作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com


Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2020-10-09, 23:58

有關淨光(clear light),或稱自然光(natural light)。在《夢瑜伽與自然光的修習》當中(本書第一版譯為《夢瑜伽與自性光明修法》)所描述的自然光或自性光明,是在入睡後、作夢前的這段期間,是故造成我們有先入為主地以為自然光只有在這段時間出現(這稱睡眠淨光,見達賴喇嘛《心與夢的解析》)。

https://www.itsfun.com.tw/%E5%9F%BA%E5% ... ki-2012487



「我們在睡夢中應當好好修持,以求能夠了悟光明,所以應該心無散亂地安住於心性光明中。」(堪布慈囊仁波切《六種中陰的實修教授:西藏生死導引書(下)》p. 39)

「上師把覺識之本性指出給學生的白天修法,透過修習培養對它的認知,以此做基礎,你就能進入夢境中有過程的訓練,那就是淨光之了悟。」(嘉初仁波切《自然解脫:連花生大士六中有教法》p. 224)



The second stage to this unification is unification with clear light. This is simply a deepening of the awareness of the nature of the mind. As the root text states, "During the day, think, 'This is a dream. It is emptiness, like space.' And place the illusion in the nature of clear light that itself is empty and clear like space. From the sphere of lucidity, you arise in divine form, increasing and transforming yourself and so forth. Maintain this awareness during the day without distraction, and at night apply the immutable, essential oral instructions." In order to unify with the clear light in the dream state, again you should maintain special prayers related to this particular accomplishment: "May I apprehend the clear light, and may I appear from the clear light in the divine of union."


As you can see, the training of dream yoga corresponds to the other stages of the bardo because all are interrelated, almost identical experiences. In fact, you are dealing with the same mind. The mind just continues on through different intermediate periods. You have already moved through experiences which are likened to the bardo at the moment of death and the bardo f intrinsic reality, and this point of unification with clear light closely resembles the bardo of seeking rebirth in which the mind is about to be brought back into an embodied form. In order to consciously experience that in the dream state, from clear light the divine form nees to re-emerge. Clear light arises from the empty nature. The nature of emptiness is luminosity. The union of emptiness and luminosity is expression, and it is from that seed of expression that the divine from is born. In regard to this, you must have determined anticipation and the strong prayer, "Tonight I shall place my sleep in clear light awareness, and from that clear light I shall re-emerge as the divine form of the deity." (pp. 119-120)

文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2020-10-17, 00:21

Whether you appear in your own appearance or in divine appearance, by individually observing the nature of the appearance and the mind producing the appearance, they will be seen as an illusion and grasping will be dispelled. If you watch both the appearance and the mind that is apprehending the appearance, whether the appearance is pure or impure, and if you apprehend that both are illusory, grasping and clinging will automatically be dispelled. In that very space void of grasping or clinging to subjective self or objective phenomena, by abiding in meditative absorption upon the nature of the mind, the clear light unification will spontaneously manifest. This experience self-originates. When the mind is finally free from conceptualization and discrimination, the nature of mind is exactly like space. The spaciousness of that nature is empty; it has no boundaries or limitations and is luminously clear and utterly open. This is how you will experience the nature of your mind.


When you are abiding in the nature of mind, the manner in which the illusory form arises from the mind is similar to the way a fish suddenly emerges from water. The spontaneity of your appearance as the illusory deity will arise from the clear, empty nature of the mind as simply and suddenly as a fish emerges from water. Direct your mind into the tiny, radiant A which is right in the empty center of your heart (core of your being); and placing your awareness in clarity without grasping, without tension or wavering, abide gently with awareness until you fall asleep. If you're able to fall asleep in that state, this corresponds to the place in between thoughts. (pp. 120-121)

