作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com


Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。


文章SW » 2016-09-15, 23:07

這裡雖然說同樣是用注意力維持醒時與夢時世界,但醒時的注意力,和夢時的注意力卻是大不相同。就我的瞭解,在同一個普通夢中,可以一下白天一下晚上,本來室內下一秒就戶外,本來跟 A 隨後變成 B,基本上就是失控與失序。控制夢在唐望這方來說不是要去更增加變異性,反而是要讓影像固定、情境固定,也就是建立成跟我們醒時感知相同的模式。這要如何辦到?上文說到夢中以周邊視覺而不直接觀看。



She announced that she had just "seen" that I had practiced a good deal of "dreaming," and that I had developed my attention, and yet I was fooled by my own appearance of not knowing anything.

「Nagual 要我們對你示範,我們可以用注意力來維持住夢中的影像,這與我們維持住這個世界影像的作法是一樣的,」拉葛達說,「做夢者的藝術就是注意力的藝術。」
"The Nagual told us to show you that with our attention we can hold the images of a dream in the same way we hold the images of the world," la Gorda said. "The art of the dreamer is the art of attention."

Don Juan had said that my reason was the demon that kept me chained, and that I had to vanquish it if I wanted to achieve the realization of his teachings. The issue, therefore, had been how to vanquish my reason. From what la Gorda had said, I knew that to him reason meant attention.

唐望說,我們存在的核心就是感知的能力,而我們存在的奧秘,就是覺知的行動(act)。對他而言,感知與覺知是一個單一、不可分的整體,這個整體有兩個領域。第一個領域是「tonal 注意力」;也就是說,普通人在每天日常生活世界中去感知與涉入他們覺知的能力。唐望也把這種類型的注意力稱為「第一力量之環」,把它描述為我們那驚人但又被視為理所當然的能力,使我們對日常世界的感知產生秩序。
Don Juan said that the core of our being was the act of perceiving, and that the magic of our being was the act of awareness. For him perception and awareness were a single, functional, inextricable unit, a unit which had two domains. The first one was the "attention of the tonal"; that is to say, the capacity of average people to perceive and place their awareness on the ordinary world of everyday life. Don Juan also called this form of attention our "first ring of power," and described it as our awesome but taken-for-granted ability to impart order to our perception of our daily world.

第二領域是「nagual 注意力」;也就是說,巫士在非尋常世界中涉入覺知的能力。他把這注意力的領域稱為「第二力量之環」,或我們全都擁有的特異能力,但是只有巫士使用,為非尋常的世界建立秩序。
The second domain was the "attention of the nagual"; that is to say, the capacity of sorcerers to place their awareness on the nonordinary world. He called this domain of attention the "second ring of power," or the altogether portentous ability that all of us have, but only sorcerers use, to impart order to the nonordinary world.

唐望所努力想要在我身上克服,或抑制的,並不是我的理性思考能力,而是我的「tonal 注意力」,或我對於日常共許世界的知覺。拉葛達解釋他要我如此做的理由,她說日常世界之所以存在,是因為我們知道如何維持住它的影像;同樣道理,如果我們放棄了維持這些影像所需的注意力,世界就會瓦解。(《巫士的傳承》pp. 305-307)
What don Juan had struggled to vanquish, or rather suppress in me, was not my reason as the capacity for rational thought, but my "attention of the tonal," or my awareness of the world of common sense. His motive for wanting me to do so was explained by la Gorda when she said that the daily world exists because we know how to hold its images; consequently, if one drops the attention needed to maintain those images, the world collapses. (The Second Ring of Power)
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-09-15, 23:08


"Can all of you go into dreaming any time you want?" I asked.

「不,」拉葛達回答,「『做夢』需要太多的力量,我們沒有一個擁有那麼多的力量。Nagual 說要得到能量的最好方法,當然就是讓太陽射進眼睛裡,尤其是左眼。」
"No," la Gorda replied. "Dreaming takes too much power. None of us has that much power. The Nagual said that the best way of getting energy is, of course, to let the sun inside the eyes, especially the left eye."

