2009/10/13 Tue, cloudy, outdoor 23°C 《大圓滿教法》英文版:Mind Treasure
接下來這章的小節講到夢,當然不是單純指夢,而是夢伏藏:「Another aspect of tagnang can come through dreams, and there are many masters who have had this type of teaching.」(p. 125) 南開師舉了他自己金剛歌跟金剛舞的例子說明,都是來自夢中:
For example, I received through my dreams both the Dance of the Vajra and the form of the mandala on which it is danced. They are not something that didn't exist before, and certainly the principle of the Dance of the Vajra and the Song of the Vajra existed in the Dzogchen tantras, although there was not a Dance of the Vajra danced on the mandala, or the precise form o the mandala. There were all things I received in my dreams, not only through the dream of a single night, but through the dreams of many months. I wrote down all the teachings I received in these dreams. (Dzogchen Teachings, p. 125)
南開師說:「You can see that there are many types of teachings, and many of the teachings all terma 伏藏 arise from the clarity of one's mind.」(pp. 125-126)
Mind Treasure
An example from the Dzogchen Upadesha 口訣部 is a series of teachings call the Khandro Nyingthig, which means "Essential Teachings of the Dakinis." (Dzogchen Teachings, p. 126)
這個「空行寧提」(Khandro Nyingthig)的心意伏藏就是蓮師灌給赤松德讚死去的女兒,來世的化身是位伏藏師貝瑪雷茲紮(Pema Ledrel Tsal, 1291-1315)。這一章講完了。 奇怪我是哪時講過赤松德讚女兒的故事的?是赤松德讚問蓮師:"Please do something. What can we do to have some benefit?"
接下來這一章講幻輪瑜伽(Yantra Yoga) ,這裡說幻輪瑜伽也有口耳傳承(oral transmission)。
Our Real Condition
When we use "Yoga" in Tibetan, it means "primordial knowledge or understanding." Thus, the real meaning of "Yoga" is that we discover our real condition.
In the practice of Yantra Yoga, we use our body, speech and mind. With the body there are positions and movements; with the voice there are many different techniques of pranayama, or breathing practice, and with the mind there are many ways to concentrate and visualize. The aim of these methods is to go beyond judging and thinking into the state of contemplation. (Dzogchen Teachings, p. 131)