當你安住於心的本性時,虛幻的形象從心中生起的方式,類似魚突然從水中躍出。你將從心的明空本性中自然現起虛幻本尊,如同魚單純而突然地躍出水般。將你的心引導至細小、明亮的阿(A)字,其位於你的心間(你存在的核心); 並將你的覺知安置於明性中,無有執著,不緊、不動,以覺知輕緩地安住,直到入睡。如果你能夠在該狀態下入睡,則相當於念頭之間的位置。
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2020-10-24, 14:05

在唐望傳承的「做夢的藝術」當中,也不是沒有入睡前的訓練,一般提到較多的就是「靜態守夜」,等於是一直要從睡前醒時守到「動態守夜」的夢影像生起,一開始可能是視像,然後才是 3D 的夢境;最後階段做夢者主動進入夢中去行動。如此可以看出,將醒時清醒意識維持住並帶到夢中的過程。

許多壓床現象就是這段時間的感受。其實壓床是好事,表示你身體睡著了,心還沒睡,這時就是出體的好時機。這也是做夢的藝術第一關:能夠覺察自己入睡(to become aware of falling asleep)。



In between each thought formation, moment by moment, there is an empty state where the mind is in its natural state. This corresponds to the moment after you fall asleep and before the dream appearances arise. Having just fallen asleep, once the waking appearances subside and before the dream appearances begin, the experience is empty, clear and open. Similarly at death, when the elements have dissolved and the subtle mind separates from the body, there is an experience of space before entering into the bardo of intrinsic reality. This is the very moment that the appearances of the past lifetime cease. Before the bardo appearances begin, there is empty, open space. This is the space that you need to actualize and maintain. Each morning when you awaken, this space is again experienced. When dream appearances end and before you awaken, that moment in between is the empty clear nature. Recognize it. Again, in between thoughts, when one discursive thought ceases and before a new one arises, the clear, empty nature is manifest.


The crucial point here is to fall asleep without any mental fixation or grasping, remaining aware of the syllable A in your heart and not allowing other thoughts to intrude in between the point of falling asleep and dreaming. By maintaining awareness of A, the thoughts are prevented from intruding as one naturally enters that empty, clear, open space. Ordinary, untrained, deluded people will fall asleep in the manner of obscuring the mind with darkness. Due to the mind being obscured with darkness, the dreams become meaningless floods of past events and habitual concepts and so forth, which produce nothing more than additional conceptual attitudes. This is ongoing. Otherwise a deep sleep may occur like a deluded state of darkness. For a person with training, who has been able to ascertain the clear light, or the nature of mind, even a little bit, the experience is more like the sun shining in a clear sky - everything is luminously lit up and very, very clear, experienced without any grasping and with total joy. This is the experience of a person who falls asleep successfully through this method. (pp. 121-122)

文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2020-10-31, 14:44

淨光(clear light,又稱光明)確實不好理解,因為它本來就不是一個理解的對境。有人把它認知為物理性的光,來對應厚薄(ie. 薄光明與厚光明)之分,但我想這只是我們試圖以自己所知來對號入座。文字上的望文生義沒什麼用。

簡言之,「明」有認知的意思。是故在 2017 年達賴喇嘛於拉脫維亞講解的《三句擊要》當中,講到:「具有經驗的上師為我們直接指出明分(明的部分)為何,以便專注於明分並轉為道用。」大圓滿裡有所謂明覺,這個明指的就是智慧,應該不是很明亮的什麼東西。我想很明亮的境界,只是一種(比較粗分的)覺受。

就好像巴楚仁波切說的,早先他的上師吉美嘉威紐固賜給他的本覺(明覺)教示宛如「破曉」,而多欽哲打他一頓昏厥後讓他獲得的經驗則像「完整的日出」。這裡說的不是 twilight 和 full-light 的光度差異,而是悟境的差異。


There is a subtle difference that may occur here based on apprehending the clear light in a light sleep or a deep sleep. If when you fall asleep your sleep is light and you've fallen asleep with an awareness of A and with all of the teachings intact, you enter into your experience of clear light; but, because your sleep is very light, there is still a subtle grasping that occurs. If you fall into a deeper sleep with the clear light awareness, there will be no grasping or conceptualization at all, and it will be the experience of deep meditative equipoise on the nature of emptiness which is the nature of clear light.


