作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com

唐望故事—做夢篇 REVIEW

Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。

唐望故事—做夢篇 REVIEW

文章SW » 2021-07-24, 14:30


可能是因為我 No. 10 開始換景(從此改稱夢中出體),No. 11-24 修賽斯,No. 25 以後修唐望的關係。目前累計 950 次出體夢(嚴格講起來前十次還是比較像出體夢,且前面幾年大都是直接出體)。我想各位如果認認真真按照卡斯塔尼達《做夢的藝術》,老實按部就班修到至少第三關(大概也只能修到第三關),基本上就會對清明夢那套自問自答或療癒體系感到不耐。


註:唐望故事原文書用了 dream 和 dreaming 來區分,中文無法加 ing,只好用「作夢」和「做夢」來區分普通夢和有意識的夢。在魯宓的譯本,做夢都加了粗體。但大家網路上流傳的打字版,恐怕就顧及不到這點。

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-1







(《巫士唐望的世界》pp. 174-175)
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-2

文章SW » 2021-07-24, 14:31




「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-2














(《巫士唐望的世界》pp. 176-178)

"You call them dreams because you have no power. A warrior, being a man who seeks power, doesn't call them dreams, he calls them real."

"You mean he takes his dreams as being reality?"

"Dreaming is real for a warrior because in it he can act deliberately, he can choose and reject, he can select from a variety of items those which lead to power, and then he can manipulate them and use them, while in an ordinary dream he cannot act deliberately."

"Do you mean then, don Juan, that dreaming is real?"

"Of course it is real."

"As real as what we are doing now?"

"If you want to compare things, I can say that it is perhaps more real. In dreaming you have power; you can change things; you may find out countless concealed facts; you can control whatever you want."

I told him that I could not believe he took his dreams to be reality. He had made some corn gruel and handed me a bowl. I asked him about the time when one was awake. I wanted to know if he called it anything in particular.

"What do you call this, what we're doing now?" I asked, meaning that what we were doing was reality as opposed to dreams.
"I call it eating, " he said and contained his laughter.

"I call it reality, " I said. "Because our eating is actually taking place."

"Dreaming also takes place, " he replied, giggling. "And so does hunting, walking, laughing."

As soon as we had finished eating he casually stated that we were going to go for a hike, but we were not going to roam in the desert in the manner we had done before.

"It's different this time, " he said. "From now on we're going to places of power; you're going to learn how to make yourself accessible to power."

Journey to Ixtlan
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-3

文章SW » 2021-07-24, 14:32

Set up dreaming 在《做夢的藝術》翻譯為「創立夢」,本書則翻譯為「準備做夢」,無論哪一個都讓人聽不懂。按唐望所解釋,說「創立夢」是一定不對的,因為「做夢」(dreaming)沒有翻出來,故以下改用大家都知道的 set up(設定)來直翻,意思就是把一個夢設定為 dreaming。(前文已講過 dream 和 dreaming 的區別)。




「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-3







《巫士唐望的世界》pp. 183-187

"I am going to teach you right here the first step to power, I am going to teach you how to set up dreaming." He explained that to "set up dreaming" meant to have a concise and pragmatic control over the general situation of a dream. "You must start by doing something very simple, " he said. "Tonight in your dreams you must look at your hands."

"Seriously, how can you expect me to do that?" I asked.

"The way I've told you, " he snapped. "You can, of course, look at whatever you goddamn please-your toes, or your belly, or your pecker, for that matter. I said your hands because that was the easiest thing for me to look at. Don't think it's a joke. Dreaming is as serious as seeing or dying or any other thing in this awesome, mysterious world.

I asked him to give me some pointers.

"There aren't any pointers, " he said. "Just look at your hands. Every time you look at anything in your dreams it changes shape, " he said after a long silence. "The trick in learning to set up dreaming is obviously not just to look at things but to sustain the sight of them. Dreaming is real when one has succeeded in bringing everything into focus. Then there is no difference between what you do when you sleep and what you do when you are not sleeping. Do you see what I mean?"

"You don't have to look at your hands, " he said. "Like I've said, pick anything at all. But pick one thing in advance and find it in your dreams. I said your hands because they'll always be there. When they begin to change shape you must move your sight away from them and pick something else, and then look at your hands again. It takes a long time to perfect this technique."

