2009/07/21 Tue, sunny, outdoor 37-34°C, indoor 31.6°C 《Being-in-Dreaming》:知識從個人明性自然顯現
我終於知道 caretaker 是唐望巫士同夥中的「學者」文生(Vicnete Medrano),怪不得他的知識浩瀚,即便小佛琳達受教後也 dreaming-awake 連續工作了三天,但她的境界實在不能跟文生相比。在《巫士的穿越》中,塔夏莎所遇到的 caretaker 則是艾密力圖。
就小佛琳達寫研究所報告運用巫士寫作這件事,首先 Espreanza(即蘇麗卡)談到對於知識的態度,有點像藏密的聞思修,她說:「Not even with the aid of sorcery. You should know that without the preliminary reading, the note taking, and the writing and rewriting, you should never been able to recognize the structure and order of your term paper in dreaming.」(p. 244)(甚至沒有巫術的幫助,妳也應該知道:沒有初步的閱讀、記筆記、寫作和改寫,妳就永遠不可能在夢中認識到期末報告的結構和順序。)意思說不能自己全無所知就能仰賴巫術寫出一篇超級論文,而奈莉達更強調:
"To reach a degree of knowledge, sorcerers work twice as hard as normal people. Sorcerers have to make sense of the everyday world as well as the magical world. To accomplish that, they have to highly skilled and sophisticated, mentally as well as physically." (Being-in-Dreaming, p. 245)
小佛琳達在 dreaming-awake 狀態努力巫士寫作了三天,她自認為是 simple and effortless(單純而不費力的),她只是看到報告的一個新版本,然後把它照抄下來。而奈莉達解釋說,即是是這樣已經花費所有的力氣,因為「While dreaming-awake, you channeled all your energy into a single purpose. All your concern and effort went into finishing your paper. Nothing else mattered to you at the moment. You had no other thoughts to interfere with your endeavor.」(p. 245)(在醒著做夢時,妳將所有能量都用於一個目的。妳所有的關注和努力都用以完成妳的報告,此刻沒有其他事情對妳重要,你沒有其他念頭來干擾你的工作。)這完全說的是專注,而我想 dreaming-awake 狀態就是唐望所形容的強化意識狀態,如卡氏曾經問過的,外人看起來他就像喝醉一樣,是故這不是 dreaming,也沒有睡,所以可以從事任何日常的事務,但是使用一種半夢半醒的如同醉拳的武功,而半夢半醒狀態我們知道可以連接到隱含秩序層。
小佛琳達問文生給他的報告 comments(評論)時,是否也如她所見這般,Espreanza 解釋說文生在小佛琳達報告中看到的跟小佛琳達看到然後寫下來的不一樣:
"Quite naturally so, for his knowledge is by far moor vast than yours. Guided by his suggestions, and according to your own capacities, you saw what your paper ought to read like. That's what you wrote down."
"While dreaming-awake, we have access to hidden resources, which we never use ordinarily," Nelida said, going on to explain that, the instant I saw my paper, I remembered the clues the caretaker had given me. (Being-in-Dreaming, p. 246)
(「醒著做夢時,我們可以連通到潛隱的資源,這是我們平常從來沒使用過的,」奈莉達說,正要繼續解釋,那一刻我看到我的報告,我想起了 caretaker 給我的線索。)
我們是否可以說這也是出自明性?不僅 dreaming-awake(醒著做夢)/heightened awareness(強化意識)可以連接至「hidden resources」(潛隱資源),Espreanza 更說:「When dreaming-awake, we have access to direct knowledge.」(當醒著做夢時,我們可以獲得直接的知識。)奈莉達再補充:「Dreaming-awake should have made you realized that you have, as all women do, a unique capacity to receive knowledge directly.」(p. 246)(醒著做夢應該已讓妳瞭解到,像所有女性一樣,妳擁有直接接受知識的獨特能力。)看來唐望巫士知識跟大圓滿英雄所見略同。
但這裡為什麼要強調女人呢?難道跟男人不同嗎?接下來又是圓錐圖解,小佛琳達打書時接受採訪時說,男人的能量結構是 CONE(圓錐),女人剛好倒過來。男生是正圓錐,尖頂在上,代表「Men build knowledge step by step」(男人一步步建立知識)、「men cone toward the spirit; they cone up toward knowledge」(男人由下而上導向力量;他們趨向知識尖端);而女人剛好顛倒,「Women are able to open themselves directly to the source, or the source reaches them directly」(女人能夠直接將自己向來源開放,或來源直接觸及她們);「women's connection to knowledge is expansive」(女人與知識的連結是廣大的)。看不懂,對不對?結論:
Men are close to the concrete, and aim at the abstract.
Women are close to the abstract and yet try to indulge themselves with the concrete.
FLORINDA D: Originally, beyond the the sexual aspect, the female, the womb ensures that the woman is the one that's closest to the spirit in this process of approaching knowledge as being-in-dreaming. The man cones upward, and by the sheer definition of the cone, it comes to a finite end. It's an energetic force. He strives because he is not close to the spirit, or whatever we want to call that great energetic force out there. According to the sorcerers, the woman is exactly the opposite. The cone is upside down. They have a direct link with it, because the womb for the sorcerer is not just an organ of reproduction; it is an organ for dreams, a second brain. (Being-in-Dreaming: Florinda Donner in Conversation with Alexander Blair-Ewart, Dimension, Feb. 1992)
(小佛琳達:最初,除了性方面之外,女性是子宮,它確保在求取知識的過程中諸如醒著做夢,女性是最接近力量的。 男人的圓錐向上,並且根據圓錐的純粹定義,圓錐達到有限的末端。這是一個充滿能量的力量。男人之所以努力,是因為他與力量或者我們稱之為充滿能量的力量不是很接近。據巫士說,女人則正好相反,女性的圓錐倒置,她們與力量有直接的連結,因為巫士的子宮不是只是生殖器官,它是做夢的器官,是第二大腦。)