作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com


Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。

Re: 跨類夢修相關書籍摘錄

文章kenny » 2016-07-17, 11:53



“劉立千在《藏傳佛教噶舉派》一文中如是說:“幻身的要義在引生現空無別 (注1)俱生智。依最微細的風心本元身,而證佛的報化身。幻身有多種,這裡指的不是一般所說幻化不實之身軀為幻身,而是隱秘講述的最微細風心之幻身。隱秘之幻身修法,是先用“三遠離”(注2)和緣“金剛誦”(注3)強迫出現臨終時的死有光明(注4)。由大光明所乘之本元細風起現不淨幻身。不淨幻身又要在光明中清淨,運用“整持”和“隨滅”(注5)二種靜慮清淨之,使由業風轉為智風,意身則成為本元身。不然,無色界天和乾達婆也有意身,他們為什麼成不了佛,因為他們的意身是帶業識的風心,業報滿後仍墮輪回,成不了佛。清淨的幻身則稱為大樂俱生的雙運身或圓滿的報身。”



文章: 9
註冊時間: 2016-06-05, 17:47
來自: Taiwan


文章SW » 2016-07-23, 20:54




(1) 上根:前行修上師瑜伽。具體修法略,依彼修習,則速生證悟。

(2) 中根和下根:前行無間修佛身之現空無別和觀一切如幻化。具體觀修內容略。


(雪漠,《我的靈魂依怙:香巴噶舉及36代傳承根本上師江貢活佛》pp. 185-186)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-07-23, 20:55

我用 Scribd 下載到一份文件,順便把它翻譯出來,讓大家清楚那洛六法的傳承來源:

那洛六瑜伽 Six Yogas of Naropa / Ringu Tulku



光明教法來自拉哇巴(Lawapa)(或稱 Dombupa 敦比巴);
拙火教法來自瑜伽女 Sumati(Sudhagini)。

文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-07-23, 20:56


唐望故事一再提到明晰球體或明晰體,這個明晰英文就是 luminous, luminosity,這在南開師口中經常提到,翻為明亮的或光明,但總不能直翻為發光體、光明體吧?我接觸大圓滿教法至今,只有資深佛友(及其某位上師)提過明體,其他都只提到明點,是故我不大清楚明體所指為何,是比明點大,還是根本就是能量本體?



唐望說前一晚我開始覺察我的明晰本體(光明 luminosity),他警告我不要放縱於目前的安適感中,因為會很容易變成自滿。(p. 99)
Don Juan said that the night before I had begun to be aware of my luminosity. He admonished me not to indulge in the sense of well-being I was having because it would turn into complacency.

「我說過哲那羅是來向你顯示什麼的,明晰生物(luminous beings)作為做夢者的奧秘。你想要知道分身,它開始於夢中。但你接著問:什麼是分身?而我說分身就是本人,自己夢見出分身。這應該夠單純了,只不過沒有什麼事情是單純的。
"I told you that Genaro came to show you something; the mystery of luminous beings as dreamers. You wanted to know about the double. It begins in dreams. But then you asked, 'What is the double?' And I said the double is the self. The self dreams the double. That should be simple, except that there is nothing simple about us.

"Perhaps the ordinary dreams of the self are simple, but that doesn't mean that the self is simple. Once it has learned to dream the double, the self arrives at this weird crossroad, and a moment comes when one realizes that it is the double who dreams the self."

I had written down everything he had said. I had also paid attention to what he was saying, but had failed to understand him.

Don Juan repeated his statements. "The lesson last night, as I told you, was about the dreamer and the dreamed; or who dreams whom."

"Last night Genaro guided you through the intricacies of the double," don Juan went on. "And it was not a vision or a hallucination when you saw yourself lying on the ground. You could have realized that with infinite clarity if you had not gotten lost in your indulging. And you could have known then that you yourself are a dream; that your double is dreaming you in the same fashion that you dreamed him last night."

"But how can that be possible, don Juan?"

