作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com

A Dreamer/practioner 之謬思;《做夢的藝術》重新翻譯

Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。

卡斯塔尼達《做夢的藝術》校譯版 (2)-5

文章SW » 2012-03-13, 17:14

"I lent you my energy, and you reached your energy body," don Juan said matter-of-factly.
I heard him talk, but I was numb. An unusual itching on my solar plexus kept my breaths short and painful. I knew that I had been on the verge of finding something transcendental about dreaming and about the people I had seen, yet I could not bring whatever I knew into focus.

我聽到他講話,但我呆呆的。一股不尋常的騷癢在我太陽神經叢(solar plexus,胃部),使我呼吸急促而疼痛。我知道我已經在發現關於做夢和我看到的人超驗(transcendental)部分的邊緣,然而我卻無法讓任何我所知道的更清晰明確。

"Where were we, don Juan?" I asked. "Was it all a dream? A hypnotic state?"
"It wasn't a dream," he replied. "It was dreaming. I helped you reach the second attention so that you would understand intending as a subject not for your reason but for your energy body.
"At this point, you can't yet comprehend the import of all this, not only because you don't have sufficient energy but because you're not intending anything. If you were, your energy body would comprehend immediately that the only way to intend is by focusing your intent on whatever you want to intend. This time I focused it for you on reaching your energy body."


"Is the goal of dreaming to intend the energy body?" I asked, suddenly empowered by some strange reasoning.
"One can certainly put it that way," he said. "In this particular instance, since we're talking about the first gate of dreaming, the goal of dreaming is to intend that your energy body becomes aware that you are falling asleep. Don't try to force yourself to be aware of falling asleep. Let your energy body do it. To intend is to wish without wishing, to do without doing.


"Accept the challenge of intending," he went on. "Put your silent determination, without a single thought, into convincing yourself that you have reached your energy body and that you are a dreamer. Doing this will automatically put you in the position to be aware that you are falling asleep."


"How can I convince myself that I am a dreamer when I am not?"
"When you hear that you have to convince yourself, you automatically become more rational. How can you convince yourself you are a dreamer when you know you are not? Intending is both the act of convincing yourself you are indeed a dreamer, although you have never dreamt before, and the act of being convinced."


"Do you mean I have to tell myself I am a dreamer and try my best to believe it? Is that it?"
"No, it isn't. Intending is much simpler and, at the same time, infinitely more complex than that. It requires imagination, discipline, and purpose. In this case, to intend means that you get an unquestionable bodily knowledge that you are a dreamer. You feel you are a dreamer with all the cells of your body."


Don Juan added in a joking tone that he did not have sufficient energy to make me another loan for intending and that the thing to do was to reach my energy body on my own. He assured me that intending the first gate of dreaming was one of the means discovered by the sorcerers of antiquity for reaching the second attention and the energy body.


After telling me this, he practically threw me out of his house, commanding me not to come back until I had intended the first gate of dreaming.
I returned home, and every night for months I went to sleep intending with all my might to become aware that I was falling asleep and to see my hands in my dreams. The other part of the task - to convince myself that I was a dreamer and that I had reached my energy body - was totally impossible for me.

文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

卡斯塔尼達《做夢的藝術》校譯版 (2)-6

文章SW » 2012-03-13, 17:14

Then, one afternoon while taking a nap, I dreamt I was looking at my hands. The shock was enough to wake me up. It proved to be a unique dream that could not be repeated. Weeks went by, and I was unable either to become aware that I was falling asleep or to find my hands. I began to notice, however, that I was having in my dreams a vague feeling that there was something I should have been doing but could not remember. This feeling became so strong that it kept on waking me up at all hours of the night.


When I told don Juan about my futile attempts to cross the first gate of dreaming, he gave me some guidelines. "To ask a dreamer to find a determined item in his dreams is a subterfuge," he said. "The real issue is to become aware that one is falling asleep. And, strange as it may seem, that doesn't happen by commanding oneself to be aware that one is falling asleep but by sustaining the sight of whatever one is looking at in a dream."


