作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com


Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。


文章SW » 2015-02-03, 18:20

Amid intentional transformation, spontaneous images may arise. For example, if you dream that you are in a forest, and choose to change the situation and place yourself in a desert, some items that appear may be different than what was intended to be projected. As one progresses and manages to maintain meditative awareness, experiences of clarity arise spontaneously.

「intentional」transformation 這裡譯成「自我」轉化,intent 是意圖,intentional 當然就是有意的、刻意的。基本上後兩句也沒照字面翻。

As we develop our awareness of the dream nature we may use dreams to deepen our meditative awareness. For example, a meditator who penetrates to the nature of “vision” (of phenomenal existence) finds it void. This perception of the emptiness of vision can then be transferred into the dream. If, while dreaming, you are not only aware of dreaming, but also conscious that all vision is an illusion, you penetrate to the Void at its heart. Thus a dream can be transformed into knowledge of emptiness, shunyata.

文章: 4513
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2015-02-04, 00:14

Although awareness of the true nature of the dream may enhance one’s meditative awareness, there is also the danger that by becoming skilled at transformation of the dream images one may become attached. The attachment must be overcome.

The principal means of cutting the attachment through the dream experiences are three. First, during the day, do not dwell upon the dreams you have had. Second, while actually dreaming, watch without judging, without pleasure or fear, regardless of whether the visions seem positive or negative and thus might provoke joy or unhappiness—that is, attachment. Third, while dreaming and then afterwards, do not “clarify” what is “subject” from what is “object”—that is, do not consider which of the images that appear are real. By proceeding in these ways, you will find that complex dreams gradually simplify, lighten and eventually may vanish completely.

Thus, all that was conditioned will be liberated. At this point, dreams end.

conditioned 講的是「被制約的」,不一定是指覺知。南開師常常講要去發現自己的限制(limitation),當然社會文化、生活教育也會加諸我們許多制約(condition),譬如「這個世界是真實的」,這也是一項制約。
文章: 4513
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2015-02-04, 23:02

You should try to do the practice of natural light each night, just as you should try to be in the state of contemplation continually. For every moment and every activity there are ways to do Dzogchen practice. If, however, Dzogchen practice of the night is difficult for you, and you have more experience doing tantric style dream practice and you have had an initiation on a particular deity, then perhaps it would be useful for you to continue with your tantric practice. For example, if you do the practice of Vajrayogini (14) then upon sleeping you should try to visualize a very tiny Vajrayogini at the center of your body. We call this tiny being jnanasattva which means wisdom manifestation.

initiation 是灌頂,文句跳過沒翻,譯成「著手」。

You keep this presence and continue your sleep. There are other visualization practices similar to guru yoga(15) in tantric dream practices. For example, you might visualize Vajradhara(16) as the unification of all your gurus and manifest that visualization in the center of your body.


You would keep the presence of this visualization, relax, and slowly, slowly go to sleep.

keep, relax and go to,是這句裡的三個動詞,不是保持觀想還要「保持」(keep)放鬆(relax)。

Because these are tantric exercises, you should practice only the special instructions you receive from your master.

密法是 secret method,這裡說的是 tantric exercises,密宗的修法。
文章: 4513
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2015-02-05, 15:32


前 言

我的學生麥克凱茲,知道我所著的《夜晚的修持》(Practice of the Night)一文,對於許多夢境方面的解釋具有相當的重要性與必要性,所以他將其收錄於本書中。同時,我希望對夢境已產生興趣的人們,以及正在夢境上積極實修的人士,在看過此書之後,更能增長智慧。而對於那些尚未能在自我夢中得到靈性感受的人,我希望本書能提供他們領悟到,何以去了解夢境,以及睡夢中的修鍊(Dreamwork)是如何的重要。



文章: 4513
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2015-02-05, 16:16

前 言

正因瞭解到「夜修法」(Practice of the Night)的重要與必要性,所以我在這本由我弟子麥可凱茲(Michael Katz)所編輯的書裡,解釋了關於夢的諸多面向。我希望對夢已產生興趣的人,或正積極以夢來工作的實修者,會因閱讀此書而深化他們的知識。而對於那些尚未在他們的夢中得到真實體驗的人,我也希望本書能成為他們瞭解到夢和夢工作(Dreamwork)之重要性的因緣。


卻嘉‧ 南開諾布


Knowing the importance and the necessity of the “Practice of the Night” I have explained many aspects of dreams in this book edited by my student Michael Katz. It is my hope that those individuals who already have an interest in dreams or who are actively working with their dreams will because of reading this become deeper in their knowledge. For those people who as yet do not have real experience with their dreams, I hope that this book will provide the cause for their knowing
the importance of dreams and dreamwork.

