作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com


Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。


文章SW » 2018-02-10, 16:25

再一次使用鏡子的隱喻:光身的證悟表示這個人不再處於「是被鏡子反射出的一個人」的情況(其以二元方式看待自己或鏡中自己的反射),而是已成為鏡子本體的情況,是故現在他整個能量就像鏡子能量顯現的方式。了知自己能量如何顯現為「當」、「羅巴」和 「查」,吾人便能夠完全融攝自己的能量,直接貫穿到實際物質存在的層次。這可經由修持「四身印」(Four Da)生起界部境相、或經由修習「四光」生起妥噶四相而達成。妥噶四相的發展方式與界部境相的發展非常類似。




The sorcerers' increased energy, derived from the curtailment of their self-reflection, allows their senses a greater range of perception.

"I've been trying to make clear to you that the only worthwhile course of action, whether for sorcerers or average men, is to restrict our involvement with our self-image," he continued. "What a nagual aims at with his apprentices is the shattering of their mirror of self-reflection."

「我們每個人對於自我反映的執著都不相同,」他說,「這種執著感是有所需要。例如,在我開始知識的追尋之前,我的生命是無止境的需要;在進入 nagual 胡里安門下許多年後,我仍舊是同樣的需要,如果沒有更惡化的話。
"Each of us has a different degree of attachment to his self-reflection," he went on. "And that attachment is felt as need. For example, before I started on the path of knowledge, my life was endless need. And years after the nagual Julian had taken me under his wing, I was still just as needy, if not more so.

「但有一些人,巫士或普通人,什麽都不需要。他們的平靜、和諧、歡笑與知識,直接來自於力量,不需要任何媒介。至於你和我,情况就不一樣。我是你的媒介;nagual 胡里安是我的媒介。媒介除了提供最低限度的幫助使門徒對意願察覺之外,還幫助他們打破自我反映之鏡。」
"But there are examples of people, sorcerers or average men, who need no one. They get peace, harmony, laughter, knowledge, directly from the spirit. They need no intermediaries. For you and for me, it's different. I'm your intermediary and the nagual Julian was mine. Intermediaries, besides providing a minimal chance - the awareness of intent - help shatter people's mirrors of self-reflection.

(《寂靜的知識》pp. 181-182)
文章: 4376
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2018-02-10, 23:14

多年前我有一位在康乃爾的同校同學,2002 後約五年間,我們共同度過人生的轉捩期。後來她很高興地告訴我她皈依了大乘佛門,然而卻對我提到要證悟的意圖感到奇怪,說她從未想過要證悟。(謙虛也不一定是種美德啊。)

在印第安托爾特克傳承巫士唐望這一支,到卡斯塔尼達是第 27 代,前代都是以四的倍數組團,全數化為「意識的火焰」離世。該傳承有兩個法門:「做夢」(dreaming)與潛獵,無一不是為了此最終目的。是故,光對「做夢」有興趣,卻對「做夢」的最終目的不敢想或沒概念,正如我師父說的:學佛很辛苦,勞民傷財(時間就是金錢),不如回家坐在沙發上看電視還比較舒服。




一位圓滿成就妥噶四相第四階的行者,完全不會顯現死亡。此等證悟層次稱為「大遷轉」(Great Transfer),這便是蓮花生大士和無垢友(Vimalamitra)所示現的證悟。本質上來說,大遷轉的證悟和光身是一樣的,唯一的差別在於證達大遷轉者,就臨床意義而言不必經過死亡,即得以從物質層面的顯現移轉至諸大元素精華層面的顯現。此二種證悟模式是修持大圓滿所特有的。




He said that one of the most dramatic differences between civilized men and sorcerers was the way in which death came to them.

"The greatest difference between an average man and a sorcerer is that a sorcerer commands his death with his speed," don Juan went on. "If it comes to that, the jaguar will not eat me. He'll eat you, because you don't have the speed to hold back your death."

He then elaborated on the intricacies of the sorcerers' idea of speed and death. He said that in the world of everyday life, the only irrevocable thing was death. In the sorcerers' world, on the other hand, normal death could be countermanded.

