我之所以從 Amazon 買到這本書,是因為南開諾布仁波切《夢瑜伽與自然光的修習》中提到這段:
「來自這些古老傳統對於夢境工作的技巧描述是很重要的,因為這些傳統正瀕臨滅絕的危機。儘管關於夢的一般性主題已經出版了很多書籍,但在本書第一版出版時,相對而言只有很少的書將夢境工作帶進靈性修行的脈絡中。佛教、苯教和道教老師都承認這種處境已影響他們採取更為公開教授的決定,因此在過去十年間,深受人們敬仰的上師如達賴喇嘛、丹增旺杰(Tenzin Wangyal)和嘉初仁波切(Gyatrul Rinpoche),就夢境工作的主題都出版了書籍,作為對「夢瑜伽」(Dream Yoga)中所發現之技巧方法的補述。」(pp. 52-53 )
Oral Commentary to the Root Text on Releasing Oneself from Essential Delusion
The teaching here today on dream yoga concerns six different intermediate states that occur in cyclic existence, which are called bardos. If one has received these teachings and successfully prepared oneself through practice, then to accomplish this "bardo of the dream state" is to simultaneously prepare oneself for all "bardo states." The similarity of the bardo states cannot be underestimated when you take into consideration the repetitive cycles of conditioned existence. The dream bardo stands out as a separate state or experience with which you seem to be very familiar. In this teaching you should merge that familiarity with reality. (p. 93)
This particular dream yoga teaching is based on a treasure of Vajrasattva that belongs to the well-known terton Terdag Lingpa. It was written down in the form of notes by the great scholar Lochen Dharma Shri and is a well-known practice in the Nyingma tradition. The title of this text is Release Oneself from Essential Delusion. The release of oneself from delusion is an ongoing process as long as you remain in a state of impure awareness. These notes that comprise the root text for this practice instruct you in how to release the mind from impure awareness according to Vajrasattva's mind accomplishment of the dream state. (pp. 93-94)
這個特殊的夢瑜伽修法,是基於一套屬於著名伏藏師德達林巴的金剛薩埵伏藏法系,由偉大的學者(大譯師)羅千達瑪師利(Lochen Dharma Shri,德達林巴之弟)以註解的形式寫下的,在寧瑪派傳承中是很知名的修法。此本文的標題是《惑中迷妄自解脫》(從基本妄想中自解脫):只要你依然處在不淨覺知中,由迷妄中自解脫就是一個持續的過程。構成此修法根本文的這些註解,即根據「金剛薩意成就之夢修導引」,指導你如何從不淨的覺知中解脫自心。
(translated from: Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche, Meditation, Transformation, and Dream Yoga, 2nd edition USA 2002)