作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com


Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。


文章SW » 2017-03-04, 14:11


















(《老鷹的贈予》pp. 68-70)

I related to them the events of what I considered my true dreaming. Don Juan had told me that there was no point in emphasizing the trials. He gave me a rule of thumb. If I should have the same vision three times, he said, I had to pay extraordinary attention to it. Otherwise, a neophyte's attempts were merely a stepping stone to building the second attention.

I dreamed once that I woke up and jumped out of bed only to be confronted by myself still sleeping in bed. I watched myself asleep, and had the self-control to remember that I was dreaming. I followed then the directions don Juan had given me, which were to avoid sudden jolts or surprises, and to take everything with a grain of salt.

The dreamer has to get involved, don Juan had said, in dispassionate experimentations. Rather than examining his sleeping body, the dreamer walks out of the room.

I made a supreme effort to walk. Some form of attentiveness was required to maintain the bounds of my vision; to prevent it from disintegrating into the fleeting images of an ordinary dream. I had no mechanism, as in ordinary life, to arrange my perception. Everything was there in the foreground and I had no volition to construct an adequate screening procedure.

Months later, when I again found myself in a dream looking at my sleeping body, I already had a repertoire of things to do. In the course of my regular dreaming I had learned that what matters in that state was volition. The corporeality of the body has no significance: It is simply a memory that slows down the dreamer.

I glided out of the room without hesitation, since I did not have to act out the motions of opening a door or walking in order to move.

And then, quite casually, I realized that if I did not stare at things, but only glanced at them just as we do in our daily world, I could arrange my perception. In other words, if I followed don Juan's suggestions to the letter, and took my dreaming for granted, I could use the perceptual biases of my everyday life. After a few moments the scenery became, if not completely familiar, controllable.
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2017-03-04, 14:37


No. 12 2004/09/22(三) 09:24AM (recorded 4'41") Dreaming

(最後一次看鬧鐘 9:10。本來側著睡,略有睡意就調到躺著睡,手好像還弓著在前額,那是不可能的姿勢,其實已經睡著了。)我聽著音樂,感覺掉下去了,身體震動得好厲害,一直震動到腳。舉起眼睛透過眼皮看到白色天花板(1),然後視線再往下一點,發現房間的配置不是我的房間。

覺得我快要跳出夢,那個夢已經被我控制住了,所以顯得非常的模糊、渾沌,但意識是非常清楚的。回頭看我的床想要看我的身體,但簡直無法對焦,因為我不要夢 un-real 的部分,我要 "real" 現況 ,我要真正體驗「出體」,所以必須要練習。有點冷所以我就試著再躺回床上,又有一陣震動,因為要練習,然後再起來。反正就像在一個果凍似的夢裡面就對了,它沒有實體化得很好。



(1) 聽到古怪聲響 / 透過眼瞼視物

「當你一意識到自己漸有睡意,你就是處在似睡非睡的階段。你的魂體仍在你的身體裡,但是你絕對不是處在正常的意識狀態中。你可能產生奇怪亢奮的感覺,並且聽到古怪的聲響。你會許可以透過眼瞼視物。現在,你只消放鬆,就可以出體了。」(《簡易靈魂出體法》pp. 119-120)

(2) 夢中檢視能力

「一旦你領悟到你在作夢,檢視能力被喚起,夢行動不再視為理所當然,經驗也被審視。舉例來說,你可能在你的房子裡『醒來』,比對它們正常的擺設以檢查你的房間。任何不屬於那兒的東西也許就是個幻覺,是普通夢的一部分。 如果你願意這種影像消失的話,它們會消失,留下你在基本的非幻覺的環境裡。如果你合理化這種成分,或不加批判地接受它們,那你就可能落回普通夢狀態裡。」 (《夢與意識投射》pp. 379-380)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2017-03-05, 13:03

《老鷹的贈予》隨後也會講到紅光現象。在我眼裡,唐望傳承夢修過程,跟所有其他長青哲學夢修體系,本質是一樣的。如果西藏苯教中(4000 年前)都在敦煌文獻中找到大圓滿教法,3000 多年的印第安薩滿巫士傳承中又難道沒有相同理念嗎?(有一說是美洲印第安溯源自北亞。)

《喬美仁波切極密傳記》(34-36 歲的修行經驗)

34 歲以後,出現了與以往不同的修行經歷。赤裸裸的覺性已顯得非常清明,從而對自己的修行產生了一定勝解。這一期間,我多次認知粗猛之夢。有時能在覺受與夢境錯綜複雜的情況下認識心性,相伴出現神通的感覺。


我在 36 歲時,體弱乏力,一天到晚都在昏睡。有天深更半夜,發生了一件特殊的事情。在半醒半睡假寐之際,眼前黑影晃動,影影綽綽,彷彿有什麼東西壓著,我心裡感到有些驚恐,嚇得瑟瑟發抖。突然間,耳畔響起「嗚、嗚、嗚……」、「轟隆隆」一連串莫名其妙的聲音。我見到這種情形,馬上修生起次第來加以遣除,但沒有起到多大作用。




上述是我 36 歲以前的修行經驗。
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2017-03-10, 21:10

Years before, when I had acquired a degree of experience in dreaming, I had asked don Juan if there were any known steps which were common to all of us. He had told me that in the final analysis every dreamer was different.

