which to build stability. You have failed to cultivate a pure, clean field, the mindstream, that you can then apply to the practices. This is best done by accomplishing the preliminaries. Many people, even after ten years of practice, will find that they are still have an abundance of obstacles and doubt. The only reason for this is their failure to prepare the field of the mind, which is in fact the accomplishment of the preliminaries prior to moving on to higher, more advanced techniques which the mind is simply not ready to receive. (p. 95)


This is true not only for Buddhist practitioners, but also for Christians, Muslims, Hindus and all practitioners of the great religions of the world. The basic principles of all true religions are very pure. What you see as impure is simply the inability of those who adhere to them. So as Buddhists, for instance, if you fail to embrace and internalize the basic principles and concepts of the practice, then your mind is always going to be overrun by the five mental afflictions. These negative afflictions are desire, hatred, jealousy, pride, and ignorance. They are the basic obstacles which impede you from making any true progress on the path. This is, in fact, the function of the preliminary training to prepare the field of the mind so that you are actually able to put to rest the gross delusions and give rise to your innermost qualities. This allows you to actualize your true bodhicitta nature, the mind which cares about others more than self. (pp. 95-96)

文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2024-04-26, 15:39



The second part of this practice, the actual dream yoga, is practiced according to your own stage of development. Each stage naturally leads to the next experience. The first stage is the teaching on apprehending dreams. After you become adept at dream apprehension, you enter upon the second stage, which is to train in transforming dreams. This then leads to the remaining stages of development, the training in the absorption of unification. Each of these three stages has sub-stages of corresponding development.

2. 正行(分三:持夢、調煉、合一之靜慮)


Concerning the first stage - the apprehension of dreams - there are two parts beginning with daytime practice. During the daytime, one must sustain mindfulness without distraction. This mindfulness is to constantly remind oneself that all daytime appearances are nothing other than a dream. Throughout the different experiences during the daytime reality, you just keep on mindfully sustaining the awareness, "This is a dream, this is a dream, I'm asleep and I'm dreaming," and this will create a habit. The second stage is that, at night, you must strongly discipline yourself in the quintessential instructions. The mind must be strong enough to take the quintessential instructions, which is what you are receiving now, and apply the instructions in the midst of a dream. For instance, even if you are having a nightmare or some frightening experience, the mind must be able to apprehend that it is a dream although the experience seems to be intensely real. (p. 104)

2-1 持夢(分二:晝間無散而憶持,夜間口訣強力教授)


文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2024-04-26, 15:41

This daytime training is called "sustaining mindfulness without distraction during the daytime experience." It should be clear that this does not mean you are sleeping. This practice occurs when you are awake and going about the usual routine of a day. You must simply remind yourself again and again that you have fallen asleep and that your experience is a dream, in order to establish the habit of lucid dreaming.

2-1-1 晝間無散而憶持



Then you are ready to begin the practice for night-time, which is the application of strong discipline in the quintessential instructions. Even though you may be feeling quite sleepy or uneasy, you should not be too anxious to fall asleep immediately. Take a few moments to calm and center the mind. The root text says, "Lie down to sleep with the resolve to apprehend your dream. Let your behavior be unhurried and calm. As for the mind, in your heart imagine a white, stainless A sending forth varicolored rays of light which melt samsara and nirvana into light and dissolve them into the A. Fall asleep with the sense of a clear vision, like the moon rising in a stainless sky. It is sure your dreams will be many and they will be clear." (pp. 104-105 )

2-1-2 夜間強力調煉口訣教授



After calming the mind, meditate upon the guru and recall the kindness of the lama as mentioned before. In a state of sincere devotion and reverence, you should continue to pray in the following way: "Tonight may I dream many dreams. May I have many dreams, and may my dreams be very clear. May they be very good. May I recognize the dream as a dream. Simply put, may I apprehend my dream." With that prayer in mind, as your final thought, you should try to fall asleep either in the sitting meditation posture, the sage or rishi posture, or the posture known as the "sleeping snow lion." (p. 105)


The meditation posture is called the seven-point posture of Buddha Vairocana and requires legs crossed right over left in the full or half lotus position, a straight spine, relaxed arms, hands right over left in your lap, chin tucked in slightly, eyes gazing out over the tip of your nose and the tip of the tongue touching the roof of your mouth. This posture is to be maintained until you naturally fall asleep; and if thereafter the posture shifts, it is no longer relevant. The rishi posture is to sit with knees up parallel to the chest, right leg crossed in front of left with crossed arms (right over left) and elbows touching knees with fingertips toughing opposite shoulders. Feet are flat on the ground. The third, most popular option is the sleeping snow lion posture. Here you are on your right side with right hand under your head (or pillow), knees tucked in slightly with left arm extended down the side of the body. This is the posture assumed by Lord Buddha Shakyamuni when he passed into parinirvana. (p. 106)

