作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com

唐望故事—做夢篇 REVIEW

Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-41

文章SW » 2023-09-16, 16:35



「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-41

「天啊!我們是在回憶起『另一個自己』(the other self,指分身)!」她驚呼道,聲音近乎歇斯底里。然後她平靜下來,以緩和的聲音繼續說,「顯然我們已經去過那裡,而回憶起它的唯一方法就是我們正在做的,在共同做夢時射出我們的做夢體。」











《老鷹的贈予》pp. 174-175 重譯

"Holy Jesus! We are remembering the other self!" she exclaimed, her voice almost bordering on hysteria. Then she calmed down and went on talking in a subdued tone. "Evidently we've already been there and the only way of remembering it is the way we're doing it, by shooting off our dreaming bodies while dreaming together."

"What do you mean, shooting off our dreaming bodies?" I asked.

"You yourself have witnessed when Genaro used to shoot off his dreaming body," she said. "It pops off like a slow bullet. It actually glues and unglues itself from the physical body with a loud crack.

"The Nagual told me that Genaro's dreaming body could do most of the things we normally do. He used to come to you that way in order to jolt you. I know now what the Nagual and Genaro were after. They wanted you to remember, and for that effect Genaro used to perform incredible feats in front of your very eyes by shooting off his dreaming body. But to no avail."

"I never knew that he was in his dreaming body," I said.

"You never knew because you weren't watching," she said. "Genaro tried to let you know by attempting to do things that the dreaming body cannot do, like eating, drinking, and so forth. The Nagual told me that Genaro used to joke with you that he was going to shit and make the mountains tremble."

"Why can't the dreaming body do those things?" I asked.

"Because the dreaming body cannot handle the intent of eating, or drinking," she replied.

"What do you mean by that, Gordar" I asked.

"Genaro's great accomplishment was that in his dreaming he learned the intent of the body," she explained. "He finished what you had started to do. He could dream his whole body as perfectly as it could be.

"But the dreaming body has a different intent from the intent of the physical body. For instance, the dreaming body can go through a wall, because it knows the intent of disappearing into thin air. The physical body knows the intent of eating, but not the one of disappearing. For Genaro's physical body to go through a wall would be as impossible as for his dreaming body to eat."
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-42

文章SW » 2023-09-30, 18:36


我出體夢如影隨行一位我稱為 Partner 的情形很多年囉,可是你現在要我描述或心中想著他的形象,我真的想不出來,因為每次都不一樣。聲音也是完全沒有記憶,只是每次在夢中,有時覺得有台灣腔,或者有什麼腔,同樣沒有記憶點,回想不起來聲音長什麼樣子。

這點很奇特,如果你見過一個人一百次,那你一定很容易想起他的樣子,但是我對 Partner 完全沒有記憶上的特定形象。如此,我就不知道以他的視角,他怎麼看待我的,我是如卡氏所描述的:完完全全就是我的樣子嗎?我覺得不一定,因為意生身是能量體,能量體怎麼被詮釋,屬於見者這一邊的事情。


「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-42

我們對於做夢的討論對我們來說是最有幫助的,因為它不僅解決了我們「共同做夢」上的困境,也將我們做夢的概念帶至心智的層次(intellectual level)。


我很容易就進入第一個狀態:「靜態守夜」。我身體上有一種愉悅的覺受,從我太陽神經叢(solar plexus,胃輪)散發出的刺痛感。








《老鷹的贈予》pp. 181-183 重譯

Our discussion of dreaming was most helpful to us, not only because it solved our impasse in dreaming together, but because it brought its concepts to an intellectual level.

In unison, we arrived then at the conclusion that it was time to try again our dreaming together.

I very easily entered into the first state, restful vigil. I had a sensation of bodily pleasure; a tingling radiating from my solar plexus.

suddenly I found myself face to face with la Gorda. It was as if I had turned a corner and bumped into her. I became immersed in watching her. She was so absolutely real, so herself.

La Gorda quickly tried to interlock our arms. We looked around. There was no fixed tableau in front of our eyes; no static picture of any sort. I had a sudden insight and told la Gorda that it was because we had been watching each other that we had missed the appearance of the dreaming scene. Only after I had spoken did I realize that we were in a new situation. The sound of my voice scared me. It was a strange voice; harsh; unappealing.

