作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com


Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。

《夢瑜伽與自然光的修習》2020 重校(1)

文章SW » 2020-10-18, 18:13

本書是新版,在第二章的部分,刪掉了第一版的 pp. 121~140 達 19 頁之多。趁重校,這部分會再補上。

第二章 夜晚的修持


當某人說「夜晚的修持」(the practices of night,夜修法)時,我們通常會想到清明夢的練習。關於清明夢有許多種解釋,但在大圓滿教法中,修持夢(the practice of dreamwork)和發展清明並非根本,而是一種次要的修法。以夢修來說,「次要」(secondary)意指,這種修持會由進行所謂主要修法——稱為「自然光的修持」——而自發或自動生起。



相反地,所謂的自然光狀態則不是心在運作的時刻或狀態。它是當你睡著時開始、直到心再次開始運作那刻為止的一段時間。在這之後存在什麼呢?這之後存在我們所稱的睡夢中陰(milam bardo,夢境中有,註1)。

睡與夢的狀態和我們死後的經歷之間有一種對應關係。當一個人死亡,首先感官知覺消失。談到中陰,我們說當感官知覺消融入自身的時刻,即為臨終中陰(chikhai bardo)。在此刻,這個對於感官知覺的消失或收攝會有許多覺受。

在其後出現的狀態類似於無意識,與昏厥相仿。然後開始所謂的「四光的生起」(the arising of four lights)。各種密續(註2)對此的解釋略有差異,有些密續將它分為四光(明、增、得、近得),有些則涉及五光。事實上,就好像你昏過去,伴隨諸光的生起,慢慢地、慢慢地意識開始復甦。


有覺知狀態的出現,而心尚未開始進入諸如思維這樣的運作。這就是這個通道,透過它我們步入所謂的自然光狀態。一般總認為密續修行者就是在這段期間證悟自身。在密續中,這段期間亦被形容為會遇母光明(mother light,註3)的時刻。正是在昏厥後的這個時刻,覺知再次展開或重新甦醒。

密續的灌頂中有四灌頂,當中第四灌頂稱為句義灌頂(the initiation of the word),如果那時你已瞭解的話,上師會給予一種對心性的指授(introduction to the nature of mind,註4)。儘管你尚未證得此俱生心(natural mind),但是你積極參與、具備承諾和虔敬,並以熱忱來修習,有時有可能在意識最後甦醒的瞬間,會出現對俱生心或本覺一閃而逝的認知。這並不容易,但是如果你真正已具有這樣的知識,則是可能的。在你正通過或行經〔這個通道〕時,有一系列光的發展,對此有許多解釋。

在大圓滿教法中,這些階段的最後一個,即第五種光,叫做lhundrub(註5),即「自圓滿」(self-perfectedness)狀態。在那一刻你的意識已重新甦醒,你有可能認出上師透過直指(direct instruction)所傳給你的,那個所傳的(transmission)經驗就是我們所稱智慧的體驗。



有些人成功藉由修持,完全發展出這種知識,從而在此生完全證悟自身。據說這樣的人能夠證得光身(Body of Light,註6)成就。

但即使你沒能完全證悟自身,然而你已經具有修持的體驗,那麼在死亡後的那刻——處於 「自圓滿」(lhundrub)狀態,當你會遇母光明時,在你回復心的運作之前,你將認出智慧的全部現前。所用的比喻就是「母子相會」。這些書提到子光明與母光明的相遇(母子光明會),但真正的意思是,對此我們只有一個例子,說明我們現在遇到的是其圓滿性。
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

《夢瑜伽與自然光的修習》2020 重校(2)

文章SW » 2020-10-22, 17:21

當我們經歷諸光直到最終的光,即自圓滿之光時,此狀態是任何或每個密宗修行者證悟自身的狀態,只有經歷這個狀態之後受生中陰(sidpai bardo)才會開始。直到這點前,我們經歷法性中陰(chonyid bardo, bardo of dharmata)。為什麼我們稱它為法性?因為它代表我們實際潛在(基礎)的狀態,即根本、含藏識(underlying awareness)。

