作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com

唐望故事—做夢篇 REVIEW

Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-31

文章SW » 2023-04-22, 16:02






「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-31











《老鷹的贈予》pp. 68-70,重譯

Don Juan had told me that there was no point in emphasizing the trials. He gave me a rule of thumb. If I should have the same vision three times, he said, I had to pay extraordinary attention to it. Otherwise, a neophyte's attempts were merely a stepping stone to building the second attention.

I dreamed once that I woke up and jumped out of bed only to be confronted by myself still sleeping in bed. I watched myself asleep, and had the self-control to remember that I was dreaming. I followed then the directions don Juan had given me, which were to avoid sudden jolts or surprises, and to take everything with a grain of salt.

The dreamer has to get involved, don Juan had said, in dispassionate experimentations. Rather than examining his sleeping body, the dreamer walks out of the room.

Some form of attentiveness was required to maintain the bounds of my vision; to prevent it from disintegrating into the fleeting images of an ordinary dream.

Then I recalled that I had gotten out of my room by gliding out of it as if the door had been open. All I needed was to recall that feeling of gliding and suddenly I was out in the street.

I had no mechanism, as in ordinary life, to arrange my perception. Everything was there in the foreground and I had no volition to construct an adequate screening procedure.

I stayed in the street, bewildered, until I began to have the sensation that I was levitating. I held on to the metal pole that supported the light and the street sign on the corner. A strong breeze was lifting me up. I was sliding up the pole until I could plainly see the name of the street; Ashton.

Months later, when I again found myself in a dream looking at my sleeping body, I already had a repertoire of things to do. In the course of my regular dreaming I had learned that what matters in that state was volition. The corporeality of the body has no significance: It is simply a memory that slows down the dreamer.

I glided out of the room without hesitation, since I did not have to act out the motions of opening a door or walking in order to move.

I realized that if I did not stare at things, but only glanced at them just as we do in our daily world, I could arrange my perception. In other words, if I followed don Juan's suggestions to the letter, and took my dreaming for granted, I could use the perceptual biases of my everyday life. After a few moments the scenery became, if not completely familiar, controllable.
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-32

文章SW » 2023-05-06, 14:33



「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-32

拉葛達聽了我的報告後說,這次我肯定失去了我的人類形象(lost my human form);我已經丟棄了所有的或者大部份的盾牌。她是對的。不知道是怎麼回事,甚至沒有意識到發生了什麼,我發現自己處於一種最陌生的狀態中。我感到超然(detached),無偏袒(unbiased)。











《老鷹的贈予》pp. 138-139,重譯

La Gorda, upon hearing my report, said that this time for certain I had lost my human form; that I had dropped all my shields, or most of them. She was right. Without knowing how or even realizing what had happened, I found myself in a most unfamiliar state. I felt detached; unbiased.
It did not matter what la Gorda had done to me. It was not that I had forgiven her for her reproachable behavior with me. It was as if there had never been any betrayal. There was no overt or covert rancor left in me for la Gorda, or for anyone else.

What I felt was not a willed indifference, nor negligence to act. Neither was it alienation, nor even the desire to be alone. Rather, it was an alien feeling of aloofness; a capability of immersing myself in the moment, and of having no thoughts whatever about anything else.

People's actions no longer affected me because I had no more expectations of any kind. A strange peace became the ruling force in my life. I felt I had somehow adopted one of the concepts of a warrior's life: detachment.

La Gorda said that I had done more than adopt it: I had actually embodied it.

Don Juan and I had had long discussions on the possibility that someday I would do just that. He had said that detachment did not automatically mean wisdom, but that it was, nonetheless, an advantage because it allowed the warrior to pause momentarily to reassess situations; to reconsider positions. In order to use that extra moment consistently and correctly, however, he said that a warrior had to struggle unyieldingly for a lifetime.

I had despaired that I would never experience that feeling. As far as I could determine, there was no way to improvise it. It had been useless for me to think about its benefits, or to reason out the possibilities of its advent.

During the years I had known don Juan, I certainly experienced a steady lessening of personal ties with the world; but that had taken place on an intellectual plane. In my everyday life, I was unchanged until the moment I lost my human form.

