作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com




文章SW » 2016-10-27, 22:34

文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Mandarava for Rinpoche

文章SW » 2016-11-12, 15:05

Dear Vajra Family,

The next Mandarava practice on webcast will be on November 14th at 4:00pm/16:00 (GMT+10) from Namgyalgar (Australia).

ATTENTION! This time we do the practice without Ganapuja since 4 hours later Rinpoche will do with us full moon Ganapuja (webcast).

Link: http://webcast.dzogchen.net/index.php?i ... g-together

This practice is dedicated to the health and long life of our Master, and all in need of healing.

We hope you can organize it in order to follow the practice together, joining our energies for the benefit of all sentient beings of the universe.

Long Life to our Precious Master!!!

Practicing Together Team
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

2016/11/29 Jigme Lingpa Ganapuja

文章SW » 2016-11-20, 15:08

Dear Vajra Family,

We encourage you to take part of the next
24 hours Jigme Lingpa Ganapuja Global Chain.
We will do this practice with the intention of supporting
the development of Dzamling Gar and specially the construction of the Gönpa.

Date: 29th November from 0:00 to 24:00h GMT+0

“Let’s Unite Our Strength and Capacity.
Dzogchen Communities, Unite all your Strength and Capacity”.
(from Dzamling Gar Song by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu)

Do you want to participate?


1. Register by filling the following questionnaire in: www.practicingtogether.org
(Please, when you register choose your time of practice in GMT+0. Check here to find equivalent time in your time zone.

2. We suggest, each practitioner -or group- to start the practice with Short Ganapuja as usually, when we Transform in GURU DRAGPHUR, we recite His mantra (around 21 or 108 times). This first, part will take15 minutes - you can choose to do it longer, according to your circumstances.

Then, after Guru Dragphur's mantra recitation, we start properly with JIGME LINGPA GANAPUJA recitation which should last 1 hour (the established time of registration). Please, start 5 mins before and finish 5 mins later your cover hour that will be the overlap between timeslot!

After that hour of Jigme Lingpa recitation, we can continue with The Song of Vajra, the 3rd Ganapuja and dedications of merits.

We hope that many practitioners can connect to this practice and we collect as much as possible merits for the support of Dzamling Gar Gönpa for the benefit of all sentients beings.

Join this event as part of the whole in the conscious manner and remember that we are not separated!

Thanks for your collaboration.

Long Life to our Precious Master!

Dzamling Gar & Practicing Together Team
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

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