作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com

唐望故事—做夢篇 REVIEW

Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-11

文章SW » 2021-11-14, 15:03


這種同時性,基本上也並非 both and,比較像是 either or,兩邊跳來跳去;附上英文的作用在於,文中確實也沒有提到 at the same time,而是 in two places at once。

末段 two separate single instants,確實是一個比較好的描述。這有點像一個夢的插播,插播有時候是完整的一個故事情節,但你說它是插在主體夢的哪個時段,有個先後次序,則很難說明白。

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-11

"A fluid warrior can no longer make the world chronological," don Juan explained. "And for him, the world and he are no longer objects. He's a luminous being existing in a luminous world. The double is a simple affair for a sorcerer because he knows what he's doing. "

"Can an outsider looking at a sorcerer see that he is in two places at once?" I asked don Juan.

"Certainly. That would be the only way to know it."

"But can't one logically assume that the sorcerer would also notice that he has been in two places?"

"Aha!" don Juan exclaimed. "For once you've got it right. A sorcerer may certainly notice afterwards that he has been in two places at once. But this is only bookkeeping, and has no bearing on the fact that while he's acting he has no notion of his duality."

"Think of this," he went on. "The world doesn't yield to us directly, the description of the world stands in between. So, properly speaking, we are always one step removed, and our experience of the world is always a recollection of the experience. We are perennially recollecting the instant that has just happened; just passed. We recollect, recollect, recollect."

"If our entire experience of the world is recollection, then it's not so outlandish to conclude that a sorcerer can be in two places at once. This is not the case from the point of view of his own perception because in order to experience the world, a sorcerer, like every other man, has to recollect: the act he has just performed, the event he has just witnessed, the experience he has just lived. In his awareness there is only a single recollection. But for an outsider looking at the sorcerer, it may appear as if the sorcerer is acting two different episodes at once. The sorcerer, however, recollects two separate single instants because the glue of the description of time is no longer binding him."

(《力量的傳奇》pp. 68-69)
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-12

文章SW » 2021-11-27, 15:28


唐望故事中,有許多似是而非的描述。例如,一邊說要看到睡覺的自己(卡氏因此頻換睡衣),一邊又說真正看到睡覺的自己的是一個死掉的巫士(見 EP10)。(以下故事,那些人並「沒有」看到唐哲那羅睡在路邊。)


「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-12





唐望插嘴解釋說,唐哲那羅指的是我們第一次意識到我們是明晰體(luminous beings,直翻是「發光的存有」,指的是明晰球體、能量體)。






那個時候,從山上下來的人走到那個睡覺的我那裡,而這個 完全清醒的我只能在藏身之處無助地看著。該死的!他們會發覺我在那裡,然後拿走我的草藥。但是他們走過我,就好像我根本不在那裏。」





《力量的傳奇》pp. 85-87

"Genaro is going to tell you about the dreamer and the dreamed," don Juan said.

"As you know, Carlitos," don Genaro said , "the double begins in dreaming. The double is a dream."

"Do you mean that he's not real?" I asked.

"No. I mean that he is a dream," he retorted.

Don Juan intervened and explained that don Genaro was referring to the first emergence of the awareness that we are luminous beings.

"Each one of us is different, and thus the details of our struggles are different," don Juan said. "The steps that we follow to arrive at the double are the same, though. Especially the beginning steps- which are muddled and uncertain."

Don Genaro agreed and made a comment on the uncertainty that a sorcerer had at that stage.

"When it first happened to me, I didn't know it had happened," he explained. "One day I had been picking plants in the mountains. I had gone into a place that was worked by other herb collectors. I had two huge sacks of plants. I was ready to go home, but before I did I decided to take a moment's rest.

"I lay down on the side of the trail in the shade of a tree and I fell asleep. I heard then the sound of people coming down the hill and woke up. I hurriedly ran for cover and hid behind some bushes a short distance across the road from where I had fallen asleep. While I hid there I had the nagging impression I had forgotten something. I looked to see if I had my two sacks of plants. I didn't have them.