La Gorda replied that we had not missed anything, that our second attention had been caught by something else. She smiled and made a puckering gesture with her mouth; a mixture of surprise and annoyance at the sound of her own voice.

I found the novelty of talking in dreaming spellbinding, for we were not dreaming of a scene in which we talked, we were actually conversing. It required a unique effort quite similar to my initial effort of walking down a stairway in dreaming.

The realization struck me then that la Gorda and I had quite spontaneously entered into our dreaming bodies.

Because I had some experience with moving in that state, I willed myself to go to la Gorda's side. My desire was to embrace her, but instead I moved in on her so close that we merged. I was aware of myself as an individual being, but at the same time I felt I was part of la Gorda. I liked that feeling immensely.

We stayed merged until something broke our hold. I felt a command to examine the environment.
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-43

文章SW » 2023-10-28, 16:29

魯宓在翻譯這些段落時,用的是右邊意識,以及左邊意識,但原文並沒有意識兩字。我也認為使用意識會落入心識(凡夫識)範疇內;而左邊,這裡所講到的已經是單純的覺,而非識,這在藏文是兩個字:rig pa(or rig,覺) 和 rnam shes(識)。

近日看到(聽到)曲迦仁波切的微信貼文,講到 rig pa 和 rang rig 兩同義詞,查字典分別是:

rig pa:knower; knowledge; awareness; know; be aware; aware; basic knowledge
rang rig:self-knower; self-knowing; self-cognizing consciousness




[1] 這意味神識離開身體。對普通人來說,死後不久便會發生,而行者的神識可能會在「圖當」中(thugs dam)維持一段長短不定的時間,於此期間,其神識還停留在身體內。此處文本說的是覺性(rig pa,本覺)而不是意識(rnam shes),因為這些引導係針對修行者。


「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-43



拉葛達認為,Nagual望‧馬特斯的努力,是去引導我們藉由做夢對第二注意力的自我控制,到達另一邊的自我(the other self)。




這些強化意識(heightened awareness)狀態的另一個特徵,是個人互動中無比的豐富性,這種豐富性被我們的身體理解為一種加速感(sensation of speeding)。我們在左右兩邊之間的來回移動,使我們更容易瞭解到:在右邊時,有太多的能量與時間被消耗在我們日常生活的行為和互動中;而另一方面,在左邊時,則有對節制(economy)和速度的本俱需求(inherent need)。



《老鷹的贈予》pp. 198-195 重譯

Don Juan had told us that human beings are divided in two. The right side, which he called the tonal, encompasses everything the intellect can conceive of. The left side, called the nagual, is a realm of indescribable features; a realm impossible to contain in words. The left side is perhaps comprehended, if comprehension is what takes place, with the total body; thus its resistance to conceptualization.

Don Juan had also told us that all the faculties, possibilities, and accomplishments of sorcery, from the simplest to the most astounding, are in the human body itself.

La Gorda thought that the Nagual Juan Matus's efforts were to lead us to the other self by means of our self-control of the second attention through dreaming.

However, he put us in direct touch with the second attention through bodily manipulation. La Gorda remembered that he used to force her to go from one side to the other by pushing or massaging her back. She said that sometimes he would even give her a sound blow over or around her right shoulder blade.

The result was her entrance into an extraordinary state of clarity. To la Gorda, it seemed that everything in that state went faster, yet nothing in the world had been changed.

I remembered the same had been the case with me. At any given time, don Juan might give me a blow on my back. I always felt the blow on my spine, high between my shoulder blades. An extraordinary clarity would follow. The world was the same but sharper. It may have been that my reasoning faculties were numbed by don Juan's blow, thus allowing me to perceive without their intervention.

Another feature of those states of heightened awareness was the incomparable richness of personal interaction; a richness that our bodies understood as a sensation of speeding. Our back and forth movement between the right and the left sides made it easier for us to realize that on the right side too much energy and time is consumed in the actions and interactions of our daily life. On the left side, on the other hand, there is an inherent need for economy and speed.

