作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com


Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。


文章SW » 2012-03-13, 11:22

2009/07/21 Tue, sunny, outdoor 37-34°C, indoor 31.6°C 《Being-in-Dreaming》:知識從個人明性自然顯現

我終於知道 caretaker 是唐望巫士同夥中的「學者」文生(Vicnete Medrano),怪不得他的知識浩瀚,即便小佛琳達受教後也 dreaming-awake 連續工作了三天,但她的境界實在不能跟文生相比。在《巫士的穿越》中,塔夏莎所遇到的 caretaker 則是艾密力圖。

就小佛琳達寫研究所報告運用巫士寫作這件事,首先 Espreanza(即蘇麗卡)談到對於知識的態度,有點像藏密的聞思修,她說:「Not even with the aid of sorcery. You should know that without the preliminary reading, the note taking, and the writing and rewriting, you should never been able to recognize the structure and order of your term paper in dreaming.」(p. 244)(甚至沒有巫術的幫助,妳也應該知道:沒有初步的閱讀、記筆記、寫作和改寫,妳就永遠不可能在夢中認識到期末報告的結構和順序。)意思說不能自己全無所知就能仰賴巫術寫出一篇超級論文,而奈莉達更強調:

"To reach a degree of knowledge, sorcerers work twice as hard as normal people. Sorcerers have to make sense of the everyday world as well as the magical world. To accomplish that, they have to highly skilled and sophisticated, mentally as well as physically." (Being-in-Dreaming, p. 245)

小佛琳達在 dreaming-awake 狀態努力巫士寫作了三天,她自認為是 simple and effortless(單純而不費力的),她只是看到報告的一個新版本,然後把它照抄下來。而奈莉達解釋說,即是是這樣已經花費所有的力氣,因為「While dreaming-awake, you channeled all your energy into a single purpose. All your concern and effort went into finishing your paper. Nothing else mattered to you at the moment. You had no other thoughts to interfere with your endeavor.」(p. 245)(在醒著做夢時,妳將所有能量都用於一個目的。妳所有的關注和努力都用以完成妳的報告,此刻沒有其他事情對妳重要,你沒有其他念頭來干擾你的工作。)這完全說的是專注,而我想 dreaming-awake 狀態就是唐望所形容的強化意識狀態,如卡氏曾經問過的,外人看起來他就像喝醉一樣,是故這不是 dreaming,也沒有睡,所以可以從事任何日常的事務,但是使用一種半夢半醒的如同醉拳的武功,而半夢半醒狀態我們知道可以連接到隱含秩序層。

小佛琳達問文生給他的報告 comments(評論)時,是否也如她所見這般,Espreanza 解釋說文生在小佛琳達報告中看到的跟小佛琳達看到然後寫下來的不一樣:

"Quite naturally so, for his knowledge is by far moor vast than yours. Guided by his suggestions, and according to your own capacities, you saw what your paper ought to read like. That's what you wrote down."

"While dreaming-awake, we have access to hidden resources, which we never use ordinarily," Nelida said, going on to explain that, the instant I saw my paper, I remembered the clues the caretaker had given me. (Being-in-Dreaming, p. 246)
(「醒著做夢時,我們可以連通到潛隱的資源,這是我們平常從來沒使用過的,」奈莉達說,正要繼續解釋,那一刻我看到我的報告,我想起了 caretaker 給我的線索。)

我們是否可以說這也是出自明性?不僅 dreaming-awake(醒著做夢)/heightened awareness(強化意識)可以連接至「hidden resources」(潛隱資源),Espreanza 更說:「When dreaming-awake, we have access to direct knowledge.」(當醒著做夢時,我們可以獲得直接的知識。)奈莉達再補充:「Dreaming-awake should have made you realized that you have, as all women do, a unique capacity to receive knowledge directly.」(p. 246)(醒著做夢應該已讓妳瞭解到,像所有女性一樣,妳擁有直接接受知識的獨特能力。)看來唐望巫士知識跟大圓滿英雄所見略同。

但這裡為什麼要強調女人呢?難道跟男人不同嗎?接下來又是圓錐圖解,小佛琳達打書時接受採訪時說,男人的能量結構是 CONE(圓錐),女人剛好倒過來。男生是正圓錐,尖頂在上,代表「Men build knowledge step by step」(男人一步步建立知識)、「men cone toward the spirit; they cone up toward knowledge」(男人由下而上導向力量;他們趨向知識尖端);而女人剛好顛倒,「Women are able to open themselves directly to the source, or the source reaches them directly」(女人能夠直接將自己向來源開放,或來源直接觸及她們);「women's connection to knowledge is expansive」(女人與知識的連結是廣大的)。看不懂,對不對?結論:

Men are close to the concrete, and aim at the abstract.
Women are close to the abstract and yet try to indulge themselves with the concrete.


