If you have difficulty sleeping at night, there are other practices you may employ to assist you. For example, having this difficulty often means that you need to coordinate the energy and function of the different elements within your body. If your energy is disordered, it prevents you from sleeping. In this case, a deep breathing practice done repeatedly can be beneficial. You might do the nine-fold purification breathing8 before going to sleep. There are also physical exercises such as a series of eight movements9 found in Yantra Yoga that can help develop your capacity for correct breathing and also balance your energies as an aid to sleeping. In addition, there are Tibetan medicines to assist a person who has difficulty sleeping. Unlike sleeping pills they do not cause dependence or other side effects.
These medicines, such as Agar 35 and Vimala,10 can be used for one or two months—as long as you need, really—and will not cause any negative side effects. Rather, they will help your health and coordinate your energy. When you do not need the medicine anymore, you can stop without withdrawal symptoms or negative effects. That is the benefit of these Tibetan medicines.
這些藏藥,諸如如Agar 35和Vimala(註10),可以使用一兩個月,只要你確實需要就可以使用,並且不會引起任何不良副作用。相反地,它們將有助於你的健康並協調你的能量。當你不再需要這種藥物時,你可以停用而不會出現戒斷症狀或負面影響。這就是這些藏藥的好處。
If you have become habituated to Western sleeping pills, you can initially alternate them with Tibetan pills in order to lessen the dependency. One night you use Western medicine, and the next night you use Agar 35. After one or two weeks of alternating, you will be able to stop taking the Western medicine without a problem.
(舊版 pp. 126-128)
8. Nine-fold purification breathing: Tibetan, lungro salwa: A breath exercise performed before a session of meditation (tun), or before practicing Yantra Yoga. In these exercises one visualizes oneself inhaling purified air and exhaling negativities and impurities. It is used as a practice preliminary to meditation to balance the energy and settle the mind.
註8. 九節淨化呼吸:藏文 lungro salwa :在一座修法(tun)之前,或修幻輪瑜伽之前進行的呼吸練習。在這些練習中,你觀想自己吸入清淨的空氣,並吐出負面和不淨。它被用作禪修的前行,以平衡能量和安定心緒。
9. The eight movements: Tibetan, lung sang: Yogic exercises to purify the prana or breath. The eight movements are described within the Yantra Yoga text, “The Unification of the Solar and Lunar” (Tibetan, Trulkor Nyida Khajor), written in the eighth century by the master Vairocana. See Namkhai Norbu, Yantra Yoga, edited by Oliver Leick (Gleisdorf: Edition Tsaparang, 1988), p.33.
註9. 八種動作:藏文lung sang (「龍桑」):瑜伽練習,淨化氣或呼吸。這八種運動描述於《幻輪瑜伽》文本《日月和合》(藏文 Trulkor Nyida Khajor ),於八世紀由大師毗盧遮那(Vairocana)撰寫。參見南開諾布仁波切所著《 幻輪瑜伽》,Oliver Leick編輯(Gleisdorf:Edition Tsaparang,1988年),第33頁。
10. Agar 35 and Vimala: Tibetan herbal medicines. Agar 35 is made of thirty-five natural ingredients; both Agar 35 and Vimala are taken for insomnia and to balance “lung”, a disordered wind condition. These preparations can be purchased through the Tibetan Medical and Astrological Institute, Khara Danda Road, Dharamsala, Dist. Kangra, H.P. 176215, India.
註10. Agar35和Vimala:藏族草藥。Agar35由35種天然成分製成;Agar 35和Vimala均用於失眠,以平衡「氣」,即一種風失調的情況。這些製劑可以透過位於印度達蘭薩拉的藏醫曆算院(Tibetan Medical & Astro-science Institute)購買,網址:
(按:上述網址查不到在賣 Vimala,幾年前我確實買過。 要購買請見下列網址:)https://www.siddhienergetics.com/collections/health-wellness/health-wellness?fbclid=IwAR00Ec2_5lpjgWXNSvuRsolH3kbTpeKlvEIPyrskO37ba0m7uB2PqmgIgqI註:Agar 舊版翻成沈香,它是一種樹,我不確定是叫沈香;Vimala 是無垢友大師為未來行者所準備的藥材,故舊版翻成無垢,網路上多用 Bimala,大陸藏醫院名為畢瑪拉(十二味肉豆蔻)。