I speculated with la Gorda that the concept of losing the human form refers to a bodily condition that besets the apprentice upon his reaching a certain threshold in the course of training.

Be that as it may, the end result of losing the human form for la Gorda and myself, oddly enough, was not only the sought-after and coveted sense of detachment, but also the fulfillment of our elusive task of remembering.

And again in this case, the intellect played a minimal part.
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 唐望故事—做夢篇 REVIEW

文章SW » 2023-05-20, 15:41





[color=#800000]有關參與共同夢的夢者所見之差異,丹增嘉措活佛所著《夢的修行》中提到:「以前,烏金巴大師、達絲巴大師和察瓊巴喇嘛三位一同相約,在當天晚上共赴同一剎土。兩位大師因夢修法成就甚高,所見景象別無二致,而察瓊巴喇嘛夢修成就程度一般,他之所見與他兩就略有出入。」(2006/04/20 Journal)


「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-33



「我們可以共同做夢(dreaming together),」她回答,「我的身體告訴我,我們已經做過了。我們曾經一起進入做夢。這對我們來說是家常便飯,就像我們共同看見一樣。」



「我們應該從盡可能相隔最遠的兩個不同地方開始做夢。先進入做夢的人要等待對方。一旦我們找到彼此,我們就要勾住手臂(interlock our arms),一起更深入做夢。」









《老鷹的贈予》pp. 155-157,重譯

"What kind of dreaming do you propose we should do?" she asked.

"How many kinds are there?" I asked.

"We could do dreaming together," she replied. "My body tells me that we have done this already. We have gone into dreaming as a team. It'll be a cinch for us- as it was for us to see together."

"But we don't know what the procedure is to do dreaming together," I said.

"We didn't know how to see together and yet we saw," she said. "I'm sure that if we try we can do it, because there are no steps to anything a warrior does. There is only personal power. And right now we have it.

"We should start out dreaming from two different places as far away as possible from each other. The one who goes into dreaming first waits for the other. Once we find each other, we interlock our arms and go deeper in together."

I told her that I had no idea how to wait for her if I went into dreaming ahead of her. She herself could not explain what was involved, but she said that to wait for the other dreamer was what Josefina had described as 'snatching' them. La Gorda had been snatched by Josefina twice.

"The reason Josefina called it snatching was because one of us had to grab the other by the arm," she explained.

She demonstrated then a procedure of interlocking her left forearm with my right forearm by each of us grabbing hold of the area below each other's elbows.

"How can we do that in dreaming?" I asked.

I personally considered dreaming one of the most private states imaginable.

"I don't know how, but I'll grab you," la Gorda said. "I think my body knows how. The more we talk about it, though, the more difficult it seems to be."

We started off our dreaming from two distant locations. We could agree only on the time to lie down since the entrance into dreaming was something impossible to prearrange. The foreseeable possibility that I might have to wait for la Gorda gave me a great deal of anxiety, and I could not enter into dreaming with my customary ease.

After some ten to fifteen minutes of restlessness I finally succeeded in going into a state I call restful vigil.
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-34

文章SW » 2023-06-03, 16:13






另外,最後一段唐望難得講到「自利利他」(破除自私自利)。所以可見唐望他們也不是修獨覺的,他們是另外一種形式的大圓滿同修會,尤其一個擁有四區能量的 Nagual,必須要照顧其餘符合傳統方位配置的組員。他們也是有四大方位的,各有其屬性,非常類似五方佛的五種智慧這種。

雖然他們沒有廣大地對其他麻瓜開放傳承教法,但組員彼此還是必須同心協力,更要將這樣的四方配置結構傳承下去,如此歷經了 26 代,也是很不容易。

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-34



「靜態的守夜」(restful vigil,寧靜的守夜)是初步的狀態;在這個狀態下,感官處於休眠,但人仍然保有意識。就我而言,於此狀態,我總是會感知到一片紅色的光;就像是面對太陽緊閉眼皮所看到的光。

做夢的第二種狀態,我稱之為「動態的守夜」(dynamic vigil)。在這種狀態下,紅色的光消散了,就像霧消散一樣,一個人被留下來看著一個場景,某種靜態的畫面。他會看到一個三度空間的影像、某種凍結的事物、風景、街道、房屋,某個人、某張臉,或任何東西。