法性中陰之後受生中陰開始。此即我們一般所熟知的「存在中陰」(bardo of existence)。換言之,它就是心再次開始運作的階段。就好像我們現在進入了夢的狀態,在夢中你可以夢到任何事情,隨後在某一時刻,你醒來,另一天便開始,所以這就被認為你從中陰中出來,開始另一種「存在」。這個存在是由其業力境(karmic vision)所決定,而這就是你如何於輪迴流轉的方式,亦即我們日以繼夜繼續的方式。


我再重複一遍:隨著受生中陰的展開,心的作用或運作——所謂的意生身(mental body)——也同時開始,此相當於作夢狀態的生起。在我們所做的修習中,必須要對自然光狀態具有覺知或掌握。當一個人覺知到自然光狀態的現前,那麼即使隨後作夢狀態生起,他也會自發地轉為清明,覺知到自己正在作夢,並自動達到對夢的控制。這表示夢不再限制這個人,而是這個人主控自己的夢。基於此故才說夢修是次要的〔修法〕,而從事自然光的修習極其重要,再如何強調也不為過。

For instance, if someone murdered me in a past life, I may still in this life have dreams of being murdered. It is not true that what we dream is always about our experiences from this life. If an event is very weighty, then you may feel it life after life. When you sleep very deeply, you may create a perfect potential for past karma to manifest within your dreams.

If you merely have heavy tension, it may repeat in your dreams. For example, when you are a child and someone makes a problem for you it could repeat in your dreams. Or, if today I have a problem with someone, it may repeat tonight in my dream. The principle is that if you have heavy tension, and you sleep deeply, the tension tends to repeat. This is one kind of dream, a karmic dream of bhakshas. Bhakshas means traces of something left. For example, if there is an empty bottle which once contained perfume, you can still smell the trace of perfume. That is bhakshas.
................................... (舊版內容結束)
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

《夢瑜伽與自然光的修習》2020 重校(3)

文章SW » 2020-10-27, 23:46

舊版把明性夢(dreams of clarity)都翻譯成清明夢(lucid dream, lucid dreaming),事實上明性夢不一定是清明的,而是相對於業力軌跡的夢的另外一種夢的類型。


不用訓練,有些人天生就有一種預知能力,可以夢到未來發生的事。曾有一位極不耐煩的讀者寫給我,他曾經預先夢到一部電影的情節,相似度 90%,覺得很了不起。但我認為這種明性沒什麼鳥用,就像你提前夢到地震或水災,又怎樣呢?或者如麥克凱茲提前夢到自己開車被開罰單,正如秋竹師父說的:這不過就是一種巧合。




What is a dream of clarity? A dream of clarity manifests when there are secondary causes; through the secondary causes it manifests as clarity. We can even obtain advice and predictions for the future because there are secondary causes for future events. A dream of clarity generally manifests in the early morning. Why? It is because when we first fell asleep, we sleep very deeply. Slowly we consume this heaviness and our sleep becomes lighter. As it becomes lighter, clarity can manifest more easily. If your practice of continuous presence succeeds, then karmic dreams diminish. This is because they are linked with tensions. The state of contemplation or presence represents total relaxation. Consequently there will be no manifestation of tension. In the place of karmic dreams, you can have more dreams of clarity.

什麼是明性夢?當有助緣,明性夢即顯現;即透過助緣,夢顯現為明性。我們甚至可以獲得對未來的建議和預測,因為已有對未來事件的助緣。明性夢通常在清早顯現。為什麼呢? 這是因為當我們剛開始入睡,都睡得很沈。漸漸地,在消磨掉這份沉重後,我們的睡眠就變得比較淺。隨著睡眠變得較淺,明性就可以更容易顯現。如果你的持續覺知修持有成,業力夢就會減少。這是因為這些夢與緊張壓力相連結。覺觀或當下覺知的狀態代表完全放鬆,因此將不會有緊張的顯現。業力夢的位置,就會為更多的明性夢所取代。






文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

《夢瑜伽與自然光的修習》2020 重校(4)

文章SW » 2020-11-05, 23:50


For those who have not practiced this before, the first, second, or third time you attempt it you may not succeed at all. In fact, you may find you try it a little and then suddenly you are asleep. Like anything, until you have learned it, it is difficult, but if you exert your willpower, it becomes familiar to you.


