作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com

唐望故事—做夢篇 REVIEW

Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-51

文章SW » 2024-03-23, 17:34

前一集講到在「靜態守夜」階段,要現前出色斑或明點,藉由此通道進入第二注意力的層面。如 EP34 所摘:

「靜態的守夜」(restful vigil,寧靜守夜)是初步的狀態;在這個狀態下,感官處於休眠,但人仍然保有意識。就我而言,於此狀態,我總是會感知到一片紅色的光(a flood of reddish light);就像是面對太陽緊閉眼皮所看到的光。


接下來蘇麗卡開始教導肉體和能量體的合一。在《巫士的穿越》中,說到過錯誤的二分法:「人的二元性不是在於靈肉分離,而是肉體與能量體分離,所以兩者若能合一或者不二,兩者相互轉換理論上也是沒問題的」(見 EP39)。





「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-51



這時我明白了,要描述在做夢中發生的事是不可能的。蘇麗卡說,左、右邊意識(right and left side awareness)是包裹在一起的。兩者一起安住於(rest in)第二注意力被壓凹的中心的同一束裡面。為了要做夢,一個人需要〔同時〕控制明晰體(能量體)與肉體。

第一,第二注意力的聚合中心必須由其他人從外部推入(push in),或由做夢者從內部吸入(suck in)來成辦。第二,為了遣除(dislodge)第一注意力,位於身體中心(腹部)與小腿的中心,尤其是右小腿的中心,必須受到刺激,並盡可能地靠近彼此,直到〔此二處〕似乎連在一起。然後,被捆起來的感覺就會發生,第二注意力就會自動接管。




《老鷹的贈予》pp. 292-295,重譯

Zuleica started then on another facet of her teachings. She taught me how to move. She began her instruction by commanding me to place my awareness on the midpoint of my body. In my case the midpoint is below the lower edge of my belly button.
First I noticed the itch on the point of the second attention in my luminous shell. Then I felt as if I were being folded in two and rolled inside a sheet. When the rolling ended I could not sense my body any more. I was only an amorphous awareness. That awareness came to rest inside a ditch.
I understood then the impossibility of describing what takes place in dreaming. Zuleica said that the right and left side awareness are wrapped up together. Both of them come to rest in one single bundle in the dent; the depressed center of the second attention. To do dreaming one needs to manipulate both the luminous body and the physical body.

First, the center of assembling for the second attention has to be made accessible by being pushed in from the outside by someone else, or sucked in from within by the dreamer. Second, in order to dislodge the first attention, the centers of the physical body located in the midsection and the calves, especially the right one, have to be stimulated and placed as close to one another as possible until they seem to join. Then the sensation of being bundled takes place and automatically the second attention takes over.

Zuleica's explanation, given in commands, was the most cogent way of describing what takes place because none of the sensory experiences involved in dreaming are part of our normal inventory of sensory data.

Zuleica also said that the feeling of being rolled up like a cigar and placed inside the dent of the second attention was the result of merging my right and left awareness into a single awareness in which the order of predominance has been switched, and the left has gained supremacy. She challenged me to be attentive enough to catch the reversal motion; the two attentions again becoming what they normally are with the right holding the reins.

Zuleica said that first of all I had to perfect my command of moving at will. She began her instruction by directing me time and time again to open my eyes while I was in a state of restful vigil. It took a great deal of effort for me to do it. One time my eyes opened suddenly and I saw Zuleica looming over me.
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-52

文章SW » 2024-04-06, 17:04






總之,理論是一回事,實際訓練又是一回事。光一個從清明夢中換景出來的自主性動作(volitional movement),做夢者班做夢者就花費巨大的努力,因為前個清明夢的場景,過於錨定(定著),而你的理智也並不如真正醒時一般,能做出明確的切割,並能移動出來(換景)。(如前所說,其實並沒有一個真正的「移動」,只不過是打斷連結重新再聚合罷了。)

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-52


一旦我瞭解了這個原則,蘇麗卡就讓我練習每一個想得到的意願移動(volitional movement意志行動)。我練習得越多,就越清楚做夢其實是一種理性的狀態。






《老鷹的贈予》pp. 296-298,重譯

The second attention was calmness itself....Something in me rocked, and suddenly I was standing....In order to move I had to intend my moving at a very deep level. In other words, I had to be utterly convinced that I wanted to move, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that I had to be convinced that I needed to move.

