作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com

2017/02/27-03/12 藏曆新年:曼達拉瓦竹千法會


2017/02/27-03/12 藏曆新年:曼達拉瓦竹千法會

文章SW » 2017-02-18, 18:09

Spain, Tenerife, Dzamling Gar
February 27-March 12, 2017
Losar - Mandarava Drubchen

英文webcast 網址

台灣轉播三昧營翻譯分流網址 http://goo.gl/HIGUDO
文章: 4550
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 2017/02/27-03/12 藏曆新年:曼達拉瓦竹千法會

文章SW » 2017-02-24, 22:42

Dzamlingar Tenerife Canary Islands time [gmt+00:00]

Losar and Mandarava Druchen with Chogyal Namkhai Norbu

New Year of Fire-Bird
Melo 3934

2017: 27th Feb. Losar, the Mandarava Druchen Retreat starts. Open webcast.

27th Feb. Monday
8:30-9:30am. We do Losar Delegs and have our breakfast. Then we offer our Losar presents.
10:00-10:30am. I give the Tridlung and instructions of the Mandarava practice.
10:30-12:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava.
1:00-3:30pm. We have our lunch and then we play Bagchen and so on.
4:00-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

28th Feb. Tuesday
10:00-10:30am. I give an introduction to instructions on the Mandarava practice.
10:30-12:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava.
3:00-3:30pm. I give transmission of Ati Guru Yoga.
3:30-4:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen pills.
4:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

1st March. Wednesday
10:00-10:30am. We do Sang and Serkyem. Put up all the new Lungtas.
10:30-12:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen pills.
4:00-4:30pm. I give the tridlung of the root Mandarava text.
4:30-5:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava.
5:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

2nd March. Thursday
10:00-10:30am. I give the tridlung of the Srog-thig text till the end.
10:30-12:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen pills.
4:00-4:30pm. I give the tridlung of the Srog-thig Lung-jyor.
4:30-5:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen Pills.
5:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

3rd March. Friday
10:00-10:30am. I give the tridlung of the Mandarava Tsa-lung text.
10:30-12:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.
4:00-4:30pm. I give an explanation about the 4 Initiations.
4:30-5:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen Pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.
5:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

4th March. Saturday
10:00-11:30am. I give a Long life initiation of Mandarava to those present.
11:30-12:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.
During that time, people following the Webcast can do the practice of Mandarava
with Chudlen Pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.
4:00-5:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen Pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.
5:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

5th March. Sunday
10:00-11:40am. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.
11:40-12:15pm. Presentation of the Dzamling Gar Gonpa project and so on.
4:00-5:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen Pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.
5:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

6th March. Monday
10:00-12:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.
4:00-5:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen Pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.
5:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

7th March. Tuesday
10:00-12:00pm. We do the Mandarava practice with Gana Puja for the day of Guru Rinpoche.
4:00-5:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen Pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.
5:15-6.30pm. We do Khaita.

8th March. Wednesday
10:00-12:00pm. We do the Mandarava practice with its Srog-thig Lung-jyor 3 times.
3:00-4:00pm. We do the Mandarava practice with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig-Lung-jyor 3 times.
4:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

9th March. Thursday
10:00-12:00pm. We do the Mandarava practice with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig-Lung-jyor 3 times.
3:00-4:00pm. We do the Mandarava practice with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor 3 times.
4:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

10th March. Friday
10:00-12:00pm. We do the Mandarava practice with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor 3 times.
3:00-4:00pm. We do the Mandarava practice with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor 3 times.
4:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

11th March. Saturday
10:00-12:00pm. We do the Mandarava practice with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor 3 times.
3:00-4:00pm. We do the Mandarava practice with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor 3 times.
4:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

12th March. Sunday
3:00-3.30am. We do Guru Garab Dorje’s Jyin-beb. [WWT world wide transmission]
3:30- 3:35am. I give the Lung of the Thun Book.