我稱第三種狀態為「被動的目擊」(passive witnessing)。在其中,做夢者不再是看著一個凍結的世界,而是在觀察;在事件發生時親眼目睹。就好像以視覺與聽覺優先,而使這種做夢狀態成為主要是眼睛與耳朵的事情。

第四種狀態是我被吸引採取行動的狀態。在其中,一個人被驅使去冒險、去想方設法,充分利用自己〔夢中〕的時間。我稱此狀態為「主動的參與」(dynamic initiative,動態主動性)。

拉葛達提議要等我的事,是與我們「共同做夢」的第二、第三狀態有關。當我進入第二狀態「動態的守夜」時,我會看到唐望與其他一些人的做夢場景(dreaming scene),包括一個肥胖的葛達。




《老鷹的贈予》pp. 157-158,重譯

Years before, when I had acquired a degree of experience in dreaming, I had asked don Juan if there were any known steps which were common to all of us. He had told me that in the final analysis every dreamer was different.

But in talking with la Gorda I discovered such similarities in our experiences of dreaming that I ventured a possible classificatory scheme of the different stages.

Restful vigil is the preliminary state; a state in which the senses become dormant and yet one is aware. In my case, I had always perceived in this state a flood of reddish light; a light exactly like what one sees facing the sun with the eyelids tightly closed.

The second state of dreaming I called dynamic vigil. In this state the reddish light dissipates, as fog dissipates, and one is left looking at a scene, a tableau of sorts, which is static. One sees a three-dimensional picture, a frozen bit of something, a landscape, a street, a house, a person, a face, or anything.

I called the third state passive witnessing. In it the dreamer is no longer viewing a frozen bit of the world but is observing; eyewitnessing an event as it occurs. It is as if the primacy of the visual and auditory senses makes this state of dreaming mainly an affair of the eyes and ears.

The fourth state was the one in which I was drawn to act. In it one is compelled to enterprise; to take steps; to make the most of one's time. I called this state dynamic initiative.

La Gorda's proposition of waiting for me had to do with affecting the second and third states of our dreaming together. When I entered into the second state, dynamic vigil, I saw a dreaming scene of don Juan and various other persons, including a fat Gorda.
Before I even had time to consider what I was viewing, I felt a tremendous pull on my arm and I realized that the 'real' Gorda was by my side. She was to my left and had gripped my right forearm with her left hand. I clearly felt her lifting my hand to her forearm so that we were gripping each other's forearms.

Next, I found myself in the third state of dreaming, passive witnessing. Don Juan was telling me that I had to look after la Gorda and take care of her in a most selfish fashion- that is, as if she were my own self.

Don Juan said that the surest way to harness selfishness was through the daily activities of our lives; that I was efficient in whatever I did because I had no one to bug the devil out of me, and that it was no challenge to me to soar like an arrow by myself. If I were given the task of taking care of la Gorda, however, my independent effectiveness would go to pieces, and in order to survive I would have to extend my selfish concern for myself to include la Gorda. Only through helping her, don Juan was saying in the most emphatic tone, would I find the clues for the fulfillment of my true task.
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-35

文章SW » 2023-06-24, 16:41



後面卡氏還會講到多重畫面可以選一進入,就好像你同時有很多跳出視窗,但你擇定其一進入,就會有身歷其境的感受。但在心境上,始終保持一個旁觀者的角色,可能跟戴上 VR 眼鏡差不多。

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-35

我發覺我可以同時有兩種不同的感覺:我可以進入做夢場景(dreaming scene)中,感覺自己正在找回久違的情感;或者我也可以用目前生活的心境來目睹這一幕。當我置身於做夢場景時,我感到安全和受到保護;當我以目前的心境來目睹時,我感到失落、沒安全感和痛苦。我不喜歡目前的心境,於是我就投入我的做夢場景中。






《老鷹的贈予》pp. 159-161,重譯

I became aware that I could have two different feelings at the same time. I could either go into the dreaming scene and feel that I was recovering a long-lost sentiment, or I could witness the scene with the mood that was current in my life. When I plunged into the dreaming scene I felt secure and protected. When I witnessed it with my current mood I felt lost, insecure, and anguished. I did not like my current mood, so I plunged into my dreaming scene.

