作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com

A Dreamer/practioner 之謬思;《做夢的藝術》重新翻譯

Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。


文章SW » 2012-03-13, 17:06


On his insistence, I made giant efforts to understand the new model of energy configuration he was outlining for me. Finally, after much pounding, I could follow the idea of energy filaments inside the luminous ball and outside it. But if I thought of a multitude of luminous balls the model broke down in my mind. In a multitude of luminous balls, I reasoned, the energy filaments that are outside one of them will perforce be inside , the adjacent one. So in a multitude there could not possibly be any energy filaments outside any luminous ball.


"To understand all this certainly isn't an exercise for your reason," he replied after carefully listening to my arguments. "I have no way of explaining what sorcerers mean by filaments inside and outside the human shape. When seers see the human energy shape, they see one single ball of energy. If there is another ball next to it, the other ball is seen again as a single ball of energy. The idea of a multitude of luminous balls comes from your knowledge of human crowds. In the universe of energy, there are only single individuals, alone, surrounded by the boundless.
"You must see that for yourself!"
I argued with don Juan then that it was pointless to tell me to see it for myself when he knew I could not. And he proposed that I borrow his energy and use it to see.



上面那句話:「在能量的宇宙中只有單一的個體獨自地存在」,很重要。唐望用 single,南開師用 unique,之前有本書他也是用 single。

We must try not to get distracted, maintaining continuity of presence. If we really remain in the knowledge of the state we can find ourselves in the condition called nyamje nyimed, the condition of non-duality of nyamshag and jethob. In Dzogchen this condition is called tindzin chenpo(大持明), 'total contemplation'. In it there is no distinction between nyamshag and jethob because there is always a condition of total presnece. When we reach this experience we find ourselves in the 'single state', the state of rigpa. This is the state of Samantabhadra(普賢王如來), the primodial state.

後期南開師都用 unique state,也就是明空不二的本初狀態,本覺。既然無二,當然只能看到一個明晰球體,而不會看到一群明晰球體。因為有自他就有二元了。

分別(distinguish)一切事均有其智慧,當你發現其一就發現全部,因為你具有 Lhundrub 的自圓滿特質,只要有助緣任何事皆可顯現。但就像鏡子你放在箱子裡,則什麼都不會顯現。我們需要擁有 Lhundrub 這樣的知識,本初以來自圓滿的特質,這稱為我們的 unique state,這不是說自己的 unique state 比其他個體卓越,每個眾生都有其個別的 unique state。證悟意味完全超越限制,超越二元與分別,就像所有眾生都是一樣,蓮師說所有開悟眾生在智慧層面無所分別,但並非像印度教成為「合一」(大圓滿說非一非異)。金剛手不是觀世音,觀世音不是文殊師利,但都是開悟眾生,都處於法性智慧、盡皆完美,但其所示現智慧有所不同,因為當文殊師利在道上時有其誓願,長壽佛還在修道上時做了許多跟長壽有關的事,所以所有開悟眾生不會成為梵天(普拉瑪,Prama)。(2010/07/02)

不接受什麼具體的事,每件事都是空的。基督教也有這個,上帝在哪?也是空性。我們顯現層面所包括的所有一切事情,好或壞許多的事,基督教說上帝創在一切,大圓滿心部有說「普作王」,Kunjed Gyalpo(昆傑嘉波),他創造了所有事,像 unique state 是指我的獨特的狀態,你也有你的 unique state,所以上帝也是 unique God。依我所瞭解,上帝代表本初狀態,每個人都有自己的本初狀態。如果你讀基督教的經典,基督並沒有說需要有教會,唯一的教會就是們的身體,所以你可以瞭解上帝在哪裡。當我們遵循大圓滿教法,有必要瞭解此。(2010/10/04)
文章: 4464
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2012-03-13, 17:06


When I recovered my breath, or when I woke up, don Juan expectantly asked me, "What did you see?" And when I answered, truthfully, "Your blow made me see stars," he doubled up laughing.
He remarked that I was not ready yet to comprehend any unusual perception I might have had. "I made your assemblage point shift," he went on, "and for an instant you were dreaming the filaments of the universe. But you don't yet have the discipline or the energy to rearrange your uniformity and cohesion. The old sorcerers were the consummate masters of that rearranging. That was how they saw everything that can be seen by man."
"What does it mean to rearrange uniformity and cohesion?"
"It means to enter into the second attention by retaining the assemblage point on its new position and keeping it from sliding back to its original spot."


Don Juan then gave me a traditional definition of the second attention. He said that the old sorcerers called the result of fixing the assemblage point on new positions the second attention and that they treated the second attention as an area of all-inclusive activity, just as the attention of the daily world is. He pointed out that sorcerers really have two complete areas for their endeavors: a small one, called the first attention or the awareness of our daily world or the fixation of the assemblage point on its habitual position; and a much larger area, the second attention or the awareness of other worlds or the fixation the assemblage point on each of an enormous number of new positions.