From this non-conceptual sphere of clear light, you will experience yourself spontaneously arising as the divine form of the deity. Just as awareness of self nature as the deity dissolved into the open, empty expanse of clear light, you now re-emerge as the expression of pure divine form. By ascertaining emptiness and clarity, the illusory divine form is naturally manifest. From that, countless manifestations of oneself as well as other appearances arise as the display of clear light without any stain or mental obscuration. This experience is endowed with the qualities of emptiness, clarity and bliss. (pp. 122-123)

文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2020-11-06, 17:14




The third unification is the unification with the intermediate state or bardo. This bardo is understood as analogous to the experience before your next lifetime. As the root text states, "If during the night you familiarize yourself with the inseparability of the illusory body, the dream, and the intermediate state, imagine the play of the dharmakaya through the gradual dissolution into the ultimate clear light of death. Imagine all self-arising deceptive appearances as visions of the illusory sambhogakaya. Attend to the emptiness and lack of true existence of the entrance ways, and thus train in the displays of the nirmanakaya."


Here, to begin the training, you are preparing for the intermediate state, which is the state after your death. You should think with anticipation that all appearances are like illusions, which is similar to what you've been all along. Or you may think at night, in relation to the appearance of the dream, "I shall know the intermediate state as the intermediate state." Apprehend your dreams and think, "These are the appearances of the intermediate state." Within apprehending the dream, imagine that these dreams are none other than the intermediate state, the bardo. Furthermore, have a strong conviction that you will apply the instructions that you have received from your spiritual mentor about the intermediate state at that time, bringing to mind the practical instructions. (pp. 123-124)

文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2020-11-14, 22:00




所以我認為反覆練習清明夢和出體夢,是要鍛鍊出本覺的自我洞悉能力。就好像唐望傳承講的 the other,分身(能量體),要鍛鍊出自己能行動的分身。因為在關鍵法性中陰,那時是沒有心識作用的,你必須只能仰賴本覺的力量。本覺跟心是不同的,它不是思維的方式,這點就沒辦法說下去了,自己要去接受相關教法才行。


If you do not get lost in our dreams and are able to apprehend them, then you will also apprehend the intermediate state. It stands to reason that you will do so. Rather than a dream, you are apprehending what is an experience of the intermediate state to you. For people with sharp faculties, there is no need to train in any of this, because they will actually be liberated in this life through the force of their daytime and night-time practice. They will not need to consider the intermediate period because liberation will occur prior to this time. People of middling faculties will be able to witness the fact that they're dying, to directly confront it, and enter the states of dissolution into the clear light experience. That clear light experience will be in accordance with their practice and from it they will arise in the illusory body of union in the intermediate state.


However, people who are able to give rise to the illusory body of union in the intermediate state must also bear in mind that, even in sleep and in dreams, they're experiencing the clear light in the intermediate state. By meditating on the practical teachings that they've received from their spiritual teachers, at the time of their death they will dwell in the clear light as a blissful, empty experience. At death their minds will experience the integration of the mother clear light and the child clear light. These two clear lights will be joined again, like a child jumping back into the lap of its mother, and as they integrate to become a single experience, liberation occurs. (pp. 124-125)

文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2020-11-22, 23:43




Now, regarding people of inferior sensibilities who are temporarily unable to accomplish liberation in the manner mentioned, there are three categories given. The superior-inferior will meditate on the inseparability of the illusory body of the dream and of the intermediate state. Through their sustained mindfulness most of the time in waking and dreaming reality, they will become so familiar with their practice that at the time of death, they will have the following experience: A normal dissolution will occur at the time of death, wherein the objective appearances of the six conscious states, such as visual forms and so forth, will dissolve into the organs, and the elements of the universe - earth, water, fire, air and space.