I had become so thoroughly immersed in the dreaming scene that I had forgotten I was a dreamer. A sudden pressure on my arm reminded me that I was dreaming. I felt la Gorda's presence next to me, but without seeing her.

She was there only as a touch; a tactile sensation on my forearm. I focused my attention on it. It felt like a solid grip on me, and then la Gorda as a whole person materialized; as if she were made of superimposed frames of photographic film. It was like trick photography in a movie. The dreaming scene dissolved. Instead, la Gorda and I were looking at each other with our forearms interlocked.

In unison, we again focused our attention on the dreaming scene we had been witnessing. At that moment I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that both of us had been viewing the same thing.

Now don Juan was saying something to la Gorda, but I could not hear him. My attention was being pulled back and forth between the third state of dreaming, passive witnessing, and the second, dynamic vigil. I was for a moment with don Juan, a fat Gorda, and sixteen other people, and the next moment I was with the current Gorda watching a frozen scene.

Then a drastic jolt in my body brought me to still another level of attention. I felt something like the cracking of a dry piece of wood. It was a minor explosion, yet it sounded more like an extraordinarily loud cracking of knuckles. I found myself in the first state of dreaming, restful vigil. I was asleep and yet thoroughly aware. I wanted to stay for as long as I could in that peaceful stage, but another jolt made me wake up instantly. I had suddenly realized that la Gorda and I had dreamed together.
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-36

文章SW » 2023-07-08, 16:57




「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-36






這個殘留的意識,唐望稱之為第二注意力,是透過一些「不做」的練習來帶入行動或被駕馭。我們認為對做夢的最重要輔助,是一種內在寂靜(mental quietness)的狀態,唐望稱之為「停止內在對話』或「自言自語的不做」。

為了教我如何掌握它,他常常讓我走上好幾英里,目光不對焦地集中於地平線上,以便強調周邊視覺(peripheral view)。他的方法在兩方面是有效的:經過多年的嘗試,它讓我停止了內在對話,並訓練了我的注意力。藉由強迫我專注於周邊視覺,唐望增強了我長時間專注於單一行動的能力。




《老鷹的贈予》pp. 163-165,重譯

The next day we arranged a time for another session of dreaming together. She started from her bedroom and I from my study, but nothing happened. We became exhausted merely trying to enter into dreaming. For weeks after that we tried to achieve again the effectiveness of our first performance, but without any success. With every failure we became more desperate and greedy.

In the face of our impasse, I decided that we should postpone our dreaming together for the time being and take a closer look at the process of dreaming and analyze its concepts and procedures.

La Gorda did not agree with me at first. For her, the idea of reviewing what we knew about dreaming was another way of succumbing to despair and greed. She preferred to keep on trying even if we did not succeed. I persisted and she finally accepted my point of view out of the sheer sense of being lost.

One night we sat down and, as casually as we could, we began to discuss what we knew about dreaming. It quickly became obvious that there were some core topics which don Juan had given special emphasis.

First was the act itself. It seemed to begin as a unique state of awareness arrived at by focusing the residue of consciousness, which one still has when asleep, on the elements, or the features of one's dreams.

The residue of consciousness, which don Juan called the second attention, was brought into action, or was harnessed, through exercises of not-doing. We thought that the essential aid to dreaming was a state of mental quietness which don Juan had called 'stopping the internal dialogue', or the 'not doing of talking to oneself.

To teach me how to master it, he used to make me walk for miles with my eyes held fixed and out of focus at a level just above the horizon so as to emphasize the peripheral view. His method was effective on two counts. It allowed me to stop my internal dialogue after years of trying, and it trained my attention. By forcing me to concentrate on the peripheral view, don Juan reinforced my capacity to concentrate for long periods of time on one single activity.

Later on, when I had succeeded in controlling my attention and could work for hours at a chore without distraction- a thing I had never before been able to do- he told me that the best way to enter into dreaming was to concentrate on the area just at the tip of the sternum; at the top of the belly. He said that the attention needed for dreaming stems from that area.