He told me that dreamers take quick, deliberate glances at everything present in a dream. If they focus their dreaming attention on something specific, it is only as a point of departure. From there, dreamers move on to look at other items in the dream's content, returning to the point of departure as many times as possible.



夢中找手跟觀察自己入睡是兩個不同世界,我一度以為唐望說的是夢中知道自己在睡,那用 sleeping 就好了,不用使用 falling asleep、is falling asleep。但維持住夢中景象為何可以覺察自己入睡?除非英文錯了,要改成 「The real issue is to become aware that one is sleeping.」?


After a great effort, I indeed found hands in my dreams, but they never were mine. They were hands that only seemed to belong to me, hands that changed shape, becoming quite nightmarish at times. The rest of my dreams' content, nonetheless, was always pleasantly steady. I could almost sustain the view I of anything I focused my attention on.


It went on like this for months, until one day when my capacity to dream changed seemingly by itself. I had done nothing special besides my constant earnest determination to be aware that I was falling asleep and to find my hands.


I realistically walked in that town until I was completely exhausted. I saw everything I could have seen had I been a tourist walking through the streets of a city. And there was no difference whatsoever between that dream walk and any walk I had actually taken on the streets of a city I visited for the first time.


"I think you went a bit too far," don Juan said after listening to my account. "All that was required was your awareness of falling asleep. What you've done is equivalent to bringing a wall down just to squash a mosquito sitting on it."
"Do you mean, don Juan, that I flubbed it?"


"No. But apparently you're trying to repeat something you did before. When I made your assemblage point shift and you and I ended up in that mysterious city, you were not asleep. You were dreaming, but not asleep, meaning that your assemblage point didn't reach that position through a normal dream. I forced it to shift.
"You certainly can reach the same position through dreaming, but I wouldn't advise you to do that at this time."


"Is it dangerous?"
"And how! Dreaming has to be a very sober affair. No false movement can be afforded. Dreaming is a process of awakening, of gaining control. Our dreaming attention must be systematically exercised, for it is the door to the second attention."

文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

卡斯塔尼達《做夢的藝術》校譯版 (2)-7

文章SW » 2012-03-13, 17:14

"What's the difference between the dreaming attention and the second attention?"
"The second attention is like an ocean, and the dreaming attention is like a river feeding into it. The second attention is the condition of being aware of total worlds, total like our world is total, while the dreaming attention is the condition of being aware of the items of our dreams."


He heavily stressed that the dreaming attention is the key to every movement in the sorcerers' world. He said that among the multitude of items in our dreams, there exist real energetic interferences, things that have been put in our dreams extraneously, by an alien force. To be able to find them and follow them is sorcery.

他極力强調,做夢注意力是巫士世界(sorcerers' world)一切行動的關鍵。他說在我們夢中的衆多事項中,存在著真實的能量干擾——已被異類(alien)力量置入我們夢中的外來事物。能夠找出它們、尾隨它們的就是巫術(sorcery)。

The emphasis he put on those statements was so pronounced I that I had to ask him to explain them. He hesitated for a moment before answering.
"Dreams are, if not a door, a hatch into other worlds," he began. "As such, dreams are a two-way street. Our awareness goes through that hatch into other realms, and those other realms send scouts into our dreams."


"What are those scouts?"
"Energy charges that get mixed with the items of our normal dreams. They are bursts of foreign energy that come into our dreams, and we interpret them as items familiar or unfamiliar to us."


"I am sorry, don Juan, but I can't make heads or tails out of your explanation."
"You can't because you're insisting on thinking about dreams in terms known to you what occurs to us during sleep. And I am insisting on giving you another version a hatch into other realms of perception. Through that hatch, currents of unfamiliar energy seep in. Then the mind or the brain or whatever takes those currents of energy and turns them into parts of our dreams."


He paused, obviously to give my mind time to take in what he was telling me. "Sorcerers are aware of those currents of foreign energy," he continued. "They notice them and strive to isolate them from the normal items of their dreams."
"Why do they isolate them, don Juan?"
"Because they come from other realms. If we follow them to their source, they serve us as guides into areas of such mystery that sorcerers shiver at the mere mention of such a possibility."