文章: 4464
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2012-03-13, 17:07

Don Juan helped me to experience inexplicable things in the second attention by means of what he called a sorcerer's maneuver tapping my back gently or forcefully striking it at height of my shoulder blades. He explained that with his blows he displaced my assemblage point. From my experiential position, such displacements meant that my awareness used to enter into a most disturbing state of unequaled clarity, a state of superconsciousness, which I enjoyed for short periods of time and in which I could understand anything with minimal preambles. It was not quite a pleasing state. Most of the time it was like a strange dream, so intense that normal awareness paled by comparison.

唐望幫助我經驗到在第二注意力下無可解釋的事情,用他所謂的一個巫士動作(sorcerer's maneuver):輕拍或重擊我的背,在我肩胛骨的高度。他解釋說藉此一拍他移動了我的聚合點。由我的經驗來看,這樣的位移表示我的知覺慣於進入一個無比清晰(clarity)之最混亂的狀態,一種超級意識(superconsciousness)狀態,我只能享受短暫的時間,在這期間中我可以最少的準備就瞭解一切。這不完全是令人愉快的狀態,大部分時間它像個奇怪的夢,如此强烈,以致於正常知覺相形失色。

Don Juan justified the indispensability of such a maneuver, lying that in normal awareness a sorcerer teaches his apprentices basic concepts and procedures and in the second attention gives them abstract and detailed explanations.
Ordinarily, apprentices do not remember these explanations at all, yet they somehow store them, faithfully intact, in their memories. Sorcerers have used this seeming peculiarity of memory and have turned remembering everything that happens to them in the second attention into one of the most difficult and complex traditional tasks of sorcery.


Sorcerers explain this seeming peculiarity of memory, and the task of remembering, saying that every time anyone enters I into the second attention, the assemblage point is on a different position. To remember, then, means to relocate the assemblage on the exact position it occupied at the time those entrances into the second attention occurred. Don Juan assured me not only that sorcerers have total and absolute recall but that they relive every experience they had in the second attention by this act of returning their assemblage point to each of those specific positions. He also assured me that sorcerers dedicate a lifetime to fulfilling this task of remembering.


In the second attention, don Juan gave me very detailed explanations of sorcery, knowing that the accuracy and fidelity of such instruction will remain with me, faithfully intact, for the duration of my life.
About this quality of faithfulness he said, "Learning something in the second attention is just like learning when we were children. What we learn remains with us for life. 'It's second nature with me,’ we say when it comes to something we've learned very early in life."


Judging from where I stand today, I realize that don Juan made me enter, as many times as he could, into the second attention in order to force me to sustain, for long periods of time, new positions of my assemblage point and to perceive coherently in them, that is to say, he aimed at forcing me to rearrange my uniformity and cohesion.

文章: 4464
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

文章SW » 2012-03-13, 17:07

一修 寫:支持重譯。辛苦了。請繼續。

其實貼了 24 篇,點閱才 500 多,看的人很少啦。我是剛好一個師父去四川兩個月,一個上師回義大利,這兩個月沒什麼課上,閒閒沒事來翻譯《做夢的藝術》第一章。




文章: 4464
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

卡斯塔尼達《做夢的藝術》校譯版 (1)-13

文章SW » 2012-03-13, 17:07

Another monumental breakthrough that the old sorcerers claimed, and that don Juan carefully explained to me, was to find out that the assemblage point becomes very easily displaced during sleep. This realization triggered another one that dreams are totally associated with that displacement. The old sorcerers saw that the greater the displacement, the more unusual the dream or vice versa the more unusual the dream, the greater the displacement. Don Juan said that this observation led them to devise extravagant techniques to force the displacement of the assemblage point, such as ingesting plants that can produce altered states of consciousness; subjecting themselves to states of hunger, fatigue, and stress; and especially controlling dreams. In this fashion, and perhaps without even knowing it, they created dreaming.

另一個古代巫士所宣稱的重大突破,唐望仔細地解釋給我聽,是他們發現聚合點在睡眠時變得很容易移開。這項體認引發了另一項發現:夢完全與這個位移有關。古代巫士看見,這個位移越大,夢也就越不尋常,或者倒過來,夢越奇特,聚合點的位移就越大。唐望說,這項觀察導致他們發明古怪的技巧來強迫引出聚合點的位移,諸如:食用能夠產生意識轉換狀態(altered state)的植物;承受饑餓、疲勞和緊張的狀態;以及特別是控制夢境。以這種方式,也許甚至在不為所知的情況下,他們創造出了做夢(dreaming)。

One day, as we strolled around the plaza in the city of Oaxaca, don Juan gave me the most coherent definition of dreaming from a sorcerer's standpoint.


