作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com


Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。


文章SW » 2020-03-19, 23:47

既然《時間之輪》有大陸翻譯版了,我就不想摘了。還有一本 Magical Passes,以前都沒摘過,這是一本巫士版「幻輪瑜伽」啦,但我不會摘動作說明,只摘摘唐望與卡氏的對話。卡氏這個博士寫的英文太難翻了,對話相對而言比較簡單。



Magical Passes(1)

It was the belief of the sorcerers of don Juan's lineage that there is an inherent amount of energy existing in each one of us, an amount which is not subject to the onslaughts of outside forces for augmenting it or for decreasing it. They believed that this quantity of energy was sufficient to accomplish something which those sorcerers deemed to be the Juan Matus was convinced that our incapacity to break those parameters was induced by our culture and social milieu. He maintained that our culture and social milieu deployed every bit of our inherent energy in fulfilling established behavioral patterns which didn't allow us to break those parameters of normal perception.

"Why in the world would I, or anyone else, want to break those parameters?" I asked don Juan on one occasion.

"Breaking those parameters is the unavoidable issue of mankind," he replied. "Breaking them means the entrance into unthinkable worlds of a pragmatic value in no way different from the value of our world of everyday life. Regardless of whether or not we accept this premise, we are obsessed with breaking those parameters, and we fail miserably at it, hence the profusion of drugs and stimulants and religious rituals and ceremonies among modern man."

"Why do you think we have failed so miserably, don Juan?" I asked.
(「你為什麼認為我們敗得這麼慘,唐望?」 我問道。)

"Our failure to fulfill our subliminal wish," he said, "is due to the fact that we tackle it in a helter-skelter way. Our tools are too crude. They are equivalent to trying to bring down a wall by ramming it with the head. Man never considers this breakage in terms of energy. For sorcerers, success is determined only by the accessibility or the inaccessibility energy.

"Since it is impossible," he continued, "to augment our inherent energy, the only avenue open for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico was the redeploymentof that energy. For them, this process of redeployment began with the magical passes, and the way they affected the physical body."(Magical Passes, pp. 2-3)
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Magical Passes(2)

文章SW » 2020-03-26, 23:56

這段重點在描述唐望這一支傳承特別重視體能高超和精神正常。唐望加上十五位同儕個個皆是如此,都具有身心均衡的 Tonal(個人層面)。倒不是他們僅憑修持巫術就得以如此,身體是需要特別鍛鍊的。卡氏一直以為唐望是非常「心靈」的人(基督教詞稱「屬靈」的人」),其實不然,唐望對體格的鍛鍊還是很注重。


Magical Passes(2)

"Shamans are not spiritual at all," he said. "They are very practical beings. It is a well known fact, however, that shamans are generally regarded as eccentric, or even insane. Perhaps that is what makes you think that they are spiritual. They seem insane because they are always trying to explain things that cannot be explained. In the course of such futile attempts to give complete explanations that cannot be completed under any circumstances, they lose all coherence and say inanities.
(「薩滿巫士一點也不屬靈,」他說,「他們是非常實際的人。然而,眾所周知的是,薩滿巫士普遍被認為很古怪、甚至精神錯亂,也許這就是讓你認為他們是屬靈的地方。他們似乎精神錯亂,因為他們總是試圖解釋那些無法被解釋的事情。在這種(要給出在任何情況下都不可能完整的完整解釋)徒勞無功的企圖中 ,他們喪失了所有的 一致性而不知所云。)

"You need a pliable body, if you want physical prowess and levelhead¬edness," he went on. "These are the two most important issues in the lives of shamans, because they bring forth sobriety and pragmatism: the only indispensable requisites for entering into other realms of percep¬tion. To navigate, in a genuine way, in the unknown necessitates an attitude of daring, but not one of recklessness. In order to establish a balance between audacity and recklessness, a sorcerer has to be extremely sober, cautious, skillful, and in superb physical condition."