Once I had understood that principle, Zuleica made me practice every conceivable aspect of volitional movement. The more I practiced, the clearer it became for me that dreaming was in fact a rational state.

Zuleica explained it. She said that in dreaming, the right side, the rational awareness, is wrapped up inside the left side awareness in order to give the dreamer a sense of sobriety and rationality; but that the influence of rationality has to be minimal and used only as an inhibiting mechanism to protect the dreamer from excesses and bizarre undertakings.

The next step was learning to direct my dreaming body....Zuleica presented to me, accordingly, the task of opening my eyes from a state of restful vigil to see the patio.

It took many more sessions of dreaming for me to learn, at last, to open my eyes to see either Zuleica or to see the dark patio. I realized then that she herself had been dreaming all along. She had never been in person behind me in the alcove in the hall. I had been right the first night when I thought that my back was against the wall. Zuleica was merely a voice from dreaming.

During one of the dreaming sessions, when I opened my eyes deliberately to see Zuleica, I was shocked to find la Gorda as well as Josefina looming over me together with Zuleica. The final facet of her teaching began then.

Zuleica taught the three of us to journey with her. She said that our first attention was hooked to the emanations of the earth, while our second attention was hooked to the emanations of the universe. What she meant by that was that a dreamer by definition is outside the boundaries of the concerns of everyday life. As a traveler in dreaming then, Zuleica's last task with la Gorda, Josefina, and me was to tune our second attention to follow her around in her voyages into the unknown.
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-53

文章SW » 2024-04-27, 16:16


我引個 2008 年資深佛友寫給我的書信內容:




宗喀巴大師夢到文殊菩薩「顯靈」時,也是先去問過自己老師。所以也不用太聽信夢中某人所說,誰又知道他是護法咧?不然你得像 Jane Roberts 信封藏字測試賽斯啊!

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-53






《老鷹的贈予》pp. 300-301,重譯

Zuleica took us systematically on voyages that were beyond words. La Gorda said that Zuleica took Josefina even farther and deeper into the unknown, because Josefina was, just like Zuleica herself, quite a bit crazy. Neither of them had that core of rationality that supplies a dreamer with sobriety, thus they had no barriers and no interest in finding out rational causes or reasons for anything.

The only thing that Zuleica told me about our journeys that sounded like an explanation was that the dreamers' power to focus on their second attention made them into living slingshots. The stronger and the more impeccable the dreamers were, the farther they could project their second attention into the unknown, and the longer their dreaming projection would last.

Don Juan said that my journeys with Zuleica were no illusion, and that everything I had done with her was a step toward the control of the second attention. In other words, Zuleica was teaching me the perceptual bias of that other realm.

He could not explain, however, the exact nature of those journeys; or perhaps he did not want to commit himself. He said that if he attempted to explain the perceptual bias of the second attention in terms of the perceptual bias of the first, he would only trap himself hopelessly in words. He wanted me to draw my own conclusion, and the more I thought about the whole matter, the clearer it became to me that his reluctance was functional.

Under Zuleica's guidance during her instruction for the second attention, I made factual visitations to mysteries that were certainly beyond the scope of my reason, but obviously within the possibilities of my total awareness. I learned to voyage into something incomprehensible and ended up, like Emilito and Juan Tuma, having my own tales of eternity.
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-54

文章SW » 2024-05-18, 16:49


為避免落入佛法語彙中的第六意識的意識,所以在此區別了 awareness 和 consciousness。但我並不確定卡氏的用詞有區隔這兩者。但比較原始的稱為覺性,比較後天養成的稱為注意力,這應該是沒有太大的問題。

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-54

唐望說,在人類成長的某個特定時期,繭內的放射會變得非常明亮;當人類累積了經驗時,它(此放射)開始發光。在某些情況下,此放射帶的光輝(glow)急遽增加,而與外部的放射融合。看見者目睹了這種情況,不得不推論出覺性(awareness)是原料(raw material,指原始狀態),而注意力(attention)是成熟後的最終結果。


他解釋說,人類的第一注意力是動物的覺知(animal awareness),其透過經驗的過程,被發展成一種複雜、精細而極其脆弱的能力,負責處理日常世界不計其數的各個方面。