"How do sorcerers isolate them from the normal items of their dreams?"
"By the exercise and control of their dreaming attention. At one moment, our dreaming attention discovers them among the items of a dream and focuses on them, then the total dream collapses, leaving only the foreign energy."






Don Juan refused to explain the topic any further. He went back to discussing my dreaming experience and said that, all in all, he had to take my dream as being my first genuine attempt at dreaming, and that this meant I had succeeded in reaching the first gate of dreaming.


(2011/09/14 01:31AM 修正)
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

卡斯塔尼達《做夢的藝術》校譯版 (2)-8

文章SW » 2012-03-13, 17:15

During another discussion, at a different time, he abruptly brought up the subject again. He said, "I'm going to repeat what you must do in your dreams in order to pass the first gate of dreaming. First you must focus your gaze on anything of your choice as the starting point. Then shift your gaze to other items and look at them in brief glances. Focus your gaze on as many things as you can. Remember that if you glance only briefly, the images don't shift. Then go back to the item you first looked at."


"What does it mean to pass the first gate of dreaming?"
"We reach the first gate of dreaming by becoming aware that we are falling asleep, or by having, like you did, a gigantically real dream. Once we reach the gate, we must cross it by being able to sustain the sight of any item of our dreams."
"I can almost look steadily at the items of my dreams, but they dissipate too quickly."


"This is precisely what I am trying to tell you. In order to offset the evanescent quality of dreams, sorcerers have devised the use of the starting point item. Every time you isolate it and look at it, you get a surge of energy, so at the beginning don't look at too many things in your dreams. Four items will suffice. Later on, you may enlarge the scope until you can cover all you want, but as soon as the images begin to shift and you feel you are losing control, go back to your starting point item and start all over again."


"Do you believe that I really reached the first gate of dreaming, don Juan?"
"You did, and that's a lot. You'll find out, as you go along, how easy it'll be to do dreaming now"
I thought don Juan was either exaggerating or giving me incentive. But he assured me he was being on the level.


"The most astounding thing that happens to dreamers," he said, "is that, on reaching the first gate, they also reach the energy body."
"What exactly is the energy body?"
"It's the counterpart of the physical body. A ghostlike configuration made of pure energy."
"But isn't the physical body also made out of energy?"
"Of course it is. The difference is that the energy body has only appearance but no mass. Since it's pure energy, it can perform acts that are beyond the possibilities of the physical body."


"Such as what for example, don Juan?"
"Such as transporting itself in one instant to the ends of the universe. And dreaming is the art of tempering the energy body, of making it supple and coherent by gradually exercising it.
"Through dreaming we condense the energy body until it's a unit capable of perceiving. Its perception, although affected by our normal way of perceiving the daily world, is an independent perception. It has its own sphere."


"What is that sphere, don Juan?"
"Energy. The energy body deals with energy in terms of energy. There are three ways in which it deals with energy in dreaming: it can perceive energy as it flows, or it can use energy to boost itself like a rocket into unexpected areas, or it can perceive as we ordinarily perceive the world." "What does it mean to perceive energy as it flows?"
"What does it mean to perceive energy as it flows?"
"It means to see. It means that the energy body sees energy directly as a light or as a vibrating current of sorts or as a disturbance. Or it feels it directly as a jolt or as a sensation that can even be pain."

文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

卡斯塔尼達《做夢的藝術》校譯版 (2)-9

文章SW » 2012-03-13, 17:15

"What about the other way you talked about, don Juan? The energy body using energy as a boost."
"Since energy is its sphere, it is no problem for the energy body to use currents of energy that exist in the universe to propel itself. All it has to do is isolate them, and off it goes with them."
He stopped talking and seemed to be undecided, as if he wanted to add something but was not sure about it. He smiled at me, and, just as I was beginning to ask him a question, he continued his explanation.


"I've mentioned to you before that sorcerers isolate in their dreams scouts from other realms," he said. "Their energy bodies do that. They recognize energy and go for it. But it isn't desirable for dreamers to indulge in searching for scouts. I was reluctant to tell you about it, because of the facility with which one can get swayed by that search."