"I looked across the road to the place where I had been sleeping and I nearly dropped my pants with fright. I was still there asleep! It was me! I touched my body. I was myself!

"By that time the people that were coming down the hill were upon the me that was asleep, while the me that was fully awake looked helplessly from my hiding place. Darn it! They were going to find me there and take my sacks away. But they went by me as if I were not there at all.

"My vision had been so vivid that I went wild. I screamed and then I woke up again. Darn it! It had been a dream!"

"I woke up by the road," don Genaro said, "where I had fallen asleep. But for one moment I didn't quite know where I really was. I can almost say that I was still looking at myself waking up, then something pulled me to the side of the road and I found myself rubbing my eyes."

Don Genaro said that he was stunned for a moment and then went to check everything.

"The place where I had hid was there exactly as I had seen it," he said. "And the people who had walked by me were down the road a short distance away. I know it because I ran downhill after them. They were the same people I had seen. I followed them until they got to town. They must have thought I was mad. I asked them if they had seen my friend sleeping by the side of the road. They all said they hadn't."
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-13

文章SW » 2021-12-11, 18:54


1. 他看到睡覺的自己並非真正自己的肉體。
2. 實際上他的做夢體已經跟肉體結合,乃至於他在別處醒過來。
3. 這就是分身的意思。



同理,不論是能量體還是肉體,都是載具而已。端賴神識目前使用哪一個,另一個就會屬性不明顯或被合併使用(例如「做夢」是能量體合併肉體,「潛獵」是肉體合併能量體,總之使這兩者的對立性消失)(所以能量體又稱 the other,又因是肉體的兩倍大故稱 the double)。



「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-13










《力量的傳奇》pp. 88-90

"One day, a few months later, after a terribly tiring day, I fell asleep like a log in mid-afternoon. It had just started to rain and a leak in the roof woke me up. I jumped out of bed and climbed on top of the house to fix the leak before it began to pour. I felt so fine and strong that I finished in one minute and I didn't even get wet. I thought that the snooze I had taken had done me a lot of good.

"When I was through I went back into the house to get something to eat and I realized that I could not swallow. I thought I was sick. I mashed some roots and leaves, and wrapped them around my neck, and went to my bed.

"And then again when I got to my bed I nearly dropped my pants. I was there in bed asleep! I wanted to shake myself and wake me up, but I knew that that was not the thing one should do. So I ran out of the house. I was panic-stricken. I roamed around the hills aimlessly. I had no idea where I was going, and although I had lived all my life there I got lost. I walked in the rain and didn't even feel it. It seemed that I couldn't think. Then the lightning and thunder became so intense that I woke up again."

"Do you want to know where I woke up?" he asked me.

"I woke up in the hills in the rain," he said.

don Juan interjected, "You yourself know that something in the warrior is always aware of every change. It is precisely the aim of the warrior's way to foster and maintain that awareness. The warrior cleans it, shines it, and keeps it running."
He was right. I had to admit to them that I knew that there was something in me that registered and was aware of everything I did. And yet it had nothing to do with the ordinary awareness of myself. It was something else which I could not pin down. I told them that perhaps don Genaro could describe it better than I.

"You're doing very well yourself," don Genaro said. "It's an inner voice that tells you what's what. And at that time it told me that I had woken up a second time. Of course, as soon as I woke up I became convinced that I must have been dreaming. Obviously it had not been an ordinary dream, but it hadn't been dreaming proper either. So I settled for something else; walking in my sleep, half awake, I suppose. I could not understand it in any other way."

Don Genaro said that his benefactor had explained to him that what he had gone through was not a dream at all, and that he should not insist on regarding it as walking in his sleep.

