2009/09/19 Sat, sunny, indoor 31.9-28.1C° 《The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep》:夢中教法
接下來我們繼續摘《西藏睡夢瑜伽》講到,夢中的教法。不過夢中的教法特別是指意伏藏,本來我以為是寶藏的藏,不過似乎是唸埋藏的藏,寶藏埋藏在心意裡,mind treasure,有的是透過禪定,有的則是透過夢境,也就是在夢中接受教法。
Mind treasures are found in consciousness rather than in the physical world. Masters have been known to find these treasures both in dreams of clarity and when awake. The practitioner whose clarity is unobscured by karmic traces and samsaric dreams has access to the wisdom inherent in consciousness itself.
The teachings are inherent in the foundational wisdom that any culture can eventually access. They are not only Buddhist or Bon teachings: they are teachings for all humans. (The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep, p. 71)
昨晚跟某師姊通電話,講到年底要教授金剛舞和幻輪瑜伽,這個金剛舞跟金剛歌一樣都是南開諾布仁波切在夢中得到的,金剛歌的故事我們講過了,金剛舞我之前舊的札記寫過,也就是連續好幾天他夢中出現一位空行母,教他一種 36 個人的非常複雜的舞步,這個金剛舞是要在整個壇城上跳,可以很容易讓舞者進入本覺狀態,聽說跳金剛舞的壇城相當大。師姊提到,在外國的同修會最熱門的便是學習金剛舞。這是年底要教授金剛舞的內容。以前札記摘到是說後來有一位印第安人來看到金剛舞的照片,說很接近他們的靈魂之舞。
另天增仁波切也說,當然若你跟某傳承有業力關係,在夢中發現教法就比較是針對自己的實際修行,「perhaps as a specific remedy to overcome a particular obstacle」(p. 71)。
第二部的第三章 The Discovery of Chod Practice,跟我們所知道的斷法或決法完全不同,不知道在講那哪個苯教本尊,我就不摘了。第四章 Two Levels of Practice,我現在有點忘記內容。
When you realize your true nature you do not seek meaning, for who would be doing the seeking? As you are then beyond hope and fear, the meaning of a dream becomes unimportant; you simply experience fully whatever manifests in the present moment. No dream, then, can cause anxiety. (The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep, p. 77)
It is the same with dreaming. There is a progression in the practice. As the practice is developed, it is discovered that there is another way to dream. Then we move toward the unconventional dream practices in which the story and its interpretations are not important. We work more on the causes of dreams than the dreams themselves.
The path is practical and suited for all. But, while the use of dream yoga to benefit us in the relative world is good, it is a provisional use of dream. Ultimately we want to use dream to liberate ourselvers from all relative conditions, not simply to improve them. (The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep, p. 78)