這次藏曆新年曼達拉瓦禪修營,有提到兩種中脈名稱,一個藏文稱 uma(頂輪到臍下四指),另個藏文稱 kundarma(臍輪到密處,亦可指中脈全段)。在 Mandarava Tsalung Practices(曼達拉瓦紮龍)一書中,Kundharma 或 Kundha 通常指整段中脈(由頂輪下至海底輪),但在此修法中特別指由密處到臍輪這一段,即中脈下段。
【Kundarma / Kundharma】
註釋 27
(《水晶與光道》修訂新版,p. 185;註釋部分舊版全無翻譯。)
另外,roma and kyangma,其中 roma 是月脈(白色),kyangma 是日脈(紅色),但本書原文在以下兩處,均依語順而先講日脈再講月脈,請特別留意分別:(女生日脈在右,男生日脈在左。)
1. 一般而言,據說中脈(kundarma或uma)的兩側有另外兩條主脈:位於中脈右側和左側,分別稱roma和kyangma,或日脈和月脈;兩脈在臍下四指處與中脈相連,沿身體而上、平行於中脈,在頭蓋骨上方轉而下彎、與左右鼻孔連接。(《水晶與光道》修訂新版 p. 114)
In general, it is said that the central channel-kundarma or uma-is flanked by two further major channels, to the right and left of it, which are respectively called roma and kyangma or 'solar channel' and 'lunar channel', which unite with the central channel in the lower part of the trunk and which then run parallel to it up the body, arching at the top over the cranium, before turning down to link up with the right and left nostrils. (p. 124)
2. 詞彙索引表
roma and kyangma 日脈與月脈(《水晶與光道》修訂新版 p. 199)
原文:solar and lunar (tibetan: roma and kyangma), 122; (p. 208)