"My benefactor explained that the dream in which one was watching oneself asleep," don Genaro went on, "was the time of the double. He recommended that rather than wasting my power in wondering and asking myself questions, I should use the opportunity to act; and that when I had another chance I should be prepared."
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-14

文章SW » 2022-06-22, 17:36




the assemblage point and its surrounding glow

「黑暗的意識海洋」有億兆萬條宇宙的能量場明晰纖維聚集與穿過人類的「聚合點」,被轉變為感官資訊,然後被詮釋與知覺,這種轉變,稱之爲「意識的光芒」,這是一層環繞著「聚合點」的光圈。(p. 172)


聚合點是一個亮點,被一個光環圍繞著。唐望說,看見無數的有知覺的能量纖維穿過了聚合點,古代的巫士假設在穿過時它們被聚合了,被那光環所結合;看見那光環在失去知覺的人或將死的人身上會變得很黯淡;而在屍體上則完全沒有,他們便相信那光輝就是意識。(p. 22)


「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-14
















《力量的傳奇》pp. 90-92,重譯

"My next chance took place at my benefactor's house. I was helping him with the housework. I had lain down to rest and as usual I fell sound asleep.
I was suddenly aroused by a loud noise and awakened. The noise seemed to be the sound of a shovel digging in gravel. I sat up to listen and then I stood up.
I was pondering whether to go and check it out when I noticed that I was asleep on the floor. This time I knew what to expect and what to do; and I followed the noise. I ended up at a distant place, witnessing incredible things."
He explained that at the time of those events he still was in the beginning stages of his apprenticeship and had done very little in the realm of 'dreaming', but that he had an uncanny facility to dream that he was looking at himself.
"That was the first time that I had really moved in dreaming" he said. "I knew enough about it to behave correctly, though. I didn't look at anything directly and ended up in a deep ravine where my benefactor had some of his power plants."
"Do you think it works better if one knows very little about dreaming?" I asked.
"No!" don Juan interjected. "Each of us has a facility for something in particular. Genaro's knack is for dreaming."
"What did you see in the ravine, don Genaro?" I asked.
"I saw my benefactor doing some dangerous maneuvers with people. I thought I was there to help him and hid behind some trees. Yet I couldn't have known how to help. I was not dumb though, and I realized that the scene was there for me to watch; not to act in."
"When and how and where did you wake up?"
" I don't know when I woke up. It must have been hours later. All I know is that I followed my benefactor and the other men. And when they were about to reach my benefactor's house, the noise that they made, because they were arguing, woke me up. I was at the place where I had seen myself asleep.
"Upon waking up, I realized that whatever I had seen and done was not a dream. I had actually gone some distance away guided by the sound."
"Was your benefactor aware of what you were doing?"
"Certainly. He had been making the noise with the shovel to help me accomplish my task. When he walked into the house he pretended to scold me for falling asleep. I knew that he had seen me. Later on, after his friends had left, he told me that he had noticed my glow hiding behind the trees."
Don Genaro said that those three instances set him off on the path of 'dreaming', and that it took him fifteen years to have his next chance.
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-15

文章SW » 2022-07-09, 15:51

這次是唐哲那羅的第四次做夢經驗,也就是他所說的相距十四年後。以他當時的程度,他自然已經練就出分身,正如唐望所解釋:「當一個戰士達成了做夢看見,並發展出一個分身時,他一定也成功抹去了個人歷史、自我重要感及〔生活中的〕習氣。」(《力量的傳奇》p. 68)

先講習氣,我們記錄夢雖然有諸多夢的類型的分類,但主要目的是要依南開師建議的,先將夢分為業力夢和明性夢:前者即反映我們習氣或者「多包含過去或過去生影像的夢生起,代表這些夢被業力軌跡影響過甚」(南開師 Milam: The Dream Practice, p. 10);明性夢則涉及行者當前的修行,或對未來有些提示和建議等。


至於以下唐哲那羅的第四次做夢經驗,他不僅看到自己不在原位置睡覺,醒後也發現他夢中所見睡覺的自己在現實世界留下痕跡。但重要的一點是,不要弄醒所看見的睡覺的自己,唐望說:「發現自己與自己的分身面對面的巫士,是一個死的巫士。這是規則,這是力量的設計,沒人知道為什麼。」(p. 68)


