2009/09/07 Mon, sunny, indoor 30.1C° 《The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep》:序文與導讀
今天換本書。來談談這本 The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep。作者 Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche,這本書是獻給南開諾布仁波切的。塞,我一直想起夢中南開師唸給我幾本書的作者,雖然拼音不同,可能還真有什麼「潛意識的持續」努力吧。這本書放在我 Amazon 的 shopping cart 有一陣子了,因為不知道作者是誰,也或者有點苯教色彩,所以遲遲沒買。後來我上網看了一些 Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche 網站的說明才冒險買來瞧瞧。
這位 Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche 相當年輕,在西藏出生,父親是西藏喇嘛、母親苯教修行者,後來中共佔領西藏倉皇出逃,父親過世,母親改嫁苯教徒,所以作者從小就送到苯教寺廟出家就學,一直拿到苯教佛學院的格西學位。在此我無法比較苯教的格西跟藏傳佛教的格西是同樣位階嗎?不過看完本書我們就可以知道這位 Tenzin Wangyal 是否真是實修者,空洞的理論很容易看出來。
苯教跟藏傳佛教一樣非常重視夢兆。作者提及他十三歲時要就學前,老師要詢問每個學生的夢以判定他是否有資格接受教法,或者需要進一步淨化。作者當時夢到在一輛公車裡朝老師 Lopon 家開去,他手上拿一堆小紙片上面都寫了一個阿字,然後分給同車每一位乘客。這個夢因為阿字在大圓滿法裡很重要,就讓他獲准修習教法。
Some of the students remembered no dream, which was considered a sign of obstacles. Lopon had them begin appropriate purification practices and delayed the beginning of the teaching until each student did have a dream. Dreams of other students were taken as indications that they needed to do particular practices to ready themselves for the teachings—for example, doing practices that strengthened their connections to the Bon guardians.
It is common, in Tibetan spiritual traditions, for dreams of the students to be used by the teacher in this fashion to determine if it is appropriate for a student to receive a particular teaching. (The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep, p. 12)
更有甚者,在事隔多年的 1989 年,當時他早已經獲得格西學位,應南開諾布仁波切義大利大圓滿同修會(Dzogchen Community)之邀初抵西方社會。一天他在分發小紙片上面寫了藏文阿字,想起他小時候的這個夢,讓他非常震驚。作者十三歲時的這個預知夢亦開啟了他對夢修的興趣,雖然預知的年份也著實非常久遠了:
Though it would be some time before I began to study and practice dream yoga, this incident was the beginning of my interest in dreams. It strongly impressed on me how greatly dream is valued in Tibetan culture and in the Bon religion, and how information from the unconscious is often of greater value than the information the conscious mind can provide. (The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep, p. 12)
Every night when I get into bed, I feel freedom. The busyness of the day is over. Some nights the practice is successful and some nights it is not, and that is to be expected until the practice is very advanced. Nevertheless, I go to sleep nearly every night with the intention to accomplish dream practice. (The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep, p. 13)
We wake in the morning and continue in "real" life, but in a sense we still asleep and dreaming. The teachings tell us that we can continue in this deluded, dreamy state, day and night, or wake up to the truth.
Many high lamas and accomplished yogis have made sleep and dream yogas primary practices, and through them have attained realization. (The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep, Introduction, p. 15)
不過在導讀中一再提到需要上師及傳承,這裡沒有說明是哪個教法,只有提到一部母續:Zhang Zhung Nyan Gyud, the Mother Tantra,還有 Shardza Rinpoche。我不知道是不是夏札仁波切,他是我們傳承中的上師。有關這個 Nyan Gyud,不知道是不是唸「男鬼」(按:唸「年居」),在南開諾布《Dzogchen Teachings》提到這種很簡短的文字保存在大圓滿及苯教中,可能時代久遠都散失了,只剩下幾句口訣這樣。(我現在沒有翻到,下次再補。)