The energy needed in order to move and to seek in dreaming stems from the area an inch or two below the belly button. He called that energy the will, or the power to select; to assemble.

In a woman both the attention and the energy for dreaming originate from the womb.
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-37

文章SW » 2023-07-22, 16:37




「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-37










《老鷹的贈予》pp. 165-166,重譯

"A woman's dreaming has to come from her womb because that's her center," la Gorda said. "In order for me to start dreaming or to stop it, all I have to do is place my attention on my womb. I've learned to feel the inside of it. I see a reddish glow for an instant and then I'm off."

"How long does it take you to get to see that reddish glow?" I asked.

"A few seconds. The moment my attention is on my womb I'm already into dreaming" she continued. "I never toil; not ever. Women are like that. The most difficult part for a woman is to learn how to begin. It took me a couple of years to stop my internal dialogue by concentrating my attention on my womb. Perhaps that's why a woman always needs someone else to prod her.

"The Nagual Juan Matus used to put cold, wet river pebbles on my belly to get me to feel that area. Or he would place a weight on it. I had a chunk of lead that he got for me. He would make me close my eyes and focus my attention on the spot where the weight was. I used to fall asleep every time. But that didn't bother him.

It doesn't really matter what one does as long as the attention is on the womb. Finally I learned to concentrate on that spot without anything being placed on it. I went into dreaming one day all by myself.

I was feeling my belly, at the spot where the Nagual had placed the weight so many times, when all of a sudden I fell asleep as usual, except that something pulled me right into my womb. I saw the reddish glow and I then had a most beautiful dream. But as soon as I tried to tell it to the Nagual, I knew that it had not been an ordinary dream. There was no way of telling him what the dream was. I had just felt very happy and strong. He said it had been dreaming.

"From then on he never put a weight on me. He let me do dreaming without interfering. He asked me from time to time to tell him about it. Then he would give me pointers. That's the way the instruction in dreaming should be conducted."

La Gorda said that don Juan told her that anything may suffice as a not-doing to help dreaming, providing that it forces the attention to remain fixed. For instance, he made her and all the other apprentices gaze at leaves and rocks, and encouraged Pablito to construct his own not-doing device.

Pablito started off with the not-doing of walking backwards. He would move by taking short glances to his sides in order to direct his path and to avoid obstacles on the way. I gave him the idea of using a rearview mirror and he expanded it into the construction of a wooden helmet with an attachment that held two small mirrors, about six inches away from his face and two inches below his eye level. The two mirrors did not interfere with his frontal view, and due to the lateral angle at which they were set, they covered the whole range behind him. Pablito boasted that he had a 360-degree peripheral view of the world. Aided by this artifact, Pablito could walk backwards for any distance, or any length of time.
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-38

文章SW » 2023-08-05, 17:28





「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-38




這點引發他對於第二注意力的描述。唐望向我們解釋說,一個人在做夢開始時需要的注意力,必須強迫它專注在夢中任何既定事物(any given item)上。唯有使我們的注意力固定不動(immobilizing),才能把普通夢變成做夢

而且,他還解釋說,在做夢時,我們必須使用與日常生活中相同的注意力機制。我們的第一注意力被教導要以強大的力量專注在這世界的事物上,以便將非定形的、混亂的感知範圍轉變為條理有序的意識世界(world of awareness)。


唐望對第二注意力的討論為另一個重要課題奠定了基礎,那就是做夢體(dreaming body)。唐望給了拉葛達一個任務,讓她把第二注意力盡可能穩定地固定在做夢中飛行的感覺上,作為引導她達到目標的一種方法。



《老鷹的贈予》pp. 167-168 重譯

Another topic of great significance was the time to do dreaming. Don Juan had told us that the late night or early morning hours were by far the best. His reason for favoring those hours was what he called a practical application of the sorcerers' knowledge.

He said that since one has to do dreaming within a social milieu, one has to seek the best possible conditions of solitude and lack of interference. The interference he was referring to had to do with the attention of people, and not their physical presence.

For don Juan it was meaningless to retreat from the world and hide, for even if one were alone in an isolated, deserted place, the interference of our fellow men is prevalent because the fixation of their first attention cannot be shut off. Only locally, at the hours when most people are asleep, can one avert part of that fixation for a short period of time. It is at those times that the first attention of those around us is dormant.