(1) 接觸另個自己的阻力
AA 是 Monroe 其它時空的自己,他有幾次出體遇到 AA:

(《靈魂出體》pp. 328, 369)

(2) 不玩弄自己的睡眠身體
有一次我做夢看見我醒來,跳下了床,卻發現我仍然睡在床上。我注視著熟睡的自己,有足夠的自制記得我是在做夢。我遵照唐望給我的指示:避免突然的驚動,對一切都淺嘗即止。唐望說,做夢者必須以不動情緒的實驗態度來進行。做夢者不應該觀察自己的睡眠身體,而應該走出房間。(《老鷹的贈予》p. 68)

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-15











(《力量的傳奇》pp. 92-93,重譯)

"The fourth time was a more bizarre and a more complete vision," he said. "I found myself asleep in the middle of a cultivated field. I saw myself lying there on my side sound asleep. I knew that it was dreaming because I had set myself to do dreaming every night.
"Usually, every time I had seen myself asleep, I was at the site where I had gone to sleep. This time I was not in my bed, and I knew I had gone to bed that night. In this dreaming it was daytime.
"So, I began to explore. I moved away from the place where I was lying and oriented myself. I knew where I was. I was actually not too far from my house; perhaps a couple of miles away. I walked around looking at every detail of the place. I stood in the shade of a big tree a short distance away and peered across a flat strip of land to some corn fields on the side of a hill.
"Something quite unusual struck me then. The details of the surroundings did not change or vanish no matter how long I peered at them. I got scared and ran back to where I was sleeping. I was still there exactly as I had been before. I began to watch myself. I had an eerie feeling of indifference towards the body I was watching.
"Then I heard the sound of people approaching. People always seemed to be around for me. I ran up ahead to a small hill and carefully watched from there. There were ten people coming to the field where I was. They were all young men.
"I ran back to where I was lying, and went through one of the most agonizing times of my life while I faced myself lying there snoring like a pig. I knew that I had to awaken me, but I had no idea how. I also knew that it was deadly for me to awaken myself. But if those young men were to find me there they were going to be very upset.
"All those deliberations that were going through my mind were not really thoughts. They were more appropriately scenes in front of my eyes. My worrying, for instance, was a scene in which I looked at myself while I had the sensation of being boxed in. I call that worrying. It has happened to me a number of times after that first time.
"Well, since I didn't know what to do, I stood looking at myself,and waited for the worst. A bunch of fleeting images went past me in front of my eyes. I hung on to one in particular; the sight of my house and my bed. The image became very clear. Oh, how I wished to be back in my bed!
"Something shook me then. It felt like someone was hitting me and I woke up. I was on my bed! Obviously, I had been dreaming. I jumped out of bed, and ran to the place of my dreaming. It was exactly as I had seen it. The young men were working there. I watched them for a long time. They were the same ones I had seen.
"I came back to the same place at the end of the day after everybody had gone, and stood at the very spot where I had seen myself asleep. Someone had lain there. The weeds were crumpled."
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-16

文章SW » 2022-07-30, 15:05




這技術太高了,姑且不論,不過選擇視窗的事情,我們倒是可能有所體驗。或至少關於「改變視角」(從客觀視角改成主觀視角)我們可以練習,也就是從在夢場景之外,進到夢場景當中:前者你不在夢裡,後者你進到夢裡。這在《老鷹的贈予》p. 157「 做夢四階段」中有提過,也就是第三和第四階段。

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-16



我確信我在做夢:如果我把目光集中在任何東西上,它立即就會變得模糊。然後唐望把我的身體轉過來,指著地上一團東西, 那是一個躺在地上的人。我慢慢意識到那個躺在地上的人就是我。那時我並沒有完全睡著,但我也沒有完全醒來、處在神智清醒的狀態。




(《力量的傳奇》pp. 95-98,重譯)

