Dustin:我讀南開諾布仁波切的英文著作 Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light,碰到很多"西藏英文",我找不到合適的字典來查,不知您有何建議? (很感謝您設立此網站,也非常佩服您的能力,非常嚮往……)
SW:這點恐怕是無能為力。我曾經網路上看到一個,不過像是圖書館的檢索系統,給的是編號,但沒有連結,所以是沒有用的。以我校對第六章明性之夢(Dreams of Clarity)時碰到,南開師寫小時候說他正在讀毗瑪拉(Vimala)對「Namasagiti」的釋論,想找上師給予灌頂指導。
這個「Namasagiti」到底是什麼?我查到有限的資料不超過三筆,當中一份英文出版的內容說到,Namasagiti 是藏人對文殊師利的稱號,通常在唸誦佛號時的名字。這份文件來自吐魯番的古籍,說到藏人視其為阿底佛。原來阿底佛是文殊菩薩啊!原譯在註釋 30 翻譯為「反覆唸誦文殊師利的名號」,英文是 Reciting the Name of Manjushri,全部都是大寫表示專有名詞。
我還以為是文殊師利寫的書。後來我讀點《蓮師傳:蓮花生大士的生平故事》,有個《佛說文殊真實名經贊續》,我馬上去找我一本《聖妙吉祥真實名經》,書上寫 Arya-Manjusri-nama-samgiti,所以第六章說的 Namasagiti,就是《真實名經》。
還有第九章提到某種叫 theurang 的眾生,跟人相近但不是人,可以跟人類生下後代,屬於一種叫 nyen 的族類。註釋說 nyen 屬於天龍八部鬼神,但是我們這裡網頁都是翻譯自梵文,什麼阿修羅、夜叉、緊那羅等等,上面兩個西藏拼音是藏文,沒有辦法查到藏文的天龍八部說法。
後來查相關網頁說明 nyen 這是苯教的鬼神名稱,只是被歸類於天龍八部,我看 nyen 也不是那八種眾生。但我也不能音譯為「年」,牠也不是中國過年的年獸;theurang,按照發音是像「特污染」,我覺得發音起來有諧音,後來決定這幾個鬼通通不翻譯了。
5 mdos Most important type of ransom ritual used to dispel harm and obstacles caused by the lha, nyen, lu and the eight classes of gods and spirits. (Drung, Deu and Bon, Narrations, Symbolic languages and the Bon tradition in ancient Tibet, p. 77, Namkhai Norbu, Dharmsala, 1995.) These are the rituals of suppression, burning and throwing which are described further into the text.
http://www.saraswatibhawan.org/sbpubsar ... agkpa.html Dalha: personal protectors of man, house, tent, They appear in groups of 3,5,7,9,13 (Bön numbers); Mu: heavenly spirits (good), Dü: heavenly spirits (bad), identified by Buddhism with Mara; Tsen: protectors of the 12 Tibetan tribes (ancestors); Nyen: demons of the middle kingdom bringing lepra, plagues, etc; Tanlha: mountain gods; Tserin Shed Nga: the Twelve Sisters of Long Life, Lu: snake-gods corresponding to the Indian nagas; Strinpo: vampires living in cemeteries; Rolans: walking corpses; Mamo: demonesses with long hair, who Buddhism recruited as protectresses of oracles and as companions of Pelden Lhamo the protectress of Tibet. Many of these were drafted or coaxed by the great Buddhist "Magicians" (Padmasambhava, Tilopa, Naropa, Marpa, Milarepa) after fierce fights to serve as protectors of the Buddhist Dharma.
http://rolfgross.dreamhosters.com/Texts/Buddhas.htm WARRIOR...Pawo: "One who is brave, not afraid of being yourself." (Trungpa: 1975)...dpa' bo: male space farers...dgra bla: a warrior spirit....dgra lha: a warrior spirit...dpa mo: female warrior....sems dpa: heroic being...(sems: mind...pa: hero)......Pawo (fem: pamo) were used as the words for Medium in: (David-Neel: 1931..pg 41)....Viracarya means warrior teacher...."female wizards are called 'nyen jomo' (rNal hbyor ma: female hermit) and their male counterparts, known as 'pawo' (dpa bo: hero)." (Nebesky: 1952..pg 151)..."Warrior (artestar) is an 'order establisher' in a high crested helmet and carrying a spear. Corresponds to the Mithra tauroctonos motive." (Campbell: 1968..pg 332)..."To carry out the obligations of the sun god Huitzilopochtli the Aztecs had to make themselves into warrior people. Different orders were named Eagle Warriors or Jaguar Warriors and regiments were such as Day Sun Regiment and Night Sun Regiment." (Hawkes: 1962..pg 156)...
http://www.angelfire.com/vt/OkarResearch/9deites.html DEITIES...."eight classes of non-human beings: dud, tsen, lu, lha, nyen, mamo, shinje, gyelpo, and then shaza, nodjin, sinpo"..(Nebesky: 1975..pg 254)..."divine and semi-divine beings such as lha, lu, nyen, sadag, dud, mamo, shinje, tenma, kyongma, etc."..(Norbu: 1995..pg 125)...
http://www.angelfire.com/vt/OkarResearch/deities.html 小知識
「『天龍』八部這名詞出於佛經。許多大乘佛經敘述佛向諸菩薩、比丘等說法時,常有天龍八部參與聽法。如《法華經:提婆達多品》:『天龍八部、人與非人,皆遙見彼龍女成佛』。 『非人』是形貌似人而實際不是人的眾生。『天龍八部』都是『非人』,包括八種神道怪物,因為以『天』及『龍』為首,所以稱為『天龍八部』。八部者,一天,二龍,三夜叉,四乾達婆,五阿修羅,六迦樓羅,七緊那羅,八摩呼羅迦。」(見金庸著《天龍八部‧釋名》,頁5,明河社出版有限公司,1996年3月第17版。)
「夜叉」是佛經中的一種鬼神,有「夜叉八大將」、「十六大夜叉將」等名詞。「夜叉」是本義是能吃鬼的神,又有敏捷、勇健、輕靈、秘密等意思。 「維摩經」注:『夜叉有三:一在地,二在空虛,三天夜叉也。』現在我們說到夜叉都是指惡鬼。但在佛經中,有很多夜叉是好的,夜叉八大將的任務是 「維護眾生界」。
夜叉等名目 (gnod-sbyin la-sogs-pahi ming)
夜叉 Yaksha, Yakkha