Don Juan then quickly went on to another subject. He carefully outlined for me an entire block of practices. At the time, I found that on one level it was all incomprehensible to me, yet on another it was perfectly logical and understandable. He reiterated that reaching, with deliberate control, the first gate of dreaming is a way of arriving at the energy body. But to maintain that gain is predicated on energy alone. Sorcerers get that energy by redeploying, in a more intelligent manner, the energy they have and use for perceiving the daily world.


When I urged don Juan to explain it more clearly, he added that we all have a determined quantity of basic energy. That quantity is all the energy we have, and we use all of it for perceiving and dealing with our engulfing world. He repeated various times, to emphasize it, that there is no more energy for us anywhere and, since our available energy is already engaged, there is not a single bit left in us for any extraordinary perception, such as dreaming.


"Where does that leave us?" I asked.
"It leaves us to scrounge energy for ourselves, wherever we can find it," he replied.
Don Juan explained that sorcerers have a scrounging method. They intelligently redeploy their energy by cutting down anything they consider superfluous in their lives. They call this method the sorcerers' way. In essence, the sorcerers' way, as don Juan put it, is a chain of behavioral choices for dealing with the world, choices much more intelligent than those our progenitors taught us. These sorcerers' choices are designed to revamp our lives by altering our basic reactions about being alive.

唐望解釋說,巫士有一套搜集的方法。他們藉由去掉任何他們認為在他們生活中不必要的事物,聰明地重新分配他們的能量,他們稱此方法為巫士行徑(sorcerers' way)。實質上,巫士行徑——如唐望所說的那樣——是一系列應付這世界的行為選擇,這些選擇要比我們先祖教導我們的更為明智。透過修改我們面臨活著的基本反應,這些巫士的選擇被設計來改造我們的生活。

"What are those basic reactions?" I asked.
"There are two ways of facing our being alive," he said. "One is to surrender to it, either by acquiescing to its demands or by fighting those demands. The other is by molding our particular life situation to fit our own configurations."
"Can we really mold our life situation, don Juan?"
"One's particular life situation can be molded to fit one's specifications," don Juan insisted. "Dreamers do that. A wild statement? Not really, if you consider how little we know about ourselves."


He said that his interest, as a teacher, was to get me thoroughly involved with the themes of life and being alive; that is to say, with the difference between life, as a consequence of biological forces, and the act of being alive, as a matter of cognition.

文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

卡斯塔尼達《做夢的藝術》校譯版 (2)-10

文章SW » 2012-03-13, 17:16

"When sorcerers talk about molding one's life situation," don Juan explained, "they mean molding the awareness of being alive. Through molding this awareness, we can get enough energy to reach and sustain the energy body, and with it we can certainly mold the total direction and consequences of our lives."


Don Juan ended our conversation about dreaming admonishing me not merely to think about what he had told me but to turn his concepts into a viable way of life by a process of repetition. He claimed that everything new in our lives, such as the sorcerers' concepts he was teaching me, must be repeated to us to the point of exhaustion before we open ourselves to it. He pointed out that repetition is the way our progenitors socialized us to function in the daily world.


As I continued my dreaming practices, I gained the capability of being thoroughly aware that I was falling asleep as well as the capability of stopping in a dream to examine at will anything that was part of that dream's content. To experience this was for me no less than miraculous.


Don Juan stated that as we tighten the control over our dreams, we tighten the mastery over our dreaming attention. He was right in saying that the dreaming attention comes into play when it is called, when it is given a purpose. Its coming into play is not really a process, as one would normally understand a process an ongoing system of operations or a series of actions or functions that bring about an end result. It is rather an awakening. Something dormant becomes suddenly functional.