Journey to Ixtlan
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-4

文章SW » 2021-08-08, 16:18






「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-4







《巫士唐望的世界》pp. 200-202

He abruptly asked me if I had succeeded in learning the "dreaming" techniques he had taught me. I had been practicing assiduously and had been able, after a monumental effort, to obtain a degree of control over my dreams.

It had been relatively easy for me to learn to sustain the image of my hands after I had learned to command myself to look at them. My visions, although not always of my own hands, would last a seemingly long time, until I would finally lose control and would become immersed in ordinary unpredictable dreams. I had no volition whatsoever over when I would give myself the command to look at my hands, or to look at other items of the dreams. It would just happen. At a given moment I would remember that I had to look at my hands and then at the surroundings. There were nights, however, when I could not recall having done it at all.

I told him that I had been recording all the details of my dreams. Since I had begun to practice looking at my hands my dreams had become very compelling and my sense of recall had increased to the point that I could remember minute details.
"Ordinary dreams get very vivid as soon as you begin to set up dreaming" he said. "That vividness and clarity is a formidable barrier. It's not helping anything. All you're doing is distracting yourself from the purpose of dreaming, which is control and power."

"I'm going to remind you of all the techniques you must practice, " he said. "First you must focus your gaze on your hands as the starting point. Then shift your gaze to other items and look at them in brief glances. Focus your gaze on as many things as you can. Remember that if you only glance briefly the images do not shift. Then go back to your hands.

"Every time you look at your hands you renew the power needed for dreaming, so in the beginning don't look at too many things. Four items will suffice every time. Later on, you may enlarge the scope until you can cover all you want, but as soon as the images begin to shift and you feel you are losing control go back to your hands.

Journey to Ixtlan
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-5

文章SW » 2021-08-22, 15:16


我有個師兄,早期很會出體,半夜出體便想去考察女友情況。結果發現女友偷人,就GG了。所以不要這樣,當 FBI 沒意思,我們夢修也不是為了世俗上的目的。

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-5

這個技巧非常困難,你必須執行兩項任務:你必須令自己去到特定地點;然後當你掌握此技巧後,你必須學會控制你旅行的確切時間(註)。」(pp. 202-203)






(《巫士唐望的世界》pp. 224-225)

He casually asked, "How is your dreaming?"

"The next step in setting up dreaming is to learn to travel, " he said. "The same way you have learned to look at your hands you can will yourself to move, to go places. First you have to establish a place you want to go to. Pick a well known spot-perhaps your school, or a park, or a friend's house then, will yourself to go there.

"This technique is very difficult. You must perform two tasks: You must will yourself to go to the specific locale; and then, when you have mastered that technique, you have to learn to control the exact time of your traveling."

I explained to him how difficult it had become for me to give myself the command to look at my hands. At first it had been relatively easy, perhaps because of the newness of the concept. I had had no trouble at all in reminding myself that I had to look at my hands. But the excitation had worn off and some nights I could not do it at all.

"You must wear a headband to sleep, " he said. "Getting a headband is a tricky maneuver. I cannot give you one, because you yourself have to make it from scratch. But you cannot make one until you have had a vision of it in dreaming. See what I mean? The headband has to be made according to the specific vision. And it must have a strip across it that fits tightly on top of the head. Or it may very well be like a tight cap. Dreaming is easier when one wears a power object on top of the head. You could wear your hat or put on a cowl, like a friar, and go to sleep, but those items would only cause intense dreams, not dreaming."

He was silent for a moment and then proceeded to tell me in a fast barrage of words that the vision of the headband did not have to occur only in "dreaming" but could happen in states of wakefulness and as a result of any far-fetched and totally unrelated event, such as watching the flight of birds, the movement of water, the clouds, and so on.

Journey to Ixtlan
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-6

文章SW » 2021-09-05, 13:50




「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-6








(《巫士唐望的世界》pp. 250-251)

He asked me about my progress in "dreaming."

I had begun to dream about specific places, such as the school and the houses of a few friends.

"Were you at those places during the day or during the night?" he asked.

My dreams corresponded to the time of the day when I ordinarily was accustomed to being at those places - in the school during the day, at my friends' houses at night.

He suggested that I should try "dreaming" while I took a nap during the daytime and find out if I could actually visualize the chosen place as it was at the time I was "dreaming."

If I were "dreaming" at night, my visions of the locale should be of night time. He said that what one experiences in "dreaming" has to be congruous with the time of the day when "dreaming" was taking place; otherwise the visions one might have were not "dreaming" but ordinary dreams.