「沒人知道這是怎麼發生的,我們只知道它發生了。這就是我們明晰生物的奧秘。昨晚你作了兩個夢,你可以選擇任一個(地點)醒來,但是你沒有足夠的力量理解。」(《力量的傳奇》pp. 103-104)
"No one knows how it happens. We only know that it does happen. That's the mystery of us as luminous beings. Last night you had two dreams and you could have awakened in either one, but you didn't have enough power even to understand that."
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-07-23, 21:01

之前我有組一個做夢共修社團,也不少人買了穿戴裝置 UP 手環,記錄睡眠圖形,也彼此加入好友,瞭解大家睡眠及運動情況。我發現同修蠻多睡眠不足(差不多 5~6 小時一天),這不是說應付日常睡得不夠,而是想要夢修睡得不夠久。

以前我還年輕時,先睡 4~5hr,然後起來活動一會兒,後面 3~4 小時用來練習做夢,這樣去修比較會有明顯進步。要夢修需要方法與技巧,就跟修行也需倚靠實修法門一樣。戴 UP 手環快一年,我比較注意熟睡期的長度,因為我通常都睡得淺。




Normally when we fall asleep we completely lose the power of mindfulness. If the power of our mindfulness does not decline, we find it impossible to fall asleep at all. Therefore, we must be able to fall asleep yet still maintain the power of mindfulness. The way to do this is to allow our mindfulness to decline very slightly, jut enough to make sleep possible. In general, ordinary beings do not know that they are asleep or that they are dreaming because at these times their mindfulness completely declines, but accomplished mediators are able to recognize when they have entered the dream state.


When the great Bodhisattva Shantideva was staying at the monastic university of Nalanda, the other monks thought that he was extremely lazy because he seemed to do only three things: eat, defecate, and sleep - and of these mostly the last! In reality however he was engaged in the very advanced Secret Mantra practices of the three mixings during sleep. This shows that if one is truly a skilled mediator, sleep itself can become a powerful spiritual practice.


To practice the mixings during sleep well, our sleep should be long, deep, and undisturbed. If we are interrupted during our sleeping meditation this will interfere with our ability to meditate on the clear light. In Lamp of Condensed Deeds Aryadeva replies that it is causing the winds to gather strongly at the heart. The more strongly these winds gather at the heart, the longer and deeper our sleep will be.


We should make a strong and constant determination to recognize our sleep as sleep and our dreams as dreams. Then we will be able to attain these two recognitions by virtue of firm concentration. These two recognitions are gained by causing the winds to enter, abide , and dissolve within the central channel combined with the force of concentration. (Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Clear Light of Bliss, pp. 116-119)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-07-29, 16:36




In general, there are two types of sleep: sleep without dreams and sleep with dreams.


Sleep without dreams is also of two types: light sleep and deep sleep. Light sleep is experienced from the mirage-like appearance through to the appearance of red increse. The deepest sleep of all is that experienced during the swoon of the mind of black near-attainment, when our mindfulness is temporarily lost.


The Secret Mantra meditator practises mixing with the Enjoyment Body during sleep. This entails training in transforming the ordinary dream state into the enjoyment body of the path. When the dream state begins, we recognize it for what it is and practice transforming the dream body into the enjoyment body of the path by arising in the form of our personal Deity. On this basis we then develop the divine pride of being the Enjoyment Body. In this way we are able to transform the ordinary dream state into the actual enjoyment body of the path (the illusory body), or into an enjoyment body of the path that is similar to it.


The actual enjoyment body of the path arises from the isolated mind of ultimate example clear light and its mounted wind. The illusory body is altogether different from the gross physical body. Although it is an actual body it is perceived only by those who have already attained an illusory body, just as a dream body is perceived only by dreamers. When we attain the illusory body, our subtle form actually transforms into the aspect of our personal Deity.


Dream sleep is also a form of light sleep. To be able to use such sleep in our practice, our dreams should be very long and clear and we should have a strongly developed power of mindfulness so that we can recognize our dreams for what they are. (Clear Light of Bliss, pp. 121-123)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-07-29, 16:37




"As I've already explained to you," Clara went on, "the body-mind dualism is a false dichotomy. The real division is between the physical body, which houses the mind, and the ethereal body or the double, which houses our energy. The abstract flight takes place when we bring our double to bear on our daily lives. In other words, the moment our physical body becomes totally conscious of its energetic ethereal counterpart, we have crossed over into the abstract; a completely different realm of awareness."
(The Sorcerers' Crossing, pp. 61-62)


"What is the double?"
After slowly exhaling, he said, "The physical body is a covering; a container, if you will. By concentrating on your breathing, you can make the solid body dissolve so that only the soft, ethereal part is left."


He corrected himself, saying that it is not that the physical body dissolves, but that by changing the fixation of our awareness we begin to realize that it was never solid in the first place. This realization, he said, is the exact reversal of what took place as we matured. As infants, we were totally aware of our double. As we grew up, we learned to put increasingly more emphasis on the physical side and less on our ethereal being. As adults we are completely unaware that our soft side exists.


He explained, "The soft body is a mass of energy. Usually we are aware only of its hard, outer casing. We become aware of our ethereal side by allowing our intent to shift back to it."