I had the feeling I was in a dream, and yet I had a complete sense of sequential time. I was keenly aware that I had just been with don Genaro and don Juan in the ramada of don Juan's house.
The scenery I was watching changed constantly.
At one point I noticed that one image kept on repeating itself; don Juan and don Genaro- who were trying to reach me.
I consciously realized at one point that I was deliberately isolating it from among a myriad of other images.
I had isolated was that of don Juan and don Genaro in the ramada of don Juan's house, and they were holding me by the armpits.
I was certain that I was 'dreaming'. If I focused my eyes on anything, it immediately became blurry.
Don Juan then turned my body around and pointed to a lump on the ground. The lump was a man lying on the ground.
I had a slow awakening into the realization that the man lying on the ground was me.
At that moment I was not completely asleep, but neither was I completely awake and in sober consciousness.
Don Juan said that we were going to go to the round power place in the chaparral. As soon as he said it the image of the place popped in my mind.
I had then a unique moment. I held two images in my mind, two dreams.
I found myself lying on the floor of the ramada with don Juan and don Genaro shaking me. But I also was at the power place and don Juan and don Genaro were still shaking me.
There was one crucial instant in which I was neither in one place nor the other, but I was rather in both places as an observer seeing two scenes at once. I had the incredible sensation that at that instant I could have gone either way. All I had to do at that moment was to change perspective; and rather than watch either scene from the outside, feel it from the point of view of the subject.
There was something very warm about don Juan's house. I preferred that scene.
I next had a terrifying seizure so shocking that my entire ordinary awareness came back to me at once. Don Juan and don Genaro were pouring buckets of water on me. I was in the ramada of don Juan's house.
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-17

文章SW » 2022-08-13, 14:31


1. 非理性或能量性的另一面,巫士稱之為「分身」(the double)。分身是我們基本能量的容器。

2. 從出生後,人類的意願便把這兩部份拉開來。一部份朝外發展,成為肉體;另一部份朝內發展,成為分身。在死亡時,較重的部份,肉體,回歸為塵土,被大地所吸收;而較輕的部份,分身,就自由離去。但是很不幸的,由於分身從來沒有發展完滿,它只能體驗自由一剎那,然後就消散在宇宙中。如果我們死亡時沒有抹去我們錯誤的肉體與心靈雙重性,我們就會死於平常的死亡。

3. 肉體─心靈的雙重性是一種錯誤的分類。真實的分類是容納心靈的物質身體,與容納我們能量的空靈身體,或分身。當我們能在日常生活中使用我們的分身時,或者說當我們的肉體完全覺察到它在能量上的空靈相對部份時,我們就超越進入了抽象,一種完全不同的意識領域中。

尤其第二點聽起來真有點密法的味道。我感覺肉體與能量體(分身)不過是容器上分類,重要的是容器內的那個。以意識來講,就是普通心識,以及剎那覺性,或者說覺知(presence)與明覺(instant presence),當然容器也很重要。是不是裝明覺的主要容器是能量體(分身)?才說到是本覺夢到了我們自己,我們自己其實就是個夢?這值得好好地去實修實證。

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-17









(《力量的傳奇》pp. 102-104,重譯)

"Genaro came to see you to tell you something very exclusive," he said. "When he came out of the bushes, he was Genaro the double."
"The Genaro of last night was the double. And as I told you already, the double has inconceivable power. He showed you a most important issue. In order to do that he had to touch you. The double simply tapped you on the neck. Naturally you went out like a light.
And naturally too, you indulged like a son of a bitch. It took us hours to round you up. Thus you dissipated your power; and when the time came for you to accomplish a warrior's feat you did not have enough sap."
"What was that warrior's feat, don Juan?"
"I told you that Genaro came to show you something; the mystery of luminous beings as dreamers. You wanted to know about the double. It begins in dreams. But then you asked, 'What is the double?' And I said the double is the self. The self dreams the double. Once it has learned to dream the double, the self arrives at this weird crossroad, and a moment comes when one realizes that it is the double who dreams the self."
"The lesson last night, as I told you, was about the dreamer and the dreamed; or who dreams whom."
"Last night," don Juan proceeded, "you almost chose to wake up at the power place."
"Last night Genaro guided you through the intricacies of the double," don Juan went on. "Only he can do that for you. And it was not a vision or a hallucination when you saw yourself lying on the ground. You could have realized that with infinite clarity if you had not gotten lost in your indulging. And you could have known then that you yourself are a dream; that your double is dreaming you in the same fashion that you dreamed him last night."
"But how can that be possible, don Juan?"
"No one knows how it happens. We only know that it does happen. That's the mystery of us as luminous beings. Last night you had two dreams and you could have awakened in either one, but you didn't have enough power even to understand that."
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-18