「就看見者所看到的而言,第一注意力是覺性之光(glow)發展成的一種極端光亮(ultra shine),」他繼續說道。「但可以這麼說,它是固定在〔能量〕繭的表面。這是一種覆蓋已知〔世界〕的光輝。




他說,第二注意力也叫「左邊的覺知」(leftside awareness,魯宓翻「左邊的意識」);它是人們所能想像到的最廣闊的領域,事實上,它是如此廣闊,乃至於似乎浩瀚無邊。

《內在的火焰》pp. 89-91,重譯

He said that at a given time in the growth of human beings a band of the emanations inside their cocoons becomes very bright; as human beings accumulate experience, it begins to glow. In some instances, the glow of this band of emanations increases so dramatically that it fuses with the emanations from the outside. Seers, witnessing an enhancement of this kind, had to surmise that awareness is the raw material and attention the end product of maturation.

He explained that the first attention in man is animal awareness, which has been developed, through the process of experience, into a complex, intricate, and extremely fragile faculty that takes care of the daytoday world in all its innumerable aspects.

“Seers say that there are three types of attention,”don Juan went on.“When they say that, they mean it just for human beings, not for all the sentient beings in existence. But the three are not just types of attention, they are rather three levels of attainment. They are the first, second, and third attention, each of them an independent domain, complete in itself.”

“In terms of what seers see, the first attention is the glow of awareness developed to an ultra shine,”he continued.“But it is a glow fixed on the surface of the cocoon, so to speak. It is a glow that covers the known.

“The second attention, on the other hand, is a more complex and specialized state of the glow of awareness. It has to do with the unknown. It comes about when unused emanations inside man’s cocoon are utilized.

“The reason I called the second attention specialized is that in order to utilize those unused emanations, one needs uncommon, elaborate tactics that require supreme discipline and concentration.”

He said that he had told me before, when he was teaching me the art of dreaming, that the concentration needed to be aware that one is having a dream is the forerunner of the second attention. That concentration is a form of consciousness that is not in the same category as the consciousness needed to deal with the daily world.

He said that the second attention is also called the leftside awareness; and it is the vastest field that one can imagine, so vast in fact that it seems limitless.
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-55

文章SW » 2024-06-01, 17:01

以下有兩個重點:一是做夢者是脆弱敏感的,所以容易受到外界能量影響。二是配合放射,英文是 alignment,動詞 align(使一致)。


接下來我想多點篇幅討論 align, alignment 這個詞彙。文中魯宓翻譯成「配合放射」,這裡我就沒改了。但我想到益西南開仁波切去年講課時提過這個單字:

In reality it should all be simultaneous, because it’s inseparable, these three can not be divided. So we align. It's a little bit like when there's an eclipse, the planets have to be aligned. When they are perfectly aligned, there is this instant presence, there is a presence in that instant what we need. So if they are not there, all three of them, this doesn't occur.



「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-55



「新看見者最嚴格的指令之一,」唐望繼續說道,「就是戰士們必須在正常意識狀態(normal state of awareness)下學習做夢。按照這項指令,我幾乎從我們見面的第一天就開始教你做夢了。」


「新看見者瞭解到,在我們正常意識狀態下,我們有無數的防禦措施,可以保護我們免受未使用的放射力量突然在夢中配合放射(become aligned)的影響。」






《內在的火焰》pp. 201-203,重譯

Don Juan quite abruptly resumed his explanation. He said that as time passed and the new seers established their practices, they realized that under the prevailing conditions of life, stalking only moved the assemblage points minimally.

They realized that dreaming was in itself the most effective way to move the assemblage point.

“One of the strictest commands of the new seers,” don Juan continued, “was that warriors have to learn dreaming while they are in their normal state of awareness. Following that command, I began teaching you dreaming almost from the first day we met.”

“Because dreaming is so dangerous and dreamers so vulnerable,” he said. “It is dangerous because it has inconceivable power; it makes dreamers vulnerable because it leaves them at the mercy of the incomprehensible force of alignment.

“The new seers realized that in our normal state of awareness, we have countless defenses that can safeguard us against the force of unused emanations that suddenly become aligned in dreaming.”

Don Juan explained that dreaming, like stalking, began with a simple observation. The old seers became aware that in dreams the assemblage point shifts slightly to the left side in a most natural manner. That point indeed relaxes when man sleeps and all kinds of unused emanations begin to glow.