Merigar, March 10, 1991
Iron Sheep Year, 1st month, 25th day

Chogyal Namkhai Norbu

Practice of the Night(夜修法)不是一篇文章,而是睡前修上師瑜伽入睡。我想從這短短的序言的翻譯就可以看得出來,內文的翻譯,都是一種個人推理的翻法。還好這本書已經絕版了,而新版雖然晚了十一年,但是確實有必要(由南開師的弟子們)重新翻譯。
文章: 4513
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2015-02-05, 22:49

By contrast, in Dzogchen we generally do the visualization of a white “A”, as mentioned above, for the purpose of coordinating the energy. We visualize the white “A” at the center of the body. After having manifested this white, luminous “A”, we slowly relax. We relax slowly but completely when we do this visualization, so as not to have tension. If we do not relax completely, we will be unable to sleep. We must spontaneously manifest the white “A” without thinking, without creating, and then relax all effort and go to sleep.

In order to remind yourself to visualize the white “A” and to do the Dzogchen practice of the night, it is very useful to put a picture or sign of a white “A” near your bed. No one will know what it is; perhaps they will think it is a piece of artwork. You, however, will know its precise function.

It is also very important to remember the practice of the white “A” when you awaken in the morning. If possible you may sound “Ah” immediately. If you cannot sound loudly because there is someone else sleeping, it is enough that you exhale with “Ah,” as long as you can hear yourself and feel the presence of that white “A”. This is a method of guru yoga. It is not necessary to say many words or prayers; simply having the presence of the white “A” and recognizing that the “A” is the unification of the mind of all your gurus is sufficient. Then you integrate in a state of contemplation or rigpa.

文章: 4513
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2015-02-06, 23:35

Starting your morning yoga in this way is wonderful and will help very much with all your practices and particularly your practice of the night. There is a kind of connection you make by remembering the white “A” in the morning and again when you are going to sleep. If you maintain the presence of the white “A” in your sleep, you will have clearer dreams. Your dreams will become more associated with clarity, and slowly, slowly you develop greater awareness.

If you are aware in the dream, you can experience many things within the Dream State. It is easier to develop your practices in a dream than in the daytime. In the daytime we are limited by our material body, but in a dream our function of mind and our consciousness of the senses are unhindered. We can have more clarity. Thus there are more possibilities. For example, it is possible to practice advanced Dzogchen practices of Togel and the Dzogchen longde 17 . If you practice these in the daytime you can certainly have meditative experiences, but in a dream you can have experiences beyond the limitation of the material body. That is why the practice is very important. In the daytime all experiences we have are very much conditioned by our attachment and tension. We feel that everything is concrete. In a dream we may initially feel that everything is concrete, but then suddenly remember that it is a dream. When you are aware in a dream, you know you are dreaming and that it is unreal. You know you are in a state of unreality. Once you have this experience, you can also make discoveries about your daily life such as about your major attachments. The ultimate result is to diminish your tension.
文章: 4513
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2015-02-07, 23:35

(以下接新版 p. 90 第三行,一直到本章完。)

For those people who find it difficult to have the kind of presence I’ve described, the practice of the dark retreat18 is very useful. After two days or three days in the dark, you lose your sense of day and night. Your sleep becomes lighter and lighter. You sleep and wake up, sleep and wake up. Such a retreat offers a good opportunity to develop your presence and clarity. In this environment you can more easily discover what it means to have presence when you are sleeping. Your waking and sleeping states thus become integrated.

睡得越來越「淺」(lighter),不是睡得越來越「明亮」。presence 這裡不能翻作「自我存在」,要翻作「覺知」(aware);clarity 也不是「清明度」,而是明性。因為名詞的錯譯,使得這整段意思全部跑掉。

Normally, for a practitioner, one of the principal ways that signs of progress manifest is in dreams. Sometimes there occurs, in dream, an intervention on behalf of the practitioner. For example, if I am doing something wrong, I may have a communication through a dream. This may come by way of transmission of the teaching. It may also come through the protectors of the teaching, or the dakinis.

這個 on behalf of 是「代表,為了...的利益」的意思,舊版譯成「行為」,但行為是 behavior。

許多問題都能透過夢中傳承的作用來解決,你可不能期望你這一生一直都有上師親自本人供你差遣。例如,當我到義大利差不多三年時,夢到我的上師蔣秋多傑(註19)……(接新版 p. 91 )
Many problems can be resolved through the transmission that comes in dream. You can’t expect that you are going to have the master at your beck and call in the flesh all your life. When I, for example, had been in Italy for about three years, I had a dream of my master Changchub Dorje. 19 ...