"Sorcerers view dreaming as an extremely sophisticated art," he said, "the art of displacing the assemblage point at will from its habitual position in order to enhance and enlarge the scope of what can be perceived." He said that the old sorcerers anchored the art of dreaming, on five conditions they saw in the energy flow of human beings.
One, they saw that only the energy filaments that pass directly through the assemblage point can be assembled into coherent perception.
Two, they saw that if the assemblage point is displaced to another position, no matter how minute the displacement, different and unaccustomed energy filaments begin to pass through it, engaging awareness and forcing the assembling of these unaccustomed energy fields into a steady, coherent perception.
Three, they saw that, in the course of ordinary dreams, the assemblage point becomes easily displaced by itself to another position on the surface or in the interior of the luminous egg.
Four, they saw that the assemblage point can be made to move to positions outside the luminous egg, into the energy filaments of the universe at large.
And, five, they saw that through discipline it is possible to cultivate and perform, in the course of sleep and ordinary dreams, a systematic displacement of the assemblage point.







文章: 4464
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

卡斯塔尼達《做夢的藝術》校譯版 (2)-1

文章SW » 2012-03-13, 17:08


As a preamble to his first lesson in dreaming, don Juan talked about the second attention as a progression: beginning as an idea that comes to us more like a curiosity than an actual possibility; turning into something that can only be felt, as a sensation is felt; and finally evolving into a state of being, or a realm of practicalities, or a preeminent force that opens for us worlds beyond our wildest fantasies.

2 做夢的第一道關口


When explaining sorcery, sorcerers have two options. One is to speak in metaphorical terms and talk about a world of magical dimensions. The other is to explain their business in abstract terms proper to sorcery. I have always preferred the latter, although neither option will ever satisfy the rational mind of a Western man.


Don Juan told me that what he meant by his metaphorical description of the second attention as a progression was that, being a by-product of a displacement of the assemblage point, the second attention does not happen naturally but must be intended, beginning with intending it as an idea and ending up with intending it as a steady and controlled awareness of the assemblage point's displacement.


"I am going to teach you the first step to power," don Juan said, beginning his instruction in the art of dreaming. "I'm going to teach you how to set up dreaming."
"What does it mean to set up dreaming?"

「我要教你達至力量的第一步,」唐望說,即開始他對做夢的藝術的指導,「我要教你如何設定做夢(set up dreaming)。」

"To set up dreaming means to have a precise and practical command over the general situation of a dream. For example, you may dream that you are in your classroom. To set up dreaming means that you don't let the dream slip into something else. You don't jump from the classroom to the mountains, for instance. In other words, you control the view of the classroom and don't let it go until you want to."


"But is it possible to do that?"
"Of course it's possible. This control is no different from the control we have over any situation in our daily lives. Sorcerers are used to it and get it every time they want or need to. In order to get used to it yourself, you must start by doing something very simple. Tonight, in your dreams, you must look at your hands.

文章: 4464
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

文章SW » 2012-03-13, 17:08





文章: 4464
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

卡斯塔尼達《做夢的藝術》校譯版 (2)-2

文章SW » 2012-03-13, 17:12

Not much more was said about this in the awareness of our daily world. In my recollection of my experiences in the second attention, however, I found out that we had a more extensive exchange. For instance, I expressed my feelings about the absurdity of the task, and don Juan suggested that I should face it in terms of a quest that was entertaining, instead of solemn and morbid.


"Get as heavy as you want when we talk about dreaming," he said. "Explanations always call for deep thought. But when you actually dream, be as light as a feather. Dreaming has to be performed with integrity and seriousness, but in the midst of laughter and with the confidence of someone who doesn't have a worry in the world. Only under these conditions can our dreams actually be turned into dreaming."


Don Juan assured me that he had selected my hands arbitrarily as something to look for in my dreams and that looking for anything else was just as valid. The goal of the exercise was not finding a specific thing but engaging my dreaming attention.


Don Juan described the dreaming attention as the control one acquires over one's dreams upon fixating the assemblage point on any new position to which it has been displaced during dreams. In more general terms, he called the dreaming attention an incomprehensible facet of awareness that exists by itself, waiting for a moment when we would entice it, a moment when we would give it purpose; it is a veiled faculty that every one of us has in reserve but never has the opportunity to use in everyday life.


My first attempts at looking for my hands in my dreams were a fiasco. After months of unsuccessful efforts, I gave up and complained to don Juan again about the absurdity of such a task.
"There are seven gates," he said as a way of answering, "and dreamers have to open all seven of them, one at the time. You're up against the first gate that must be opened if you are to dream."