The old seers became immediately intrigued with that observation and began to work with that natural shift until they were able to control it. They called that control dreaming, or the art of handling the dreaming body.

He said that seers, old and new, understand dreaming as being the control of the natural shift that the assemblage point undergoes in sleep. He stressed that to control that shift does not mean in any way to direct it, but to keep the assemblage point fixed at the position where it naturally moves in sleep.

The old seers had seen that in some dreams, the assemblage point of the dreamer would drift considerably deeper into the left side than in other dreams. This observation posed to them the question of whether the content of the dream makes the assemblage point move, or the movement of the assemblage point by itself produces the content of the dream by activating unused emanations.

They soon realized that the shifting of the assemblage point into the left side is what produces dreams. The farther the movement, the more vivid and bizarre the dream.
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-56

文章SW » 2024-06-15, 17:39





我回頭查了卡斯塔尼達對第一本《巫士唐望的教誨》的三十週年紀念序文,所謂的「認知」系統,英文是 cognition。無獨有偶,最近聽宗薩欽哲仁波切直播「金剛乘成就法」,他口中的 the very-moment cognizance 翻譯為當下覺知。所以這個認知是與覺知有關的。我找了一下兩字的差異:

cognition: (psychology心) the process by which knowledge and understanding is developed in the mind認知;感知;認識(過程)
cognizance:(formal) knowledge or understanding of something認識;獲知;領悟
cognition指的是develop knowledge and understanding的PROCESS;
cognizance指的是knowledge or understanding本身。

cognition is the mental process of knowing, learning, and understanding things. 認識(過程);認識力。
cognizance: a formal word.1. Cognizance is knowledge or understanding. 認識;覺知

(按:這兩字衍生的形容詞各是 cognitive 和 cognizant)

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-56







「我說過,新看見者相信聚合點可以從內部移動。他們更進一步主張,完美無缺的人不需要他人引導,靠自己節省能量,他們就能做到看見者所做的一切。他們需要的只是一個最小的機會,就是覺知到看見者所揭示的可能性(just to be cognizant of the possibilities that seers have unraveled)。」

《內在的火焰》pp. 204-205,重譯

(1) 看見者把人看見成一種能量場,像個明亮的蛋。古代看見者指古代傳統特爾提克(托爾特克)時期的看見者。
(2) 新看見者:新階段的看見者,是追求絕對自由的戰士,他們完全主宰了對意識、潛獵及意願的控制,使他們能不受死亡的掌握。他們能夠選擇離開世界的時間與方式。一旦時機成熟,他們會被一股來自內在的火焰所包圍,然後從這個地球上消失蹤影,自在無礙。

He told me that thus far I had understood dreaming as being the control of dreams, and that every one of the exercises he had given me to perform, such as finding my hands in my dreams, was not, although it might seem to be, aimed at teaching me to command my dreams. Those exercises were designed to keep my assemblage point fixed at the place where it had moved in my sleep. It is here that the dreamers have to strike a subtle balance. All they can direct is the fixation of their assemblage points. Seers are like fishermen equipped with a line that casts itself wherever it may; the only thing they can do is keep the line anchored at the place where it sinks.

“Wherever the assemblage point moves in dreams is called the dreaming position,” he went on. “The old seers became so expert at keeping their dreaming position that they were even able to wake up while their assemblage points were anchored there.

“The old seers called that state the dreaming body, because they controlled it to the extreme of creating a temporary new body every time they woke up at a new dreaming position.

“In dreaming, there is really no way of directing the movement of the assemblage point; the only thing that dictates that shift is the inner strength of dreamers.”

With that system, the warriors’ way or the warriors’ path, the new seers fortified themselves and acquired the internal strength they needed to guide the shift of the assemblage point in dreams. Don Juan stressed that the strength that he was talking about was not conviction alone. Internal strength meant a sense of equanimity, almost of indifference, a feeling of being at ease, but, above all, it meant a natural and profound bent for examination, for understanding. The new seers called all these traits of character sobriety.

“The conviction that the new seers have,” he continued, “is that a life of impeccability by itself leads unavoidably to a sense of sobriety, and this in turn leads to the movement of the assemblage point.