I told her that I knew nothing about it, and she described a procedure that don Juan had taught them. As she spoke I remembered that don Juan had also taught the same procedure to me. It consisted in moving my head slowly from side to side as I caught the sunlight with my half-closed left eye. He said that one could not only use the sun but could use any kind of light that could shine on the eyes.


La Gorda said that holding the images of dreams was a Toltec art. After years of consuming practice each one of them was able to perform one act in any dream. Lidia could walk on anything, Rosa could dangle from anything, Josefina could hide behind anything and she herself could fly. But they were only beginners, apprentices of the art. They had complete attention for only one activity. She added that Genaro was the master of "dreaming" and could turn the tables around and have attention for as many activities as we have in our daily life, and that for him the two domains of attention had the same value.

(《巫士的傳承》pp. 308-309)
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-09-17, 15:40


She said that we had a terribly busy day ahead of us and we needed to store energy in order to withstand it. We had, therefore, to energize ourselves with the sunlight. She said that the circumstances required that we take the sunlight with the left eye. She began to move her head slowly from side to side as she glanced directly into the sun through her half-closed eyes.

A moment later Lidia, Rosa and Josefina joined us. Lidia sat to my right, Josefina sat next to her, while Rosa sat next to la Gorda. All of them were resting their backs against the poles. I was in the middle of the row.

It was a clear day. The sun was just above the distant range of mountains. They started moving their heads in perfect synchronization. I joined them and had the feeling that I too had synchronized my motion with theirs. They kept it up for about a minute and then stopped.

All of them wore hats and used the brims to protect their faces from the sunlight when they were not bathing their eyes in it. La Gorda had given me my old hat to wear.

We sat there for about half an hour. In that time we repeated the exercise countless times. I intended to make a mark on my pad for each time but la Gorda very casually pushed my pad out of reach.

(《巫士的傳承》pp. 319-320)
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-09-18, 16:14

魯宓把 tonal self 翻成「tonal 本身」,如果是這樣,英文應該是 tonal itself。tonal self 應指日常世界中的自己。一種簡單的 tonal 和 nagual 區分,可理解為世俗諦與勝義諦。以下重譯過,因為原文句子有點複雜,魯宓沒有翻得很精確:

(Nagual 注意力=第二注意力)。


唐望曾說我們的「第一力量之環」在我們生命很早期便開始使用,我們活在以為對我們來說那就是全部這樣的印記下。對於絕大多數的我們,「第二力量之環」——「Nagual 注意力」,則保持隱藏著,只有在我們死亡那刻才會對我們顯露。然而,有一條我們任何人都可企及的途徑可以通向它,但是只有巫士會採取,那條途徑就是通過「做夢」。「做夢」在本質上是普通夢的轉化,以成為涉及意志的事務。做夢者藉由使用他們的「nagual 注意力」專注於普通夢中的項目與事件上,而將這些夢變成「做夢」。
Don Juan had said that our "first ring of power" is engaged very early in our lives and that we live under the impression that that is all there is to us. Our "second ring of power," the "attention of the nagual," remains hidden for the immense majority of us, and only at the moment of our death is it revealed to us. There is a pathway to reach it, however, which is available to every one of us, but which only sorcerers take, and that pathway is through "dreaming." "Dreaming" was in essence the transformation of ordinary dreams into affairs involving volition. Dreamers, by engaging their "attention of the nagual" and focusing it on the items and events of their ordinary dreams, change those dreams into "dreaming."

唐望說要達到 nagual 注意力是無程序可循的,他只給我一些指示:在夢中尋找我的手是第一個指示;然後注意力的練習擴展到尋找東西、搜尋具體的特徵,諸如建築物、街道等等。從那裡,跳到在一天的特定時間夢見特定地點的「做夢」;最後階段,是吸引「nagual 注意力」專注於 tonal 的自己。
Don Juan said that there were no procedures to arrive at the attention of the nagual. He only gave me pointers. Finding my hands in my dreams was the first pointer; then the exercise of paying attention was elongated to finding objects, looking for specific features, such as buildings, streets and so on. From there the jump was to "dreaming" about specific places at specific times of the day. The final stage was drawing the "attention of the nagual" to focus on the total self.