不是夢中的傳承啦,應該是傳承在夢中起作用,所以不用上師親自本人來處理。這裡上師用定冠詞「the」master,就是你上師;at your beck and call 是「聽你使喚;聽命於你」;in the flesh 是「活生生的; 親自; 本人」;all your life 是「你這一生」。至於譯者翻的「經由夢中而來的傳承教法可以解決許多問題。但你不能期望只是招招手就會有所成就,而以為別人在你的一生中,都是來還你債務的。」我是完全沒找到英文有這樣寫。

文章: 4513
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2015-02-08, 16:25

(新版第三章,註3)註十三:專注於六種子字及其淨化法:此六種子字為:啊、阿、哈、夏、薩、瑪,分別為六道的象徵,包括天、阿修羅(半天)、人、畜牲、餓鬼及地獄的眾生。源自不當業行所產生的六道輪迴之業力習氣必須加以淨化。六種子字的禪修結合氣(lung, prana)與心的集中,以便能淨化這些習氣。這種專注於六種子字的特殊修法,係運用觀想及咒語專注於身體特定部位,這些位置被認為是這些習氣的集中點。
13. Concentration on the six syllables and their purification: The six syllables—Ah, A, Ha, Sha, Sa, Ma—are each symbolic of a realm of existence, including those of the gods, semigods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts, and hell beings. Karmic tendencies to be reborn in one of these samsaric realms, which originate through improper actions, must be purified. Meditation on the six syllables unites lung (prana) and mind concentration in order to purify these tendencies. The specific practice of concentration on the syllables employs visualization and mantra directed at specific points of the body where these propensities are believed to concentrate.

14. Vajrayogini: A meditational deity in sambhogakaya form, representing the feminine aspect of primordial wisdom.

15. Guru yoga: Unification with the mind of the guru (one’s master teacher), who is seen as a manifestation of the minds of all enlightened beings. The mind of the guru is considered the same as one’s intrinsic awareness. Through the practice of guru yoga one receives blessings from the guru, thus enabling one to rest in the primordial state. There are elaborate and simple forms of guru yoga. In Tantra, one finds a more elaborate style, whereas in Dzogchen a simpler version may be practiced.
One of the forms of guru yoga taught most frequently by Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche employs a white A, a Tibetan “A” The “A” is visualized in the center of one’s body as the union of all one’s masters. By sounding “Aaa.. .h” and feeling the blessings of the teachers, one may enter into a state of union with their enlightened awareness.

(新版第二章,註9)註十六:金剛持(或持金剛,Vajradhara):一位男性禪修本尊,釋迦牟尼佛以此身相給予密咒(secret mantra)教法。
16. Vajradhara: A male meditational deity, the form through which Shakyamuni Buddha reveals the teachings of secret mantra.
文章: 4513
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2015-02-08, 22:39

(新版第二章,註17)註十七:界部(Longde):大圓滿三系列教法之一,分為:心部(Semde),即心(mind)的系列;界部(Longde),即空(space)的系列;和口訣部(Menngagde),即精要系列。大圓滿三部教導在究竟上具有相同的目的,即將修行者引入完全的覺觀。界部特別以象徵的表達方式來運作(持明表示傳承),較廣為人知的是,界部修法係藉由採取特殊的身體姿勢並按壓不同部位來達到覺觀。見南開諾布仁波切見《水晶與光道》(The Crystal and the Way of Light)p. 116。
17. Longde: One of the three series of Dzogchen teachings. The three series are: “Managede”, or essential series, the “Longde”, or the series of space, and the “Semde”, the series of mind.
These series of Dzogchen instruction ultimately have the same goal, that of bringing the practitioner into absolute contemplation. The Longde series works specifically with symbolic introduction and is widely known for practices that bring one to contemplation through
assuming specialpositions of the body and holding pressure points. See Norbu, The Crystal and the Way of Light, p. 80.

(新版第二章註18)註十八:黑關(dark retreat;藏文:mun mtshams):黑關經常被應用於大圓滿高級修法「仰提」(yangti),是一種在完全黑暗中修習的高階大圓滿禪修技巧。經由仰提修法,一位已經能夠維持覺觀的修行者可以快速達到完全證悟。
18. Dark Retreat, also called Yangtik. A highly advanced Dzogchen meditation technique practiced in complete darkness. Through the Yangtik practice, an initiate who is already capable of maintaining contemplation may proceed swiftly to total realization.

橡樹林把我修正的「仰提」又改回「仰滴」,事實上「滴」的翻法是錯誤的(南開師解釋過 tig 和 tigs 前者是精髓,後者是水滴 drops)。其實要音譯就音譯,要意譯就意譯,不要混在一起比較好。而且 The Crystal and the Way of Light(水晶與光道)的頁數是英文版頁數,但橡樹林把我英文的標示拿掉了,很奇怪,因為你找中文的《水晶與光道》116 頁根本找不到。這裡標的 p. 116 應該是 The Crystal and the Way of Light 英文新版,我手邊的英文舊版是 p. 80 。
文章: 4513
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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