文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2024-04-26, 15:42

It is most important not to be hurried so that you do not disturb the natural, subtle flow of the body's energies. It is ideal if your head points to the north with your face toward to west. In terms of the body, this is how you should position yourself to fall asleep. In terms of the mind, you should consider that, in the center of the physical location of your heart, a clear, empty syllable A appears which is clear white and luminous. Do not forget to maintain pure awareness of self-nature as the embodiment of primordial wisdom (the deity). You should allow your mind to remain in equipoise upon this stainless white syllable A.


At this point, once again you may invoke the blessings of the lama by recalling his or her kindness. Inspired by pure faith and devotion, once again state your aspiration to recall the apprehend your dreams. With that as your final thought, from the syllable A, five-colored rainbow light rays radiate to encompass all of phenomenal existence. Imagine that there is no place where the rays do not pervade. All appearances become like five-colored rainbow light. Consider that all appearances are just like a dream and that all the light rays and patterns are but a dream. Then consider that all the light rays dissolve all appearances of samsara and nirvana into shimmers of light which are also like a dream. Imagine then all appearances as shimmering light being drawn back to reabsorb and dissolve into the A in your heart. Then focus solely upon the syllable A appearing lucidly like a radiant image of the moon rising in a clear sky. At this point the mind is concentrating solely upon A, without grasping, simply remaining aware. By falling asleep in this way, you will have many clear dreams, and you will apprehend your dreams, thinking, "This is a dream," while you are in the middle of it, or just shortly after it begins. (p. 107)

此時,你可以再次憶起上師的慈悲來喚起上師的加持。出於清淨的虔敬心,再次表達出你渴望記起並認知你的夢。以此作為你的最後一念,從種子字A發出五彩光芒,涵蓋一切現象的存有。想像沒有一處不被這些光芒所瀰漫。所有的現相都變成像是五色虹光。想像所有的現相都像夢一樣,而所有光芒和圖案不過是一個夢。 然後想像所有光芒將輪迴和涅槃一切現相消融於閃爍的光,也像夢一樣。接著想像一切現相消融為的閃爍光,都被拉回,並重新收攝並消融到你心中的A。 然後只專注於種子字A,它像月亮在清朗的天空中升起的明月一樣清晰地出現。 在這時,心只專注於A,而沒有執取,只是保持覺知。以這種方式入睡,你將會有許多清晰的夢,並且你會在夢的中間或夢境剛開始就知夢,並想到:「這是一個夢。」

As soon as you apprehend your dream, two sorts of experiences may occur. The first experience is apprehending what's called a gentle dream. This entails thinking, "This is a dream," and then having many periods of deep sleep which follow the thought, "This is a dream." Apprehending a rough dream, which is the second experience, involves nightmares such as falling off a cliff or being chased by a wild animal or a ferocious dog and, while in the middle of that experience, still apprehending it as a dream. This is what called apprehending a rough or coarse dream.

2-1-2-1 柔和認持夢境

一旦你意識到自己在作夢,就會發生兩種經驗。第一種經驗是認知所謂柔和的夢(柔和認持夢境)。 這需要思維或憶念:「這是一個夢」,跟隨「這是一個夢」這個念頭,然後有許多深睡期。

2-1-2-2 猛然認持夢境

認知一個粗暴的夢(猛然認持夢境),是第二種經驗,涉及噩夢,例如掉下懸崖或被野獸或兇猛的狗追趕,當在此種經歷中,能認知夢。 這就是所謂的認持粗暴的夢。

If you do not apprehend the dream, when you awaken, reflect, "At dusk (or whenever it was) I had such a dream, but I didn't apprehend it correctly." Then you should look ahead and mediate on all phenomena as illusory in the same way that you had been doing before, and you should re-establish your commitment. Think, "Now, by all means, I shall apprehend the dream without any distraction." Then just as before, by employing the methods, fall asleep and try again. (pp. 107-108)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2024-04-26, 15:44

由於每人睡眠時間不同,若以一般凌晨十二點入睡、八點起床這樣的躺床八小時而言,若在入睡前即觀修心間白阿,由於清明的力量不容易穿透因疲累所致的深睡期,故才建議在至少睡了 1/2 以上至 2/3 時間以後,再練習以下所建議的觀想。



If it occurs that you still do not apprehend the dream, then you should try the following. In terms of time, there are three periods to consider: the first light of dawn, dawn, and sunrise. During any of these three times, when you are still able to sleep longer if you awaken, then you should position your body and earnestly meditate upon the A in your heart and perform the same procedure again. Generate a very strong resolve that you will indeed apprehend your dream.