La Gorda could not describe what this speed really was, and neither could I. The best I could do would be to say that on the left side I could grasp the meaning of things with precision and directness. Every facet of activity was free of preliminaries or introductions.

I acted and rested. I went forth and retreated without any of the thought processes that are usual to me. This was what la Gorda and I understood as speeding.
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-44

文章SW » 2023-11-12, 15:21



這兩者不約而同的都使用一個英文詞,叫 passageway。有校稿師兄希望我換個翻譯詞,不要稱為「通道」,但基本上明明就是一條通道,它有明確的入口(entrance)。大家可以往前複習《出生、生命與死亡》之死亡篇的翻譯,最後提到的幾個入口時刻。

另外有個詞 knowledge,第三段巫士版虹光身講到「整個身體都被知識所點燃」。這個 knowledge 大陸同修喜歡翻譯成「經驗」,這幾年好一些,改翻「知識經驗」;同修會體系外的則翻成「智慧」。其實它指的就是「所知障」的「所知」,沒有所知障了,當然就「知」了(knowledge 的字根就是 know),那就是知識。上述即將出版的「中陰引導」一書,兩個根本文,一再提到認知、認出、認識:

藏文 shes:
cognition; knowledge
to be aware of, come to understand, to know, to grasp, master, to learn, to realize, wisdom



1. 睡著之後存在一條通道(passage)——一段過渡時期,時間可長可短——直到開始作夢。(p. 74)
2. 有覺知狀態的出現,而心尚未開始進入例如思考這樣的運作,就是這個通道,我們透過它進入所謂的自然光狀態,一般總認為密續修行者就是在這段時間證悟自身。(p. 76)
3. 在你通過或經過(這個通道)的時候,會開展出一系列的光,對這些光有很多種解釋。(p. 76)

註:南開師口語上喜歡講 passage,但義大利象雄出版品則改成更合意的英文 passageway。

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-44









首先他引導我們把規矩當作一張地圖;然後他引導我們認識到,一個人可以獲得一種至高無上的覺知,因為確有這樣的事存在;最後,他引導我們進入通往其他隱藏的覺知世界(other concealed world of awareness)的真正通道。

《老鷹的贈予》pp. 211-212,重譯

Don Juan explained that the rule was not a tale, and that to cross over to freedom did not mean eternal life as eternity is commonly understood- that is, as living forever.

What the rule stated was that one could keep the awareness which is ordinarily relinquished at the moment of dying.

Don Juan could not explain what it meant to keep that awareness, or perhaps he could not even conceive of it. His benefactor had told him that at the moment of crossing, one enters into the third attention, and the body in its entirety is kindled with knowledge. Every cell at once becomes aware of itself, and also aware of the totality of the body.

His benefactor had also told him that this kind of awareness is meaningless to our compartmentalized minds. Therefore the crux of the warrior's struggle was not so much to realize that the crossing over stated in the rule meant crossing to the third attention, but rather to conceive that there exists such an awareness at all.

Don Juan said that in the beginning the rule was to him something strictly in the realm of words. He could not imagine how it could lapse into the domain of the actual world and its ways.

Under the effective guidance of his benefactor, however, and after a great deal of work, he finally succeeded in grasping the true nature of the rule, and totally accepted it as a set of pragmatic directives rather than a myth. From then on, he had no problem in dealing with the reality of the third attention.

The only obstacle in his way arose from his being so thoroughly convinced that the rule was a map that he believed he had to look for a literal opening in the world, a passageway. Somehow he had become needlessly stuck at the first level of a warrior's development.
Don Juan's own work as a leader and teacher, as a result, was directed at helping the apprentices, and especially me, to avoid repeating his mistake. What he succeeded in doing with us was to lead us through the three stages of a warrior's development without overemphasizing any of them.