文章SW » 2022-08-27, 16:23

藏文密續文本中常用到「釘」(Tib. gzer, zer)這個詞,表示重要的點。

下文亦提到 EP17 中唐哲那羅所示範的「釘」(重點課題),唐望繼續把它釘好。


唐望畫了一個圓形,其中有八個點及交叉的線條。這圖形有兩個中心,一個是理性,另一個意志或意願(will,後期改稱意願 intent)。理性那一點與另一點語言直接相連,通過語言,理性不直接地連接其他三點:感覺、做夢看見。另一個中心意願則直接與感覺、做夢看見相連,但卻是不直接地與理性、語言相連。
每個人與生俱來都有八個點。理性及語言是所有人都熟悉的。感覺總是模糊而似曾相識。但只有在巫士世界中,一個人才能充分認識做夢看見意願。最後,他會遇到最後兩個點。這八個點造成他個人的完整(The eight points make the totality of oneself)。
(《力量的傳奇》pp. 123-124)



「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-18

「今天我必須要把哲那羅敲上的釘子釘好。我們是明晰生物(luminous beings),我們是感知者,我們是一種覺知(an awareness)。我們不是物體,我們沒有堅固的實質,我們是無邊無際的。

物體和實體的世界是便利於我們在地球的旅程的一種方式,只是為了幫助我們而被建立的一種描述。我們每個人,或者更確切地說,我們的理性,都忘了描述只是描述,於是我們將我們自己整體(the totality of ourselves)陷入一個惡性循環,一輩子難以脫身。」







「關於這一點我的建議是,從現在起,你應該讓自己去感知一下,這個描述是由你的理性所支撐,還是由你的意志所支撐。我覺得這是你把日常世界當成挑戰,並聚集足夠的個人力量,以達到你個人完整性(the totality of yourself)的唯一方式。」

(《力量的傳奇》pp. 126-127,重譯)

"Today I have to pound the nail that Genaro put in; the fact that we are luminous beings. We are perceivers. We are an awareness. We are not objects. We have no solidity. We are boundless.
"The world of objects and solidity is a way of making our passage on earth convenient. It is only a description that was created to help us. Each of us, or rather our reason, forgets that the description is only a description, and thus we entrap the totality of ourselves in a vicious circle from which we rarely emerge in our lifetime.
"At this moment for instance, you are involved in extricating yourself from the snarls of reason. It is preposterous and unthinkable for you that Genaro just appeared at the edge of the chaparral, and yet you cannot deny that you witnessed it. You perceived it as such."
Don Juan chuckled. He carefully drew another diagram in the ashes and covered it with his hat before I could copy it.
"We are perceivers," he proceeded. "The world that we perceive, though, is an illusion. It was created by a description that was told to us since the moment we were born.
"We the luminous beings are born with two rings of power, but we use only one to create the world. That ring which is hooked very soon after we are born is 'reason', and its companion is 'talking'. Between the two they concoct and maintain the world.
"So, in essence, the world that your 'reason' wants to sustain is the world created by a description, and its dogmatic and inviolable rules; a description which 'reason' learns to accept and defend.
"The secret of the luminous beings is that they have another ring of power which is never used; the 'will'. The trick of the sorcerer is the same trick of the average man. Both have a description.
"One- the average man- upholds it with his 'reason'. The other- the sorcerer- upholds it with his 'will'. Both descriptions have their rules, and the rules are perceivable. But the advantage of the sorcerer is that 'will' is more engulfing than 'reason'.
"The suggestion that I want to make at this point is that from now on you should let yourself perceive whether the description is upheld by your 'reason' or by your 'will'. I feel that is the only way for you to use your daily world as a challenge and a vehicle to accumulate enough personal power in order to get to the totality of yourself.
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-19