If one is capable of falling asleep like this, one would find the full presence of the state of natural light. One falls asleep, and one is asleep with virtually full awareness. If one has this presence of mind when one enters into the state of dreams, it is easy to recognize that one is dreaming. It may not happen right away; some may arrive slowly at this result.


Even if this natural light does not occur directly, the first results will begin to show themselves in the state of dreams. You may find yourself dreaming strange dreams. What do I mean by strange dreams? As mentioned above, we normally have two types of dreams. The karmic type comes from the traces of our difficulties, problems, memories, and preoccupations. Then there is the type of dream in which our natural clarity manifests. For example, towards morning, interesting dreams of things you have never thought about may occur, things that have no relationship to the traces of your thought and past but are more linked to your clarity. If you have practiced the natural light, dreams of natural clarity will manifest more frequently.


If you persevere in the practice of recognition of the state of natural light, it will progressively become easier to repeat the lucid recognition that you are dreaming. There will arise a steady awareness within the dream, and you will know that you are dreaming. When you look in a mirror you see a reflection. Regardless of whether it is beautiful or ugly you know that it is a reflection. This is similar to knowing that a dream is a dream, to being lucid. Whether the dream be tragic or ecstatic, you are aware that it is merely a dream.


Awareness within the dream state becomes a way to develop oneself and to break one’s heavy conditioning. With this awareness, one can manipulate the dream material. For example, one can dream whatever one wishes or one can pick up a desired theme. One can continue from where one left off dreaming on a previous occasion.


Within the tantric system, the specific dream yoga practice is oriented towards preparing the practitioner for the bardo after the time of death. This is not the case in the Dzogchen system. In the Dzogchen system, it is not necessary that one commit oneself to working on dreams. That will arise naturally out of the practice of the natural light. The most important thing for this practice, as I have described, is to do the particular visualization of the white “A” before sleeping. In doing this visualization we use the working of the mind in order eventually to go beyond the mind.


(舊版 pp.121-124)
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

《夢瑜伽與自然光的修習》2020 重校(5)

文章SW » 2020-11-13, 15:34

What position you use while practicing this visualization is not ultimately important. Many people do this visualization practice after they are lying in bed. You must see what kind of person you are. One person may fall asleep merely by shutting his or her eyes, while another person might need to take a sleeping pill.

Let us take the example of the person who lies down and immediately fells asleep. If this person becomes distracted from his or her practice for a moment, he or she is already asleep. This is the type of person for whom a particular physical position might be useful. If the practitioner is a male it may be beneficial for him to lie on his right side. Assuming he does not have a cold which has blocked his breathing, it might also be useful for him to close the right nostril with his hand.


For women, the position is reversed. A woman should lie on her left side and try to block her left nostril. I am not saying to stop breathing, if you have a cold. This of course would not be a good thing. But what usually happens is that when you lie down on your side and the unclosed nostril is congested, within a few minutes that nostril will open.


The reason that the positions are reversed for men and women has to do with the solar and lunar channels.7 The reason we take these positions is to make it easier to enter the state of contemplation, or presence of the natural light. If they make your sleep more difficult, then they are not recommended. That is why I said that these positions are primarily for a person who tends to fall asleep easily.


Let us consider for a moment the opposite situation, that of a person who has real problems falling asleep. In such a case it would not be advisable to do this kind of visualization practice or to take this position. It is likely that this type of person would merely become more nervous and perhaps not sleep at all. An alternative for people of this type would be to observe their thoughts. Whatever thoughts arise should be merely observed. Then, in this state of observing the thoughts without becoming involved or conditioned by them, one sleeps. As long as one is not distracted, this is something that anyone can do without creating obstacles to falling asleep.


