On his insistence, I made giant efforts to understand the new model of energy configuration he was outlining for me. Finally, after much pounding, I could follow the idea of energy filaments inside the luminous ball and outside it. But if I thought of a multitude of luminous balls the model broke down in my mind. In a multitude of luminous balls, I reasoned, the energy filaments that are outside one of them will perforce be inside , the adjacent one. So in a multitude there could not possibly be any energy filaments outside any luminous ball.
"To understand all this certainly isn't an exercise for your reason," he replied after carefully listening to my arguments. "I have no way of explaining what sorcerers mean by filaments inside and outside the human shape. When seers see the human energy shape, they see one single ball of energy. If there is another ball next to it, the other ball is seen again as a single ball of energy. The idea of a multitude of luminous balls comes from your knowledge of human crowds. In the universe of energy, there are only single individuals, alone, surrounded by the boundless.
"You must see that for yourself!"
I argued with don Juan then that it was pointless to tell me to see it for myself when he knew I could not. And he proposed that I borrow his energy and use it to see.
上面那句話:「在能量的宇宙中只有單一的個體獨自地存在」,很重要。唐望用 single,南開師用 unique,之前有本書他也是用 single。
We must try not to get distracted, maintaining continuity of presence. If we really remain in the knowledge of the state we can find ourselves in the condition called nyamje nyimed, the condition of non-duality of nyamshag and jethob. In Dzogchen this condition is called tindzin chenpo(大持明), 'total contemplation'. In it there is no distinction between nyamshag and jethob because there is always a condition of total presnece. When we reach this experience we find ourselves in the 'single state', the state of rigpa. This is the state of Samantabhadra(普賢王如來), the primodial state.
後期南開師都用 unique state,也就是明空不二的本初狀態,本覺。既然無二,當然只能看到一個明晰球體,而不會看到一群明晰球體。因為有自他就有二元了。
分別(distinguish)一切事均有其智慧,當你發現其一就發現全部,因為你具有 Lhundrub 的自圓滿特質,只要有助緣任何事皆可顯現。但就像鏡子你放在箱子裡,則什麼都不會顯現。我們需要擁有 Lhundrub 這樣的知識,本初以來自圓滿的特質,這稱為我們的 unique state,這不是說自己的 unique state 比其他個體卓越,每個眾生都有其個別的 unique state。證悟意味完全超越限制,超越二元與分別,就像所有眾生都是一樣,蓮師說所有開悟眾生在智慧層面無所分別,但並非像印度教成為「合一」(大圓滿說非一非異)。金剛手不是觀世音,觀世音不是文殊師利,但都是開悟眾生,都處於法性智慧、盡皆完美,但其所示現智慧有所不同,因為當文殊師利在道上時有其誓願,長壽佛還在修道上時做了許多跟長壽有關的事,所以所有開悟眾生不會成為梵天(普拉瑪,Prama)。(2010/07/02)
不接受什麼具體的事,每件事都是空的。基督教也有這個,上帝在哪?也是空性。我們顯現層面所包括的所有一切事情,好或壞許多的事,基督教說上帝創在一切,大圓滿心部有說「普作王」,Kunjed Gyalpo(昆傑嘉波),他創造了所有事,像 unique state 是指我的獨特的狀態,你也有你的 unique state,所以上帝也是 unique God。依我所瞭解,上帝代表本初狀態,每個人都有自己的本初狀態。如果你讀基督教的經典,基督並沒有說需要有教會,唯一的教會就是們的身體,所以你可以瞭解上帝在哪裡。當我們遵循大圓滿教法,有必要瞭解此。(2010/10/04)