Book Materials for Worldwide Guruyoga Transmission
Dear Vajra Family,
今年的安宗竹巴紀念日落在 11/13(藏曆九月二十五),在這一天南開諾布仁波切將會給予上師瑜伽和直指的全球傳法,直指是進入修持大圓滿之門。因全球各地地理位置不同,確切的時間請查看 The Mirror 網站。(註:台灣時間 2017/11/13 周一晚八時)
This year the Anniversary of Adzom Drugpa falls on 13 November. On that day Chögyal Namkhai Norbu will give a worldwide transmission of Guruyoga and Direct Introduction that is the gate to practicing Dzogchen. The exact date and time for different geographical locations can be found on the website of The Mirror.
In order to participate in it and receive the Transmission in the correct way, one needs to learn the specific practice of Guruyoga done on this day. This practice is clearly explained by Rinpoche's Books, listed below.
In the Dzogchen teaching, the practice of Guruyoga is indispensable because it is the root of all practices; if we follow the teaching, the first thing to do is Guruyoga.
http://www.iali.com.tw/shangshung.chine ... ruyoga.htm
(p): 02-25970910
(e): shangshung.chinese@gmail.com
website: http://www.iali.com.tw/shangshung.chinese.htm