作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com

2020/02/25 - 03/09 特內里費:曼達拉瓦禪修營


2020/02/25 - 03/09 特內里費:曼達拉瓦禪修營

文章SW » 2020-02-22, 22:48

Dear all!!

We are very pleased to announce our next webcast
From Dzamling Gar - Tenerife
time (gmt+0:00) Canary Islands

February 23(日)
17:00 Ganapuja

February 24 (LOSAR)(一)
8:00 Long Mandarava Practice(台灣下午四點)
10:30 Dance & Snow lion performance

February 25 - March 9 (Mandarava Retreat)

February 25(二):
9:00 - 10:00 Explanation of the Long Practice of Mandarava(台灣下午五點)
10:00 - 11:00 Long Practice of Mandarava.(台灣下午六點)
11:00 - 12:00 Movie about Chudlen pills + Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo talk(台灣下午七點)
15:00 - 16:45 Preparation for the Kumbhaka and Explanation of the Sogthig Breathing(台灣晚上十一點)

February 26(三) - March 9(一) (Details to be announced)
10:00 - 12:00 Explanation and Practice of Mandarava with Chulen, Sogthig Breathing, and Tsalung(台灣下午六點)
15:00 - 16:45 Tsalung Explanation with Short/essential Practice of Mandarava(台灣晚上十一點)

connect to webcast at:

https://webcast.dzogchen.net/index.php? ... ther-html5

thanks a lot for participating

with warm and kind regards,
Webcast Team
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 2020/02/25 - 03/09 特內里費:曼達拉瓦禪修營

文章SW » 2020-02-23, 21:51

2020/02/24-03/09 特內里費:曼達拉瓦禪修營
(Mandarava Retreat)

04:00PM, 長版曼達拉瓦修法
Long Mandarava Practice

05:00 – 06:00PM, 長版曼達拉瓦修法講解
Explanation of the Long Practice of Mandarava
06:00 - 07:00PM, 共修長版曼達拉瓦
Long Practice of Mandarava
07:00 - 08:00PM, 秋練丸之影片+藏醫彭措旺嫫談話
Movie about Chudlen pills + Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo talk
11:00PM - 00:45, 寶瓶氣準備法及索提呼吸法講解
Preparation for the Kumbhaka and Explanation of the Sogthig Breathing

06:00 - 08:00PM, 曼達拉瓦長壽法(加上秋練丸)、索提呼吸法與氣修法講解
Explanation and Practice of Mandarava with Chulen, Sogthig Breathing, and Tsalung
11:00PM - 00:45, 短版及精華版曼達拉瓦修法之氣修法講解
Tsalung Explanation with Short/essential Practice of Mandarava

https://webcast.dzogchen.net/index.php? ... ther-html5


Webcast Team
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2020-02-26, 20:30

Dear all !!
We’re very happy to announce the complete program of
Mandarava Retreat 2020
with Nina Robinson, Fabio Andrico and Elio Guarisco
from Dzamling Gar, Tenerife
[gmt+0:00] Canary Islands Time
remember that this is a closed retreat [use your id and password]
for connecting to closed webcast go to:

thank you very much for your participation,
warmest regards
Webcast Team

26 February
10:00 – 11:00 Explanation of the Long Mandarava Practice, of the empowerment of Chulen.
(台灣時間 06:00-07:00PM)
11:00 – 12:00 Long Mandarava Practice, Chulen and Sogthig Breathing.
(台灣時間 07:00-08:00PM)
15:00 - 16:45 How to Generate the Experience of Pleasure, Followed by a Short/Essential Mandarava Practice, Sogthig Breathing and Tsalung.
(台灣時間 11:00PM-00:45,如何生起樂受經驗,短版或精華版曼達拉瓦、呼吸法與氣修法共修)

27 February
10:00 – 12:00 Long Mandarava Practice, Chulen, Sogthig Breathing, and Tsalung.
(台灣時間 06:00-07:00PM,長版曼達拉瓦+秋練丸+索提+氣修法)
15:00 - 16:45 How to Stabilize and Enhance the Experience of Pleasure, Followed by a Short/Essential Mandarava Practice, Sogthig and Tsalung.
(台灣時間 11:00PM-00:45,如何穩固樂受經驗,短版或精華版曼達拉瓦、呼吸法與氣修法共修)

28 February
10:00 – 12:00 Long Mandarava Practice, Chulen, Sogthig Breathing and Tsalung.
(台灣時間 06:00-07:00PM,長版曼達拉瓦+秋練丸+索提+氣修法)
15:00 - 16:45 How to Train in the Experience of Heat Through the Fire of Wisdom that Eliminate Negativities and Suffering, Followed by a Short/Essential Mandarava, Sogthig Breathing, and Tsalung.
(台灣時間 11:00PM-00:45,如何透過消除負面和苦受之智慧火,來訓練熱之經驗,短版或精華版曼達拉瓦、呼吸法與氣修法共修)