FLORINDA D: Originally, beyond the the sexual aspect, the female, the womb ensures that the woman is the one that's closest to the spirit in this process of approaching knowledge as being-in-dreaming. The man cones upward, and by the sheer definition of the cone, it comes to a finite end. It's an energetic force. He strives because he is not close to the spirit, or whatever we want to call that great energetic force out there. According to the sorcerers, the woman is exactly the opposite. The cone is upside down. They have a direct link with it, because the womb for the sorcerer is not just an organ of reproduction; it is an organ for dreams, a second brain. (Being-in-Dreaming: Florinda Donner in Conversation with Alexander Blair-Ewart, Dimension, Feb. 1992)
(小佛琳達:最初,除了性方面之外,女性是子宮,它確保在求取知識的過程中諸如醒著做夢,女性是最接近力量的。 男人的圓錐向上,並且根據圓錐的純粹定義,圓錐達到有限的末端。這是一個充滿能量的力量。男人之所以努力,是因為他與力量或者我們稱之為充滿能量的力量不是很接近。據巫士說,女人則正好相反,女性的圓錐倒置,她們與力量有直接的連結,因為巫士的子宮不是只是生殖器官,它是做夢的器官,是第二大腦。)
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Women need guts and mind;如何使用子宮的力量?

文章SW » 2012-03-13, 11:22

2009/07/24 Fri, sunny, outdoor 29-36°C, 《Being-in-Dreaming》:Women need guts and mind.

看幾頁 Being-in-Dreaming:

"What is the feminine side of reason, Esperanza?"

"Many things. One of them is definitely dreaming." She regarded me questioningly, but I had nothing to say.
「很多事情。其中之一絕對是做夢。」 她懷疑地看著我,但我無話可說。

Her deep chuckle caught me by surprise. "I know what you expect from sorcerers. You want rituals incantations. Odd, mysterious cults. You want to sing. You want to be one with nature. You want to commune with water spirits. You want paganism. Some romantic view of what sorcerers do. Very Germanic.
她深深的笑聲使我驚訝。 「我知道你對巫師的期望。妳想要儀式咒語,奇怪、神秘的邪教,妳想唱歌,妳想與大自然合而為一,你想與水靈相通,你想要異教徒的信仰和實踐,關於巫師行為的一些浪漫觀點,非常日耳曼(按:小佛琳達祖籍是德國人)。

"To jump into the unknown," she went on, "you need guts and mind. Only with them will you be able to explain to yourself and to others the treasures you might find." She leaned toward me, "You need to act on your magical side." (p. 250)
(「要跳入未知世界,」她接著說:「妳需要膽量和頭腦。唯獨有了膽量和心智,妳才能向自己和他人解釋妳可能會發現的寶藏。」 她傾身過來:「你需要以妳神奇的一面行動。」)

我需要 guts,不是,是女人需要 guts。那什麼東西呀?勇氣、膽量、毅力,有魄力的意思。

2009/07/25 Sat, raining, indoor 31.9°C 《Being-in-Dreaming》:如何使用子宮的力量?

"What does it mean to use the womb?" I interjected. "And how is it done?"

"You are a woman," Esperanza said softly.. "You know how to feel with your womb."

"In order to focus your attention with your womb, get an object and put it on your belly or rub it on you genitalia." She laughed uproariously at my look of dismay, then, in between fits of laughter, chided me, "I wasn't that bad. I could have said that you need to smear the object with your juices, but I didn't." (Being-in-Dreaming, p. 279)

啊所以要我們自淫啦,才能利用到子宮的能量。這個 object 指什麼?