“I’ve said that the new seers believed that the assemblage point can be moved from within. They went one step further and maintained that impeccable men need no one to guide them, that by themselves, through saving their energy, they can do everything that seers do. All they need is a minimal chance, just to be cognizant of the possibilities that seers have unraveled.”
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-57

文章SW » 2024-07-06, 16:33









「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-57



I knew without any doubt whatsoever that don Juan was right. All that is required is impeccability, energy, and that begins with a single act that has to be deliberate, precise, and sustained. If that act is repeated long enough, one acquires a sense of unbending intent, which can be applied to anything else. If that is accomplished the road is clear. One thing will lead to another until the warrior realizes his full potential.

He exclaimed that this was a example of the strength that he was talking about. He explained that my assemblage point had shifted, and that it had been moved by sobriety to a position that fostered understanding. It could have as well been moved by capriciousness to a position that only enhances selfimportance, as had been the case many times before.

我親眼目睹過哲那羅的做夢體(dreaming body)的實際情況(as it really is),就是一團光(a blob of light)。

我問他怎麼知道我做到了。他回答說,他看見我的聚合點先是移向平常的設定(normal setting,即醒時平常的位置)以控制我的恐懼,然後進一步向左移動,超過了沒有懷疑的位置(beyond the point where there are no doubts)。

「從那個位置,你只能看見一件事:能量團(blobs of energy)。」他繼續說道。「但從強化意識(heightened awareness)移動到左邊更深的另一點(位置),只是一次短暫的跳躍。真正的困難是讓聚合點從平常的設定轉換到沒有懷疑的位置(the point of no doubt)。」


唐望接著概述了達到做夢體的流程。他說,這要從最初的行動開始,而這是透過持續的行動培養出堅定不移的意願。堅定不移的意願會帶來內在的寂靜,而內在的寂靜則會帶來內在的力量(inner strength),讓聚合點在夢中移動到適當的位置。


《內在的火焰》pp. 208-210,重譯

I had seen Genaro’s dreaming body as it really is, a blob of light.

I asked him how he was so sure I had done that. He replied that he had seen my assemblage point first move toward its normal setting in order to compensate for my fright, then move deeper into the left, beyond the point where there are no doubts.

“At that position there is only one thing one can see: blobs of energy,” he went on. “But from heightened awareness to that other point deeper into the left side, it is only a short hop. The real feat is to make the assemblage point shift from its normal setting to the point of no doubt.”

“The new seers have kept just the name dreaming body to mean a feeling, a surge of energy that is transported by the movement of the assemblage point to any place in this world, or to any place in the seven worlds available to man.”

Don Juan then outlined the procedure for getting to the dreaming body. He said that it starts with an initial act, which by the fact of being sustained breeds unbending intent. Unbending intent leads to internal silence, and internal silence to the inner strength needed to make the assemblage point shift in dreams to suitable positions.

He called this sequence the groundwork. The development of control comes after the groundwork has been completed; it consists of systematically maintaining the dreaming position by doggedly holding on to the vision of the dream. Steady practice results in a great facility to hold new dreaming positions with new dreams, not so much because one gains deliberate control with practice, but because every time this control is exercised the inner strength gets fortified. Fortified inner strength in turn makes the assemblage point shift into dreaming positions, which are more and more suitable to fostering sobriety; in other words, dreams by themselves become more and more manageable, even orderly.
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-58

文章SW » 2024-07-20, 14:46






另一個就是本書的主旨所謂「內在的火焰」是什麼意思。唐望傳承巫士特別是 Nagual 要負責點燃全身聚合點的任務,假設在一個聚合點配合放射(realigning an emanation)就表示一個小世界,而在所有聚合點配合放射(realigning all those emanations),就是「點燃能量繭內所有放射」(那就無所不在了),那麼人就瞬間化成虹光了。當然 Nagual 虹化的能量足以帶走整梯成員。



「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-58


「我們迫切需要的是清明(sobriety),而除了我們自己,沒有人可以給我們或 幫助我們得到它。沒有清明,聚合點的移動就會混亂,就像我們普通夢一樣混亂。




“The development of dreamers is indirect,” he went on. “That’s why the new seers believed we can do dreaming by ourselves, alone. Since dreaming uses a natural, builtin shift of the assemblage point, we should need no one to help us.