唐望說最後階段通常是由一個我們很多人在某個時候都會有的夢所引入,在那個夢中,我們看著自己睡在床上。當巫士有這種夢時,他的注意力已經發展到如此程度:他不會弄醒自己——像我們大多數人在類似情況下會做的,反而連忙轉身並從事其他的活動,就像他在日常生活世界般地行動。從那一刻起產生一個斷裂,勉強稱得上是本來一致的人格的分裂。使用「nagual 注意力」並把它發展到我們日常世界注意力的高度和複雜性,在唐望的體系中,其結果是另一個自己,與自己完全一樣,但是在「做夢」中產生的。
Don Juan said that that final stage was usually ushered in by a dream that many of us have had at one time or another, in which one is looking at oneself sleeping in bed. By the time a sorcerer has had such a dream, his attention has been developed to such a degree that instead of waking himself up, as most of us would do in a similar situation, he turns on his heels and engages himself in activity, as if he were acting in the world of everyday life. From that moment on there is a breakage, a division of sorts in the otherwise unified personality. The result of engaging the "attention of the nagual" and developing it to the height and sophistication of our daily attention of the world was, in don Juan’s scheme, the other self, an identical being as oneself, but made in "dreaming."

唐望曾告訴我,要達到分身沒有明確的標準步驟,就像對我們來說要達到日常覺知也沒有一定的步驟。我們只是靠練習而做到。他聲稱在從事「nagual 注意力」的行動時,我們自然會找到步驟。他催促我去練習「做夢」,而不要讓我的恐懼把「做夢」變成障礙的產物。
Don Juan had told me that there are no definite standard steps for reaching that double, as there are no definite steps for us to reach our daily awareness. We simply do it by practicing. He contended that in the act of engaging our "attention of the nagual," we would find the steps. He urged me to practice "dreaming" without letting my fears make it into an encumbering production.

He had done the same with la Gorda and the little sisters, but obviously something in them had made them more receptive to the idea of another level of attention.

"Genaro was in his body of dreaming most of the time," la Gorda said. "He liked it better. That’s why he could do the weirdest things and scare you half to death. Genaro could go in and out of the crack between the worlds like you and I can go in and out a door."

(《巫士的傳承》pp. 309-311)
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 跨類夢修相關書籍摘錄(2)

文章一意孤行 » 2016-09-22, 09:23

文章: 66
註冊時間: 2015-09-21, 09:38
來自: 中国四川成都

Re: 跨類夢修相關書籍摘錄(2)

文章一意孤行 » 2016-09-22, 09:40

文章: 66
註冊時間: 2015-09-21, 09:38
來自: 中国四川成都


文章SW » 2016-09-25, 22:36


「對於某些戰士,不完整並不是達成 nagual 注意力的障礙。」
"To be incomplete is no handicap to reaching that attention for some warriors. "

「Nagual 一再告訴你,戰士唯一的自由是去完美無缺的行動。」
"The Nagual told you time and time again that the only freedom warriors have is to behave impeccably."

「他說因為你是空虛的,他必須用跟我們不一樣的方式來聚集你的第二注意力——nagual 注意力。我們藉由『做夢』來聚集第二注意力,而你是藉由他的力量植物。」
"He said that because you were empty he had to gather your second attention, your attention of the nagual, in a way different than ours. We gathered that attention through dreaming and you did it with his power plants."