I told him his statements, impressive as they were, could not convince me that death could be revoked. And he explained once more what he had explained before. He said that for a seer human beings were either oblong or spherical luminous masses of countless, static, yet vibrant fields of energy, and that only sorcerers were capable of injecting movement into those spheres of static luminosity. In a millisecond they could move their assemblage points to any place in their luminous mass. That movement and the speed with which it was performed entailed an instantaneous shift into the perception of another totally different universe. Or they could move their assemblage points, without stopping, across their entire fields of luminous energy. The force created by such movement was so intense that it instantly consumed their whole luminous mass.

He said that if a rockslide were to come crashing down on us at that precise moment, he would be able to cancel the normal effect of an accidental death. By using the speed with which his assemblage point would move, he could make himself change universes or make himself burn from within in a fraction of a second. I, on the other hand, would die a normal death, crushed by the rocks, because my assemblage point lacked the speed to pull me out.

I said it seemed to me that the sorcerers had just found an alternative way of dying, which was not the same as a cancellation of death. And he replied that all he had said was that sorcerers commanded their deaths. They died only when they had to.

(《寂靜的知識》pp. 229-230)
文章: 4376
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2018-02-17, 21:22

註釋 7:伏藏(gTer-ma)是由蓮花生大士和移喜措嘉或過去其他偉大的上師,所埋藏的文本或寶物,要在特定的時間被揭露。智慧心的寶藏(dgongs-gter,意伏藏)則是某些上師自其覺觀之偉大明性中所揭露的。

(《水晶與光道》修訂新版,2018/03 出版)







文章: 4376
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2018-02-17, 21:22




文章: 4376
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2018-02-23, 16:13



現在我所教授的是曼達拉瓦修法當中一個甚深的教法,就是由四個夢獲得的。在 1997 年時,我們在澳洲慶祝新年照往例修曼達拉瓦,有人問我修法原理而成為緣起,當晚我作了個夢,我就得到這教法第一部份,但並非全部因為被中斷了。

之後同一年在雪梨有個佛教圖書館,我又夢到這個教法,我記起前次沒有完成;同一年十月在印度,山上有個曼達拉瓦洞穴,我們進行一次薈供,晚上我睡在寧瑪派寺院中,夢中再次憶起這個教法,也還是沒完成但有所發展;在 1998 年我滿六十歲,在藏曆六十歲被認為比較沈重,當時我進行曼達拉瓦閉關,這個夢比較特殊一些,這跟我獲得精華萃取術(Chudlen,攝生術)教法比較接近。夢中有人給我紙張,內容完全是我夢中修法的內容。我當時夢中在想也許醒後會忘記,因此不能漏掉任何字,因為這個動機所以醒後就記得。儘管這次是完整的,心智上也理解,但我還是在閉關中進行體會。

2008 我也在義大利火山營進行同樣閉關,這段期間我有些關於金剛舞的夢,尤其是太陽系壇城的金剛舞,許多晚上都夢到有些老師在金剛舞壇城上教給我金剛舞,這很重要,但更重要的是,當我們學習金剛舞的第一部份,其中有兩部分在夢中都學了,有位空行母在夢中顯現,剛開始在美國、義大利我都有這些夢境,我發現她的名字時是 2008 年閉關才知道,她的名字是蘇卡悉地,是一開始就介紹金剛舞給我的空行母。

2009 年一個夢中蘇卡悉地跟我一起,我跟她解釋我在做曼達拉瓦修法,因為這對我很重要,第二天我記起所有夢境並寫下來,這便是這些天講解的內容。所以之前的教授有所更新,這就是為什麼現在和以前的講解不同,理解這點很重要。

2010/01/20 南開諾布仁波切,於曼達拉瓦禪修營
文章: 4376
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2018-02-24, 23:35

"The world of daily life consists of two points of reference," he said. "We have for example, here and there, in and out, up and down, good and evil, and so on and so forth. So, properly speaking, our perception of our lives is two-dimensional. None of what we perceive ourselves doing has depth."

"A sorcerer perceives his actions with depth," he said. "His actions are tri-dimensional for him. They have a third point of reference."

"Our points of reference are obtained primarily from our sense perception," he said. "Our senses perceive and differentiate what is immediate to us from what is not. Using that basic distinction we derive the rest. In order to reach the third point of reference one must perceive two places at once."

Don Juan explained that normal perception had an axis. "Here and there" were the perimeters of that axis, and we were partial to the clarity of "here." He said that in normal perception, only "here" was perceived completely, instantaneously, and directly. Its twin referent, "there," lacked immediacy. It was inferred, deduced, expected, even assumed, but it was not apprehended directly with all the senses. When we perceived two places at once, total clarity was lost, but the immediate perception of "there" was gained.

