由 SW » 2012-03-09, 23:07
2009/02/16 Mon, cloudy, indoor 21.6°C 新版《夢瑜伽》英文版:The Illusory Body
我發覺偶爾我作夢可以說出弦外之音,那不是插播而是一種直接的瞭解,事實上我沒有辦法回憶起來,我只能記得夢本身,弦外之音則是一點都不記得,所以我也無法說些什麼,一直要等我回來聽錄音,才會知道我說了這些話。意思是說,即便作夢的了解也很當下。就好像艾克哈特鐸利說的:「當你臨在,當你全然而深刻地專注在當下的時候,本體(being)才能被感覺到。」(《當下的力量》pp. 38-39)夢的覺知也是如此。
今天來摘較短的幻身:The Illusory Body。幻身是潛獵者要練就的,但稍微是做夢者「博士後研究」——不是啦,做夢者的白晝練習部分。
To develop the illusory body, it is necessary to have experience based upon dream practice. To proceed during the daytime, because appearances and all outer and inner phenomena, which arise like diverse reflections in a mirror, are nothing more than radiant manifestations of emptiness which have no intrinsic self-nature 自性, there is nothing one should consider to really exist. By means of an undistracted intention which considers that all inanimate and animate phenomena are manifestations of illusion or reflection. (Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light, p. 87)
藏密跟唐望巫士其實差不多,卡斯塔尼達最後一本書 Magical Passes(1998)我戲稱巫術拳法,跟南開諾布仁波切的 Yantra Yoga: The Tibetan Yoga of Movement 幻輪瑜伽,都是體操書,為什麼呢?有健全的身體才有轉化身心靈的可能,身體的能量必須直接拿來使用,如果身體積弱不振,時間都耗在這個痛那個痛,如何能修行呢?
Ultimately, one is able to experience with certainty that nothing exists in truth. Similarly, one understands that self and other, enemy and friend, food and clothes, pleasant and unpleasant, joy and sorrow, attachment and aversion—whatever phenomenon of samsara 輪迴 or nirvana 涅槃, whatever is perceived, whatever manifests—in the very moment of their manifestation have no essence, like a reflection in a mirror. (Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light, pp. 87-88)
南開諾布仁波切說一旦視一切如幻顯象為非真實(non-reality)的信念成為個人生命之流的全部(become perfected in one's life-stream),我們的身體便能經驗到幻身(one's own body is thus experienced as an illusory body),而且豪無困難的,一個人即能夠認證中陰幻身(the illusory body of the bardo)(p. 88)。睡前瞭解所有顯象皆是夢,所有宇宙中無生命與有生命的現象都具有如夢的本質,所有看似堅實的顯現都無異於幻夢,南開諾布仁波切說:「When one is able to manifest like this inside a dream, one becomes free of attachment ot any phenomenon which manifests anywhere.」(p. 88)
Practicing like this day and night, one is not attached to delusive manifestations as reality, one's body manifests like a kind of immaterial shadow, and one is able to see its non-existence. One's body does not cast a shadow, one is able to recognize the illusory body of the bardo, and one's rebirth in the future will be exalted 停止. (Dream Yoga and The Practice of Natural Light, p. 88)
註解說:「One practices with illusory body dreams. Perfecting this, one's physical body manifests like a kind of shadow. And because of this, the body in the bardo is recognized to be oneself.」(p. 88)在中陰時認證自身即為幻身,這個我不太懂。