"In order to help yourself you should pick a specific object that belongs to the place you want to go and focus your attention on it, " he went on. "On this hilltop here, for instance, you now have a specific bush that you must observe until it has a place in your memory. You can come back here while dreaming simply by recalling that bush, or by recalling this rock where we are sitting, or by recalling any other thing here. It is easier to travel in dreaming when you can focus on a place of power, such as this one. But if you don't want to come here you may use any other place. Perhaps the school where you go is a place of power for you. Use it. Focus your attention on any object there and then find it in dreaming.

"From the specific object you recall, you must go back to your hands and then to another object and so on."

Journey to Ixtlan

ps. 從第二集開始都做了英文核對與校譯,中英文對照請參見做夢者班論壇貼文。魯宓或許翻譯得很流暢,但有些關鍵字就跳過去了,加上他應該不懂夢修,所以有時做夢(dreaming)這個專有名詞與普通夢的夢沒有區分。由於中文沒有加 ing 的語法,只好用粗體字做夢標示。
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-7

文章SW » 2021-09-19, 14:29

大圓滿教法亦談到「不作」。在新出版的《覺性杜鵑》中,除了不作思(mi bya ste)、不作意(mi dgongs phyir),還有以下這句:

「法性何顯,亦復不作」(chos nyid ci gsal du yang mi bya'o):同樣地,你也不為了處於覺觀狀態而努力,那種動機也是負面,故「不作」(mi bya'o)。

做夢,其實是夢的不做,也就是沒在作夢,因為你具有當下覺知,在這種情況下,就沒有過多的心意造作。當然首先你要練習區分夢中顯象哪些是你心意造作出來的,哪些不是。有點類似心與心性的區分。將心的造作濾除後,才能算是真正的做夢(dreaming),而不是作夢(having dreams)。

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-7







(《巫士唐望的世界》pp. 306-307; 308)

He suddenly turned and asked me about my progress in "dreaming."

I told him that it had been easy in the beginning, but that at the moment I had ceased altogether to find my hands in my dreams.

"When you first started dreaming you were using my personal power, that's why it was easier, " he said. "Now you are empty. But you must keep on trying until you have enough power of your own. You see, dreaming is the not-doing of dreams, and as you progress in your not-doing you will also progress in dreaming. The trick is not to stop looking for your hands, even if you don't believe that what you are doing has any meaning. In fact, as I have told you before, a warrior doesn't need to believe, because as long as he keeps on acting without believing, he is not-doing."

"There is nothing else I can tell you about dreaming." he continued. "Everything I may say would only be not-doing. But if you tackle not-doing directly, you yourself would know what to do in dreaming. To find your hands is essential, though, at this time, and I am sure you will."

"Everything I have taught you so far has been an aspect of not-doing" he went on. "A warrior applies not-doing to everything in the world, and yet I can't tell you more about it than what I have said today. You must let your own body discover the power and the feeling of not-doing."

"Because the only thing that is real is the being in you that is going to die. To arrive at that being is the not-doing of the self."

Journey to Ixtlan
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-8

文章SW » 2021-10-10, 14:19


「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-8







《力量的傳奇》pp. 26-27

'Dreaming' entailed cultivating a peculiar control over one's dreams to the extent that the experiences undergone in them and those lived in one's waking hours acquired the same pragmatic valence. The sorcerers' allegation was that under the impact of 'dreaming', the ordinary criteria to differentiate a dream from reality become inoperative.

Don Juan's praxis of 'dreaming' was an exercise that consisted of finding one's hands in a dream. In other words, one had to deliberately dream that one was looking for and could find one's hands in a dream by simply dreaming that one lifted one's hands to the level of the eyes.

After years of unsuccessful attempts, I had finally accomplished the task. Looking at it in retrospect, it had become evident to me that I had succeeded only after I had gained a degree of control over the world of my everyday life.

Every time I was about to look at my hands in a dream something extraordinary would happen. I would begin to fly; or my dream would turn into a nightmare; or it would simply become a very pleasant experience of bodily excitation. Everything in the dream would extend far beyond the 'normal' in matters of vividness, and therefore be terribly absorbing. My original intention of observing my hands was always forgotten in light of the new situation.

One night, quite unexpectedly, I found my hands in my dreams. I dreamt that I was walking on an unknown street in a foreign city, and suddenly I lifted up my hands and placed them in front of my face. It was as if something within myself had given up, and had permitted me to watch the backs of my hands.