文章SW » 2022-11-12, 16:25

就我自己而言,我有兩種老師:一種強調由內而外,若你認識了心性,其他迎刃而解,知一解全(discover one, discover all)嘛;另一種由外而內,行為帶動心的轉化,所謂運心受行,主要還是在於調心,心擺正了,一切自然皆善。


有關下文「做夢應只是一種輔助」,正巧讀到索達吉堪布譯《大圓滿直指心性大幻化網總說光明藏論》當中一段:「如是晝夜四時合修法(即日修法+夜修法含夢修),並非異類之修法,僅可稱為能現赤裸覺性之分支方便。」(p. 321)

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-19



他解釋說,一個老師的善巧方便(技藝)在於將學生的注意力,從主要議題(main issues)上轉移開來。這種善巧方便,令我悲哀的是,直到那天我才意識到,他是在誘騙我去學習那最關鍵的重點:行動而不求回報(to act without expecting rewards)。




(《力量的傳奇》pp. 293-295,重譯)

"Stopping the internal dialogue is, however, the key to the sorcerers' world," he said. "The rest of the activities are only props. All they do is accelerate the effect of stopping the internal dialogue."

He said that there were two major activities or techniques used to accelerate the stopping of the internal dialogue: erasing personal history and 'dreaming'. He reminded me that during the early stages of my apprenticeship he had given me a number of specific methods for changing my 'personality'. I had recorded them in my notes and had forgotten about them for years until I realized their importance. Those specific methods seemed at first to be highly idiosyncratic [* idiosyncratic- peculiar to the individual] devices to coerce me into modifying my behavior.

He explained that the art of a teacher was to deviate the apprentice's attention from the main issues. A poignant example of that art was the fact that I had not realized until that day that he had actually tricked me into learning a most crucial point; to act without expecting rewards.

He said that in line with that rationale he had rallied my interest around the idea of 'seeing', which, properly understood, was the act of dealing directly with the 'nagual': an act that was an unavoidable end result of the teachings but an unattainable task as a task per se.

He looked at me with squinting eyes and pointed all around us with a sweeping gesture of his arm.
"The secret of all this is one's attention," he said.

"All of this exists only because of our attention. This very rock where we're sitting is a rock because we have been forced to give our attention to it as a rock."

"Erasing personal history and dreaming should only be a help," he said. "What any apprentice needs to buffer him is temperance and strength. That's why a teacher introduces the warrior's way, or living like a warrior. This is the glue that joins together everything in a sorcerer's world. Bit by bit a teacher must forge and develop it. Without the sturdiness and level-headedness of the warrior's way there is no possibility of withstanding the path of knowledge."
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-20

文章SW » 2022-11-19, 14:32

下文提到三樣可以幫助做夢的技巧。首先是打破日常的例行公事那樣的慣性。在南開師的教法當中,正巧提到閉 24hrs 的黑關來幫助夢修,這種黑關就是打破我們對於時間的慣性:譬如按時吃三餐,朝九晚五等等這類按表操課的事情。當你對日夜的感知模糊,才有提升覺知力的可能,也才能夠把睡夢時間當成醒時來過。

「獵物被沉重的固定習慣及可被預測的古怪癖性所束縛住;而獵人是自由流暢,無可預料的。」(《巫士唐望的世界》p. 153)

第二點,力量步法,這是一種在黑暗中行走的方法。上身前傾(脊椎打直),舉步時膝蓋幾乎抬到胸部,大拇指和食指伸直、其餘彎進掌中,視線放在眼前路上,步伐小而穩健。「唐望說我必須把自己開放給黑夜的力量,信任我那僅有的個人力量,否則我永遠也無法自由行動。」(p. 272)