“What we badly need is sobriety, and no one can give it to us or help us get it except ourselves. Without it, the shift of the assemblage point is chaotic, as our ordinary dreams are chaotic.

“So, all in all, the procedure to get to the dreaming body is impeccability in our daily life.”

Don Juan explained that once sobriety is acquired and the dreaming positions become increasingly stronger, the next step is to wake up at any dreaming position. He remarked that the maneuver, although made to sound simple, was really a very complex affair, so complex that it requires not only sobriety but all the attributes of warriorship as well, especially intent.

I asked him how intent helps seers wake up at a dreaming position. He replied that intent, being the most sophisticated control of the force of alignment, is what maintains, through the dreamer’s sobriety, the alignment of whatever emanations have been lit up by the movement of the assemblage point.






He said that the time was getting closer for all of them to leave. He was pressing his explanation in order to finish it in time.
“How do you know that you are closer to leaving?” I asked.

“It is an internal knowledge,” he said. “You’ll know it someday yourself. You see, the nagual Julian made my assemblage point shift countless times, just as I have made yours shift. Then he left me the task of realigning all those emanations which he had helped me align through these shifts. That is the task that every nagual is left to do.

“At any rate, the job of realigning all those emanations paves the way for the peculiar maneuver of lighting up all the emanations inside the cocoon. I have nearly done that. I am about to reach my maximum. Since I am the nagual, once I do light up all the emanations inside my cocoon we will all be gone in an instant.”

「記住我告訴過你的,」他說。「不要相信情緒上的了悟(emotional realizations)。先讓你的聚合點移動,然後幾年之後,你就會有所了悟了。」

“Remember what I’ve told you,” he said. “Don’t count on emotional realizations. Let your assemblage point move first, then years later have the realization.”

《內在的火焰》pp. 210-214,重譯
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-59

文章SW » 2024-08-03, 15:53





「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-59





「請注意,我父親的命運沒有什麼不對。他的生命與死亡不比大多數人好,也不是更糟;重點是,我的聚合點移動了,而有一天我領悟到,我父親的生與死,無論對別人還是對他自己來說,都不及一堆豆子那麼多(hadn’t amounted to a hill of beans)。





《內在的火焰》pp. 230-232,重譯

“I hadn’t learned yet that the way to move that point is to establish new habits, to will it to move. When it did move, it was as if I had just discovered that the only way to deal with peerless warriors like my benefactor is not to have selfimportance, so that one can celebrate them unbiasedly.”

He said that realizations are of two kinds. One is just pep talk, great outbursts of emotion and nothing more. The other is the product of a shift of the assemblage point; it is not coupled with an emotional outburst but with action. The emotional realizations come years later after warriors have solidified, by usage, the new position of their assemblage points.

Don Juan said that under his benefactor’s guidance his assemblage point moved unnoticeably and yet profoundly. For instance, out of nowhere one day he realized that he had a fear that on the one hand made no sense to him at all, and on the other made all the sense in the world.

“My fear was that through stupidity I would lose my chance to be free and I would repeat my father’s life.

“There was nothing wrong with my father’s life, mind you. He lived and died no better and no worse than most men; the important point is that my assemblage point had moved and I realized one day that my father’s life and death hadn’t amounted to a hill of beans, either to others or to himself.

“My benefactor told me that my father and mother had lived and died just to have me, and that their own parents had done the same for them. He said that warriors were different in that they shift their assemblage points enough to realize the tremendous price that has been paid for their lives. This shift gives them the respect and awe that their parents never felt for life in general, or for being alive in particular.”

Don Juan rose from his favorite bench. He turned to me. His eyes were brilliant and peaceful.

“If you are ever so dumb as to fail in your task,” he said, “you must have at least enough energy to move your assemblage point in order to come to this bench. Sit down here for an instant, free of thoughts and desires; I will try to come here from wherever I am and collect you. I promise you that I will try.”