"Once you establish a deep familiarity with the object, it'll always be there to serve you as a bridge."
上面是女生看的,男生沒有子宮,男生靠的是腦,"In men, feeling originate in the brain." (「而對男人,感覺起源於大腦。」 )Esperanza(蘇麗卡) 說:"Think about it. A woman is heartless except with her brood because her feelings are coming from her womb." (p. 279)(「想想,一個女人無情,除非懷有孩子,因為她的感情來自子宮。」)

Being-in-Dreaming 不知道寫這本書的用意是什麼?小佛琳達一點都沒有寫到自己如何修學,我重看到倒數第二章,唐望及同夥已經準備離世了,而這時小佛琳達才入門三年,所以你覺得三年能學會什麼?或者說「初灌」(first initiation)以後,行者要靠自己的力量去鞏固當初的瞥見成為真正的目擊,那意味成為一名「看見者」。不過在這本書裡什麼都沒有說到。不過看到最後終於了解為什麼做夢者小佛琳達會繼承頭號潛獵者老佛琳達的名號,這是全書蘇麗卡初次現身說法:

"You're a stalker, and you belong, by all rights to Florinda. You also a somnambulist and a great natural dreamer, and by virtue of your ability, you also belong to me."

蘇麗卡解釋說,「I am Zuleica. Esperanza is my other self. Sorcerers call it the dreaming body.」(p. 262)(我是蘇麗卡。 Esperanza 是我的分身,巫士稱它為做夢身。)所以我出體也要換個名字不叫石某某,我要叫什麼呢?重點是這兩個人看起來不一樣才行。我還沒看到我記得有一個男的,他或者是蘇麗卡可以以男生做夢體出現。所以難怪師父說男變女、女變男,都有可能辦到。


我們往前回到昨天下午摘到女生要有 guts and mind,如此才能「act on our magical side」,那是什麼呢?又是子宮!我真為婦女長個瘤隨隨便便就被婦科醫生摘除子宮感到難過,我曾看過報導,說手術中有百分之七十的子宮都是沒必要摘除的。

"The womb is the ultimate feminine organ. It is the womb that gives women that extra edge, that extra force to channel their energy."

She explained that men, in their quest for supremacy, have succeeded in reducing woman's mysterious power, her womb, to a strictly biological organ, whose only function is to reproduce, to carry man's seed. (p. 251)


Nelida rose, "Do you know the story of the Annunciation?" she whispered in my ear.
(奈莉達站起來,「妳知道天使報喜節(3月25日)的故事嗎?」 她在我耳邊低語。)

She proceeded to tell me that in the Judeo-Christian tradition, men are the only ones who hear the voice of God. Women have been excluded from that privilege, with the exception of the Virgin Mary.

Nelida said that an angel whispering to Mary was, of course, natural. What wasn't natural was the fact that all the angel had to say to Mary was that she would bear the son of God. The womb did not receive knowledge but rather the promise of God's seed. A male god, who engendered another male god in turn.


"What about the male socerers?" I asked. "They don't have a womb, yet they are clearly connected to the spirit."
(「那男性巫士呢?」 我問,「他們沒有子宮,但顯然與『力量』有所連結。」)

Esperanza whispered," Sorcerers are able to align themselves to intent, to the spirit, because they have given up what specifically defines their masculinity. And they are no longer males." (p. 251)


FLORINDA D: For the women it is very important, this idea that the womb is not just an organ of reproduction. In order to activate this, our intent has to be different. In order to change our intent we go back again to energy. You see, we don' t really know what it means to use the womb as an organ for being, an organ of light, of intuition. For us, intuition really is something that has already been defined. There is no real intuition anymore, because we intuit with our brains. Don Juan was interested in women, and people always ask, "Well, how come there are always so many women? Do you have orgies? Is there all kinds of stuff going on?" He said, "No, it's because the male doesn't have the womb. He needs that magical 'womb power' (laughter). " It's very important, you see.

ABE: Let me ask some technical questions there, if I may, on behalf of my female readers. Does the womb have to be fully functioning? I mean, if a woman had her tubes tied, would her womb still work?

FLORINDA D: Yes, as long as she doesn't have a hysterectomy.

ABE: So long as the womb isn't removed...