But in talking with la Gorda I discovered such similarities in our experiences of dreaming that I ventured a possible classificatory scheme of the different stages.

Restful vigil is the preliminary state; a state in which the senses become dormant and yet one is aware. In my case, I had always perceived in this state a flood of reddish light; a light exactly like what one sees facing the sun with the eyelids tightly closed.

The second state of dreaming I called dynamic vigil. In this state the reddish light dissipates, as fog dissipates, and one is left looking at a scene, a tableau of sorts, which is static. One sees a three-dimensional picture, a frozen bit of something, a landscape, a street, a house, a person, a face, or anything.

I called the third state passive witnessing. In it the dreamer is no longer viewing a frozen bit of the world but is observing; eyewitnessing an event as it occurs. It is as if the primacy of the visual and auditory senses makes this state of dreaming mainly an affair of the eyes and ears.

The fourth state was the one in which I was drawn to act. In it one is compelled to enterprise; to take steps; to make the most of one's time. I called this state dynamic initiative.

(《老鷹的贈予》p. 157)


Sleep without dreams is also of two types: light sleep and deep sleep. Light sleep is experienced from the mirage-like appearance through to the appearance of red increse. The deepest sleep of all is that experienced during the swoon of the mind of black near-attainment, when our mindfulness is temporarily lost.

文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2017-03-11, 14:17










文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2017-03-17, 23:15



I decided that we should postpone our dreaming together for the time being and take a closer look at the process of dreaming and analyze its concepts and procedures.

One night we sat down and, as casually as we could, we began to discuss what we knew about dreaming. It quickly became obvious that there were some core topics which don Juan had given special emphasis.

First was the act itself. It seemed to begin as a unique state of awareness arrived at by focusing the residue of consciousness, which one still has when asleep, on the elements, or the features of one's dreams.

The residue of consciousness, which don Juan called the second attention, was brought into action, or was harnessed, through exercises of not-doing. We thought that the essential aid to dreaming was a state of mental quietness which don Juan had called 'stopping the internal dialogue', or the 'not doing of talking to oneself'.

To teach me how to master it, he used to make me walk for miles with my eyes held fixed and out of focus at a level just above the horizon so as to emphasize the peripheral view. His method was effective on two counts. It allowed me to stop my internal dialogue after years of trying, and it trained my attention. By forcing me to concentrate on the peripheral view, don Juan reinforced my capacity to concentrate for long periods of time on one single activity.

Later on, when I had succeeded in controlling my attention and could work for hours at a chore without distraction- a thing I had never before been able to do- he told me that the best way to enter into dreaming was to concentrate on the area just at the tip of the sternum; at the top of the belly. He said that the attention needed for dreaming stems from that area.

The energy needed in order to move and to seek in dreaming stems from the area an inch or two below the belly button. He called that energy the will, or the power to select; to assemble.

(《老鷹的贈予》pp. 163-165)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2017-03-19, 20:46





在1966年9月21日的第287節裡,賽斯關於幻覺及對境有更多評論。賽斯談的是作夢狀態的基本顯相(basic reality)。

有時你會自動地將此顯相轉譯為物質名稱(physical terms),這樣的影像其實是幻覺,但你可能要花工夫才能辨認它們的真實本性。不過,你必須瞭解,所有的對境都是幻覺,它們或可被稱為集體幻覺。

在醒時狀態,內在次元(inner reality)持續不斷地被轉譯成〔外在〕對境;而在作夢狀態,想法概念亦持續不斷地轉譯成「假物」(pseudo-objects)。在夢顯相的某個範圍裡,想法與念頭被轉譯成假物而呈現,這就是當你意識投射採取了一個假的形式(意生身)時所發生的事,雖然我相當簡化了這點。

完全無偽裝的區域是在種種不同系統的外緣(outer edges)。一般來說,在無偽裝的區域之內很少有訊息,它們形同邊界,雖然它們代表所有偽裝組成的基本素材。(沒有偽裝的話,你們用肉體感官感知不到任何東西。)不過,這句話其實是無意義的,因為肉體感官本身就是偽裝。在這種情況下,沒有東西可供轉譯,只有內在感官讓你去感知。




(賽斯書,《夢與意識投射》pp. 390-391)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2017-03-25, 21:59



In a woman both the attention and the energy for dreaming originate from the womb.