(舊版 pp.124-126)

7. Solar and lunar channels: Within the esoteric tsa-lung treatises found in Anu-Yoga texts of Tibetan Buddhism, there are elaborate explanations of the channels (Tibetan tsa) in which internal winds travel. The solar and lunar channels are considered to be located on either side of the central channel (uma), which parallels the spinal cord. These solar and lunar channels represent masculine and feminine energy. Their colors-red and white—as well as their placement on the right and left side differ amongst various Tantras.

7. 日脈和月脈:在藏傳佛教阿努瑜伽中發現的深奧的「紮龍」(氣修法)著述中,有關於脈(藏文tsa)的詳盡解釋,在脈之中有內部風息的流動。日脈和月脈被認為位於中脈(uma)兩側,並平行於脊椎。日脈和月脈分別代表女性和男性能量。在不同的密續中,它們的顏色(紅色和白色)以及在右側和左側的位置都不同。
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

《夢瑜伽與自然光的修習》2020 重校(6)

文章SW » 2020-11-20, 23:00

If you have difficulty sleeping at night, there are other practices you may employ to assist you. For example, having this difficulty often means that you need to coordinate the energy and function of the different elements within your body. If your energy is disordered, it prevents you from sleeping. In this case, a deep breathing practice done repeatedly can be beneficial. You might do the nine-fold purification breathing8 before going to sleep. There are also physical exercises such as a series of eight movements9 found in Yantra Yoga that can help develop your capacity for correct breathing and also balance your energies as an aid to sleeping. In addition, there are Tibetan medicines to assist a person who has difficulty sleeping. Unlike sleeping pills they do not cause dependence or other side effects.


These medicines, such as Agar 35 and Vimala,10 can be used for one or two months—as long as you need, really—and will not cause any negative side effects. Rather, they will help your health and coordinate your energy. When you do not need the medicine anymore, you can stop without withdrawal symptoms or negative effects. That is the benefit of these Tibetan medicines.

這些藏藥,諸如如Agar 35和Vimala(註10),可以使用一兩個月,只要你確實需要就可以使用,並且不會引起任何不良副作用。相反地,它們將有助於你的健康並協調你的能量。當你不再需要這種藥物時,你可以停用而不會出現戒斷症狀或負面影響。這就是這些藏藥的好處。

If you have become habituated to Western sleeping pills, you can initially alternate them with Tibetan pills in order to lessen the dependency. One night you use Western medicine, and the next night you use Agar 35. After one or two weeks of alternating, you will be able to stop taking the Western medicine without a problem.


(舊版 pp. 126-128)

8. Nine-fold purification breathing: Tibetan, lungro salwa: A breath exercise performed before a session of meditation (tun), or before practicing Yantra Yoga. In these exercises one visualizes oneself inhaling purified air and exhaling negativities and impurities. It is used as a practice preliminary to meditation to balance the energy and settle the mind.
註8. 九節淨化呼吸:藏文 lungro salwa :在一座修法(tun)之前,或修幻輪瑜伽之前進行的呼吸練習。在這些練習中,你觀想自己吸入清淨的空氣,並吐出負面和不淨。它被用作禪修的前行,以平衡能量和安定心緒。

9. The eight movements: Tibetan, lung sang: Yogic exercises to purify the prana or breath. The eight movements are described within the Yantra Yoga text, “The Unification of the Solar and Lunar” (Tibetan, Trulkor Nyida Khajor), written in the eighth century by the master Vairocana. See Namkhai Norbu, Yantra Yoga, edited by Oliver Leick (Gleisdorf: Edition Tsaparang, 1988), p.33.
註9. 八種動作:藏文lung sang (「龍桑」):瑜伽練習,淨化氣或呼吸。這八種運動描述於《幻輪瑜伽》文本《日月和合》(藏文 Trulkor Nyida Khajor ),於八世紀由大師毗盧遮那(Vairocana)撰寫。參見南開諾布仁波切所著《 幻輪瑜伽》,Oliver Leick編輯(Gleisdorf:Edition Tsaparang,1988年),第33頁。

10. Agar 35 and Vimala: Tibetan herbal medicines. Agar 35 is made of thirty-five natural ingredients; both Agar 35 and Vimala are taken for insomnia and to balance “lung”, a disordered wind condition. These preparations can be purchased through the Tibetan Medical and Astrological Institute, Khara Danda Road, Dharamsala, Dist. Kangra, H.P. 176215, India.