During these stages of dissolution and finally as coarse conceptualization comes to an end, appearances will dissolve simultaneously as the white seed descends to the heart. Then the dissolution of expansion occurs as the red seed ascends to the heart. Finally, the dissolution called "near attainment" occurs when the red and white seeds mix together and the mind enters into a state of unconsciousness. A trained person (the superior-inferior) would then enter into the clear light. In the clear light one would realize the nature of the dharmakaya and that all appearances arise as sambhogakaya. Then from the sambohgakaya, by the force of one's prayers and vow to liberate all sentient beings, the nirmanakaya will arise. Here the arising of the nirmanakaya is the intentional direction of the consciousness to assume an embodiment for the sole benefit of others. This is the manifestation of the power of concerned activity. (pp. 125-126)


註:死後神識昏厥前會經歷明、增、得三光(各是白光、紅光和黑光,唐望傳承靜態守夜可以見到紅光),或有稱明、增、得、近得四光,或有稱五光,第五光叫 lhundrub。

文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2020-11-29, 23:49

目前此釋論都還是在「2-3-3 與中有(中陰)合一之靜慮」小節,也是最後一小節。剩下不多的內容。講到清明夢修是為了中陰一點也不為過,因為唯有清晰的清明度,才能認出自己當下的情況,並藉由教法的力量,獲得解脫。靠祈禱,靠方法,都可以自救,但前提是要認出情況,也就是要清明,或即便不能清明,也要靠生前夢修串習力,不輕易受到夢中事物所吸引。所以如唐望所訓練的夢行者,都要培養一種(泰山崩於前而無動於衷的)超然的心境。


The mediocre-inferior would be those people who have not yet purified the three visions to be understood as illusory nature, dream, and the intermediate period. Having failed to purify these three, they will not know the illusory nature of reality encompassed by illusion, dreams, and the intermediate state. Without this training, they cannot realize that all appearances are an illusion. Therefore, when they pass from this life, they are unable to be liberated in the clear light at the moment of death. They then go on into the bardo of intrinsic reality, where again phenomenal projections begin to arise. It is there that they begin to recall their training from the immediate past life and a very strong sense of disillusionment with these appearances arises. Although they are unable to ascertain the true nature of the appearances, the degree of disillusionment that is experienced prevents them from experiencing attraction or attachment. Then they pray to be liberated in the bardo of intrinsic reality; and, by the force of the prayers and teachings they have received in the past as well as their own awareness of what appears to them, they reflect, "Now I've died, I am dead. I am in the intermediate period. I am no longer with my body; my body is dead and has been left behind. I'm a mental body traveling in the bardo. I need to pray to be liberated at this time. I need to pray to recognize the nature of all these appearances to be the nature of the sembhogakaya deity." In this state of prayer, by giving rise to pure awareness, when the mind merges with the nature of the appearance, libeation occurs.


The most inferior person will be one who experiences fear in the intermediate period at the time of the arising of appearances and apparitions and fails to go into union with the sambhogakaya presence. Such a person will have a strong craving to find a place of rebirth. This craving arises due to the basic deluded habit of attachment to desire and copulation. The mind attaches to the intensity of that attraction If the mind is more attracted to the father, then one will be reborn as a girl. If the mind is more attracted to the mother, then rebirth will occur as a boy. (pp. 126-127)

文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2020-12-25, 20:40

Inferior people at this point in the bardo do have virtuous, positive mental impressions because they were practitioners from their previous lives. It may seem to them, at that point of intense habituation to desire that, "Oh! I have died! I'm dead; I'm in the bardo." If, rather than feeling fear, they are then able to consider that, "Yes, I'm dead. I'm a mental body in the bardo. If I take birth due to strong desire and sexual attraction, this is a cause for great misery. This is the very reason that I have been conceived into rebirth. This is the play of samsara, and now I must reverse this. This is my last chance." At this point, if prayers are made to be reborn in a pure realm and to be in the presence of Buddha Amitabha or any buddha for whom they have the strongest affinity, liberation in the nirmanakaya (embodiment of intentional manifestation) will occur before actually being conceived into another rebirth in cyclic existence.


