由 SW » 2016-09-14, 22:04
He explained that the reason sorcerers put so much emphasis on the shine of their eyes and on their gaze is because the eyes are directly connected to intent. Contradictory as it might sound, the truth is that the eyes are only superficially connected to the world of everyday life. Their deeper connection is to the abstract. I could not conceive how my eyes could store that sort of information, and I said as such. Don Juan's reply was that man's possibilities are so vast and mysterious that sorcerers, rather than thinking about them, had chosen to explore them, with no hope of ever understanding them.
(SW:大圓滿口訣部秘密教法,都涉及眼睛的凝視,搭配不同的身體姿勢與看式來增進(內在實相)境界的現前。所謂眼睛更深層連結至抽象,「抽象」這裡指的等同勝義諦或唐望故事所稱的 Nagual,也就是絕對真理,其無法以文字語言思維等相對的一切來理解。)
I asked him if an average man's eyes were also affected by intent.
"Of course!" he exclaimed. "You know all this. But you know it at such a deep level that it is silent knowledge. You haven't sufficient energy to explain it, even to yourself.
(SW:絕對的真理超越言詮,甚至也不可思議。所以書名本叫 The Power of Silence「寂靜的力量」,譯者魯宓改稱「寂靜的知識」也很恰當,確實也非一般智識的知識。所知障所障礙的就是對絕對真理的瞭解,我相信就算有能量也沒辦法解釋。〈大圓滿基道果發願文〉中有段:「不可思議捏造離,……,此義宣說佛舌鈍,初中後無、深明界,願悟大圓基義圓。」連佛陀要解釋都為之舌鈍啊!)
"The average man knows the same thing about his eyes, but he has even less energy than you. The only advantages sorcerers may have over average men is that they have stored their energy, which means a more precise, clearer connecting link with intent. Naturally, it also means they can recollect at will, using the shine of their eyes to move their assemblage points."
Don Juan stopped talking and fixed me with his gaze. I clearly felt his eyes guiding, pushing and pulling something indefinite in me. I could not break away from his stare. His concentration was so intense it actually caused a physical sensation in me: I felt as if I were inside a furnace. And, quite abruptly, I was looking inward. It was a sensation very much like being in an absentminded reverie, but with the strange accompanying sensation of an intense awareness of myself and an absence of thoughts. Supremely aware, I was looking inward, into nothingness.
〔SW:這是我接觸過的一種直指(direct introduction)方式,上師只是以眼神凝視弟子,然後弟子就被定住了,在這無法度量的時間內,「心識暫時離開了明體,明體閃了一下光。遇見自己真正的根本上師,就可能出現凡庸分別念瞬間斷流的現象。」
下一步是認識本覺的方法,在丹貝旺旭法王的《金剛密乘大圓滿》中講到:「當以自心稍許向內輕微地觀於它自身的時候,會有一種遠離一切散亂分別的赤裸明清,這就是本覺。」(p. 35)並非隨時向內看就可瞥見本覺,前提必須在超越(能觀所觀)二元的情況下內觀,「只要將心置於它的本然之中即會生起所謂『空明』的狀態,無論怎樣都會現前覺性。」〕
(《寂靜的知識》p. 151)