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2012/03/16-22 澳洲禪修營:千拉‧確吉沃瑟之建言

文章發表於 : 2012-03-08, 14:14

2012/03/16-03/22 Sunshine Coast 澳洲黃金海岸禪修營

文章發表於 : 2012-03-11, 21:12
2012/03/16-03/22 Sunshine Coast 澳洲黃金海岸禪修營


Zhaldam Verses with its Three Principle Teachings

文章發表於 : 2012-03-15, 14:53
Namgyalgar North retreat 16th-22nd March 2012
Teaching is the Zhaldam (Advice) of the great teacher Khyenrab Chos-kyi Odzer, who was one of the most important students of the great Dzogchen Master Zhenga Rinpoche.

Check the time here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=47

16th March 5-7pm(台灣時間 2012/03/16 03:00PM-05:00PM)
Start of the retreat: An introduction to the retreat Teaching and the transmission of Ati Guru Yoga, which is always being in the essence, and the Tridlung of Short Thun.

17th March 10-12am(台灣時間 2012/03/17 08:00AM-10:00AM)
Transmitting the 1st verse of Zhaldam with its Three principle teachings and the Tridlung of Short Gana Puja.

17th March 1-2pm(台灣時間 2012/03/17 11:00AM-11:30AM 空行母日暨阿玉康卓紀念日短薈供)
We do a short Gana Puja for the day of Dakini and Anniversary of Ayu Khandro.

18 th March 10-12am(台灣時間 2012/03/18 08:00AM-10:00AM)
Transmitting the 2nd of Zhaldam verse with its Three principle teachings and direct introduction.

19th March 10-12am(台灣時間 2012/03/19 08:00AM-10:00AM)
Transmitting the 3rd of Zhaldam verse with its Three principle teachings and Tridlung of Medium Thun.

20th March 10-12am(台灣時間 2012/03/20 08:00AM-10:00AM)
Transmitting the 4th of Zhaldam verse with its Three principle teachings.

21st March 10-12.00(台灣時間 2012/03/21 08:00AM-10:00AM)
Transmitting more detail the teaching of Tsgsum naddeg and Tridlung of Medium Gana Puja.

22nd March 10-12am(台灣時間 2012/03/22 08:00AM-10:00AM)
Advice for the practices of how to integrate in daily life and tridlungs of collective practices.

22nd March 1-2pm(台灣時間 2012/03/22 11:00AM-12:00PM,新月中薈供)
We do a Medium Gana Puja for the New Moon and end of this retreat.

Khyenrab Chokyi Odzer

文章發表於 : 2012-03-15, 20:35
Khyenrab Chokyi Odzer (1901-1960)

"At the age of nine he entered a Sakyapa Monastery where he studied Buddhist philosophy for many years with Khyenrab Chökyi Odzer."


大陸三昧林的翻譯為《欽繞‧秋吉俄色的忠告》。Khyenrab 台灣翻譯的有千然、千惹、欽拉、堪惹;Chokyi 則有確吉、卻紀、丘吉、確幾,我要等南開師的發音出來才會決定譯法。按照台灣大間佛書出版社通用的譯法後兩碼是確吉‧沃瑟,使用確吉的大師有蔣揚欽哲確吉羅卓,使用沃瑟的有欽哲沃瑟、娘讓尼瑪沃瑟。或者我會用欽拉‧確吉‧沃瑟。

2012/03/16 NOTE: 南開師唸「千拉」仁波切。

2012/03/22 中薈供時間變更

文章發表於 : 2012-03-21, 00:47
22nd March 1-2pm(台灣時間 2012/03/22 11:00AM-12:00PM,新月中薈供)
We do a Medium Gana Puja for the New Moon and end of this retreat.

南開師 03/20 說:「明天本來課後要修薈供,但我改下時間,我們最好明天下午四點(台灣時間下午兩點)來修中薈供,我就不解釋太多了。」

21nd March 4 pm (台灣時間 2012/03/21 02:00PM-03:00PM)
We do a Medium Gana Puja and following auction for Namgyalgar North Gonpa