由 SW » 2013-09-21, 00:37
Retreat on the Namchos Zhitro teaching and practice. Open webcast.
The retreat is open to whomever is interested.
September 28th
4.00-6.00 p.m. Introduction to the teaching and practice of the Namchos Zhitro; transmission of the Ati Guruyoga.
2013/09/28(六)10:00PM-00:00, 天法寂忿百尊教法及修法介紹;阿底上師瑜伽傳法。
September 29th
10.00-12.00 a.m. Teaching on the Namchos Zhitro and Jyangchog practice for all the dead people.
2013/09/29(日)04:00-06:00PM, 天法寂忿百尊及超度亡靈修法
4.00-5.00 p.m. We will do altogether the Jyangchog practice for all the dead people, particularly those with whom we have a concrete relationship.
10:00-11:00PM, 共修超度亡靈,特別是那些跟我們有具體關係者。
5.30-6.00 p.m. Short Ganapuja for the Dakini day. The Lottery draw will follow.
11:30PM-00:00, 空行母日短薈供,隨後樂透
September 30th
10.00-12.00 a.m. Advice for the practice in daily life. Tridlungs of the secondary practices. The retreat will end with the Ati Guruyoga and dedications.
2013/09/30(一)04:00-06:00PM, 日常修行建議,次要修法口傳,並以阿底上師瑜伽結束禪修營。