The Wheel of Time: The Shamans of Ancient Mexico, Their Thoughts about Life, Death and the Universe

2010/07/02 Fri, sunny, outdoor 38-33°C The Wheel of Time:Introduction (1)
來摘讀沒有中譯本的卡斯塔尼達《時間之輪:古墨西哥薩滿對生死、宇宙之觀點》(The Wheel of Time: The Shamans of Ancient Mexico, Their Thoughts about Life, Death and the Universe),多一個宇宙觀,不然就可以稱之為古墨西哥薩滿生死書了。這部分是導論。
In the most effective manner he could afford, don Juan Matus ushered me into his World, which was, naturally, the world of those shamans of antiquity. Don Juan was, therefore, in a key position. He knew about the existence of another realm of reality, a realm which was neither illusory, nor the product of outbursts of fantasy. (p. 1)
這跟大圓滿噶拉多傑《三句擊要》第一要「上師直指」是類似的,上師直接引導弟子進入相同狀態與境界,不過通常只有利根弟子才能當下成功。「他知道其他實相場域的存在,這個場域既非幻覺,亦非幻想投射的產物。」說的好像是本尊壇城一樣,淨土一詞英文也用 realm,其實是實際的其他層面,reality 也可說現實 。
I realized that the quotations by themselves were imbued with an extraordinary impetus. They revealed a covert train of thought that had never been evident to me before. They were pointing out the direction that don Juan's explanations had taken over the thirteen years in which he guided me as an apprentice. (p. 2)
Don Juan Matus's line of action was his intentional attempt to pull me into what he said was another cognitive system. By cognitive system, he meant the standard definition of cognition: "the processes responsible for the awareness of everyday life, processes which include memory, experience, perception, and the expert use of any given syntax." (p. 2)
(唐望用他的一連串列動,刻意把我拉進他所說的另一種認知系統。對認知系統而言,他指的是認知的標準定義:負責日常生活覺知的過程,包括記憶、經驗、感知,及任何既有語言系統的熟練使用。 )
This maneuver pushed me into a very strange state: a state of quasi-distrust in the otherwise implicit acceptance of the cognitive processes of our daily world. (p. 3)
When he felt that he had overcome my worst resistance, don Juan drove his point as far and as deep as he could into me, and I had to admit, without reservations, that in the world of shamans, shaman practitioners judged the world from points of view which were indescribable to our conceptualization devices. For instance, they perceived energy as it flowed freely in the universe, energy free from the bindings of socialization and syntax, pure vibratory energy. They called this act seeing. (pp. 3-4)
(當唐望覺得他已經克服了我最大的抗拒時,他便將自己的觀點盡其所能地深植於我。我不得不毫無保留地承認,在薩滿的世界中,薩滿行者使用對我們概念化的頭腦無法描述的觀點,來評斷這個世界。例如,他們感知到能量在宇宙中自由流動,能量不受社會化的語法的束縛,純粹振動的能量。他們稱此行動為『看見』 )
我所理解的能量為振動,也並非南開師所說秘密層聲音的定義,能量振動或光波都是我們社會化的一種指稱,syntax 我記得我的書《心靈探索周記》有翻譯過。
Don Juan's prime objective was to help me to perceive energy as it flows in the universe. In the world of shamans, to perceive energy in such a manner is the first mandatory step toward a more engulfing, freer view of a different cognitive system. In order to elicit a seeing response in me. don Juan utilized other foreign units of cognition. (p. 4)