「現在我們要談他要你去做的事。他說現在你必須要改變方向,開始用另一種方式來聚集你的第二注意力,比較像我們的方式。除非你能平衡你的第二注意力,否則你無法繼續在知識的道路上前進。到目前為止,你的第二注意力一直是靠著 Nagual 的力量,但現在你是一個人了。這就是他要我告訴你的。」
"Now we’re coming to what he wanted you to do. He said that you must change directions now and begin gathering your second attention in another way, more like us. You can’t keep on the path of knowledge unless you balance your second attention. So far, that attention of yours has been riding on the Nagual’s power, but now you are alone. That’s what he wanted me to tell you."

"How do I balance my second attention?"

"You have to do dreaming the way we do it. Dreaming is the only way to gather the second attention without injuring it. "

(巫士的傳承,pp. 314-317)
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-09-25, 22:43


「Nagual 告訴我說,人類是由很多層的光明所構成的脆弱生物。當你看見那些光明時,它們像是具有纖維,但是這些纖維其實是很多層次,就像洋蔥。任何會分離那些層次的震動甚至會造成生物死亡。」
"The Nagual told me that human beings are frail creatures composed of many layers of luminosity. When you see them, they seem to have fibers, but those fibers are really layers, like an onion. Jolts of any kind separate those layers and can even cause human beings to die."

「他跟我解釋,在我們明體的中心是 nagual 注意力,它總是想向外衝出,致使纖維鬆動。巫士必須盡最大的努力保持他們的層次緊閉。因此 Nagual 教我們『做夢』。『做夢』能使這些層次緊密。當巫士學習『做夢』時,他們把他們的兩種注意力結合在一起。」
"He explained to me that the center of our luminosity, which is the attention of the nagual, is always pushing out, and that’s what loosens the layers. Sorcerers have to do their best to keep their own layers closed. That’s why the Nagual taught us dreaming. Dreaming tightens the layers. When sorcerers learn dreaming they tie together their two attentions."

「Nagual 和哲那羅是巫士。他們的兩種注意力是如此緊密的結合,也許他們永遠不會死。」(註)
"The Nagual and Genaro are sorcerers. Their two attentions are so tightly together that perhaps they’ll never die."

「Nagual 這麼說的嗎,葛達?」
"Did the Nagual say that, Gorda?"

"Yes. He and Genaro both told me that."

(巫士的傳承,pp. 317, 322-324)


註:唐望跟他的同儕巫士共 16 人,全數點燃內在的火焰,連衣服鞋子一起化光消失。我的理解應該類似大遷轉虹光身。
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-09-28, 13:48



「Nagual 說凝視樹葉能強化第二注意力。如果你凝視一堆樹葉幾個小時,如他常叫我做的,你的念頭就會靜下來。沒有念頭,tonal 注意力就會減弱,於是突然間,你的第二注意力就會鉤上樹葉,樹葉就會變成其他的東西。Nagual 稱第二注意力鉤上什麼的時刻為停頓世界。這是一點也沒錯的,世界會停住。因此,當你凝視時總是要有人在一旁。我們永遠無法知道我們第二注意力的怪癖,既然我們沒用過它,我們必須要先熟悉它,才能冒險單獨進行凝視。
"The Nagual said that gazing at leaves fortifies the second attention. If you gaze at a pile of leaves for hours, as he used to make me do, your thoughts get quiet. Without thoughts the attention of the tonal wanes and suddenly your second attention hooks onto the leaves and the leaves become something else. The Nagual called the moment when the second attention hooks onto something stopping the world. And that is correct, the world stops. For this reason there should always be someone around when you gaze. We never know about the quirks of our second attention. Since we have never used it, we have to become familiar with it before we could venture into gazing alone.

「凝視的困難在於學習使念頭寂止。Nagual 說他偏好用一堆樹葉來教我們如何凝視,因為我們想要凝視時隨時都可以找到樹葉,但是使用其他任何東西也可以。
"The difficulty in gazing is to learn to quiet down the thoughts. The Nagual said that he preferred to teach us how to do that with a pile of leaves because we could get all the leaves we needed any time we wanted to gaze. But anything else would do the same job.