Don Juan's instructions had been that as soon as the sight of my hands would begin to dissolve or change into something else, I had to shift my view from my hands to any other element in the surroundings of my dream. In that particular dream I shifted my view to a building at the end of the street. When the sight of the building began to dissipate I focused my attention on the other elements of the surroundings in my dream. The end result was an incredibly clear composite picture of a deserted street in some unknown foreign city.

Tales of Power
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-9

文章SW » 2021-10-24, 17:57

唐望托爾特克巫士傳承,「做夢的藝術」有七關,簡言之,第一關是看手,第二關是換景。換景不是變夢,變夢是說你把夢中 A 物變成 B 物,或者把周遭夢景象改頭換面。

唐望一脈巫士有著名的聚合點理論。一個聚合點是我們明晰體上的一個位置,一個固定位置代表一個特定的顯相(譬如我們都是人類,有相同的聚合點位置,所以有共同的顯相;當講到個別自證境界的時候,當然就是 unique state,獨一的,與他人不共)。



「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-9






(《力量的傳奇》pp. 28-29)

"Each warrior has his own way of dreaming. Each way is different. The only thing which we all have in common is that we play tricks in order to force ourselves to abandon the quest. The countermeasure is to persist in spite of all the barriers and disappointments."

He asked me then if I was capable of selecting topics for 'dreaming'. I said that I did not have the faintest idea of how to do that.

"The sorcerers' explanation of how to select a topic for dreaming," he said, "is that a warrior chooses the topic by deliberately holding an image in his mind while he shuts off his internal dialogue. In other words, if he is capable of not talking to himself for a moment, and then holds the image or the thought of what he wants in dreaming, even if only for an instant, then the desired topic will come to him. I'm sure you've done that, although you were not aware of it."

"We won't talk about dreaming any more," he said. "You might become obsessed. If one is to succeed in anything, the success must come gently; with a great deal of effort, but with no stress or obsession."

He then added, that judging by my production in 'dreaming', I must have learned how to stop my internal dialogue at will. I told him that I had.

Tales of Power
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-10

文章SW » 2021-11-06, 16:08

《力量的傳奇》內容跳得很快,馬上進入唐望傳承做夢和潛獵二技藝的最終目標,發展出一個可被世人目睹為活生生存在的「幻身」,他們稱之為 the double。翻譯為替身好像怪怪的,應該比較類似自己本人和分身的關係。



當兜率天閉關中心正在興建一座新的關房的時候,有一天早晨突然起了大火。即使火勢非常猛烈,耶喜喇嘛仍然泰然自若,並且提及在宗喀巴大師的時代,一座西藏寺院起火的故事。宗喀巴大師不需要水或一大群人來幫助他。他只是坐在原處,運用他的微細身來滅火。我覺得,這個故事和耶喜喇嘛用自己的行動來終止火災帶來的危險有所關聯。」(《拙火之樂》前言,p. 19-20)

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-10








(《力量的傳奇》pp. 65-68)

"A double is the sorcerer himself developed through his 'dreaming'," don Juan explained. "A double is an act of power to a sorcerer but only a tale of power to you. In the case of Genaro. Thus you've never noticed the difference yourself. But in the years that you've known him, you've been with the original Genaro only twice."

I asked don Genaro what a double did, or what a sorcerer did with the double.

Don Juan answered. He said that the double had power, and that it was used to accomplish feats that would be unimaginable under ordinary terms.

"A sorcerer can double up," don Juan said. "That's all one can say."

"But is he aware that he is doubled?"

"Of course he's aware of it."

"Does he know that he is in two places at once?"

"No sorcerer knows where his other is." don Juan said. "A sorcerer has no notion that he is in two places at once. To be aware of that would be the equivalent of facing his double, and the sorcerer that finds himself face to face with himself is a dead sorcerer. That is the rule. That is the way power has set things up. No one knows why."

Don Juan explained that by the time a warrior had conquered 'dreaming' and 'seeing' and had developed a double, he must have also succeeded in erasing personal history, self-importance, and routines.

He said that all the techniques which he had taught me, and which I had considered to be empty talk, were in essence means for removing the impracticality of having a double in the ordinary world; by making the self and the world fluid, and thereby placing them outside the bounds of prediction.

Tales of Power
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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