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2014/05/23-31(羅馬尼亞)Opening the State of Ati Understanding

文章發表於 : 2014-05-15, 21:08
Merigar East Retreat with Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
May 23th – 31th, Romania
“Longsal Ati Gongpa Gojyed. Opening the State of Ati Understanding.”




文章發表於 : 2014-05-22, 21:06
May 23rd -31th, 2014
Longsall Atii Gongpa Gojyed

It goes open webcast. GMT+3

23rd May 5-7pm (台灣時間 05/23 10:00PM)
Introduction about this retreat teaching, transmission of Ati Guru Yoga and Short Gana Puja,
Then Short Gana Puja for the day of Dhakini. 隨後空行母日短薈供

24th May 10am-12pm. (台灣時間 03:00PM, 以下同)
Teaching from “Kyema “ to “rang ngo rang thog ‘phrod nges bya “.

25th May 10am-12pm.
Teaching from “Galte” to “rtogs pa rdo rje’i klong du ‘gyur”.

26th May 10am-12pm.
Giving Instruction for the Ati Direct Transmission 直指 and do it with Three Vajras.

27th May 10am-12pm.
Teaching From “ka dag lhun grub” to the end of Ati Gong-pa Go-jyed.

28th May 10am-12pm.
Giving instruction of the practice of Three Vajra with “phro ‘du ‘jog gsum” and do this practice altogether.
5-8pm. Gana Puja for the day of New Moon and Tibetan Song and Dance.
(台灣時間 05/28 10:00PM 新月薈供)

29th May 10am-12pm.
Giving instruction of the practice of Six Space of Samanta Bhadra with “phro ‘du ‘jog gsum” and do this practice altogether..

30th May 10am-12pm.
Giving instruction of the practice of Three Vajras and Six Space of Samanta Bhadra with “phro ‘du ‘jog gsum” and then we this practice altogether.
5-8pm. Other events.

31st May 10am-12pm.
Giving advices and some tridlung of collective practices. We finish our retreat with a practice of Guru Yoga.

文章發表於 : 2014-05-23, 00:15

2012/08/31 10:00PM 龍薩教法:開啟阿底狀態之門(1)
Longsal Atii Gongpa Gojyed

10:02pm, 我們又再次在火山營開始禪修營。我們將要給予另種大圓滿修法,我們所教授的都是跟大圓滿教法相關,這裡幾天我們試著學習些重要的東西,如此可以應用大圓滿教法的知識,你看在大圓滿教法中我們有許多種類的方法和系統的修法。這次我要給的稱為 Atii Gojyed(阿底貢傑),像是開啟大圓滿知識的教法,這教法的原則跟非常古老的大圓滿教法有關,就像《聲應成續》的意義,但方法要如何應用、我們如何開始去學等等有些修法指導。這個指導稱 Atii Gompa Gojyed(阿底工巴貢傑),意指為了開啟阿底瑜伽之大圓滿狀態。這相關於龍薩教法之一,是我最早期收到的,因此才說像是「開門」(opening door)。這教法是在 1957 年,你看那時你們很多年輕人還不存在於地球,我那時在西藏,有次我去中藏,有個著名地點是蓮師造的第一個寺廟,稱桑耶寺,在桑耶附近有蓮師待的個人閉關處,其中之一稱桑耶亞瑪龍,我們一小群人去那薈供。……(後略)

文章發表於 : 2014-05-23, 21:52

文章發表於 : 2014-05-30, 17:37
原訂 2014/06/06-14 烏克蘭禪修營取消:

Ukraine, Crimea, Kunsangar South
June 6-14, 2014
Teaching Retreat Cancelled

Due to the current political situation in Crimea, Chögyal Namkhai Norbu has cancelled this retreat.
Here is Rinpoche’s message to Kunsangar South.

Dear Kunsangar South Gakyil,
I am very sorry that in this moment there is a very sad situation in your country,
We are praying it goes better situation some how. In this condition, we couldn’t
apply our program of this year retreat at Kunsangar South. It is not so easy for
going there for us and also other interested people for that retreat. It is better we
cancel our retreat of this year and we do our best for the next year.
I really hope every thing will go better way.

With many Tashi Delegs NN.