He then broke into a great laugh, as if the scope of his promise was too ludicrous to be believed.
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 唐望故事—做夢篇 REVIEW

文章SW » 2024-08-24, 17:33





來到 EP 60,我想就此打住。全部唐望故事做夢篇共六十集也是很好的資料庫,請多加利用。

「唐望故事」做夢篇 REVIEW-60


他解釋說,古代看見者一發現這點,就立刻對該知識的實際使用產生興趣。感興趣的結果便是他們巫術中最複雜的類別與地球有關。他們認為地球是我們一切事物的終極根源(ultimate source)。


「未知並不真正存在於人類的繭內,在未被意識(awareness,覺識、識)觸及的放射中,但從某種意義上來說,它確實存在。這就是你還不瞭解的地方。當我告訴你,除了我們所知道的世界(人間)之外,我們還可以再聚合出七個世界時,你把它當成是一件內在事務(internal affair,按:這裡可能說的是內在經歷),因為你最大的偏見(total bias,成見)是相信:你只是想像你跟我們一起做了每件事。所以,你從來沒有問過我未知到底在哪裡。多年來,我一直用手比劃著我們周圍的一切,告訴你未知就在那裏。但你從未把兩件事連在一起。」

唐望一再重申,人類繭內的放射部分只是為了意識而存在,而意識便是在將這放射部分與整體放射的同一部分相配合。後者被稱為整體放射(emanations at large),因為這些是浩瀚無邊的(immense);而說到人類繭外是不可知的,也就是說地球繭之內是不可知的。然而,在地球繭內也是未知,而在人類繭內的未知是未被意識觸及的放射。當意識之光接觸到這些(未知的放射)時,這些〔放射〕就會變得活躍,並且可以與相應的整體放射配合(調準)。一旦發生這種情形,未知便被感知而成為已知。










《內在的火焰》pp. 233-239,重譯

“The old seers saw that the earth has a cocoon,” he went on. “They saw that there is a ball encasing the earth, a luminous cocoon that entraps the Eagle’s emanations. The earth is a gigantic sentient being subjected to the same forces we are.”

He explained that the old seers, on discovering this, became immediately interested in the practical uses of that knowledge. The result of their interest was that the most elaborate categories of their sorcery had to do with the earth. They considered the earth to be the ultimate source of everything we are.

“I’ve been waiting for you to ask me the only meaningful question you can ask, but you never ask it,” he continued. “You are hooked on asking about whether the mystery of it all is inside us. You came close enough, though.

“The unknown is not really inside the cocoon of man in the emanations untouched by awareness, and yet it is there, in a manner of speaking. This is the point you haven’t understood. When I told you that we can assemble seven worlds besides the one we know, you took it as being an internal affair, because your total bias is to believe that you are only imagining everything you do with us. Therefore, you have never asked me where the unknown really is. For years I have circled with my hand to point to everything around us and I have told you that the unknown is there. You never made the connection.”

Don Juan restated over and over that the portion of emanations inside man’s cocoon is in there only for awareness, and that awareness is matching that portion of emanations with the same portion of emanations at large. They are called emanations at large because they are immense; and to say that outside man’s cocoon is the unknowable is to say that within the earth’s cocoon is the unknowable. However, inside the earth’s cocoon is also the unknown, and inside man’s cocoon the unknown is the emanations untouched by awareness. When the glow of awareness touches them, they become active and can be aligned with the corresponding emanations at large. Once that happens the unknown is perceived and becomes the known.

“I’m too dumb, don Juan. You have to break it into smaller pieces for me,” I said.
“Genaro is going to break it up for you,” don Juan retorted.

Genaro stood up and started doing the same gait of power that he had done before, while don Juan had watched in fascination. This time don Juan whispered in my ear that I should try to hear Genaro’s movements, especially the movements of his thighs as they went up against his chest every time he stepped.

I followed Genaro’s movements with my eyes. In a few seconds I felt as if I were walking with him. I was even out of breath. I was in fact walking with him, away from the place where we had been sitting. We walked for hours and hours.

“Don’t look at Genaro!” a voice ordered me in my ear. “Look around!”

The shock of seeing the surroundings was so great that I screamed in terror, but there was no sound to my voice. Around me was the most vivid picture of all the descriptions of hell in my Catholic upbringing.

Genaro started to walk again, My awareness was glued to Genaro’s movements.
I saw Genaro plop down. The instant he touched the ground and stretched himself to rest, something was released in me.

“We’re trying to make you understand alignment,” Genaro said.

“Look,” he said to me, pointing to the eastern range of mountains. “The sun has hardly moved an inch over those mountains and yet you plodded in hell for hours and hours. Don’t you find that overwhelming?”
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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