文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2012-03-13, 17:17


我跟已經轉向薩滿巫醫修習的做夢者班成員 Joyce 說,無論今天我在哪個領域修學,做夢(Dreaming)都是我唯一也是最有效的修行方式,也是我最勝任的。當我在佛法領域裡感到無力、煩雜到幾乎失去力量,我就會回來溫習「唐望」。


1. 睡法:兩段式睡眠,第一段睡飽五小時,起來活動一下,再去睡。因為睡飽了之後再睡,會睡得比較淺和輕(light) ,很容易有清明夢、半清明等級的夢。

2. 意願:用力的意願自己要覺察入睡(或是意願要出體)。保持無念,慢慢放鬆,以等待的心情,觀察自己入睡。資深佛友說無念看中脈,你可以將注意力放在心輪。

3. 等待:於你觀察自己的這份注意力會持續到肉體睡著,試試揮動你的手,如果揮得動,那表示你還沒睡著;覺得手有千金重,表示你還睡不夠熟,就繼續等待,稍候再試。

4. 試探:等身體完全睡著,你揮動手覺得動,但動的不是你的肉體而是做夢體,這時你就可以「出體」。

5. 出體:試著拔出來,由於肉體的禁錮,一開始的過程都在拔出體的掙扎,不管你有撕裂或斷開或什麼銀帶還什麼帶綁著,不用管,無論什麼姿勢能出來睡覺的身體就好。

6. 維持:一開始的做夢體必須像嬰兒一樣學習,不過首先面對的是你的做夢注意力。若你確實在你的房間從床上那個身體出來,首先確認你的房間。一開始影像極不穩定,好像跟你之間會有拉鋸,因為你還不熟悉聚合點移動後的聚合,你要極力維持住你房間的影像。這第一課。

7. 看手:你可以加入看手,使你初生的做夢注意力得以穩定。由於出來的是你的房間,你對景物再熟悉不過,你可以試著快速檢視房間內一切內容物,如果有不對的地方試著想出來、變出來。(由於此時的影像純粹是能量的聚合,你不能聚合就顯現不出來。)這第二課。做夢注意力渙散或你快要失去視覺就回來看手。你也可以看手一次看房間一點,再看手、再看房間另一點,如此以看手交錯進行觀察房間這件事。

8. 準備換景:當然這時候你已經在房間走動,要認清做夢體不是靠腳行走,最便捷的移動方式是飛行。上面玩盡你房間之後,做夢注意力也差不多穩固,我們就要練習再次移動聚合點。朝窗或門衝出去,離開第一個場景。之後去哪裡不管,眼睛一閉就往外衝,所有景物不是能量就是投射,兩者都不是堅固的實質物,所以沒有東西可以阻攔你。


9. 營養及能量:平常多吃優質蛋白質,減少消耗能量之日常事物、節制情緒和與人交往,才有能量能夠夢修。

文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: A Dreamer/practioner 之謬思;《做夢的藝術》重新翻譯

文章musicopen » 2012-06-29, 10:26




文章SW » 2012-06-29, 14:37

musicopen 寫:我想問的是,那些“夢”真的是夢嗎?這樣觀看眉心映像的方式能否算是一種觀察自己入睡的方法呢?


1. 試著進入夢,然後離開。可以用晃手看看自己身體進來夢境了沒,當然進來夢境後,夢就是 360 度全像式(全景式);你若沒有入夢,夢就是透過你的意識心觀察到的一格景窗。

2. 有時候無法進入夢,但你仍然具有意識,有映象出現表示你的身體已經很放鬆屬於催眠狀態,這時也可以直接離開身體出來,便是直接出體。

文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章musicopen » 2012-07-01, 15:49

SW 寫:
musicopen 寫:我想問的是,那些“夢”真的是夢嗎?這樣觀看眉心映像的方式能否算是一種觀察自己入睡的方法呢?


1. 試著進入夢,然後離開。可以用晃手看看自己身體進來夢境了沒,當然進來夢境後,夢就是 360 度全像式(全景式);你若沒有入夢,夢就是透過你的意識心觀察到的一格景窗。

2. 有時候無法進入夢,但你仍然具有意識,有映象出現表示你的身體已經很放鬆屬於催眠狀態,這時也可以直接離開身體出來,便是直接出體。



對於這個觀看眉心映像的方式,自己用起來雖然很不費力,但是每次都十分容易睡著覺。有時候甚至是因為為了看到映像,然後就把注意力集中在“看映像”的這件事情上面。我感覺自己在這裡好像偏離了唐望的“意願”的做法,但同時我又不得不承認這個“看映像”的方式能快速而有效地讓我接近睡夢狀態。不知道老師你對此有何看法?唐望所謂的“意願” (intend)的核心是什麼?



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