29 February
10:00 – 12:00 Long Mandarava Practice, Chulen, Sogthig and Tsalung.
(台灣時間 06:00,長版曼達拉瓦+秋練丸+索提+氣修法)
15:00 – 16:45 How to Generate Rapidly the Inner Heat Through the Method of the Body and the first Method of the Channels (the Hum of Inner Heat), Followed by a Short/Essential Mandarava Practice, Sogthig Breathing, and Tsalung.
(台灣時間 11:00PM-00:45,如何透過身體的第一種氣脈(內熱之吽字)方法快速產生內熱)

1 March
10:00 – 12:00 Long Mandarava Practice, Chulen, Sogthig Breathing and Tsalung.
Naomi or Sebastian lead the practice, and Nina leads Sogthig Breathing and Tsalung Practice.
(台灣時間 06:00-07:00PM,長版曼達拉瓦+秋練丸+索提+氣修法)
15:00 - 16:45 How to Generate the Inner Heat Rapidly through the Absorption of the Four Thigles, Followed by a Short/Essential Mandarava Practice, Sogthig Breathing, and Tsalung.
(台灣時間 11:00PM-00:45,如何透過四個明點的吸收快速產生內熱)

2 March
10:00 – 12:00 Long Mandarava Practice, Chulen, Sogthig Breathing, and Tsalung.
(台灣時間 06:00-07:00PM,長版曼達拉瓦+秋練丸+索提+氣修法)
15:00 – 16:45 How to Develop Inner Heat Forcefully through the Method of Breathing, Followed by a Short/Essential Mandarava Practice, Sogthig Breathing, and Tsalung.
(台灣時間 11:00PM-00:45,如何透過呼吸方法強制發展內熱)

3 March
10:00 – 12:00 Long Mandarava Practice, Chulen, Sogthig Breathing, and Tsalung.
(台灣時間 06:00-07:00PM,長版曼達拉瓦+秋練丸+索提+氣修法)
15:00 – 16:45 How to Practice the Yoga of Inner Heat as Clothes, Followed by a Short/Essential Mandarava Practice, Sogthig Breathing and Tsalung.
(台灣時間 11:00PM-00:45,如何練習內熱瑜伽不用著衣)

4 March
10:00 - 12:00 Long Mandarava Practice, Chulen, Sogthig Breathing and Tsalung, and Ganapuja.
(台灣時間 06:00-07:00PM,長版曼達拉瓦+秋練丸+索提+氣修法)
15:00 - 16:45 How to Practice the Yoga of the Food of Contemplation, Followed by a Short/Essential Mandarava Practice, Sogthig Breathing and Tsalung.
(台灣時間 11:00PM-00:45,如何練習以禪悅為食的瑜伽)

5 March
10:00 – 12:00 Long Mandarava Practice, Chulean, Sogthig Breathing and Tsalung.
(台灣時間 06:00-07:00PM,長版曼達拉瓦+秋練丸+索提+氣修法)
15:00 -16:45 How to Balance the Excess of the Air Element, Followed by a Short/Essential Mandarava Practice, Sogthig Breathing, and Tsalung
(台灣時間 11:00PM-00:45,如何平衡風大元素過盛)

6 March
10:00 – 12:00 Long Mandarava Practice, Chulen, Sogthig Breathing, and Tsalung.
(台灣時間 06:00-07:00PM,長版曼達拉瓦+秋練丸+索提+氣修法)
15 :00 - 16:45 The method to Attain Immortal Life, Followed by a Short/Essential Mandarava Practice, Sogthig Breathing, and Tsalung.
(台灣時間 11:00PM-00:45,獲得不朽生命之方法)

7 March
10:00 -12:00 Long Mandarava Practice, Chulen, Sogthig Breathing, and Tsalung.
(台灣時間 06:00-07:00PM,長版曼達拉瓦+秋練丸+索提+氣修法)
15:00 - 16:45 Short/Essential Mandarava Practice, Chulen, Sogthig Breathing, and Practice of the Method to Attain Immortal Life.
(台灣時間 11:00PM-00:45,短版或精華版共修,獲得不朽生命之方法共修)

8 March
10:00 – 12:00 Long Mandarava Practice, Chulen, Sogthig Breathing and Tsalung.
(台灣時間 06:00-07:00PM,長版曼達拉瓦+秋練丸+索提+氣修法)
15:00 -16:45 Short/Essential Mandarava Practice, Sogthig Breathing, Followed by a Practice Review of all Tsalung.
(台灣時間 11:00PM-00:45)

9 March
10:00 – 12:00 Long Practice of Mandarava, Chulen, Sogthig Breathing, and Ganapuja with Vajra Dance.
(台灣時間 06:00-07:00PM,長版曼達拉瓦+秋練丸+索提+薈供+金剛舞)

Conclusion of the Retreat
Thanksgiving and Dedications.
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

Re: 2020/02/25 - 03/09 特內里費:曼達拉瓦禪修營

文章SW » 2020-03-06, 22:52

Dear all!!

This short message is to announcean additional program,

Sunday, 8th March
10:00 – 12:00 Long Mandarava Practice, Chulen, Sogthig Breathing and Tsalung.


12:00 Short Khaita performance followed by Lottery

thanks for participating

warm regards

Webcast Team
文章: 4449
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

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