註10. Agar35和Vimala:藏族草藥。Agar35由35種天然成分製成;Agar 35和Vimala均用於失眠,以平衡「氣」,即一種風失調的情況。這些製劑可以透過位於印度達蘭薩拉的藏醫曆算院(Tibetan Medical & Astro-science Institute)購買,網址:http://www.men-tsee-khang.org

(按:上述網址查不到在賣 Vimala,幾年前我確實買過。 要購買請見下列網址:)


註:Agar 舊版翻成沈香,它是一種樹,我不確定是叫沈香;Vimala 是無垢友大師為未來行者所準備的藥材,故舊版翻成無垢,網路上多用 Bimala,大陸藏醫院名為畢瑪拉(十二味肉豆蔻)。
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

《夢瑜伽與自然光的修習》2020 重校(7)

文章SW » 2020-12-04, 21:08

You must not think only of Tibetan medicine when it comes to assuring a good night’s sleep. You should also work with breathing in the manner previously mentioned, as this is very related to sleep.


Sometimes you cannot sleep because one of your three humors11 is disturbed. When the wind humor is disturbed one has particular trouble sleeping. Wind is linked with prana or energy. When prana is disturbed it is difficult to sleep. For more information on this you can consult books on Tibetan medicine. In a book I wrote12 on the topic there is an explanation of the three humors and of how to overcome problems. For example, to overcome problems related to wind disease, it is helpful to go to bed earlier in the evening, to sleep with warm clothes, and to have something like soup to eat just before going to bed. If you are not sleeping at night, and instead of relaxing you work hard until late hours, or you eat raw vegetables, this may further aggravate the condition. There are many things to learn in Tibetan medical books.


Everything is related. First try these preparations so you can fall asleep. If you have succeeded, then you can do the practice of the night. If your situation is between falling asleep immediately, and not being able to fall asleep, then visualize a white “A” or “A”, but one that is not very bright. If you have a problem falling asleep, you must not visualize the white “A” as too bright, and you could also visualize it in a sphere of five colors. This makes it easier to fall asleep. There are many kinds of people and many situations; we should know about all of them.

一切都彼此相關。首先嘗試這些準備工作,以便你可以入睡。如果你成功了,那麼你便可以進行夜修法。如果你的情況介於馬上入睡和無法入睡之間,則可以觀想一個白色的(藏文)「阿」或英文字母「A」,但不是很亮。 如果你入睡有問題,則不要將白「阿」觀得太亮,你也可以觀想它在五色明點中。如此可以比較容易入睡。有許多種類型的人,也有很多種情況;我們應該知道所有這些。

If one does this practice with commitment, one slowly may become a master of one’s dreams. As one has more awareness and more dreams of clarity, dreaming becomes a practice. For example, as I mentioned, if one has achieved sufficient mastery of dreams, one can transform them. If I am dreaming something ugly, I could transform it into something beautiful, I could cause the dream to deal with some theme or argument that I have chosen, or I could play out some fantasy of my imagination. One could visit a paradise or contact a certain teacher. There are many things one can do; one can oftentimes work out the dream as one wishes. This can become a test of one’s actual progress.


(舊版 pp. 128-131)

11. Three humors: lung (air or wind), dripa (bile), and bad-kan (phlegm). The correct balance of these three humors is considered essential for health. An imbalance will lead to one of the myriad diseases to which humans are prone.
註11. 三種體液:lung(氣或風)、tripa(mkhris pa,膽汁)和peken(bad kan,痰)。這三種體液正常的平衡被認為對健康至關重要。失衡的話將導致一個人容易罹患該體液所屬的多種疾病之一。

12. Namkhai Norbu, On Birth and Life: A Treatise on Tibetan Medicine (Arcidosso: Shang Shung Editzioni, 1983).
(按:此書後來改版,名為Birth, Life and Death: According to Tibetan Medicine and the Dzogchen Teaching, 2008)
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

《夢瑜伽與自然光的修習》2020 重校(8)

文章SW » 2020-12-16, 15:45


It may be preferable, initially, to lie on the left side, thus promoting clarity—the work of the unimpeded right.