He stressed that our physical body is inseparably linked with its ethereal counterpart, but that link has been clouded over by our thoughts and feelings which are focused exclusively on our physical body. In order to shift our awareness from our hard appearance to its fluid counterpart, we must first dissolve the barrier that separates the two aspects of our being.
(The Sorcerers' Crossing, pp. 132-133)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-08-06, 15:17

"Some persons are masters of the double," he began. "They can not only focus their awareness on it but also spur it into action. The majority of us, however, are scarcely aware that our ethereal side exists."

"What does the double do?" I asked.

"Anything we want it to do. It can jump over trees, or fly through the air, or become large or small, or take the shape of an animal; or it can become aware of people's thoughts, or become a thought and hurl itself in an instant over vast distances."

"It can even act like the self," Clara interjected, looking straight at me. "If you know how to use it, you can appear in front of someone and talk to him as if you were really there."

Mr. Abelar nodded. "In the cave, you were able to perceive my presence with your double. And It was only when your reason woke up that you doubted that your experience had been real."

"I'm still doubting," I said. "Were you really there?"

"Of course," he replied with a wink, "as much as I'm really here."

"How did you do it?" I asked.

Mr. Abelar was silent for a moment as if choosing his words. "I let go of my physical body and allowed my double to take over," he said. "If our awareness is tied to the double, we are not affected by the laws of the physical world; rather, we are governed by ethereal forces. But as long as awareness is tied to the physical body, our movements are limited by gravity and other constraints."
(The Sorcerers' Crossing, pp. 136-137)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-08-06, 15:19


"After the apprentice has been given his sorcery task he's ready for another type of instruction," he proceeded. "He is a warrior then. In your case, since you were no longer an apprentice, I taught you the three techniques that help dreaming: disrupting the routines of life, the gait of power, and not-doing."


He explained that disrupting routines, the gait of power, and not-doing were avenues for learning new ways of perceiving the world, and that they gave a warrior an inkling of incredible possibilities of action. Don Juan's idea was that the knowledge of a separate and pragmatic world of 'dreaming' was made possible through the use of those three techniques.

「做夢是巫士設計出的一種實修輔助,」他說,「他們不是傻瓜。他們知道自己在做什麼,他們藉由訓練他們的 tonal 能放手一會兒,然後再重新加以控制,以尋求 nagual 的效用。這說法目前對你沒有意義,但這正是你一直在做的:訓練你自己放手,但不失去控制。而做夢無疑是巫士努力的冠冕,nagual 的終極用途。」(《力量的傳奇》pp. 305-307)

"Dreaming is a practical aid devised by sorcerers," he said. "They were not fools. They knew what they were doing and sought the usefulness of the nagual by training their tonal to let go for a moment, so to speak, and then grab again. This statement doesn't make sense to you. But that's what you've been doing all along; training yourself to let go without losing your marbles. Dreaming, of course, is the crown of the sorcerers' efforts; the ultimate use of the nagual"
註:tonal 與 nagual 類似世俗諦和勝義諦。
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-08-06, 15:23


2008/01/12 Sat., cloudy/raining, Journal

沈衛榮教授〈西夏黑水城所見藏傳佛教瑜伽修習儀軌文書研究[ Ⅰ] :《夢幻身要門》〉 ,這個西夏是夏商周的夏,時間約在西元前 2000-1600 年間。


於晚近上海古籍出版社出版的《俄藏黑水城文獻》之第五、六兩卷中,筆者意外地見到了好幾種疑為漢譯藏傳佛教密宗瑜伽修習,特別是與中陰救度之修法有關的儀軌文書。它們是《 夢幻身要門》、《甘露中流中有身要門》、《中有身要門》,《捨壽要門》以及其他多種有關修習金剛亥母之儀軌文書。這些迄今未曾引起人們重視的文書,事實上意義非凡。首先,它們當是迄今所知最早藏傳佛教儀軌文書的漢譯文 。



初,無睡令睡,有二:初結身印,枕右穩臥,無令此身有所困乏。復想境印,自己喉中四葉蓮花一日輪上,從正右布阿侶怛羅(A Nu Da Ra)四字,花薹上唵(Om)字,依此寢寐。初專阿(A)字,執境稍昧;復緣侶(Nu)字,執境多昧;細執不生;復專怛(Da)字,欲擬入睡,緊專羅(Ra)字; 若將正睡,方專唵(Om)字,一向睡之。又或眉閒只緣一箇白色明點,寢之亦得。