This led to his description of the second attention. Don Juan explained to us that the attention one needs in the beginning of dreaming has to be forcibly made to stay on any given item in a dream. Only through immobilizing our attention can one turn an ordinary dream into dreaming.

He explained, furthermore, that in dreaming one has to use the same mechanisms of attention as in everyday life; that our first attention had been taught to focus on the items of the world with great force in order to turn the amorphous and chaotic realm of perception into the orderly world of awareness.

Don Juan also told us that the second attention served the function of a beckoner; a caller of chances. The more it is exercised, the greater the possibility of getting the desired result. But that was also the function of attention in general; a function so taken for granted in our daily life that it has become unnoticeable. If we encounter a fortuitous occurrence, we talk about it in terms of accident or coincidence, rather than in terms of our attention having beckoned the event.

Don Juan's discussion of the second attention prepared the ground for another key topic; the dreaming body. As a means of guiding la Gorda to it, don Juan gave her the task of immobilizing her second attention as steadily as she could on the components of the feeling of flying in dreaming.
"How did you learn to fly in dreaming?" I asked her. "Did someone teach you?"

"The Nagual Juan Matus taught me on this earth," she replied. "And in dreaming, someone I could never see taught me. It was only a voice telling me what to do. The Nagual gave me the task of learning to fly in dreaming, and the voice taught me how to do it. Then it took me years to teach myself to shift from my regular body, the one you can touch, to my dreaming body."
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 唐望故事—做夢篇 REVIEW

文章SW » 2023-08-19, 15:35





「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-39







「我想他是要我自己去發現,我需要將注意力集中於飛行上,才能轉換成做夢體。重要的是在做夢中儲存注意力;觀察我在飛行中所做的一切,那是培養我第二注意力的唯一方法。一旦它穩固後,只要把它稍微集中在細節和飛行的感覺上,就會帶來更多的飛行做夢(flying dreaming),直到我經常夢到自己在空中翱翔。


「第一注意力,即造成這世界的注意力,是永遠無法完全克服的;它只能暫時關閉,由第二注意力取代——前提是身體已經儲存了足夠的第二注意力。做夢自然是一種儲存第二注意力的方式。所以,我可以說,為了在清醒時轉換進入你的做夢體,你必須練習做夢直到多到不行為止(until it comes out your ears)。」



《老鷹的贈予》pp. 168-170 重譯

"You were learning to get to your dreaming body when you dreamed that you got out of your body," she continued. "But, the way I see it, the Nagual did not give you any specific task, so you went any old way you could.

"I, on the other hand, was given the task of using my dreaming body. The little sisters had the same task. In my case, I once had a dream where I flew like a kite. I told the Nagual about it because I had liked the feeling of gliding. He took it very seriously and turned it into a task. He said that as soon as one learns to do dreaming, any dream that one can remember is no longer a dream. It's dreaming.

"When I had learned to fly perfectly, the Nagual told me that every movement of flying which I did in dreaming I had to repeat while I was awake.

I showed you my flying once because I wanted you to see that I had learned to use my dreaming body, but you didn't know what was going on."

She was referring to a time she had scared me with the incomprehensible act of actually bobbing up and down in the air like a kite.

"I think the Nagual must have told you, too," she said, "that the only thing that really counts in making that shift is anchoring the second attention. The Nagual said that attention is what makes the world. He was of course absolutely right. He had reasons to say that. He was the master of attention.

I suppose he left it up to me to find out that all I needed to shift into my dreaming body was to focus my attention on flying. What was important was to store attention in dreaming; to observe everything I did in flying. That was the only way of grooming my second attention. Once it was solid, just to focus it lightly on the details and feeling of flying brought more dreaming of flying until it was routine for me to dream I was soaring through the air.

"In the matter of flying, then, my second attention was keen. When the Nagual gave me the task of shifting to my dreaming body he meant for me to turn on my second attention while I was awake. This is the way I understand it.

"The first attention, the attention that makes the world, can never be completely overcome. It can only be turned off for a moment and replaced with the second attention- providing that the body has stored enough of the second attention. Dreaming is naturally a way of storing the second attention. So, I would say that in order to shift into your dreaming body when awake you have to practice dreaming until it comes out your ears."