「一旦你能停頓世界,你就是個凝視者。而停頓世界的唯一方式就是去嘗試,於是 Nagual 讓我們全體凝視枯葉好幾年。我認為這是達到我們第二注意力最好的方法。
"Once you can stop the world you are a gazer. And since the only way of stopping the world is by trying, the Nagual made all of us gaze at dry leaves for years and years. I think it’s the best way to reach our second attention.

「他把凝視枯葉與尋找雙手在『做夢』中結合在一起。我花了一年時間才找到我的雙手,四年時間才停頓世界。Nagual 說一旦你用枯葉捕捉到第二注意力,就要用凝視與『做夢』來擴展它。這就是關於凝視的一切。」
"He combined gazing at dry leaves and looking for our hands in dreaming. It took me about a year to find my hands, and four years to stop the world. The Nagual said that once you have trapped your second attention with dry leaves, you do gazing and dreaming to enlarge it. And that’s all there is to gazing."

She said that she had made that cushion herself for her comfort when she was learning to gaze, because the position of the body was of great importance while one was gazing. One had to sit on the ground on a soft mat of leaves, or on a cushion made out of natural fibers. The back had to be propped against a tree, or a stump, or a flat rock. The body had to be thoroughly relaxed. The eyes were never fixed on the object, in order to avoid tiring them. The gaze consisted in scanning very slowly the object gazed at, going counterclockwise but without moving the head.

(《巫士的傳承》pp. 327-328;334-335)
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2016-10-02, 14:01


She sat down very close to me, to my left, and began giving me instructions. Almost in a whisper she told me to keep my eyelids half closed and stare at the place where two enormous round hills converged. There was a narrow, steep water canyon there. She said that that particular gazing consisted of four separate actions. The first one was to use the brim of my hat as a visor to shade off the excessive glare from the sun and allow only a minimal amount of light to come to my eyes; then to half-close my eyelids; the third step was to sustain the opening of my eyelids in order to maintain a uniform flow of light; and the fourth step was to distinguish the water canyon in the background through the mesh of light fibers on my eyelashes.

I could not follow her instructions at first. The sun was high over the horizon and I had to tilt my head back. I tipped my hat until I had blocked off most of the glare with the brim. That seemed to be all that was needed. As soon as I half closed my eyes, a bit of light that appeared as if it were coming from the tip of my hat literally exploded on my eyelashes, which were acting as a filter that created a web of light. I kept my eyelids half closed and played with the web of light for a moment until I could distinguish the dark, vertical outline of the water canyon in the background.

La Gorda told me then to gaze at the middle part of the canyon until I could spot a very dark brown blotch. She said that it was a hole in the canyon which was not there for the eye that looks, but only for the eye that "sees." She warned me that I had to exercise my control as soon as I had isolated that blotch, so that it would not pull me toward it. Rather, I was supposed to zoom in on it and gaze into it. She suggested that the moment I found the hole I should press my shoulders on hers to let her know. She slid sideways until she was leaning on me.

I struggled for a moment to keep the four actions coordinated and steady, and suddenly a dark spot was formed in the middle of the canyon. I noticed immediately that I was not seeing it in the way I usually see. The dark spot was rather an impression, a visual distortion of sorts. The moment my control waned it disappeared. It was in my field of perception only if I kept the four actions under control.

The dark blotch in my field of perception became almost black. I leaned on la Gorda’s shoulder to let her know. She whispered in my ear that I should struggle to keep my eyelids in the position they were in and breathe calmly from my abdomen. I should not let the blotch pull me, but gradually go into it. The thing to avoid was letting the hole grow and suddenly engulf me. In the event that that happened I had to open my eyes immediately.

A moment later the little sisters came out of the house and sat down to gaze with her.

Their gazing mastery was obvious. Their bodies acquired a strange rigidity. They did not seem to be breathing at all. Their stillness was so contagious that I caught myself half closing my eyes and staring into the hills.

(《巫士的傳承》pp. 335-338)
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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