In this moment there are three possibilities which again correspond to the degree of one's mental training and development. At this very point, individuals with superior sensibilities would be those who have in some way or another ascertained the view of emptiness. Because they have that view of the nature of emptiness, then they enter into the view and are able to obstruct the door to future rebirth. When ordinary appearances cease, this is one way to stop the cycle of rebirth taken in an ordinary sense. Persons of intermediate sensibilities recognize at that moment that all appearances are their own projection and have no true, inherent existence. They ascertain all appearances as the play of illusion and enter into the awareness of all form as the deity, all sound as mantra, and all thought as the arising of the mind of primordial wisdom. These are the three vajra states. In that awareness, the door to ordinary rebirth is closed. Inferior persons recall their pure conduct and refuge from the past life. (pp. 127-128)

文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 嘉初仁波切/夢瑜伽《惑中幻妄自解脫》口授釋論

文章SW » 2021-01-24, 15:57

For instance, if one has been ordained , one may recall those good habits which also have the power to obstruct negative tendencies. Based on that, one may be able to the think, "I shall go to a pure realm rather than taking an ordinary rebirth." If one has been fortunate enough to receive and accomplish the practical instructions on the transference of consciousness (given by one's spiritual mentor during the past life), then this technique, known as phowa, can be performed. At that very moment in the bardo, one will transfer awareness to a pure realm.

例如,如果一個人已經死了,他可能會憶起那些善業習氣,其亦具有遮止投生惡趣的力量。基於此,他也許能夠想到:「我應前往淨土,而不是再次平庸的轉生。」如果他足夠幸運 (在生前)得到(由一位心靈導師給予的)有關遷識(頗哇法)的修法指導並完成修習,那麼就可以運用這個技巧。在中陰的這一刻,他將把意識遷轉到一個淨土。

From that pure realm, such as Sukhavati, Amitabha's paradise, or whichever, one will then be liberated. Once arriving in a pure realm, one does not fall back into cyclic existence, and liberation is gradually realized. Even the inferior person is able to achieve liberation in this way. Through training one will be able to accomplish the absorption of unification in these different ways. If accomplishment of this level does not occur, it is still very important to bear in mind the importance of cultivation faith and devotion toward the spiritual mentor as well as an aspiration to cultivate pure vision by transforming the environment and its contents into a pure realm and the illusory expression of the deity. This is done by constantly reminding oneself that there is no true, inherent existence to any aspect of subjective or objective appearances. Such potent mental imprints will at one time or another bring you to the state of liberation. Then it is entirely possible that liberation will occur during the intermediate state in any of these ways mentioned.

從該淨土,諸如極樂世界、阿彌陀佛淨土,或任何淨土,他都將獲得解脫。一旦到了淨土,他就不會再落入六道輪迴之中,而是逐漸證得解脫。即使是下等根器者也能以此方式達至解脫。透過訓練,我們將能夠以這些不同的方式成就「合一之靜慮」(the absorption of unification)。如果此層級的成就沒有發生,依然非常重要的是要謹記,對心靈導師培養信心和虔敬的重要性,以及藉由將情器世界轉化為淨相以培養淨觀的祈願。這要靠不斷地提醒自己,主體或客體現相之任何方面都不具真實、固有的存在。這種強大的習氣會一次又一次將你帶入解脫的狀態。那麼完全有可能解脫會在中陰狀態中以上述任何一種方式發生。
In conclusion the root text includes a prayer which reads,


Be mindful in that way again and again and look upon the environment and its inhabitants as a palace and deities. Finally you will arise as an illusory body, but you will have personal freedom in the intermediate state. Having heard and retained the oral transmission of the profound meaning of the practical instructions from the platform of my senses, I offer the turning wheel of dharma to the glory of fortunate trainees. By the merit of receiving this, may all animate beings purify the two obscurations and all mental imprints, and may they swiftly, without difficulty, attain the primordial awareness of clear light and the illusory body. (pp. 128-130)


(Dream Yoya, Part 2 完)
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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