他向我保證說,每個 nagual 都會盡其力量來激發其弟子聚合點的自由運動,這種全然的努力被隱喻為「尋求第三參考點」。
He assured me that every nagual consistently did everything within his power to encourage the free movement of his apprentices' assemblage points. This all-out effort was cryptically called "reaching out for the third point."

"The third point of reference is freedom of perception; it is intent; it is the spirit; the somersault of thought into the miraculous; the act of reaching beyond our boundaries and touching the inconceivable."

(《寂靜的知識》pp. 242-246)
文章: 4376
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2018-03-17, 16:15






Don Juan explained to me that the sorcery premises pertinent to dreaming were naturally envisioned and developed by sorcerers of antiquity. Out of necessity - for those premises are key in explaining and understanding dreaming - I again have to write about and discuss them. The major part of this book is, therefore, a reintroduction and amplification of what I have presented in my previous works.

唐望解釋說,他們最重要的成就是覺知到事物的能量本質(energetic essence),這份洞悉(insight,觀)非常重要,它成了巫法(sorcery)的基本前提。現今,巫士經過畢生的紀律與訓練,確實獲得了覺知事物本質的能力,他們將這種能力稱爲看見(seeing)。
Don Juan explained that their most important attainment was to perceive the energetic essence of things. This insight was of such importance that it was turned into the basic premise of sorcery. Nowadays, after lifelong discipline and training, sorcerers do acquire the capacity to perceive the essence of things, a capacity they call seeing.





"What would it mean to me to perceive the energetic essence of things?" I once asked don Juan.
"It would mean that you perceive energy directly," he replied. "By separating the social part of perception, you'll perceive the essence of everything. Whatever we are perceiving is energy, but since we can't directly perceive energy, we process our perception to fit a mold. This mold is the social part of perception, which you have to separate."
"Why do I have to separate it?"
"Because it deliberately reduces the scope of what can be perceived and makes us believe that the mold into which we fit our perception is all that exists. I am convinced that for man to survive now, his perception must change at its social base."

(《做夢的藝術》p. 17;第一段中文書未譯。)
文章: 4376
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2018-03-18, 17:03


"How then should we perceive the world?"
"Everything is energy. The whole universe is energy. The social base of our perception should be the physical certainty that energy is all there is. A mighty effort should be made to guide us to perceive energy as energy. Then we would have both alternatives at our fingertips."


"Is it possible to train people in such a fashion?" I asked.
Don Juan replied that it was possible and that this was precisely what he was doing with me and his other apprentices. He was teaching us a new way of perceiving, first, by making us realize we process our perception to fit a mold and, second, by fiercely guiding us to perceive energy directly.

I am saying that this is first a world of energy; then it's a world of objects. If we don't start with the premise that it is a world of energy, we'll never be able to perceive energy directly. We'll always be stopped by the physical certainty of what you've just pointed out the hardness of objects."

"A very efficient manner of appraising and classifying food and danger. But this is not the only way we are able to perceive. There is another mode, the one I am familiarizing you with the act of perceiving the essence of everything, energy itself, directly.


"To perceive the essence of everything will make us understand, classify, and describe the world in entirely new, more exciting, more sophisticated terms." This was don Juan's claim. And the more sophisticated terms to which he was alluding were those he had been taught by his predecessors, terms that correspond to sorcery truths, which have no rational foundation and no relation whatsoever to the facts of our daily world but which are self-evident truths for the sorcerers who perceive energy directly and see the essence of everything.

(《做夢的藝術》pp. 18-19)
文章: 4376
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

如何打斷業力夢 plus 「力量呼吸」

文章SW » 2018-04-01, 14:33


當我們睡眠時也是跟無明相連,無明會顯現。我們試著睡在舒適的床上,男性右側睡、女性左側臥,枕頭墊高,手靠在耳下。「大圓滿」教法稱入睡後到夢生起這段時間為自然光(natural light),就像死後到投生中陰這段期間也是自然光顯現的時機,我們知道此並加以應用就能持續處於本覺狀態。