In short, if you are unable to apprehend your dreams in a normal sense after numerous attempts, then try to make use of any one or all of these three periods of time. Do not forget the three physical postures as well. The meditation remains the same in all cases. The most important thing to bear in mind is to maintain awareness of A without any mental grasping and to fall asleep in that state without letting any other thoughts intrude. You must try to fall asleep before the intrusion of mental distraction. By continuous, undistracted effort and mindfulness of the dreamlike nature of daytime phenomena, both during and after meditation, when you fall asleep at night the gross appearances of the waking state will vanish. This is the key point: to maintain the daytime awareness to a point where gross appearances will vanish so that you can apply the method and fall asleep without the intrusion of ordinary, coarse discursive thoughts. (pp. 108-109)

簡而言之,如果你在經過多次嘗試後仍無法正常知夢,那麼請試著利用這三個時段中的任何一個或全部。同樣不要忘了三個身體姿勢。在所有情況下禪修都保持不變。要記住最重要的是在保持對 A 的覺知,而沒有任何心智執取,並在該狀態下入睡,不讓任何其他想法侵入。你必須在任何其他念頭侵入前試著入睡。藉由持續不散亂的努力和對白晝現象如夢的本質保持正念,當你晚上入睡,清醒狀態的粗重表象將消失。這就是重點:保持白天的覺知至某一點,粗重的表象會消失,這樣你就可以應用此方法並入睡,而沒有普通的、粗重散漫的念頭侵入。
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2024-04-26, 20:34

Before you fall into a deep sleep, there are so-called thoughts between falling asleep and dreaming. Before you actually fall asleep and you are still in the process of falling asleep, thoughts arise and sounds are still faintly heard. You have a sense of the body's becoming very torpid and a sense of becoming pressed into darkness. You also have a sense of the experience of deep breathing as you begin to relax. Right after that, there is a sensation of numbness at the point midway between the eyes. At that time, you will begin to feel vague impressions of people, animals, environments, or whatever your recent mental impressions are. These vague mental impressions are the cause for the dream. The dream you will have actually arises as the result of these impressions. If you recognize this, this is your chance to recognize the dream, like threading a needle right through the eye, and you will immediately enter the dream and apprehend it.


This is called a bardo or intermediate period, because, when the dream phenomena begin to arise, your state of awareness moves from the waking state to the dream state. The last indications before this are the vague impression, the numbness sensation, the torpid feeling, and so forth that ware just explained. In particular, it is the vague mental impressions which then uncontrollably become the dream state, like a thread going into the eye of a needle. This is almost identical to the stages of dissolution that occur when the intermediate state of your current birth changes to the moment of death. The moment of death is identical to falling asleep in that sounds are faintly heard, the body becomes torpid, and mental impression are vague and unclear. Although you may be surrounded by people as you approach the moment of death, the mind is no longer able to grasp onto the fading objective appearances of that life. Then you enter into the moment of death. (p. 110 )

文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2024-04-26, 20:36


If you are able to come to a dream by moving the mind from the vague mental impressions into the dream state by recognizing that that is the cause of the dream, you will be able to apprehend the dream. It's important at that point that you don't open your eyes or become distracted by the diffusion of awakening. If you do awaken, then the experience stops and you are prevented from moving on into the experience of the intermediate state of dreaming. It's also useful to bring up your posterior wind by closing off the lower orifices and drawing the energy up in the body, keeping your eyes closed and experiencing the dream without diffusion.


A person with superior capabilities will be able to practice accordingly and experience results. Otherwise, if you find that you are still unable to apprehend your dreams, it means that you are suffering from diffusion. According to this practice, these are four different states of diffusion. The first is empty diffusion, an experience in which you are not inclined to dream and so you simply do not dream. Therefore, there is nothing to apprehend. This presents a problem since you are thereby unable to train in this practice. Usually this indicates that the mind is so diffused or scattered that it is not contained in a point at which a dream can occur. The second is disturbed diffusion, an experience in which you have many dreams but are not able to recognize them as such because your mind is too disturbed. The third is waking diffusion in which you wake up as soon as you apprehend the dream, you awaken, which prevents you from training any further. The fourth is lethargic diffusion upon apprehending a dream -- the mind then gets lost in the dream and skips into confusion. Here the mind is so lethargic, sluggish, or deluded that, although you apprehend the dream, it just continues on and you slip into ordinary phenomena in the dream state, which shifts into confusion, thereby preventing you from carrying out the training. (p. 111)