First he guided us to take the rule as a map; then he guided us to the understanding that one can attain a paramount awareness, because there is such a thing; and finally he guided us to an actual passageway into that other concealed world of awareness.
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-45

文章SW » 2023-12-02, 17:13


這裡所講的左邊和右邊的意識或覺知,左右應該不是指位置。右邊意識和左邊意識,或說覺知,姑且可以對應於南開師常說的 presence 和 instant presence,或者左邊還沒有到 instant presence,而是強化意識,具有較多的明性(clarity),我們的修行無一不是在增加明分(明性這部分)。



「學生一旦清楚地瞥見這本自具足永遠存在的覺知,某些不幸的事可能會發生。一方面他們似乎解脫了身心較低層次的束縛,一方面這些較低層次的身心並沒有停止自己的需要或問題。你可以一面處於一味,一面婚姻失敗、失業或仍然是個渾球。」(《一味》pp. 218-219)


至於「只有少數人能夠倖存」,說明唐望傳承每期招生不是只有八或十六位學員,之前唐望幫卡氏召集的第一批八個不是全數陣亡了嗎?後來才又招三個(因為發現卡氏能量體屬於三區 Nagual 而非四區)。

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-45



唐望解釋說,一套皮革吊索(leather harness)是治療某些非身體疾病的絕佳裝置。這個概念是:一個人被吊得越高,懸在半空中不接觸地面的時間越久,真正能夠淨化的效果也越好。

Under the duress of dreaming and stalking they lose their right sides, their minds. Their reason burns up easily due to the fact that their left-side awareness is extraordinarily keen. Once they lose their rational side, they are peerless dreamers and stalkers since they no longer have any rational ballast to hold them back.

Don Juan said that those women cured him of his lust. For six months he spent most of his time in a harness suspended from the ceiling of their rural kitchen, like a ham that was being smoked, until he was thoroughly purified from thoughts of gain and personal gratification.

Don Juan explained that a leather harness is a superb device for curing certain maladies that are not physical. The idea is that the higher a person is suspended and the longer that person is kept from touching the ground by dangling in midair, the better the possibilities of a true cleansing effect.


He warned me about a common error; that of overestimating the left-side awareness; of becoming dazzled by its clarity and power. He said that to be in the left-side awareness does not mean that one is immediately liberated from one's folly- it only means an extended capacity for perceiving, a greater facility to understand and learn, and above all, a greater ability to forget.

唐望說,他的恩人確信這些戰士只有少數人能夠倖存下來,並且能夠重新整合自己的知識,重新引導自己的修道。唐望和他的恩人對於第二注意力的所知都是重組後的版本,一種具有內建紀律(built-in restraints)的新版本,因為它是在最嚴厲的壓迫情況下鍛煉出來的。

Don Juan said that his benefactor was convinced that only a handful of those warriors survived and were capable of reassembling their knowledge and redirecting their path. Whatever don Juan and his benefactor knew about the second attention was the restructured version; a new version which had built-in restraints because it had been forged under the harshest conditions of suppression.

《老鷹的贈予》pp. 216-217, 219,重譯
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-46

文章SW » 2023-12-16, 17:05

這部分特別相應於大圓滿教法,姑且不論什麼明晰繭或明晰蛋體,基本上在大圓滿教法裡則比喻為童瓶身(youthful vase body):我們的內在光明,猶如在一個陶瓶裡點了一盞燭燈,外在看不到其光亮。


The mind radiates out, projecting outwards and then returning within
To the youthful vase body’s inner space, possessing six unique characteristics






「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-46

對看見者來說,人類就像明晰蛋體(luminous eggs,發光的蛋),這似蛋的形狀是外部的繭;即〔內在〕光明的外殼(shell of luminosity),裡面裝著一個最奇妙懾人的核心,由諸多同心環圈(concentric circles)組成,光度偏黃,顏色同於燭焰。

唐望解釋說,在我們看來似乎很亮的蛋狀外殼其實是很黯淡的。光明(luminosity)來自明燦的核心:事實上外殼使它的輝亮變暗。唐望向我們透露,為了要讓該眾生解脫(in order to liberate that being),外殼必須被打破。它必須在正確的時間從內部打破,就像鳥類孵化完成破殼而出,如果牠們不這麼做,牠們就會窒息而亡。如同鳥類從蛋中孵化而出,在時機成熟之前,戰士是無法打破自己〔內在〕光明的外殼的。(按:光明在這裡是名詞。)

唐望告訴我們,失去人類形象是打破那個外殼的唯一手段,是讓那個懾人的明晰核心——即覺性核心——解脫的唯一方法。打破外殼意味著回憶起「另一邊自我」(the other self),並達到自我的完整。

《老鷹的贈予》pp. 255-256,重譯

human beings appear to a seer as luminous eggs, the egglike shape is an external cocoon; a shell of luminosity that houses a most intriguing, haunting, mesmeric core made up of concentric circles of yellowish luminosity the color of a candle's flame.