如果我們睡眠當中作了夢醒來,我們以 Tsogpu 坐姿,即膝蓋合併豎起並抵著胃(our knees on the stomach)(按:唐望巫士傳承也有此姿勢,下巴收緊,雙臂緊緊抱膝,這時呼吸很淺,稱為「力量呼吸」。),不追隨念頭,放鬆於此狀態,我們持續一會兒後再入睡,業力夢就被打斷不再繼續。無論我們有各種的夢馬上就能夢中知夢,每個人都能有此經驗,但當你練習這對你會變得熟練,你可以轉變夢,有許多種可能。

(2012/06/03 南開諾布仁波切教授,限於密法傳承,內容已稍加整理。)


力量呼吸 Powerful Breath






"First, I'll show you a breath that has been a secret for generations. This breath mirrors the dual forces of creation and destruction, of light and darkness, of being and not-being."

She directed me, by gentle manipulation, to sit with my spine curved forward and to bring my knees to my chest as high as I could. While keeping my feet on the ground, I was to wrap my arms around my calves and firmly clasp my hands in front of my knees, or if I wished I could clasp each elbow. She gently eased my head down until my chin touched my chest.

I had to strain the muscles of my arms to keep my knees from pushing out sideways. My chest was constricted and so was my abdomen. My neck made a cracking sound as I tucked my chin in.

"This is a powerful breath," Clara instructed me to take short, shallow breaths. I told her that her request was redundant since that was the only way I could breathe in that position. She said that even if I only partially released the arm pressure I was creating with my hands, my breath would return to normal. But this wasn't what she was after. She wanted me to continue the shallow breaths for at least ten minutes.
文章: 4376
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2018-04-01, 22:11

上個世紀卡斯塔尼達的「唐望故事」橫掃全球,加上同儕兩位女巫士總共十幾本著作,除了令人目眩神迷的巫術故事外,核心中的核心,就是 Nagual(kind of 上師)本身。

熱愛照書瞎練的讀者們,看熟了幾十遍幾百遍後,自己變成了開班授徒的老師,有模有樣的教起巫法,就是不知道他的 Nagual 是誰?傳承得自何處?


是故,當年的做夢者班成員,多多少少依循自己的因緣,都各自拜師去了,哪怕踏入的修行道途跟唐望體系只有 20% 的相似度,剩下的 80% 也只好入境隨俗、照單全收了。





在我跟隨他十三年弟子生涯的開始階段,對我而言最困難的事就把我自己加入他的世界及他個人。這種加入意指我必須學習絕對地信任他,並毫無成見地接受他為 Nagual。
In the beginning stages of my thirteen-year apprenticeship with him, the hardest thing for me was to affiliate myself with his world and his person. This affiliating meant that I had to learn to trust him implicitly and accept him without bias as the nagual.

「他回答說:沒有對 Nagul 的信任,便沒有解脫的可能,因此也沒有清除我們生活中的廢物而達到自由的可能。」唐望說。
"He replied that without trusting the nagual there is no possibility of relief and thus no possibility of clearing the debris from our lives in order to be free." don Juan said.

「隨你怎麼相信,」唐望不氣餒地回答,「事實依舊存在,沒有 Nagul 就沒得玩。我知道這個所以才這麼說。所有在我之前的 Nagul 也會這麼說,但他們不是出於自以為了不起,我也不是。要說沒有 nagul 就沒有修道,這完全根據事實,那就是相較於其他人,Nagual 這個人之所以是一位 nagual,因為他能反映抽象、也就是力量(the spirit),僅此而已。我們的連結是與力量本身,只不過是附帶與這個人連結,而他將力量的訊息帶給我們。」
"You may believe whatever you want," don Juan replied undauntedly. "The fact remains, there is no game without the nagual. I know this and I say so. And so did all the naguals ' who preceded me. But they didn't say it from the standpoint of self-importance, and neither do I. To say there is no path without the nagual is to refer totally to the fact that the man, the nagual, is a nagual because he can reflect the abstract, the spirit, better than others. But that's all. Our link is with the spirit itself and only incidentally with the man who brings us its message."

我後來的確學會毫無條件地信任唐望為 Nagul,正如他說的,這帶給我極大的解脫感,使我更有能力接受他苦心的傳授。
I did learn to trust don Juan implicitly as the nagual, and this, as he had stated it, brought me an immense sense of relief and a greater capacity to accept what he was striving to teach me.

(《做夢的藝術》pp. 24-25)
文章: 4376
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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