1. 空散
第一個是空散(empty diffusion),你不傾向作夢自然也就無夢的一種經驗。因此,也沒有什麼可知夢的。這就代表一個問題,因為你因此而無法進行此修習的訓練。通常,這指出你的心是如此散亂或分散,以至於它沒有夢會發生。

2. 擾散
第二個是擾散(disturbed diffusion ),是你有許多夢但無法認知是夢的經驗,因為你的心太混亂了。

2. 醒散
第三是醒散(waking diffusion),一旦你知夢你就醒了,就在你一知夢後馬上就醒來,阻礙你進一步的訓練。

4. 昏散
第四個是昏散(lethargic diffusion),在知夢後,心迷失在夢中,並陷入散亂。在這裡,心是如此的昏沈、呆滯或迷妄,以至於儘管你知夢了,而夢仍在繼續,你的作夢狀態滑入普通意識,作夢狀態轉成散亂,從而使你無法進行〔夢中〕訓練。

If you get into a habit in which any of these four diffusions begin to occur and re-occur, then it means that you need to receive practical instructions on how to eliminate this habituation to diffusion. That kind of practical instruction can only be received through an oral transmission given by a qualified teacher. It is extremely important to seek out such guidance when it is necessary.

如果你變成一種習慣,讓這四種散亂中任何一種開始發生並再次發生的習慣,那麼這表示著你需要獲得有關如何消除這種散亂習氣的實修指導。 只有透過具格上師之口耳傳承,才能得到這種實修指導。在必要時尋求這類指導非常重要。

If you get into a habit in which any of these four diffusions begin to occur and re-occur, then it means that you need to receive practical instructions on how to eliminate this habituation to diffusion. That kind of practical instruction can only be received through an oral transmission given by a qualified teacher. It is extremely important to seek out such guidance when it is necessary.

如果你變成一種習慣,讓這四種散亂中任何一種開始發生並再次發生的習慣,那麼這表示著你需要獲得有關如何消除這種散亂習氣的實修指導。 只有透過具格上師之口耳傳承,才能得到這種實修指導。在必要時尋求這類指導非常重要。
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2024-04-26, 20:39



The second stage is the actual training which follows the apprehension of dreaming. Once you've been successful in apprehending your dreams, then you must train. The training occurs in three parts which are also stages of development. The first stage is the conscious transformation of dreams. This includes dream creativity and transformation. Here you can change the dream into whatever you wish. The second stage is the training in illusion, and the third is training in illusory liberation.

2-2 調煉


In the section on training in transforming the dream, the root text sates, "When you apprehend a dream like that, reflect that all the appearances of the dream can be transformed in any way. Once can be increased to many, many can be reduced to one. Peaceful and wrathful can be changed into each other." Once you are apprehending dreams with confidence, training is performed to clear the mind of negative habitual patterns in much the same way that you practice to purify negative tendencies during the waking state. For instance, an antidote to the mind's tendency to grasp onto an experience as being real is to intentionally increase it into many. This dissolves the need to grasp onto that particular appearance. (p. 111-112)

2-2-1 調煉於轉化

在轉化夢的調煉部分中,根本文說道:「當你像這樣知夢時,反映出夢的所有表相都可以任意轉變。一個可以增為多個,多個可以遞減為一個。寂靜尊與忿怒尊可以彼此轉換。」 一旦你充滿信心地知夢,就可以進行調煉以清除心的負面習氣模式,就跟你在清醒狀態下練習淨化負面習氣同樣方式。例如,為對治心傾向於執著一個經驗為真實,就是刻意將其增加為多個。這遣除了執著於該特定表相的需要。

In this way you train to improve your own awareness while in a lucid dream. Here you should continue to pray to the guru and practice guru yoga, shifting the emphasis of the prayer to accomplish the stage of training that you've reached. By praying to the guru to be able to train in the dreams, imagining that all appearances in the daytime are dreams and telling yourself that you are asleep and in a dream, you will complement your practice with mindfulness while awake.