FLORINDA D: ...if the womb is there, yes. (Being-in-Dreaming: Florinda Donner in Conversation with Alexander Blair-Ewart, Dimension, Feb. 1992)
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

《Being-in-Dreaming》:aligning oneself with intent 連上意願

文章SW » 2012-03-13, 11:23

2009/07/26 Sun, cloudy, indoor 30.9°C 《Being-in-Dreaming》:aligning oneself with intent

Being-in-Dreaming,老是講子宮也不是辦法,但這本名是為女性巫士觀點的書,可能男人不適合看。最後再摘一句,Esperanza 說:「Women, because they have a womb, can focus their attention with great facility on something outside their dreams while dreaming. That's precisely what you have been doing all along, unbeknownst to yourself. The object become a bridge that connects you to intent.」(p. 278)(因為有子宮,女人可以在做夢時以極為靈巧地將注意力集中在夢境之外的事情上。這正是妳一直以來一直在做的事情,妳自己不知道。 這東西成為將妳連接到「意願」的橋樑。)

說到唐望同夥一行巫士十六人即將要大遷轉虹光身離世,靠的恐怕不是完全證悟,而是 nagual 超強的能量。資深佛友曾說大成就者對著草地上的羊群吹一口氣也通通虹光身。就我所知,老佛琳達跟奈莉達沒跟著走,文生也說他哪都不去,所以卡氏說有十六個,不知道是不是把二線巫士算進去(有些人沒算在十六人內的當門柱用的巫士)?像後來卡氏也說他們成員有六位,不是我們所知的三位女門徒。

關於前面所提的 object(應該是指子宮),沒有很清楚的說明。不過前面提到小佛琳達在做夢狀態看到如夢的老佛琳達,她抬手想跟她招呼,但被一隻藍色的蝴蝶羅織出空中藍色的影子所分心,藍蝴蝶飛向她停在她手上,一步步分解幻化成一只套在她中指上的戒指。

"It's an optical illusion?"
"It's a lovely ring. It's a magnificent gift. Didn't you notice the ring before?" the caretaker asked.
"You've been wearing that ring since Florinda gave it to you."
"The ring in itself has no power, regardless of who made it," Florinda assured me. "The power was in making. The nugual who made this ring was aligned so thoroughly with what sorcerers call intent that he was able to produce this lovely jewel without him being a jeweler. The ring was an act of pure intent. You will use the ring to align 使結盟 yourself with intent." (pp. 256-257)
( 老佛琳達向我保證:「戒指本身沒有力量,無論是誰製造的。力量在於製造本身。製造這枚戒指的 Nagual 與巫士所說的『意願』非常連結,以至於他能夠不用珠寶商就能製造出這只可愛的珠寶。這只戒指純粹是出於『意願』。妳可以使用這戒指以使自己連上『意願』。」)

關於這個 aligning oneself with intent,連上意願,老佛琳達解釋說:「You might not know what the word means, but something in you intuits how to tap the force. She whispered that I had always used intent to move from dream to reality or to bring my dream—whatever it might have been—to reality.」(妳可能不知道該詞的含義,但妳體內的某些東西會直覺如何發揮力量。 她低聲說,我一直使用意願從夢移至現實,或者將我的夢——無論可能是什麼——帶入現實。)後者就是小佛琳達的 nightmares,她把噩夢帶進現實。說真的如果小佛琳達從開頭到結尾都沒有學什麼,一切都是因為她的天賦異秉,我不知道這本書給讀者什麼啟發或者啟示?沒有任何一點關於她努力自學的部分,讀過兩遍還是對我一點幫助都沒有。這個戒指其實是在夢中打造的發明物:

"The inventions frighten you, and the ring delights you. Since both are dreams, it can easily be the reverse . . .This , dear, is a world of dreams. We are teaching you how to bring them about all by yourself, at the moment, all the sorcerer of the nagual Mariano Aureliano's party help you enter into this world and are helping you to stay in it now.
(「這發明物使妳感到恐懼,而戒指使妳感到開心。既然兩者都是夢,那麼情況也很容易反過來……親愛的,這是夢的世界。我們正在教妳如何獨自帶入這些, 此刻,唐望團體的所有巫士都幫助妳進入了這個世界,並正在幫助妳留在此世界中。)
You are the same but in a different world. Energy that comes from your savings and from the loan all of us made you." (p. 258)
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