Don Juan explained that the egg-shaped shells which seemed so bright to us were indeed dull. The luminosity emanated from the brilliant core: The shell in fact dulled its radiance. Don Juan revealed to us that the shell must be broken in order to liberate that being. It must be broken from the inside at the right time, just as creatures that hatch out of eggs break their shells. If they fail to do so, they suffocate and die. As with creatures that hatch out of eggs, there is no way for a warrior to break the shell of his luminosity until the time is right.

Don Juan told us that losing the human form was the only means of breaking that shell, the only means of liberating that haunting luminous core; the core of awareness. To break the shell means remembering the other self, and arriving at the totality of oneself.
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-47

文章SW » 2024-01-13, 16:40




有些低階密續的金剛乘行者有此傾向,他們修很長時間,我們去看他們時,他們修很多年睡覺的地方就是盒子而已,他們根本不睡,沒有任何床,不像我們有臥室和餐廳客廳等,他們這些行者只有小箱子,他們認為修行應該如此,這是比較低階密續犧牲的方式,大圓滿不這樣做,而是需要尊重身體。若你都不動只待在盒子裡,隔年你就不能走了,這反而製造問題,因此要和諧一切融於真實本性。(2016/06/04 幻輪瑜伽氣脈修法(2))



「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-47








《老鷹的贈予》pp. 269-270,重譯

Silvio Manuel intended to prepare me for my task by taking me directly into the second attention. He planned a series of bold actions that would galvanize my awareness.

For our first not-doing, Silvio Manuel constructed a wooden crate big enough to house la Gorda and me if we sat back-to-back with our knees up. The crate had a lid made of lattice-work to let in a flow of air.

La Gorda and I were to climb inside it and sit in total darkness and total silence without falling asleep. He began by letting us enter the box for short periods. Then he increased the time as we got used to the procedure until we could spend the entire night inside it without moving or dozing off.

The Nagual woman stayed with us to make sure that we would not change levels of awareness due to fatigue. Silvio Manuel said that our natural tendency under unusual conditions of stress is to shift from the heightened state of awareness to our normal one, and vice versa.

The general effect of the not-doing every time we performed it was to give us an unequalled sense of rest; which was a complete puzzle to me, since we never fell asleep during our nightlong vigils. I attributed the sense of rest to the fact that we were in a state of heightened awareness, but Silvio Manuel said that the one had nothing to do with the other; that the sense of rest was the result of sitting with our knees up.

The second not-doing consisted of making us lie on the ground like curled-up dogs, almost in the fetal position, resting on our left sides, our foreheads on our folded arms. Silvio Manuel insisted that we keep our eyes closed as long as possible, opening them only when he told us to shift positions and lie on our right sides.

He told us that the purpose of this not-doing was to allow our sense of hearing to separate from our sight. As before, he gradually increased the length of time until we could spend the entire night in auditory vigil.
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-48

文章SW » 2024-01-27, 17:25



空行就是一個總稱,不是一般的女人,比較有特異功能的女人叫做空行,她們離地嘛。中國叫離地行,比較文雅一點叫空行,白話一點叫離地行——鬼的意思嘛,對不對?那種鬼——就是空行,單單的空行就是這個意思。(秋竹仁波切,2012/05/31 施身法(空行吼嘯)-5)



「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-48

然後西維歐‧曼紐耶隨後準備將我們轉移到另一個活動領域(area of activity)。他解釋說,在前兩個「不做」中,打破了某種當我們被困在地上時的感知障礙。









《老鷹的贈予》pp. 270-271,重譯

Silvio Manuel was then ready to move us to another area of activity. He explained that in the first two not-doings we had broken a certain perceptual barrier while we were stuck to the ground.