"But why in superb physical condition, don Juan?" I asked. "Isn't the desire or the will to journey into the unknown enough?"
(「但為什麼要身體狀況很好,唐望?」 我問,「進入未知世界的欲望或意願還不夠嗎?」)

"Not in your pissy life!" he replied rather brusquely. "Just to conceive facing the unknown—much less enter into it—requires guts of steel, and a body that would be Capable of holding those guts. What would be the point of being gutsy if you didn't have mental alertness, physical prowess, and adequate muscles?"
(「這不是在你的生活中!」 他相當粗魯地回答。「僅僅想到面對未知——甭提進入其中了,就需要鋼鐵般的膽量,以及能夠 hold 得住這些膽量的身體。如果你沒有機警的心智、高超的體能和足夠的肌肉,那麼需要膽量的意義又何在?」)
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Magical Passes(3)

文章SW » 2020-06-22, 23:44

這裡唐望講洋蔥層,南開諾布仁波切則稱 dimension,層面,其實差不多意思。但洋蔥還是有 3D 的概念,而區分內外;層面則沒有這種概念。

Magical Passes(3)

The shamans of don Juan's lineage were deeply engaged with the redeployment of their inherent energy. This involvement wasn't an intel¬lectual endeavor, nor was it the product of induction or deduction, or logical conclusions. It was the result of their ability to perceive energy as it flowed in the universe.

"Those sorcerers called this ability to perceive energy as it flowed in the universe seeing,” don Juan explained to me. "They described seeing as a state of heightened awareness in which the human body is capable of perceiving energy as a flow, a current, a windlike vibration. To see energy as it flows in the universe is the product of a momentary halt of the system of interpretation proper to human beings."

"What is this system of interpretation, don Juan?" I asked.
「這個解釋系統是什麼,唐望?」 我問。

"The shamans of ancient Mexico found out," he replied, "that every part of the human body is engaged, in one way or another, in turning this vibratory flow, this current of vibration, into some form of sensory input. The sum total of this bombardment of sensory input is then, through usage, turned into the system of interpretation that makes human beings capable of perceiving the world the way they do.

"To make this system of interpretation come to a halt," he went on, "was the result of tremendous discipline on the part of the sorcerers of ancient Mexico. They called this halt seeing, and made it the cornerstone of their knowledge. To see energy as it flowed in the universe was, for them, an essential tool that they employed in making their classificatory schemes. Because of this capacity, for instance, they conceived the total universe available to the perception of human beings as an onionlike affair, consisting of thousands of layers. The daily world of human beings, they believed, is but one such layer. Consequently, they also believed that other layers are not only accessible to human perception, but are part of man's natural heritage." (pp. 4-5 )
「要使這種解釋系統停頓下來,」他繼續說,「是古代墨西哥巫士進行嚴格紀律的結果。他們稱這種停頓為『看見』,並使其成為了他們知識的基石。 對他們來說,『看見』能量在宇宙中流動,是他們運用在制訂分類計畫時重要的工具。例如,由於這種能力,他們將整個宇宙感知為可供人類感知的洋蔥狀的東西,包含幾千層。他們相信,人類的日常生活不過是其中的一層而已。因此,他們還認為其他層次不僅是人類感知可及的,而且是人類自然遺產的一部分。」
文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Magical Passes(4)

文章SW » 2020-07-02, 23:50

A finding of tremendous value for them, and for shamans of succeed¬ing generations, was that the location of the assemblage point on that spot is the result of usage and socialization. For this reason, they considered it to he an arbitrary position which gives merely the illusion of being final and irreducible. A product of this illusion is the seemingly unshakable conviction of human beings that the world they deal with daily is the only world that exists, and that its finality is undeniable.


"Believe me," don Juan said to me once, "this sense of finality about the world is a mere illusion. Due to the fact that it has never been challenged, it stands as the only possible view. To see energy as it flows in the universe is the tool for challenging it. Through the use of this tool, the sorcerers of my lineage arrived at the conclusion that there are indeed a staggering number of worlds available to man's perception. They described those worlds as being all inclusive realms, realms where one can act and struggle. In other words, they are worlds where one can live and die, as in this world of everyday life." (p. 6)

文章: 4447
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章yetijkd » 2020-07-10, 10:41

文章: 35
註冊時間: 2015-02-21, 13:33
來自: 上海

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