三,要識其夢者,由前願力功,纔睡着時,便作好 夢,正緣夢時,無執實心,由是識夢,故名為識夢同頂位。既識知已,就上審觀而明識之。

五,調習於夢者,所夢人、狡,變作无主母及出世空行母,大小眷屬,前後圍繞,悉皆嚴持骨骷、纓絡、曲刀、法梡, 轉變無量,此夢境相,悉如幻夢、水 月、虹蜺及影像解。或觀此境,如己本尊之相,或二尊狡參,亦得一一復作無量想。若能依此勤修不怠,功行日深者,得見水月、正覺之面。及自得覺圓滿之樂,忽然失笑無已,寤聞音聲,在夢音聲,無有別異。夢中喫飯,寤時喫飯,亦無別異。或感前聖眾以梵行天語與自説法,初令身、三語為宗而修行,後時審諦無失心 善為宗令修行。或於彼聖,自求要門,由此修習、攝授力故,無漏法樂,自然顯發,此是自攝授夢幻身觀也。

復次,睡覺出定之時,作自攝授者,觀諸有法與夢、定同。復觀諸法幻化、水月無別異者,發生大慧。又復睡覺,應作是觀,用一明鏡,照自身形,鏡中影現,審視端的;去鏡緣影,於意憶熟,令其顯現,方乃讚言14 譽平生徳業, 影像不喜。復以毀辱要劣過儮,亦不生嗔。何以故?即是幻影無實躰故。 久久之間,毀譽不動,攝影入身,自與幻影亦無別異。如前毀譽,無嗔無四喜,審的不動。復出影像,如前毀譽,終而復始而調習者,決悟自身猶如幻化、水月,无有別異。若悟心境同化幻者,所有情執,定不再生。於諸人物,改換多端,變化自在,睡夢與寤,同一幻化。若如是者,方得名為住無分別性也。
最上成就,於此生中而自證得矣。或於如前夢幻定中,無如上自在者,日久不癈,於夢識夢,必認中有幻夢之身。不假多功,亦獲最上成就,更不重受後有身也。然上正文出《大幻化密意樂本續》, [ 後] 彼云湛融具足清淨睡。又《耶末曇》云,休恬睡也。此為明證。

阿侶怛羅唵(A Nu Da Ra Om)
(《俄藏黑水城文獻》第五卷,第 244-246 頁)


「於漢文佛教語境中,夢不是一個陌生的字眼,大藏經中有不少與夢相関的經綸。但究其内容大致有三:一是以如夢喻諸法無常;二是以夢為授記;三是以夢中見佛之景象示行者入菩提道之地位。然如上錄《夢幻身要門》所說以夢為門,依幻身修習,經識夢、 淨治夢境而證佛果者,顯然不見於漢傳佛教傳統之中,而當源出於藏傳佛教。

如寧瑪派的要門以大圓滿法爲主,薩迦派的要門即以《喜金剛續》 為基礎的道果法爲主,格魯派之要門以修心爲主,而馬爾巴噶擧派的要門則是以《那洛六法》為基礎的大手印法爲主。於這些要門傳統中,涉及夢幻身修習的 主要有寧瑪派的中有修法和噶擧派的《那洛六法》。寧瑪派之中有教授說六種中有,其第二種即為 夢幻中有,教導行者藉無動心性,修習證悟夢境或迷亂境,並令其轉爲清淨光明境界而得到解脫。而噶擧派傳承的《那洛六法》中有修習夢觀與幻身成就法,稱於此二法之力得究竟自在後,就能於中陰時成就圓滿報身佛。 由於寧瑪派之中有法典《寂忿尊密意自解脫》(Zi khro dgongs ps rang grol)是伏藏師噶瑪林巴( Karma gling pa)於十四世紀晚期才發現的,因此,黑水城所見的這些有關中有密法的文書的根據當不可能是寧瑪派所傳之中有法,而更可能是根據噶擧派《那洛六法》所作之授受。」

前段所摘黑水城出土漢譯版《夢幻身要門》,對照於岡波巴藏本《幻身要門》轉譯成中文本。沈教授認為:「 岡波巴的標題為《幻身要門》,而黑水城文書為《夢幻身要門》,於幻身前多 了一個「夢」 字。佛教常說諸法如夢如幻,於漢、藏語佛教語境中,夢與幻通常 是被相提並論的」;「而夢與中有常常被看作是幻身之分支,故夢與幻身之修習亦常常是結合在一起的 」。

按密宗夢幻瑜伽修習之傳統,睡時升起之光明與法身相應,而夢時、醒時之光明則分別與報身和化身相應,是故睡夢瑜伽被視爲幻身瑜伽之分支,夢與幻 身之修習二者依然密不可分。幻身之修法則有顯現幻修法、夢幻修法和中有幻修法等三種, 故相應亦有顯現幻身、夢幻身、中有幻身之說法。
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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