《Being-in-Dreaming》:bird of freedom 自由之鳥

文章SW » 2012-03-13, 11:23

2009/08/19 Wed, cloudy , outdoor 36-32°C° 《Being-in-Dreaming》:bird of freedom

休息時間我看了一點 Being-in-Dreaming 最後一章,小佛琳達枯等三個月沒見到卡司塔尼達蹤影,開車直殺巫士之家,枯候七天半個人影都沒看到,那批巫士全部離開了。她心中有無比的憂傷,最大的憂傷莫過於失去她的 nagual 卡斯塔尼達,因為她想起唐望曾跟他說自由之鳥的比喻:

The nugaul Mariano Aureliano had once told me that sorcerers, when they talk among themselves, speak of sorcery as a bird; they call it the bird of freedom. They say that the bird of freedom only flies in a straight line and never comes around twice. They also say that it is the nuagual who lures the bird of freedom. It is he who entices the bird to shed its shadow on the worrior's path. Without that shadow, there is no direction. (Being-in-Dreaming, p. 289)
(Nagual 卡斯塔尼達有次告訴我,巫士們彼此交談時會說巫術就像一隻鳥,他們稱它為自由之鳥。他們說自由之鳥只飛直線,並且永遠不會來兩次。他們還說,Nagual 是誘騙自由鳥的人,是他誘使這隻鳥在戰士之道上投下影子。 沒有那個影子,就沒有方向。)

所以小佛琳達覺得她已經失去自由之鳥了,她說:「I had lost the nagual and, without him, all hope and purpose. And what weighted the most my heart was that the bird of freedom flew away so fast it didn't give me time to thank them properly, didn't give me time to express my endless admiration.」(pp. 289-290)(我失去了 Nagual,沒有他就失去了所有的希望和目標。我心最重要的自由之鳥飛得如此之快,以至於我沒有時間適時去感謝他們,也沒有給我時間表達我無盡的欽慕。)這是我整本書看到最感人的地方:沒有 nagual 就沒有自由的希望,這跟對上師的關係一樣。


How can it be possible that they vanished like that? A meaningless, superfluous question, considering what I had experienced and witnessed in their world. All it revealed was my true nature: meek and doubting. For the sorcerers had told me for years that their ultimate purpose was to burn, to disappear, swallowed by the force of awareness. The old nagual and his party of sorcerers were ready, but I didn't know it. They had been preparing themselves nearly all their lives for the ultimate audacity: to dream-awake that they sneak past death—as we ordinarily know death to be—and cross over into the unknown, enhancing, without breaking, the unity of their total energy. (Being-in-Dreaming, p. 290)
(他們怎麼可能那樣就消失了? 考慮到我在他們的世界中所經歷和見證的事情,這是一個毫無意義的多餘的問題。這揭露出的就只是我的真正本性:懦弱而懷疑。巫士們多年來一直告訴我說,他們的終極目標就是去燃燒、消失,被意識之力吞噬。老 Nagual 和他的巫士團體已經準備好了,但我還不知道(這個知識)。他們幾乎一生都在為這終極一役作準備:藉醒著做夢他們越過死亡——我們通常都知道死亡為何——然後跨入未知世界,增強而不破壞其總能量的整體性。)


My regret was most intense upon recalling how my usual doubting self would emerge when I least expected it. I was not that I didn't believe their stupendous, otherworldly, yet so practical aim and purpose. Rather, I would explain them away, integrate them, make them fit into the everyday world of common sense—not quite, perhaps, but certainly coexisting with what was normal and familiar to me. (Being-in-Dreaming, p. 290)


"Tears are meaningless for sorcerers. When you joined the sorcerers' world you were mad to understand that the designs of fate, no matter what they are, are merely challenges that a sorcerer must face without resentment or self-pity.
Why don't you heed my suggestion and behave impeccably regardless of your feelings.
You don't need the nagual to be an impeccable sorceress. Your impeccability should lead you to him even if he's no longer in the world. To live impeccably within your circumstance is your challenge. Whether you see Isidoro Baltazar tomorror or in a year or at the end of your life should make no difference to you." (p. 292)
(妳不需要一個 Nagual 才能成為一個完美無缺的巫士。妳的完美無缺應該將妳引向他,即使他已不在世上。要在妳自己的情況中完美無缺地活著是妳的挑戰。無論妳是否見到卡斯塔尼達,是一年或直到生命的盡頭,對妳都應該沒有影響。)

