作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com

2013/02/15-02/25 Mandarava Chudlen Retreat


2013/02/15-02/25 Mandarava Chudlen Retreat

文章SW » 2013-02-08, 23:57

Mandarava Chudlen Retreat 曼達拉瓦精華萃取術禪修營


Tenerife, February 15th – 25th, 2013 - OPEN WEBCAST

The title of this teaching is Chimed Khandro Sogthig, The Heart Thigle of the Dakini of Immortality.

Chögyal Namkhai Norbu received the teaching of the Practice of Mandarava while doing a retreta with students at Maratika, the famous place sacred to Padmasambhava and Mandarava.

The Chüdlen we are doing is connected to a Long Life Practice. In general, Long Life Practice is useful for strenghtening one’s protective energy.
我們所修之 Chüdlen(精華萃取術,攝生術)跟長壽法有關。一般而言,長壽法對於加強個人能量十分有用。

This is important in all senses. To be able to have some realization through certain practices, first of all one needs to be healthy and free from physical problems.

Even if you are not dedicating yourself only to the practice you need to live well in daily life and you only live well when you do not have problems, that is, when your energy is perfect and especially when your protective energy is healthy.

If your energy has some weak points it needs to be reinforced, so we have to know how to do that.

This is one of the principles of the Long Life Practice. Many people think that the Long Life Practice is a kind of prayer, just to receive a kind of blessing, but it’s not like that.

This practice means working with oneself, using visualization, mantras and Chüdlen pills.
這個修法意指根據個人、使用觀想、咒語和 Chüdlen 丸來修。

Chögyal Namkhai Norbu – from an Oral Commentary given at Merigar, August 1986

Publications related with this teaching:

The Practice of Long Life of the Immortal Dakini Mandarava (Terma texts and their origins)
The Practice of Long life and Chudlen of Mandarava. An Oral Commentary
The Practice of Long Life of the Immortal Dakini Mandarava Practice Text
DVD New Mandarava. Explanation and practice - Merigar West, August 2007
文章: 4556
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

文章SW » 2013-02-08, 23:58

文章: 4556
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 2013/01/15-01/25 Mandarava Chudlen Retreat

文章blairan » 2013-02-09, 11:06

文章: 306
註冊時間: 2012-09-18, 09:35
來自: 台灣花蓮

Re: 2013/02/15-02/25 Mandarava Chudlen Retreat

文章SW » 2013-02-14, 14:58

Tenerife Mandarava Retreat
15th -25th Feb. 2013
Mandarava’s teaching and practice with Chudlen

open webcast. GMT+0 (Canary Islands)

15th 5-7pm. Indroduction of this retreat Teaching.
台彎時間 2013/02/16(六)01:00AM-03:00AM

16th 10am-12pm. Donwang of Mandarava
台彎時間 2013/02/16(六)06:00PM-08:00PM 曼達拉瓦真實義灌頂

17th10am-12pm. Giving an instruction about the practice of Mandarava.
台彎時間 2013/02/17(日)06:00PM-08:00PM 曼達拉瓦修法

18th 10-11am. Mandarava teaching.
台彎時間 2013/02/18(一)06:00PM-07:00AM 曼達拉瓦教法
11am-12pm. Madarava practice with the Chudlen.
台彎時間 2013/02/18(一)07:00PM-08:00AM 曼達拉瓦 Chudlen 修法

19th 10-11am.Mandara teaching.
台彎時間 2013/02/19(二)06:00PM-07:00AM 曼達拉瓦教法
11am-12pm. Madarava practice with the Chudlen.
台彎時間 2013/02/19(二)07:00PM-08:00AM 曼達拉瓦 Chudlen 修法

20th 10-11am.Mandara teaching.
台彎時間 2013/02/20(三)06:00PM-07:00AM 曼達拉瓦教法
11am-12pm. Madarava practice with the Chudlen.
台彎時間 2013/02/20(三)07:00PM-08:00AM 曼達拉瓦 Chudlen 修法
4-5pm. Gana Puja for the day of Guru Padma Sambhava.
台彎時間 2013/02/21(四)00:00-01:00AM 蓮師日薈供

21st 10-11am.Mandara teaching.
台彎時間 2013/02/21(四)06:00PM-07:00AM 曼達拉瓦教法
11am-12pm. Madarava practice with the Chudlen.
台彎時間 2013/02/21(四)07:00PM-08:00AM 曼達拉瓦 Chudlen 修法

22nd 10-11am.Mandara teaching.
台彎時間 2013/02/22(五)06:00PM-07:00AM 曼達拉瓦教法
11am-12pm. Madarava practice with the Chudlen.
台彎時間 2013/02/22(五)07:00PM-08:00AM 曼達拉瓦 Chudlen 修法

23rd 10-11am.Mandara teaching.
台彎時間 2013/02/23(六)06:00PM-07:00AM 曼達拉瓦教法
11am-12pm. Madarava practice with the Chudlen.
台彎時間 2013/02/23(六)07:00PM-08:00AM 曼達拉瓦 Chudlen 修法

24th 10-11am.Mandara teaching.
台彎時間 2013/02/24(日)06:00PM-07:00AM 曼達拉瓦教法
11am-12pm. Madarava practice with the Chudlen.
台彎時間 2013/02/24(日)07:00PM-08:00AM 曼達拉瓦 Chudlen 修法

25th 10-12pm. Giving advices for daily Practices tridlung of collective practices and the retreat finish with a Ati Guru Yoga.
台彎時間 2013/02/25(一)06:00PM-08:00AM 日常修行建議及共修法口傳

In the Webcast Site http://www.shangshunginstitute.net/webcast You will find updated SCHEDULE and informations.

The Webcast Team
文章: 4556
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

文章SW » 2013-02-15, 00:49

World Wide Transmission with Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
On the Anniversary of Guru Garab Dorje(噶拉多傑紀念日):
February 25th, 2013
at 3 am Western European Time (GMT+0)
from Tenerife Island, Spain

台灣時間 2013/02/25(一)11:00AM

文章: 4556
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 2013/02/15-02/25 Mandarava Chudlen Retreat

文章SW » 2013-02-16, 00:42

文章: 4556
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

文章SW » 2013-02-16, 22:19

Today and tomorrow at 17:15 (Canary Islands time) GMT+0, there will be the explanation of the Mudras in webcast!

今明兩天解釋手印,即台北時間 2013/02/17(日)和 02/18(一)01:15AM。

The Webcast Team
文章: 4556
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

文章SW » 2013-02-21, 19:09

2013/02/22 凌晨 01:30 Fabio 教授索提呼吸法。
文章: 4556
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

文章SW » 2013-02-23, 19:47

2013/02/24(日)00:00 法會圓滿薈供
文章: 4556
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

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