第三點,不做。唐望說「力量的秘訣是不去做我知道如何去做的事」(p. 284)。這部分也極為類同南開師的教法(不作,無作,其實也就是不分別判斷),建議可以整章閱讀一下。這也是為何夢瑜伽的訓練當中,有小變大、大變小,一變多、多變一,西變東、東變西,這類兩極(二元對立)互換的練習。

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-20



「當門徒接受了他的巫術任務後,他便準備好接受另一種類型的指導,」他繼續說道,「那時他就是個戰士了。至於你,既然你已經不是初學者,我便教給你三項輔助做夢的技巧:打破生活慣性、力量步法,以及不做(譯註:詳見《巫士唐望的世界》8, 14-15章)。你很能堅持不懈,當初學者時很笨,成為戰士後仍舊很笨。你盡心盡力地寫下我所說的及發生在你身上的一切,但卻沒有完全按照我說的去做,所以我還是得用力量植物來轟你。」



他解釋說,打破慣性、力量步法以及不做,是學習以新的方式感知世界的途徑,它們能讓戰士一窺行持(行動)不可思議的可能性。唐望認為,藉由使用這三項技巧,才有可能瞭解一個獨立而實際的做夢世界(the knowledge of a separate and pragmatic world of 'dreaming' was made possible)。

「做夢是由巫士所設計的一種實際輔助(practical aid),」他說,「他們不是傻瓜。他們知道自己在做什麼,為了尋求nagual的作用,訓練他們的tonal放開片刻——可以這麼說,然後再重新抓住。這種說法對你來說沒有意義,但卻是你一直在做的事情:訓練自己放手,但又不失去理智。而做夢,無疑是巫士努力的最高冠冕,nagual的終極用途。」


(《力量的傳奇》pp. 305-307,重譯)

Don Juan said that after the apprentice had made his decision to join the world of sorcerers, the teacher gave him a pragmatic chore; a task that he had to fulfill in his day-to-day life. He explained that the task, which is designed to fit the apprentice's personality, is usually a sort of farfetched life situation which the apprentice is supposed to get into as a means of permanently affecting his view of the world.

In my own case, I understood the task more as a lively joke than a serious life situation. As time passed, however, it finally dawned on me that I had to be earnest about it.

"After the apprentice has been given his sorcery task he's ready for another type of instruction," he proceeded. "He is a warrior then. In your case, since you were no longer an apprentice, I taught you the three techniques that help dreaming: disrupting the routines of life, the gait of power, and not-doing. You were very consistent, dumb as an apprentice and dumb as a warrior. You dutifully wrote down everything I said and everything that happened to you, but you did not act exactly as I had told you to. So I still had to blast you with power plants."

Don Juan then gave me a step-by-step rendition of how he had driven my attention away from 'dreaming', making me believe that the important problem was a very difficult activity he had called not-doing which consisted of a perceptual game of focusing attention on features of the world that were ordinarily overlooked such as the shadows of things. Don Juan said that his strategy had been to set not-doing apart by imposing the most strict secrecy on it.

"Not-doing, like everything else, is a very important technique, but it was not the main issue," he said. "You fell for the secrecy. You, a blabbermouth, having to keep a secret!"

He explained that disrupting routines, the gait of power, and not-doing were avenues for learning new ways of perceiving the world, and that they gave a warrior an inkling of incredible possibilities of action. Don Juan's idea was that the knowledge of a separate and pragmatic world of 'dreaming' was made possible through the use of those three techniques.

"Dreaming is a practical aid devised by sorcerers," he said. "They were not fools. They knew what they were doing and sought the usefulness of the nagual by training their tonal to let go for a moment, so to speak, and then grab again. This statement doesn't make sense to you. But that's what you've been doing all along; training yourself to let go without losing your marbles. Dreaming, of course, is the crown of the sorcerers' efforts; the ultimate use of the nagual"

He went through all the exercises of not-doing that he had made me perform, the routines of my daily life that he had isolated for disrupting, and all the occasions when he had forced me to engage in the gait of power.
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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