At this time, since you have apprehended that the appearances of the dream have no true inherent existence, you begin to reflect on the practice of moving things back and forth, shifting and changing them, transforming them at will. The gross and subtle aspects of the imagination or of phenomena are easily transformed in the dream state, and you can even exchange sentient beings for inanimate objects. Basically, whatever you want to do, you'll have the ability to do because it's all lacking true or inherent existence anyway. In other words, since it is a dream, it can be changed and it will be changed. You must proceed with confidence and try it out. One dream can be increased to many; many can be reduced to one. You can exchange pillars for pots and pots for pillars; you can exchange animals for humans and humans for animals. Just proceed to transform all those illusory appearances any way you like. You can transform peaceful into wrathful, wrathful into peaceful, and so on and so forth. This practice also encourages the flexible, supple nature of the mind to manifest. With your previous imagination and objective impressions, you may proceed to create whatever wholesome experience you would like to have. This is basically what this stage of training is all about. (pp. 112-113)

文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2024-04-26, 20:43

2-2-1 調煉於幻化


Strongly ascertain the illusory nature of dreams. Training in the illusory awareness of phenomena in general is very useful, but specifically here you must train during the apprehension of a dream. Due to this awareness of illusion, fear dissipates and there is no need to avoid anything. Otherwise, those would have been frightening experiences. In addition to that, you should reflect that dreams are deceptive appearances of the mind and that the mind's nature is that of emptiness. Since the dream is just the arising of deceptive appearances, allow it to dissolve back into its empty source, which is the nature of the mind. In this way, there is nothing threatening about the appearances other than the fact that it's simply your own mind. Your own mind should not be a threat to you. (pp. 113-114)


The third stage is training in illusory liberation. As the root text states, "In the pure and impure realms, dissolve beings and other phenomena and observe their mode of existence. Attend like that and apply it to the nighttime. Whatever you see, bring forth your imagination."

2-2-3 調煉於幻化解脫


This practice, which is slightly different, is done by examining objective appearances in order to develop noble qualities and specifically to cultivate a state of liberation that occurs through illusory awareness. In this context, you can observe impure realms, like the realms of beings in the six classes: god, humans and the like, as well as pure realms such the realms of the buddhas and bodhisattvas, Amitabha's pure realm (Dewachen) and so forth. Your spiritual teachers who have passes away can all be experienced again by accomplishing the experience of training in illusory liberation. You can meet with spiritual mentors and spiritual friends and receive additional training in the dream state. Now in order to accomplish this, once again you need to meditate on guru yoga and make very strong prayers to be able to see how individuals exist in pure and impure realms. Through your meditation upon guru yoga and the force of prayer, these appearances will become apparent. (pp. 114-115)


During the daytime, you should focus on whatever hidden passions or desires you may have in order to observe various realms of existence. For instance, while practicing, allow the mind to enter more natural states of awareness and then make prayers to observe various realms or to receive different types of instructions from different spiritual mentors. At night you should know that, if you're able to apprehend you dreams, then you can do anything with them. If you have wish in the daytime that you want to enter into the pure realms and receive teachings in those realms, then you need to bring that wish directly into the dream state, apprehend it and create it. Basically, that's how it's done.


Individuals with superior awareness will effortlessly and spontaneously accomplish this because of their previous habits and the rapid ripening of their prayers. If this does not occur and you find that you are having difficulty, then during the daytime, you need to imagine that your own body is pure illusory form (such as that of your own meditational deity), that you are flying swiftly up and throughout space, going here and there with very supple flexibility. If you imagine that you have these powers very strongly during the daytime, then at night in you dreams - because dreams are just extensions of daytime habitual tendencies - the same phenomena will occur. At first this will occur only vaguely, but gradually it will become more and more clear until the experience seems as real as you think ordinary daytime experiences are. (pp. 115-116)


Here there is a pitfall to be avoided, namely the tendency to develop spiritual pride. For instance, if one has been able to apprehend a dream, transform it into a visitation with a buddha or a journey to a pure realm, then one may also develop a strong tendency to want to boast about this accomplishment to others. There are many who are inclined to very quickly express what they think is a spiritual accomplishment to others, saying, "Oh, I was able to fly into space in my dream, and I had his accomplishment," and so on. The problem with that is, inasmuch as it was able to occur due to an ungrasping mind, if you then allow the grasping mind to cling to that state, you have created a stronger habit of grasping than you had before you started, which will completely block any further spiritual development. It is like building a big wall on the path. If you boast about your accomplishments in the dream state to people who have accomplished identitylessness of self and who keep their spiritual insights private, then they are easily able to see your impeded state of awareness. Inasmuch as you are probably trying to impress such people (whether they are your mentor or not), you will surely make a fool of yourself, unbeknownst to yourself. It is much more useful to remain silent.

文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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