這也是修行道上的行者應該有的態度。今天剛好只看到這裡。這個 circumstance 南開師也常講到。


文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2012-03-13, 11:24

2009/08/20 Thur, sunny , outdoor 34-31°C° 《Being-in-Dreaming》:女巫士的最終解釋


Being-in-Dreaming,記錄上是從 p. 258 跳到 p. 289,事實上中間沒什麼可摘的,不然就是幾小處有摘過了,所以就算不情願我們今天也得大結局了。小佛琳達在空無一人的巫士之家,醒醒睡睡,陸續老佛琳達跟蘇麗卡——唐望巫士團體唯一剩下的兩名成員——來跟她說話,分不清是醒還是夢,不過按慣例蘇麗卡是醒時身份,那麼昨天摘的老佛琳達則是夢中。老佛琳達繼續說:

"The world of sorcerers is a world of solitariness, yet in it, love forever. Like my love for the nugaul Julian. We move in the world of sorcerers all by ourselves, accounting only for our acts, our feelings, our impeccability. I've no longer any feelings. Whatever I had went away with the nagual Julian. All I have left is my sense of will, of duty, of purpose." (Being-in-Dreaming, pp. 293-294) 
(「巫士的世界是一個孤獨的世界,但在其中卻是永恆的愛。就像我對 Nagual 胡里安的愛一樣。我們獨自在巫士的世界中前進,只考慮我們的行動、感覺和完美無缺。我不再有任何情緒。無論我有沒有與 Nagual 胡里安離開,我只剩下我的意志、責任和目標感。」)
當小佛琳達被悲傷所淹沒,她反問小佛琳達:「Where is your impeccable purpose? What happened to all the things you've learned with us?」(「妳完美無缺的目標在哪裡? 妳跟我們學到的一切後來怎麼樣了?)這幾乎是全書的結論了。她提醒小佛琳達「Don't find solace in sympathy of others or in self-pity」(不要在他人同情或自憐中尋找慰藉)。

"To be in the sorcerers' world one has to dream superbly. Most people don't have the wits nor the size of spirit to dream. They cannot help but see the world as ordinary and repetitious. And do you know why? Because if you don't fight to avoid it, the world is indeed ordinary and repetitious. Most people are so involved with themselves that they have become idiotic. Idiots have no desire to fight to avoid ordinariness and repetitiousness." (Being-in-Dreaming, p. 297)
這也是 ordinary 的真正意思,平常意識、一陳不變的生活,許多人的一生所做的就是不斷的重複自己。習氣也是如此,重複的夢不僅是業力也是習氣。夢修有什麼好處,可能目前我們都無法具體說個什麼出來,但是由夢可見習氣慢慢減少,稀奇新鮮逐漸取代,不是為了作夢好玩,而是為了一種持續的注意力。對於重複的老調我們沒有什麼注意力可言,我們永遠只會對新鮮新奇的事物抱持好奇心,這就是注意力。要說夢境是不是一種淨觀(pure vision),端賴熟悉的事物比例多寡而定。蘇麗卡強調她所帶給小佛琳達的夢不僅僅是個夢,「It was a sorcerers' dream, a vision.」(而是巫士的夢,一種境相。)(p. 299)

蘇麗卡指的是前面老佛琳達現身那段,就是小佛琳達的淨觀夢,因為那個夢告訴她該做什麼。接下來蘇麗卡解釋巫士團體的 nagual 之所以需要作夢者成員是因為需要的是做夢能量(dreaming energy),而不是世俗感情跟世俗活動,「You cannot be attached to the nagual as a person, but only as a mythical being.」(pp. 299-300)(妳不能執著於 Nagual 是個人,而只能是一個神奇的存有。)。蘇麗卡跟小佛琳達解釋:
"Only if the nagual is supported and upheld by his fellow dreamers can he lead them into other viable worlds from which he can entice the bird of freedom.
「只有 Nagual 得到他的做夢者的支持和擁護,他才能帶領他們進入其他可行的世界,從中他可以吸引自由鳥。  
You have witness how the old nagual, as well as Isidoro Baltazar, by their mere presence, affect whoever is around them, be it their fellow sorcerers or just bystanders, making them aware that the world is a mystery where nothing can be taken for granted under any circumstances." (Being-in-Dreaming, p. 300)  
妳已經見證了老 Nagual 以及卡斯塔尼達的存在如何影響周圍的人,無論是他們的巫士伙伴還是旁觀者,使他們意識到世界是一個神秘的東西,其中無論任何情況,沒有一件事是理所當然。」

