2010/08/22 Sun sunny, outdoor 34-29°C The Wheel of Time:Journey to Ixtlan (4)
開始關於《巫士唐望的世界》的評論(Commentary on Journey to Ixtlan),當然首先要講「日常生活的修行」。
Don Juan Matus was applying some extremely pragmatic measures to my daily conduct. He had outlined some steps of action that he wanted me to follow rigorously. He had given me three tasks which had only the vaguest references to my world of everyday life, or to any other world. He wanted me to endeavor in my daily world to erase my personal history by any means conceivable. Then, he wanted me to stop my routines, and finally, he wanted me to dethrone my sense of self-importance. (p. 105)
「唐望為我的日常生活運用了一些非常務實的措施,他曾概述了一些行動的步驟,要我確實執行。」嗯 Google 翻譯得很棒,「他給了我三個任務,只最含混地關連到我的日常生活世界,或任何其他世界。他要我努力在我的日常世界中,以任何想得到的方法抹去我的個人歷史,然後他要我停止例行慣性,且最後他要我消除我的自我重要感。」塞,卡氏的前行還真是困難啊,不只是皈依發心純喊喊而已,馬上就要廢了我執了喔。
"How am I going to accomplish all this, don Juan?" I asked him.
"I have no idea," he responded. "None of us has any idea of how to do that pragmatically and effectively. Yet, if we start the work, we will accomplish it without ever knowing what came to aid us.
The difficulty that you encounter is the same difficulty that I encountered myself," he went on. "I assure you that our difficulty is born out of the total absence in our lives of the idea that would spur us to change. At the time that my teacher gave me this task, all I needed in order to make it work was the idea that it could be done. Once I had the idea, I accomplished it, without knowing how. I recommend that you do the same." (pp. 105-106)
Don Juan was right. All that I needed, or rather, all that a mysterious part of me which was not overt needed, was the idea. The 'me' that I had known through all my life needed infinitely more than the idea. It needed coaching, spurring, direction. I became so intrigued by my success that the tasks of erasing my routines, losing my self-importance and dropping my personal history became a sheer delight. (p. 106)