有關淨光(clear light),或稱自然光(natural light)。在《夢瑜伽與自然光的修習》當中(本書第一版譯為《夢瑜伽與自性光明修法》)所描述的自然光或自性光明,是在入睡後、作夢前的這段期間,是故造成我們有先入為主地以為自然光只有在這段時間出現(這稱睡眠淨光,見達賴喇嘛《心與夢的解析》)。
https://www.itsfun.com.tw/%E5%9F%BA%E5% ... ki-2012487
「我們在睡夢中應當好好修持,以求能夠了悟光明,所以應該心無散亂地安住於心性光明中。」(堪布慈囊仁波切《六種中陰的實修教授:西藏生死導引書(下)》p. 39)
「上師把覺識之本性指出給學生的白天修法,透過修習培養對它的認知,以此做基礎,你就能進入夢境中有過程的訓練,那就是淨光之了悟。」(嘉初仁波切《自然解脫:連花生大士六中有教法》p. 224)
The second stage to this unification is unification with clear light. This is simply a deepening of the awareness of the nature of the mind. As the root text states, "During the day, think, 'This is a dream. It is emptiness, like space.' And place the illusion in the nature of clear light that itself is empty and clear like space. From the sphere of lucidity, you arise in divine form, increasing and transforming yourself and so forth. Maintain this awareness during the day without distraction, and at night apply the immutable, essential oral instructions." In order to unify with the clear light in the dream state, again you should maintain special prayers related to this particular accomplishment: "May I apprehend the clear light, and may I appear from the clear light in the divine of union."
As you can see, the training of dream yoga corresponds to the other stages of the bardo because all are interrelated, almost identical experiences. In fact, you are dealing with the same mind. The mind just continues on through different intermediate periods. You have already moved through experiences which are likened to the bardo at the moment of death and the bardo f intrinsic reality, and this point of unification with clear light closely resembles the bardo of seeking rebirth in which the mind is about to be brought back into an embodied form. In order to consciously experience that in the dream state, from clear light the divine form nees to re-emerge. Clear light arises from the empty nature. The nature of emptiness is luminosity. The union of emptiness and luminosity is expression, and it is from that seed of expression that the divine from is born. In regard to this, you must have determined anticipation and the strong prayer, "Tonight I shall place my sleep in clear light awareness, and from that clear light I shall re-emerge as the divine form of the deity." (pp. 119-120)