這裡雖然說同樣是用注意力維持醒時與夢時世界,但醒時的注意力,和夢時的注意力卻是大不相同。就我的瞭解,在同一個普通夢中,可以一下白天一下晚上,本來室內下一秒就戶外,本來跟 A 隨後變成 B,基本上就是失控與失序。控制夢在唐望這方來說不是要去更增加變異性,反而是要讓影像固定、情境固定,也就是建立成跟我們醒時感知相同的模式。這要如何辦到?上文說到夢中以周邊視覺而不直接觀看。
She announced that she had just "seen" that I had practiced a good deal of "dreaming," and that I had developed my attention, and yet I was fooled by my own appearance of not knowing anything.
「Nagual 要我們對你示範,我們可以用注意力來維持住夢中的影像,這與我們維持住這個世界影像的作法是一樣的,」拉葛達說,「做夢者的藝術就是注意力的藝術。」
"The Nagual told us to show you that with our attention we can hold the images of a dream in the same way we hold the images of the world," la Gorda said. "The art of the dreamer is the art of attention."
Don Juan had said that my reason was the demon that kept me chained, and that I had to vanquish it if I wanted to achieve the realization of his teachings. The issue, therefore, had been how to vanquish my reason. From what la Gorda had said, I knew that to him reason meant attention.
唐望說,我們存在的核心就是感知的能力,而我們存在的奧秘,就是覺知的行動(act)。對他而言,感知與覺知是一個單一、不可分的整體,這個整體有兩個領域。第一個領域是「tonal 注意力」;也就是說,普通人在每天日常生活世界中去感知與涉入他們覺知的能力。唐望也把這種類型的注意力稱為「第一力量之環」,把它描述為我們那驚人但又被視為理所當然的能力,使我們對日常世界的感知產生秩序。
Don Juan said that the core of our being was the act of perceiving, and that the magic of our being was the act of awareness. For him perception and awareness were a single, functional, inextricable unit, a unit which had two domains. The first one was the "attention of the tonal"; that is to say, the capacity of average people to perceive and place their awareness on the ordinary world of everyday life. Don Juan also called this form of attention our "first ring of power," and described it as our awesome but taken-for-granted ability to impart order to our perception of our daily world.
第二領域是「nagual 注意力」;也就是說,巫士在非尋常世界中涉入覺知的能力。他把這注意力的領域稱為「第二力量之環」,或我們全都擁有的特異能力,但是只有巫士使用,為非尋常的世界建立秩序。
The second domain was the "attention of the nagual"; that is to say, the capacity of sorcerers to place their awareness on the nonordinary world. He called this domain of attention the "second ring of power," or the altogether portentous ability that all of us have, but only sorcerers use, to impart order to the nonordinary world.
唐望所努力想要在我身上克服,或抑制的,並不是我的理性思考能力,而是我的「tonal 注意力」,或我對於日常共許世界的知覺。拉葛達解釋他要我如此做的理由,她說日常世界之所以存在,是因為我們知道如何維持住它的影像;同樣道理,如果我們放棄了維持這些影像所需的注意力,世界就會瓦解。(《巫士的傳承》pp. 305-307)
What don Juan had struggled to vanquish, or rather suppress in me, was not my reason as the capacity for rational thought, but my "attention of the tonal," or my awareness of the world of common sense. His motive for wanting me to do so was explained by la Gorda when she said that the daily world exists because we know how to hold its images; consequently, if one drops the attention needed to maintain those images, the world collapses. (The Second Ring of Power)