"A woman's dreaming has to come from her womb because that's her center," la Gorda said. "In order for me to start dreaming or to stop it, all I have to do is place my attention on my womb. I've learned to feel the inside of it. I see a reddish glow for an instant and then I'm off."

"How long does it take you to get to see that reddish glow?" I asked.

"A few seconds. The moment my attention is on my womb I'm already into dreaming" she continued. "I never toil; not ever. Women are like that. The most difficult part for a woman is to learn how to begin. It took me a couple of years to stop my internal dialogue by concentrating my attention on my womb. Perhaps that's why a woman always needs someone else to prod her.

「Nagual 望‧馬特斯(唐望)時常把冰冷潮濕的河床卵石放在我的肚子上,讓我感覺那區域。或者他會放重量在上面。我有一個鉛塊,是他找給我的。他會要我閉上眼睛,集中注意力在那塊重量的位置。每次我都會睡著,但是他不會生氣。
"The Nagual Juan Matus used to put cold, wet river pebbles on my belly to get me to feel that area. Or he would place a weight on it. I had a chunk of lead that he got for me. He would make me close my eyes and focus my attention on the spot where the weight was. I used to fall asleep every time. But that didn't bother him.

It doesn't really matter what one does as long as the attention is on the womb. Finally I learned to concentrate on that spot without anything being placed on it. I went into dreaming one day all by myself.

「我感覺著我的肚子,就在 Nagual 已經多次放重量的地方,突然間當我像平常一樣地睡著,但這次某個東西把我直接拉進我的子宮。我看見紅色的光輝,然後我作了一個最美麗的夢。但是當我試著告訴 Nagual 時,我知道這不是一個普通夢。我沒辦法告訴他這個夢是什麼,我只是感覺非常快樂與強壯。他說那就是『做夢』。
I was feeling my belly, at the spot where the Nagual had placed the weight so many times, when all of a sudden I fell asleep as usual, except that something pulled me right into my womb. I saw the reddish glow and I then had a most beautiful dream. But as soon as I tried to tell it to the Nagual, I knew that it had not been an ordinary dream. There was no way of telling him what the dream was. I had just felt very happy and strong. He said it had been dreaming.

"From then on he never put a weight on me. He let me do dreaming without interfering. He asked me from time to time to tell him about it. Then he would give me pointers. That's the way the instruction in dreaming should be conducted."

La Gorda said that don Juan told her that anything may suffice as a not-doing to help dreaming, providing that it forces the attention to remain fixed. For instance, he made her and all the other apprentices gaze at leaves and rocks.

(《老鷹的贈予》pp. 165)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2017-04-01, 13:52



The position one assumes to do dreaming was also a very important topic.

「我不知道為什麼 Nagual 沒有在一開始時就告訴我,」拉葛達說,「女人開始時最好的姿勢是雙腳盤坐,然後當注意力進入『做夢』時,讓身體自然傾倒。Nagual 在我開始了一年後才告訴我這個。現在我以這個姿勢坐一會兒,我就會感覺到我的子宮,然後我馬上就會『做夢』。」
"I don't know why the Nagual didn't tell me from the very beginning," la Gorda said, "that the best position for a woman to start from is to sit with her legs crossed and then let the body fall, as it may do once the attention is on dreaming. The Nagual told me about this perhaps a year after I had begun. Now I sit in that position for a moment, I feel my womb, and right away I'm dreaming."

In the beginning, just like la Gorda, I had done it while lying on my back, until one day when don Juan told me that for the best results I should sit up on a soft, thin mat, with the soles of my feet placed together and my thighs touching the mat. He pointed out that, since I had elastic hip joints, I should exercise them to the fullest, aiming at having my thighs completely flat against the mat. He added that if I were to enter into dreaming in that sitting position, my body would not slide or fall to either side, but my trunk would bend forward and my forehead would rest on my feet.

(《老鷹的贈予》pp. 166-167)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2017-04-02, 20:23


Another topic of great significance was the time to do dreaming. Don Juan had told us that the late night or early morning hours were by far the best. His reason for favoring those hours was what he called a practical application of the sorcerers' knowledge.

He said that since one has to do dreaming within a social milieu, one has to seek the best possible conditions of solitude and lack of interference. The interference he was referring to had to do with the attention of people, and not their physical presence.

For don Juan it was meaningless to retreat from the world and hide, for even if one were alone in an isolated, deserted place, the interference of our fellow men is prevalent because the fixation of their first attention cannot be shut off. Only locally, at the hours when most people are asleep, can one avert part of that fixation for a short period of time. It is at those times that the first attention of those around us is dormant.

(《老鷹的贈予》p. 167)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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