By way of analogy, he compared human beings to trees. We are like mobile trees. We are somehow rooted to the ground. Our roots are transportable, but that does not free us from the ground.

He said that in order to establish balance we had to perform the third not-doing while dangling in the air. If we succeeded in channeling our intent while we were suspended from a tree inside a leather harness, we would make a triangle with our intent, a triangle whose base was on the ground and its vertex in the air. Silvio Manuel thought that we had gathered our attention with the first two not-doings to the point that we could perform the third perfectly from the beginning.

One night he suspended la Gorda and me in two separate harnesses like strap chairs. We sat in them and he lifted us with a pulley to the highest large branches of a tall tree. He wanted us to pay attention to the awareness of the tree which he said would give us signals since we were its guests. He made the Nagual woman stay on the ground and call our names from time to time during the entire night.

While we were suspended from the tree in the innumerable times we performed this not-doing, we experienced a glorious flood of physical sensations like mild charges of electrical impulses.

During the first three or four attempts, it had been as if the tree were protesting our intrusion. Then after that, the impulses became signals of peace and balance.

Silvio Manuel told us that the awareness of a tree draws its nourishment from the depths of the earth, while the awareness of mobile creatures draws it from the surface. There is no sense of strife in a tree, whereas moving beings are filled to the brim with it.

His contention was that perception suffers a profound jolt when we are placed in states of quietude in darkness. Our hearing takes the lead then, and the signals from all the living and existing entities around us can be detected- not with our hearing only, but with a combination of the auditory and visual senses, in that order. He said that in darkness, especially while one is suspended, the eyes become subsidiary to the ears.

He was absolutely right, as la Gorda and I discovered. Through the exercise of the third not-doing, Silvio Manuel gave a new dimension to our perception of the world around us.
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-49

文章SW » 2024-02-16, 18:28



什麼是「教證二法」(gtsug lag rnam gnyis)?指教法和證法,亦即講、修(bshad sgrub)二種;「講」指宣講、解釋,「修」指實修。對於初學者,許多寺院都設有講經院(collage of study)和修道院(collage of practice)兩種學院。(象雄文化,《覺性杜鵑》p. 104)

這個蘇麗卡,在卡氏女同儕小佛琳達自己的書 Being-in-Dreaming 中有較多的著墨,是個幾乎都處在做夢狀態的女巫士。她在日常世界的名字叫蘇麗卡,秘密名(做夢體的名字)則是 Esperanza。



至於要在完全的黑暗中修,是否跟黑關類似,應該是不一樣的。因為這裡是修做夢,所以主要是先訓練醒夢不分,然後環境類似睡覺做夢的情況,讓做夢體起作用。當然粗略講起來,修 24hr 或更久的黑關,目的也是讓醒睡分不清楚,意識就可以一路貫穿醒夢,這對於一直無法有清明夢也就是作夢時的覺知是有幫助的。

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-49

根據西維歐‧曼紐耶的總體計畫(master plan),對我來說有兩種指導:一種針對右邊〔意識〕,另一種則針對左邊。




According to Silvio Manuel's master plan there were to be two kinds of instruction for me, one for the right side and one for the left.

The right side instruction pertained to the state of normal consciousness and had to do with leading me to the rational conviction that there is another type of awareness concealed in human beings. Don Juan was in charge of this instruction.

The left side instruction had been assigned to Zuleica. It was related to the state of heightened awareness, and had to do exclusively with the handling of the second attention.

Thus every time I went to Mexico I would spend half of my time with Zuleica, and the other half with don Juan.






Zuleica was very effective as my guide into the second attention. She insisted that our interaction take place only at night, and in total darkness. For me, Zuleica was only a voice in the dark; a voice that started every contact we had by telling me to focus my attention on her words and nothing else. Her voice was the woman's voice that la Gorda thought she had heard in dreaming.

