2018/10/03(三)04:00PM 南開諾布仁波切安置於佛塔典禮轉播
發表於 : 2018-10-02, 16:49
Wednesday, October 3, 10.00 am, Italian time
at the Great Stupa of Merigar
A brief ceremony will be held to say farewell to and honor Master Namkhai Norbu, the inspiration and founder of the Dzogchen Community, who left this earthly existence on 27 September 2018.
A person of great spiritual significance, he knew with great sensitivity and wisdom how to place himself at the service of others, showing thousands of people the path of awareness.
A representative of the Dzogchen Community will give a brief farewell on behalf of the thousands of the Master's students in every part of the world.
All of His students will sing an ancient song taught by the Master and practiced very much in the Dzogchen Community in order to find themselves in a moment of kinship and meditation.
We invite everyone to share this moment.
You can also follow the ceremony on live webcast on https://webcast.dzogchen.net/.
Gakyil of the Merigar West
at the Great Stupa of Merigar
A brief ceremony will be held to say farewell to and honor Master Namkhai Norbu, the inspiration and founder of the Dzogchen Community, who left this earthly existence on 27 September 2018.
A person of great spiritual significance, he knew with great sensitivity and wisdom how to place himself at the service of others, showing thousands of people the path of awareness.
A representative of the Dzogchen Community will give a brief farewell on behalf of the thousands of the Master's students in every part of the world.
All of His students will sing an ancient song taught by the Master and practiced very much in the Dzogchen Community in order to find themselves in a moment of kinship and meditation.
We invite everyone to share this moment.
You can also follow the ceremony on live webcast on https://webcast.dzogchen.net/.
Gakyil of the Merigar West