這個 presence 有點意思,新時代翻譯成「臨在」,大圓滿同修會翻譯成「覺知」,我今天看達賴喇嘛《大圓滿》後面的備註,翻譯成「現前」,書裡是 spontaneous presence,「自然現前」。我個人覺得上段應該是「在場」的意思。


For a long time I had been at a loss to understand how naguals could, by their mere presence, make such difference. After careful observation, comparing opinions with others, and endless introspection, I concluded that their influence stemmed from their renunciation of worldly concerns. In our daily world, we also have examples of men and women who have left worldly concerns behind. We call them mystics, saints, religious people. But nuguals are neither mystics nor saints and are certainly not religious men. Naguals are worldly men without a shred of worldly concerns. (Being-in-Dreaming, p. 300)(很長一段時間以來,我一直無法理解,Naguals 他們的存在就能產生如此的影響。經過仔細觀察,與其他人比較意見以及不停的內省之後,我得出結論,他們的影響源於他們放棄世俗的關注(出離世間八法)。在我們的日常生活中,我們也有一些出離世間的男女的例子。我們稱他們為神秘主義者、聖人、宗教人士。但是 Naguals 既不是神秘主義者也不是聖人,當然更不是宗教人士。Naguals 是凡人,但沒有一絲世俗的關注。)

「Worldly men without a shred of worldly concerns」描述起來就好像大圓滿行者,總是過著不為人知的生活,特別是大師們貌如常人毫不起眼。蘇麗卡解釋說那是因為 naguals 已經打破自我反映之鏡(mirror of self-reflection),「Naguals are able to see themselves in the mirror of fog, which reflects only the unknown. It is a mirror that no longer reflects our normal humanity, express in repetition, but reveals the face of infinity.」(p, 301)(Naguals 能夠在只反射未知的霧之鏡中看到自己。它是一面鏡子,不再反映我們的一般的人性——以重複的方式表達,而是揭露出『無限』的面目。)聽起來就像南開師的鏡子比喻,當二元見不復存在,就能看見無限反射的潛能,成為鏡子的本質。

所以蘇麗卡建議小佛琳達要 dream dead(死做夢)而不要 dream alive(活做夢),作面不反射的鏡子,「To dream alive means to have hope. It means that you hold on to your dream for dear life. To dream dead means that you dream without hope. You dream without holding on to your dream.」(p. 303)(活做夢表示擁有希望;這意指你為了親愛的生活而緊抓著你的夢。死做夢則表示無有任何希冀地來做夢;你沒有緊抓著你的夢來做夢。)全書結語:

Floinda had told me that freedom is a total absence of concern about oneself, a lack of concern achieved when the imprisoned bulk of energy within ourselves is untied. She had said that this energy is released only when we can arrest the exalted conception we have of ourselves, or our importance, an importance we feel must not be violated or mocked.

Zuleica's voice was clear but seemed to come from a great distance as she added, "The price of freedom is very high. Freedom can only be attained by dreaming without hope, by being willing to lose all, even the dream.

"For some of us, to dream without hope, to struggle with no goal in mind, is the only way to keep up with the bird of freedom." (Being-in-Dreaming, p. 303)(「對我們中的某些人來說,毫無希冀地做夢,沒有目標地奮鬥,是跟上自由之鳥的唯一方式。」)

文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 小佛琳達《Being-in-Dreaming》摘讀系列

文章MORRIS » 2013-03-04, 17:00


(((Thanks a lot )))


Re: 小佛琳達《Being-in-Dreaming》摘讀系列

文章SW » 2019-08-17, 23:52

由 2019/07/27 開始,逐篇加上英文翻譯,方便大家閱讀。
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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