Let us discuss this in greater detail. As previously mentioned, there are preparations for dreamwork as well as the actual practice. In regards to preparation, it would be advisable for one to conduct a retreat to first practice concentration on the six syllables13 and their purification. After doing this practice for some time, many disordered dreams may appear. The arising of numerous disordered dreams is a sign that preparation is complete and then one can proceed to the practice.


In regards to practice there are three essential points. The first is to examine the dream; the second to control it; and the third to distinguish and recognize the bag-chag or karmic traces. Prior to sleep each night it is advisable to relax the body, through baths and massage, for example. One must then resolve with full intention to progress on the path towards full awareness and lucidity within dreams.

關於正行修法,有三項要點。首先是檢查夢;第二個控制夢;第三個是區別和確認業力軌跡(pagchag, bag chags,業力習氣)。建議每晚入睡前,例如以洗澡和按摩來放鬆身體。然後,一個人必須全心全意下定決心,要在夢中於這種朝向全然的覺知和清明的修道上取得進展。

Next, one may initially make use of the efficacious positions mentioned above that assist in the practice. One thus lays oneself down on one’s side—the right side having to do with the void, the left with clarity—and closes the corresponding nostril with a finger of the corresponding hand, which lies under one’s cheek. The right side actually governs or allows the void to operate, and the left side helps with the operation of clarity. It may be preferable, initially, to lie on the left side, thus promoting clarity—the work of the unimpeded right. Later as one’s practice becomes stable, position will not be important.


If it seems that you have not dreamed, or there is only a faint memory of a dream, it is indicative that sleep was too deep. In this case, place the pillows higher, using lighter or fewer covers, let more air and/or light into the sleeping place or move to a more open spot. If dreams do not come regularly, you may experiment by sleeping in whichever way you find comfortable, on either the right or the left side. If dreams still do not come, concentrate on the throat chakra, and visualize a red A (“A”); if this is difficult, a red ball will suffice. If you still do not remember dreams, visualize the red letter or bead as increasingly more luminous each successive night. If difficulty persists, think of a white bead on your forehead, at the location of the third eye. If there is still nothing, visualize the white bead with increasing radiance each successive night. These concentrations are performed only if dreams are not remembered.


(舊版 pp. 131-133)


13. Concentration on the six syllables and their purification: The six syllables—A, Aaah, Ha, Sha, Sa, Ma—are each symbolic of a realm of existence, including those of the gods, demigods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts, and hell beings. Karmic tendencies to be reborn in one of these samsaric realms, which originate through improper actions, must be purified. Meditation on the six syllables unites lung (prana) and mind concentration in order to purify these tendencies. The specific practice of concentration on the syllables employs visualization and mantra directed at specific points of the body where these propensities are believed to concentrate.

註13. 專注於六道種子字及其淨化法:六種子字(Ah A Ha Sha Sa Ma)各象徵輪迴六道,包括天人、阿修羅、人類、動物、餓鬼和地獄眾生。根源於惡業而轉生在這六道輪迴之一的業力習氣必須予以淨化。此六種子字的禪修結合了氣和心的專注,以淨化這些習氣。此專注於種子字的特殊修法,運用觀想和咒語,指向身體特定點,這些位置據稱是這些習氣聚集之處。
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

《夢瑜伽與自然光的修習》2020 重校(9)

文章SW » 2021-01-03, 18:22

If you have not mastered the lucidity—awareness that one is dreaming while doing so—then during the day you should continually remind yourself that all that you see and all that is done is not other than a dream. By seeing everything throughout the day as if it were a dream, dream and awareness are thoroughly mixed. Subsequently, before sleeping, continue to focus well on the red “A” in the throat. Thus, you will fall asleep while fixing on the “A”. Focusing in this way before falling asleep unites the lung or prana there with concentration.


