作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com

《The Crystal and the Way of Light》(水晶與光道)


文章SW » 2012-03-09, 20:49

2009/01/15 Thur., cloudy, indoor 15.4°C 《水晶與光道》英文版:完全證悟的三身成就(2)

睡前很快地看完「3. The Methods of Practicing the Essence of Dreams」,講到一些基本修持法,譬如想要夢中清明性可以睡前專注觀想喉輪紅色的阿字,但不知道今天夢多是否跟觀想紅色阿有關。另有些改善不易記夢的方法,例如枕頭墊高一點,開點窗戶,蓋薄點被子,開燈睡,右側臥(女生左側臥)等等,或者到半開放的空間去睡,我想是吸氧量的問題,也使自己不要睡得過沈。


The Sambhogakaya, or 'Body of Wealth', is the dimension of the essence of the elements that make up the gross material world, a subtle dimension of light appearing, in a wealth of forms which can only be perceived through the development of visionary capacity and mental clarity. A totally realized being may manifest a Sambhogakaya form, but in such a form is not active as is a being who manifests in a Body of Light. (The Crystal and the Way of Light, p. 130)

最後一句什麼意思?報身還比光身不生動或者遲緩?我現在才意會 Illusory Body 是幻身,剛好讀到新版《夢瑜珈》「4. The Illusory Body」,講到若將日常顯現也是為如夢似幻且不具實質,逐漸地行者也會擺脫對自身肉體或他人肉體實質的執著,這時他的肉身就慢慢變成影子或者如影般的虛幻,所以叫幻身。也講到一點成就幻身的人到中陰時就是他自身,這點以後我們摘到這裡再研究。


Each Sambhogakaya form is a 'personification' of a principle of pure wisdom. Practitioner must be active to percieve the dimension of the Sambhogakaya and gain access to the wisdom personified by a particular Sambhogakaya form, opening that dimension of his or her own being. (The Crystal and the Way of Light, p. 130)


Total Realization means that one has realized one's identity with the ultimate ground of being, the Dharmakaya, the 'Body of Truth' or 'dimension of reality as it is'. It is this omnipresent void matrix, the Xi, or Base of every individual's being that manifests in the infinitely interpenetrating dance of the energies of the universe as the Sambhogakaya and Nirmanakaya forms of a realized being. (The Crystal and the Way of Light, p. 130)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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