"Why didn't you tell me this before?"
"It would've been useless to tell you about the gates of dreaming before you smacked your head against the first one. Now you know that it is an obstacle and that you have to overcome it."

文章: 4464
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

卡斯塔尼達《做夢的藝術》校譯版 (2)-3

文章SW » 2012-03-13, 17:12

Don Juan explained that there are entrances and exits in the energy flow of the universe and that, in the specific case of dreaming, there are seven entrances, experienced as obstacles, which sorcerers call the seven gates of dreaming.

唐望解釋說,宇宙的能量流(energy flow)中有入口和出口,而在做夢這種特定情況下,有七個被經驗成障礙的入口,巫士稱之爲做夢的七道關口。

"The first gate is a threshold we must cross by becoming aware of a particular sensation before deep sleep," he said. "A sensation which is like a pleasant heaviness that doesn't let us open our eyes. We reach that gate the instant we become aware that we're falling asleep, suspended in darkness and heaviness."
"How do I become aware that I am falling asleep? Are there any steps to follow?"
"No. There are no steps to follow. One just intends to become aware of falling asleep."



原譯「抵達了第一關」語意不詳,因為前面還有「面臨(against)第一關」且碰到障礙。當然 against(面對挑戰)跟 reach 是不一樣,reach 應該是到達、達到,「抵達」我就不知道是什麼意思。因為基本上到達第一關已經很不容易了,你必須能夠觀察到自己入睡。這是絕對的「達到第一關」的定義。





"But how does one intend to become aware of it?"
"Intent or intending is something very difficult to talk about. I or anyone else would sound idiotic trying to explain it. "Bear that in mind when you hear what I have to say next sorcerers intend anything they set themselves to intend, simply by intending it."
"That doesn't mean anything, don Juan."
"Pay close attention. Someday it'll be your turn to explain. The statement seems nonsensical because you are not putting it in the proper context. Like any rational man, you think that understanding is exclusively the realm of our reason, of our mind.
"For sorcerers, because the statement I made pertains to intent and intending, understanding it pertains to the realm of energy. Sorcerers believe that if one would intend that statement for the energy body, the energy body would understand it in terms entirely different from those of the mind. The trick is to reach the energy body. For that you need energy."

「對巫士而言,由於我的說法是講意願和去意願,瞭解它則是屬於能量的範疇。巫士相信如果一個人意願那個說法給能量體(energy body),能量體便會以與心智完全不同的方式來瞭解它。這訣竅就是達到(reach)能量體,為此你需要能量。」
文章: 4464
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

卡斯塔尼達《做夢的藝術》校譯版 (2)-4

文章SW » 2012-03-13, 17:13

"In what terms would the energy body understand that statement, don Juan?"
"In terms of a bodily feeling, which it's hard to describe. You'll have to experience it to know what I mean."


I wanted a more precise explanation, but don Juan slapped my back and made me enter into the second attention. At that time, what he did was still utterly mysterious to me. I could have sworn that his touch hypnotized me. I believed he had instantaneously put me to sleep, and I dreamt that I found myself walking with him on a wide avenue lined with trees in some unknown city. It was such a vivid dream, and I was so aware of everything, that I immediately tried to orient myself by reading signs and looking at people. It definitely was not an English- or Spanish-speaking city, but it was a Western city. The people seemed to be northern Europeans, perhaps Lithuanians. I became absorbed in trying to read billboards and street signs.


Don Juan nudged me gently, "Don't bother with that," he said. "We are nowhere identifiable. I've just lent you my energy so you would reach your energy body, and with it you've just crossed into another world. This won't last long, so use your time wisely.
"Look at everything, but without being obvious. Don't let anyone notice you."


We walked in silence. It was a block-long walk, which had a remarkable effect on me. The more we walked, the greater my sensation of visceral anxiety. My mind was curious, but my body was alarmed. I had the clearest understanding that I was not in this world. When we got to an intersection and stopped walking, I saw that the trees on the street had been carefully trimmed. They were short trees with hard-looking, curled leaves. Each tree had a big square space for watering. There were no weeds or trash in those spaces, as one would find around trees in the city, only charcoal black, loose dirt.


The moment I focused my eyes on the curb, before I stepped off it to cross the street, I noticed that there were no cars. I tried desperately to watch the people who milled around us, to discover something about them that would explain my anxiety. As I stared at them, they stared back at me. In one instant a circle of hard blue and brown eyes had formed around us.


A certainty hit me like a blow this was not a dream at all; we were in a reality beyond what I know to be real. I turned to face don Juan. I was about to realize what was different about those people, but a strange dry wind that went directly to my sinuses hit my face, blurred my view, and made me forget what I wanted to tell don Juan. The next instant, I was back where I had started from don Juan's house. I was lying on a straw mat, curled up on my side.

文章: 4464
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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