Zuleica told me that if dreaming is going to be done indoors, it is best to do it in total darkness, while lying down or sitting up on a narrow bed; or better yet, while sitting inside a coffin-like crib. She thought that outdoors, dreaming should be done in the protection of a cave, in the sandy areas of water holes, or sitting against a rock in the mountains; never on the flat floor of a valley, or next to rivers, or lakes, or the sea; because flat areas as well as water were antithetical to the second attention.

Every one of my sessions with her was imbued with mysterious overtones. She explained that the surest way to make a direct hit on the second attention is through ritual acts: monotonous chanting; intricate repetitious movements.

Her teachings were not about the preliminaries of dreaming which had already been taught to me by don Juan. Her assumption was that whoever came to her already knew how to do dreaming; so she dealt exclusively with esoteric points of the left side awareness.

《老鷹的贈予》pp. 281, 285-286,重譯
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-50

文章SW » 2024-03-09, 17:35






「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-50


接下來我感覺她在我身後往後退了幾步;這件事使我完全懵了,因為我以為我的背離牆壁只有幾英吋。她在我身後輕聲命我集中注意力,讓她的話來領導我。她叫我睜開眼睛,注視著面前與我視線齊平的一點(a point);而這一點將從黑暗變成明亮宜人的橘紅色。


蘇麗卡解釋說,做夢者必須從一個色點(a point of color)開始。另一方面,像是紫色、淺綠色或豔黃色等,都是絕佳的起點。








《老鷹的贈予》pp. 286-287, 290-292,重譯

She led me to an alcove in the darkest hall in her house. Although my eyes were used to the darkness I was still unable to see a thing. She commanded me to sit down inside a narrow crib and support my lower back with something I thought was a hard cushion.

I next felt that she had backed up a few steps behind me; a thing which baffled me completely because I thought that my back was only a few inches from the wall. Speaking from behind me, she ordered me in a soft voice to focus my attention on her words and let them guide me. She told me to keep my eyes open and fixed on a point right in front of me at my eye level; and that this point was going to turn from darkness to a bright and pleasing orange-red.

The darkness around me seemed to have effectively cut off any distracting external stimuli. I heard Zuleica's words in a vacuum, and then I realized that the silence in that hall was matched by the silence inside me.

Zuleica explained that a dreamer must start from a point of color. Colors such as purple or light green or rich yellow are, on the other hand, stupendous starting points.

She preferred, however, orange-red, because through experience it had proven to be the one that gave her the greatest sensation of rest. She assured me that once I had succeeded in entering into the orange-red color I would have rallied my second attention permanently- providing that I could be aware of the sequence of physical events.

La Gorda said that she and Josefina lived in Zuleica's house for several months. They sat there until it got dark. Zuleica then came to them. They never saw her: They only heard her voice as if she were talking to them from a point on the wall.

Zuleica was very demanding from the moment she took over. Next, she ordered them to sit back to back on a mat in the same alcove where I myself used to sit. Zuleica told them that their task was to gaze at the darkness until it began to acquire a hue. After many sessions they indeed began to see colors in the darkness.

La Gorda said that Josefina learned very fast, and that one night she dramatically entered into the patch of orange-red by swishing physically out of the poncho. La Gorda thought that either Josefina had reached out for the blotch of color or it had reached out for her. The result was that in one instant Josefina was gone from inside the poncho.

By all indications, Zuleica had lead me through the same steps she had led la Gorda and Josefina.

I had stared at the darkness throughout many sessions, and was ready to visualize the spot of coloration. In fact, I witnessed its entire metamorphosis from plain darkness to a precisely outlined blotch of intense brightness.

First I was swayed by the external itch. I then focused my attention upon it until I ended up entering into a state of restful vigil. It was then that I first became immersed in an orange-red coloration.

While I was in the state of restful vigil, I realized one time that it was useless for me to remain there. I sensed then a tremor in my body and I opened my eyes, or rather my eyes became open by themselves. Zuleica was staring at me. I experienced a moment of bafflement. I thought I had woken up, and to be faced with Zuleica in the flesh was something I had not expected. I had gotten used to hearing only her voice. It also surprised me that it was no longer night. I looked around. We were not in Zuleica's house. Then the realization struck me that I was dreaming and I woke up.
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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