10:00-10:25am. I give the Lung of many collective practices and the root text of Mandarava.
10.25-12:00pm. We do the last Mandarava practice of this retreat with its Gana Puja.
12:00-1:30pm. Fundraising. I meet many people.
4:00-6:30pm. We do Khaita.
文章: 4550
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2017-02-24, 23:20

16:30-17:30 祝賀藏曆新年,早餐,贈送新年禮物
18:00-18:30 給予曼達拉瓦修法的傳承和修法指示
18:30-20:00 共修曼達拉瓦修法

18:00-18:30 曼達拉瓦修法指示的介紹
18:30-20:00 共修曼達拉瓦修法
23:00-23:30 給予阿底上師瑜伽傳承
23:30-24:00 共修曼達拉瓦修法,使用秋練丸

18:00-18:30 煙供和八部供養,懸掛新的風馬旗
18:30-20:00 共修曼達拉瓦修法,使用秋練丸

18:00-18:30 給予完整索提修法的傳承
18:30-20:00 共修曼達拉瓦修法,使用秋練丸
00:00-00:30(次日)給予索提呼吸(Srog-thig Lung-jyor)修法傳承

18:00-18:30 給予曼達拉瓦紮龍傳承
18:30-20:00 共修曼達拉瓦修法,使用秋練丸,含索提呼吸修法

18:00-19:30 給予曼達拉瓦長壽灌頂(僅對現場參加人員)
19:30-20:00 共修曼達拉瓦修法,使用秋練丸,含索提呼吸修法

18:00-19:40 共修曼達拉瓦修法,使用秋練丸,含索提呼吸

18:00-20:00 共修曼達拉瓦修法,使用秋練丸,含索提呼吸

18:00-20:00 共修曼達拉瓦修法,含薈供(蓮師日)

18:00-20:00 共修曼達拉瓦修法,含索提呼吸修法3次
23:00-24:00 共修曼達拉瓦修法,使用秋練丸,含索提呼吸修法3次

18:00-20:00 共修曼達拉瓦修法,使用秋練丸,含索提呼吸修法3次
23:00-24:00 共修曼達拉瓦修法,使用秋練丸,含索提呼吸修法3次

18:00-20:00 共修曼達拉瓦修法,使用秋練丸,含索提呼吸修法3次
23:00-24:00 共修曼達拉瓦修法,使用秋練丸,含索提呼吸修法3次

18:00-20:00 共修曼達拉瓦修法,使用秋練丸,含索提呼吸修法3次
23:00-24:00 共修曼達拉瓦修法,使用秋練丸,含索提呼吸修法3次

11:00-11:30 噶拉多傑上師瑜伽之加持(噶拉多傑紀念日世界傳法)
11:30-11:35 給予坐修法傳承
18:00-18:25 給予日常所需修法及曼達拉瓦根本文的傳承
18:25-20:00 最後一次共修曼達拉瓦修法,含薈供
文章: 4550
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2017-03-03, 22:00

The update for Mandarava retreat schedule
webcast of Tsalung Explanations by Fabio Andrico 紮龍(氣脈修法)由 Fabio 解釋
3rd, 5th, 7th March
2.30-3.30pm (台灣時間 10:30-11:30pm)

Dzamlingar Tenerife Canary Islands time [gmt+00:00]
文章: 4550
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

文章SW » 2017-03-09, 15:55

Global practice of The Vajra Dance

on World Wide Transmission Day 12th March 2017

in webcast 6:45 pm [gmt+0:00] in Dzamlingar


It is also the last day of the Mandarava Drubchen retreat in Dzamlingar

and we will continue to connect after Khaita with a global practice

of the Vajra Dance of Space with a cycle of 9 Tun of 12 A

followed by one Song or Vajra Dance of the Song of the Vajra

and ending with another cycle of 9 Tun of the Vajra Dance of Space of 12 A.

Everyone can join, by integration of the Song or Dance on a Earth Mandala.
文章: 4550
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

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