On occasion, a fearful nightmare may arise. If due to shock you instantly become lucid, this is called “distinguishing the dream by violent means”. Achieving lucidity in this manner is relatively common; subsequently you must continue to practice concentration on the red “A”, and gradually there will also develop the capacity for lucid awareness within dreams with peaceful themes.


Continued progress in dreamwork, even after lucid awareness is commonly achieved, depends very much on the activities of the day. Intense concentration on a theme or on any subject will lead to its arising. If you wish to cause yourself to dream of a Tibetan deity, for example, think of transforming yourself into that deity by concentrating on the deity intensely. Similarly, imagining that you are traveling or making imaginary voyages to unknown or even known places will influence your dreams. Later, you can extend the voyages to paradise, for example, causing it to actually appear in the dream.


If you concentrate a great deal during the day, imagining that you are living a dream, then during the night the dream itself will also seem less real. The subject, that which experiences the dream, is the mind. By holding the thought that all is a dream, you begin to dissolve this “subject”. That is, the mind begins to dissolve itself, automatically.


Or, to put it another way, when the object or vision is dissolved, the action runs back towards the subject, causing complete dissolution. Thus, neither vision nor dream exists any longer. One finds that the subject is not concrete and that vision is only “reflections”. One thus becomes aware of the true nature of both. Vision created by karma and the psychic “trail” or background imprint is the origin of all illusions; if authentic awareness of the illusory reality arises, one arrives at the disappearance of “solid reality.” Realization means true understanding of the waking state and the dream state.


(舊版,pp. 135-136)
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2021-01-10, 17:33



這需要補述另一本南開諾布仁波切的內部書 Milam: The Dream Practice,本社團有大略翻譯,我相信新舊版夢瑜伽的內容也不外於此。此薄薄幾頁小書中的第三部,講到夢修的結果也就是果位,說的便是妥噶四相中最後的法性窮盡(chosed),行者修成妥噶第四相時,才會有大遷轉虹光身的成就(是不是等同於唐望傳承的化為意識的火焰,不得而知);上到第四階卻沒有完成者,則可以有死後虹光身(身體化光只剩下頭髮指甲)的成就。



Knowing the true nature of the dream, you may subsequently transform it. If you dream of a snake, for example, upon recognizing that you are dreaming, you should transform the snake into whatever you like, perhaps a man. Thus, it is not the dream which commands the dreamer, but the dreamer who commands the dream. When you have become able to change the dream, develop your skill by further scrambling the dream elements—for example, putting what is in the east in the west, multiplying or condensing the elements, turning things upside down, putting high things low, or making what is big, small. This process applies not only to forms, but also to sensations. If you dream of something pleasing, transform it into something unpleasant. Systematically reverse everything.


If you have difficulty transforming dream vision, it may be that in your dreams there arise too many images of the past, of childhood, for example, or even of other lives. In this case one could say that the dreams are influenced by the psychic “tail” or background. One finds considerable difficulty in transforming such a dream, whereas if one dreams of items or events linked to present or recent situations and happenings, transformation is much easier.


If one dreams of events which never happened—for example, of unknown countries and people—it may also be quite hard to put an end to dreaming or to exhaust the dream state. If all three phenomena arise, intermingled and confused (bag-chag suma) it is an indication that the process of transcending the dream state will be long and extremely difficult. If we have obstacles that hinder us from the final overcoming of dreams (ja-lu-pho-wa-chen-mo), we must make a deeper commitment and pray for progress.

如果你夢到從未發生過的事,例如夢到未知的國度和人民,那麼可能就難以終結作夢或耗盡作夢狀態。如果所有這三種現象都有,相互糾結加上三門習氣(bag chags gsum)之迷亂,則表示超越作夢狀態的過程將會拉長並變得極度困難。如果我們具有最終克服夢而達到大遷轉虹光身(jalü phowa chenpo, 'ja' lus 'pho ba chen po,大遷轉虹光身)的障礙,我們就必須發下更大的誓願,以祈求進步。

(舊版 pp. 136-138)
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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