"Can you get to your dreaming body any time you want?" I asked.

"No. It's not that easy," she replied. "I've learned to repeat the movements and feelings of flying while I'm awake, and yet I can't fly every time I want to. There is always a barrier to my dreaming body. Sometimes I feel that the barrier is down. My body is free at those times and I can fly as if I were dreaming."
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-40

文章SW » 2023-09-02, 19:54





「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-40



接著他建議我選擇一個地點,集中注意力,然後在白天做夢,看看我是否真的可以去到那裡。他建議我應該安排一個我認識的人在現場,最好是女人,以便做兩件事:第一是驗證我正在做夢的細微變化;第二,是隔離不引人注意的細節,這正是我的第二注意力會歸零的地方。(second, to isolate unobtrusive detail, which would be precisely what my second attention would zero in on.)




為了說明第二注意力的控制,唐望提出了「意志」(will)的概念。他說意志可以描述為把身體的明晰(the luminosity of the body)當成一個能量場(a field of energy)的最大控制;或者它可以被描述為一種熟練程度,或者在任何特定時間突然進入戰士日常生活的一種存在狀態。它被體驗為一種力量,在最絕對的寂靜時,或純粹的恐懼時,或片刻的深深悲傷之後,從身體中央部位散發出來;但不是片刻的快樂之後,因為快樂太過破壞性,無法提供戰士所需的專注去利用身體的明晰並將之轉為寂靜。





《老鷹的贈予》pp. 171-172 重譯

I told la Gorda that in my case don Juan gave me three tasks to train my second attention.

The first was to find my hands in dreaming.

Next he recommended that I should choose a locale, focus my attention on it, and then do daytime dreaming and find out if I could really go there. He suggested that I should place someone I knew at the site, preferably a woman, in order to do two things; first to check subtle changes that might indicate that I was there in dreaming, and second, to isolate unobtrusive detail, which would be precisely what my second attention would zero in on.

The most serious problem the dreamer has in this respect is the unbending fixation of the second attention on detail that would be thoroughly undetected by the attention of everyday life, creating in this manner a nearly insurmountable obstacle to validation. What one seeks in dreaming is not what one would pay attention to in everyday life.

Don Juan said that one strives to immobilize the second attention only in the learning period. After that, one has to fight the almost invincible pull of the second attention and give only cursory glances at everything. In dreaming one has to be satisfied with the briefest possible views of everything. As soon as one focuses on anything, one loses control.

The last generalized task he gave me was to get out of my body. I had partially succeeded, and all along I had considered it my only real accomplishment in dreaming. Don Juan left before I had perfected the feeling in dreaming that I could handle the world of ordinary affairs while I was dreaming. His departure interrupted what I thought was going to be an unavoidable overlapping of my dreaming time into my world of everyday life.

To elucidate the control of the second attention, don Juan presented the idea of will. He said that will can be described as the maximum control of the luminosity of the body as a field of energy; or it can be described as a level of proficiency, or a state of being that comes abruptly into the daily life of a warrior at any given time.

It is experienced as a force that radiates out of the middle part of the body following a moment of the most absolute silence, or a moment of sheer terror, or profound sadness; but not after a moment of happiness, because happiness is too disruptive to afford the warrior the concentration needed to use the luminosity of the body and turn it into silence.

"The Nagual told me that for a human being, sadness is as powerful as terror," la Gorda said. "Sadness makes a warrior shed tears of blood. Both can bring the moment of silence. Or the silence comes of itself, because the warrior tries for it throughout his life."

"Have you ever felt that moment of silence yourself?" I asked.

"I have, by all means, but I can't remember what it is like," she said. "You and I have both felt it before and neither of us can remember anything about it. The Nagual said that it is a moment of blackness; a moment still more silent than the moment of shutting off the internal dialogue. That blackness, that silence, gives rise to the intent to direct the second attention; to command it; to make it do things.

"This is why it's called will. The intent and the effect are will. The Nagual said that they are tied together. He told me all this when I was trying to learn flying in dreaming. The intent of flying produces the effect of flying."
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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